Quadruple split

Chapter 520 Appearance

"Let you..."

Mo Tan looked at Cordoba in surprise and repeated: "Stay here for a day?"

The latter grinned and nodded vigorously: "Well, isn't this old guard a bit timid? Anyway, I have nothing to do, so why not just stay here for a day, and if anything really changes, I can contact you as soon as possible. "

"Well, I don't know why you suddenly decided to help..."

Mo Tan glanced at Cordoba suspiciously, then turned to Brother Moore who was also in a daze and asked: "Is this in line with the rules?"

After all, this is a public facility of the Holy Religion Union. I still call myself Yuchen and Dawn Sect. Even if Cordoba is suddenly eager to help, it is better to do as little bad things as possible. After all, no one likes chaos. For the privileged class, even if they don't say anything on the surface, they will inevitably curse behind their backs. A bad operation can easily cause public opinion problems. It doesn't matter to him and Cordoba. If Yu Chen is implicated, he will Oh no.

However, Brother Moore nodded generously and said with a smile: "Haha, you don't have to worry about this. It would be fine if it was a place like the Grand Inquisition. After all, it contains heretics and extremely evil people, but there is no such thing here. There are so many things to pay attention to, and although it is not a place where you can come and go casually, as long as you have the guarantee of Her Majesty the Holy Lady, there is no problem if this gentleman wants to stay for a day, and it will just make this place more popular."

He spoke quite down-to-earth, and his attitude was also very sincere, which was far different from the religious inquisitors that Mo Tan imagined. Of course, the cloaked, lifeless, taciturn, gloomy temperament, insane, powerful The image of being powerful and having fanatical beliefs is indeed a bit divorced from reality.

"I can vouch for Cui... ahem, Mr. Cordoba's character."

Yuchen immediately nodded and said sternly to Brother Moore: "He is my friend."

The latter clapped his hands hard and saluted Cordoba: "That's no problem. Mr. Cordoba, I will prepare a temporary voucher for you. Until this time tomorrow, you You can freely enter and exit the Small Inquisition at any time. Oh, by the way, I would like to ask, which god are you a follower of?"

"Uh, well..."

Cordoba scratched his neck awkwardly and shrugged, "I believe in fate."

Moore misunderstood at that time, and he immediately said with a smile: "So that's it, the goddess of fate, right? Haha, who doesn't want good luck?"

"I highly doubt that."

Cordoba muttered something in a low voice, but he was not in a hurry to correct the other party's misunderstanding. Instead, he asked tentatively: "Is there any problem?"

"Of course there is no problem, but because the Goddess of Destiny is a neutral deity and is not in the United Faith, I'm afraid we can't let you use the prayer room."

Brother Moore shook his head, shrugged helplessly and said, "Please forgive me."

"Uncle, don't be so polite. There is nothing you can forgive me for."

Cordoba smacked his lips and waved his hands indifferently: "I originally planned to stay here."

The fat dwarf nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Okay, then I will prepare a temporary voucher for you."

After saying that, he turned around and prepared to go upstairs, but...

"please wait for a moment."

Mo Tan stopped him from behind and said apologetically to the confused Moore, "Sorry, I actually have another question to ask. Of course, it's not about this monster this time."

Moore nodded without thinking: "Easy to say, just ask."

"Thank you. Actually, I noticed it when I first came in..."

Mo Tan turned sideways and looked at the empty cell opposite: "It seems like someone died there not long ago."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yuchen, Cordoba and Taylor all turned around and looked at the dim cell at the same time, and all of them noticed something strange.

Under the shadow of the stone wall, there is a small diffuse dark red bloodstain, several large footprints of the same color, and a few eroded 'wrecks'...

"Oh, thank you for paying attention."

Brother Moore lowered his head slightly, carefully maintaining his expression, and said with a wry smile: "Yes, someone did die there just at midnight yesterday."

Yuchen frowned, then recited a few prayers in a low voice, sighed softly, and asked Brother Moore: "What... is going on?"

"There was originally a female assassin who believed in evil gods and tried to assassinate a high-ranking bishop of our Sun Sect half a month ago." Moore drew a divine emblem in the air and said in a serious tone: "She He failed, but was not killed on the spot. Instead, he was arrested. Until the day before yesterday, the high-ranking bishop had been trying to dispel the influence of the evil god on the female assassin, but he had not succeeded. The corruption had been deeply rooted. , that poor person’s mind and soul no longer belonged to him, so in desperation, the bishop had no choice but to send her here to prepare to purify the evil god before he could further destroy this person.”

Cordoba curled his lips and laughed dryly: "Are you just planning to kill her?"


Moore showed no dissatisfaction, just nodded calmly, and continued: "But the time of 'purification' was not yesterday, and the death of that cultist was a complete accident."

Mo Tan subconsciously glanced back at the cell filled with black mist, then frowned and said, "What accident?"

"Another prisoner on this floor was the ogre Dodoma who brutally murdered nine innocent people. That guy used some kind of witchcraft to activate his potential at the expense of a large amount of flesh and blood, forcing his own strength to increase in a short time. He raised his internal level by one level, then broke through the defensive restrictions, broke out of the detention room, and destroyed the magical restrictions in the opposite cell from the outside. Finally..."

He suddenly stopped talking and his face turned very pale.

Cordoba, who hates people saying half-spoken words the most, asked: "What happened in the end?"

"He killed the female assassin and ate part of the body."

Moore lowered his head and said dryly: "Actually, I didn't want to mention this matter to you, especially Her Royal Highness the Saint."

Yuchen's face turned a little pale, but he still whispered: "It doesn't matter..."

"What happened to the ogre? I don't think there are any other prisoners on this floor."

Mo Tan's face didn't look very good either, and he was silent for a while before he could say this.

Moore rubbed his rosacea and said in a deep voice: "After the villain finished replenishing his flesh and blood, he immediately rushed to the upper level and tried to escape. I happened to be on duty at the time, and I found that it was impossible to control him in a short time, so I killed him. He was killed on the spot. I have already reported this matter before. Whether it was killing the prisoner without authorization or failing to supervise him well, Old Moore is willing to bear any punishment."

"Sorry for asking unnecessary questions."

Mo Tan nodded slightly and said softly: "I have no other questions."

"Okay, then I will go and complete the formalities for Mr. Cordoba."

Moore managed to cheer up and smiled, and then quickly left the third underground floor.

"It's...too bad..."

Yuchen leaned against the cold stone wall feebly, murmuring in a low voice, and recited a few prayers from the holy book to the remains that had not yet been cleaned up.

Mo Tan suddenly had an urge to hold the former in his arms, and suppressed it in his mind for the first time. Then he turned to Cordoba and asked: "By the way, why did you suddenly propose to stay here for a day? ?Isn’t it boring?”

"It will definitely be boring."

Cordoba sat cross-legged in front of the cell without interest, holding his cheek and said: "But, how should I put it... Anyway, I found something interesting, I will tell you later."

Mo Tanxu raised his eyes and looked at him: "Can't you say it now?"

"It's not that it's impossible, it's just that I don't think it's reliable. I always feel that it would be embarrassing if I made a mistake."

Cordoba hugged his huge staff and laughed twice.

"Then do as you please."

Mo Tan didn't go into details, but reminded him relatively seriously: "If anything happens, don't forget to contact us as soon as possible."

After finishing his prayer, Yu Chen also poked his head and added: "If Mo Tan isn't here, just look for me."

Because there was Taylor next to them, they described the word 'sending a message' in a more subtle way.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Cordoba nodded particularly cheerfully.

After the three of them chatted for a while (Taylor stood quietly behind Yuchen like a statue), Brother Moore hurried back, followed by a tall, beautiful half-dragon female knight.

"Mr. Cordoba, this is your temporary voucher, and the other thing is..."

Moore handed a piece of parchment with neat writing into Cordoba's hand, then turned to Yuchen and whispered softly: "Your Highness Wangyu, this Lord Knight is looking for you."


Yuchen was slightly shocked and asked in surprise: "Why are you here?"

"Hello, Your Highness, Senior."

Yi Zhao first bowed politely to Yu Chen and Mo Tan, and then said sternly to the former: "Your Highness, Your Highness Xia Lian asked you to return to the chapel as soon as possible, and specially sent me to pick you up."

"Sister Saint, did you call me?"

Yuchen was stunned for a moment, then nodded his head vigorously: "Ang, I understand, then..."

For some reason, she glanced at Mo Tan subconsciously.

"Go quickly. It's definitely not a small matter for someone to come to you. I'm planning to leave too."

Mo Tan smiled and returned the salute to Yi Xuan in a decent manner.

So, the four of them (Mo Tan/Yuchen/Yizou/Taylor) simply said hello to Brother Moore, and then left the small tribunal without looking back, leaving the lonely Cordoba classmate alone. Staring at the black fog in a daze.

half an hour later

Game time AM08:35

City of Light, Zhongcheng District, Dawn Avenue, in front of the Alchemist Association

Having just returned from the vegetable market, Mo Tan, who was rarely lost, walked into the association gate with a basket of apples. Then he found a young man dressed as an apprentice and said a few words before being taken to a room on the third floor of the association. .

"Is he in a hurry?"

Watching the figure quickly disappearing, Mo Tan scratched his hair in confusion before he could say thank you, and then knocked twice on the door in front of him.

And then……

The door exploded.

Yes, you read that right, that seemingly solid wooden door exploded with a roar before Mo Tan could knock for the third time.

Five minutes later, Mo Tan, who had finally escaped from the coma, found himself lying on a chair. In front of him stood a dim-eyed, long-haired, petite, gray-faced girl, none other than Luna Lynch.

"you're awake?"

Luna slowly said hello to Mo Tan, who had just 'recovered consciousness', and then pointed at... the remains of something in the corner of the room, and said in an erratic tone: "Sorry, something happened during the experiment just now. It's a small mistake, but there should be nothing serious about your health. I checked, um... I also picked up these apples and washed them, most of them are still intact, here they are for you."

[I finally know why that kid ran so fast just now...]

Mo Tan roared in his heart, then pushed back most of the basket handed by the girl, and said with a bitter smile: "No need to give it to me, these are bought for you."

"Sent to me?"

Luna rubbed her eyes as if she hadn't woken up, and asked with some confusion: "Why?"

"Return gift."

Mo Tan gave himself a [Holy Healing Technique], and then added a [Prayer of Healing], and said with a smile: "The pathfinding disk you gave me before was really useful, I always thought I should give you something. It’s the right thing, but I’m not good at picking out gifts, and I didn’t know what you were missing, so I bought some apples.”

Yes, it’s an apple, a common fruit that is widely circulated and grows on trees. Although there are many strange animals and plants in the Innocence Realm that have little in common with the real world, there are also some Apples are something that everyone knows about and that shines in various multiverses, parallel spaces, and other worlds. Even the taste is exactly the same as the apples outside the game.

Not only that, even the efficacy and nutritional value are strangely similar, such as low calorie, high nutrition, hypoglycemic, heat clearing, digestion, moisturizing, sleeping, etc...

"Actually, I really don't know what to give you."

Mo Tan lowered his head in shame. He suddenly realized that he was just like a patient visiting a patient, and he was the kind of perfunctory one.

"Thanks, the apples are great."

Luna didn't notice Mo Tan's rather embarrassed expression at all. After hearing that this thing was for her, she carried it to the corner of the room, then opened the huge notebook that she never left behind, and sat down While watching on the bed, he asked absently: "Is there anything else?"

"Uh, no more..."

"Well, do you want some tea?"


"But the tea set was blown to pieces."

"Want to help clean up?"

"No, I'll just collect it slowly later."



Luna, who had been paying attention to Mo Tan's movements, slowly put down her notes and found that the other person fell asleep leaning on the chair in just a few seconds.

"What a strange person..."

Chapter 517: End

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