Quadruple split

Chapter 533 Blood Night (I)

After one hour

Game time PM19:47

Violet Empire, Marshall Territory, outside Mithril City

"So, we still haven't received any feedback from the Marshall family, and the scouts who went to negotiate have also disappeared, right?"

The talker of the Violet family, Emperor Clive Bresne, rubbed his forehead with a tired look on his face and turned his gaze to the Grand Duke Dantès standing beside him.

The latter was now wearing a dark gold robe, holding an epic staff [Never Falling Curtain] with magic power surging from his finger. His face was pale and his footing was unstable, but his voice was still calm and solemn: "Yes, Your Majesty, even though we are still I don’t know if Buffy escaped back to Mercury City, but judging from the attitude of the Marshall family, it’s obvious that they don’t intend to have a good chat with us, nor do they intend to open the door to welcome us in.”

"I regret."

Clairvaux sighed deeply and whispered: "My previous generation, the Grand Duke of Marshall, was a good friend. Every time he celebrated his birthday, he would always be the first to come to the Tricolor Courtyard to drink with the royal family. Occasionally, he would I’ll also take Nadel with me, with whom my queen has a good rapport.”

Dantès showed a faint smile and said softly: "My dear sister really likes her sister Nadel, but Your Majesty, have you forgotten that the first one to rush to the capital to celebrate your birthday was always Me?"

Clairvaux smiled. Even though the emperor was old, he was still a very charming old man. He raised his eyes and looked at his brother-in-law, shrugged and said: "Stop talking nonsense." , you are just anxious to take Ruth back to live with the Dantes family for a few days, old guy, do you know how many celebrations my queen has missed for this."

"Ruth likes quiet."

Grand Duke Dantès wiped the sweat from his forehead and said calmly: "His Majesty the Emperor's celebrations are always too noisy. Since your father's generation, he has not liked to get involved in such things. She wrinkled her nose and followed me. I still remember the way you complained about Brother Clairvaux not being able to come to the territory to play because he had to stay in the imperial capital to celebrate His Majesty's birthday, as if it was just yesterday, and when she married you, it seemed like it happened this morning."

Clairvaux nodded slightly, and then was silent for a while, then said softly: "I'm sorry, if I hadn't insisted on hiding my identity and going to the Free City that year."

"That's not your fault."

Dantès interrupted him softly and turned his head to look in the direction of Mercury City: "That was just an accident, Your Majesty. We all know that it was an accident."

"But I still feel guilty."

"You have no need to feel guilty, Your Majesty. No, Clairvaux."

Dantès showed a haggard smile to the emperor beside him, walked slowly towards Dantès's Golden Crow Guards who were at the vanguard of the lords' coalition, and said without looking back: "What happened in the past has already happened. It’s over.”

Seeing that his old friend was no longer strong and could even be said to be skinny, Clairvaux let out a long sigh and whispered to the Redbud Guard half-kneeling behind him: "Pass my order to all the lords." Be prepared, the coalition forces will set off in ten minutes, the destination is Mercury City City Hall."

On the other side, the Grand Duke Dantès, who was walking towards his camp, murmured in a whispering voice: "However, the news that she died to protect you seems to have happened a second ago."

Game time PM20:39

Violet Empire, Marshall Territory, suburbs of Mercury City

A dark elf thief, wrapped in black leather armor with the Simon family emblem tattooed on the breastplate, emerged quietly from the night. She narrowed her scarlet eyes and looked carefully at the head of Mercury City, but did not observe. There was no light at all, and not only that, the majestic city in front of them was so quiet that it was eerily quiet. There was no light from the magic crystal lamp, no noise from the people, no horns from the legions, only a dead silence that was so heavy that it was extremely depressing.

This is obviously not a normal situation.

You must know that a large city of the size of Mercury City will not be as quiet as it is now at one or two o'clock in the morning, let alone nine o'clock in the evening. Even if it is far outside the city, with its high-level The level of thieves and the bonus of dark elf bloodline will definitely be able to detect all kinds of movements, whether it is the cries of vendors, the chatter of passers-by, the neat footsteps of guards, or the neighing of war horses.

So to say the least, no matter how good the order in Mercury City is and a curfew is issued, there will never be such a situation where everything is completely silent and you can't even hear the chirping of birds.

However, at this moment, a gleaming golden magic firework suddenly exploded in mid-air, less than a hundred meters away from the dark elf thief who belonged to the Night Watch Chapter.


She immediately leaned down and entered the stealth state immediately. You must know that what this signal means is: the city is normal and encounters resistance. However, no matter how you think about the current situation in Mercury City, it has nothing to do with the word 'normal'. As for the resistance, you can't even see a figure. What kind of resistance is there? !

The next second.

"Oh, it turns out to be here~"

A charming voice suddenly sounded behind her, making this well-trained high-level thief feel cold all over. She jumped forward as fast as she could, turned around in mid-air and faced behind her, crossing her two short blades. He held it in front of his chest, but he couldn't see anything except the thick night.

But the delicate voice just now sounded from behind her again.

"If the information is correct, this sister you should be the last scout of the Simon family."

Two slender arms wrapped in tulle gently hugged the dark elf female thief. She turned her head stiffly and stared at the exceptionally beautiful face in front of her in horror. She wanted to break away but found that she I don't know when I couldn't muster any strength.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Sylvia Shuangrui. I am the deputy leader of the Ice Curtain Mage Group and a high-level mage."

She has long aqua-blue hair, and her fair skin is particularly alluring in the moonlight. She also has a pair of eyes similar to those of a dark elf, but closer to the color of blood. She exudes an aura that makes people want to be intoxicated. light.

"you you."

The female thief who was hugged tightly did not give up her struggle, but found in despair that she could not leave the other person's soft body no matter what techniques she used.

"By the way, in addition to the above-mentioned status, I am also a blood seeker."

Sylvia almost whispered against the other person's cheek, then stretched out her index finger to gently outline the chin of the dark elf woman in her arms, gently pulled down her mask, and raised the corners of her mouth in an extremely alluring arc. : "And you look delicious~"

Then, she leaned forward and gave him a deep kiss that lasted for two minutes.

When the kiss ended, the Simon family scout with blurred eyes had stopped breathing.

"Then, my mission is accomplished."

Sylvia let go of the body in her arms, licked her lips with lingering interest, and said with a charming smile: "I'll leave the rest to you."


A man wearing dark silver plate armor with an expressionless face quietly emerged from the darkness. He leaned over and groped for a while on the female thief's body, and found three scrolls sealed with beeswax. Throwing away two of them, he tore the last one apart and fired a golden magic spark into the air.

At the same time, two more sparks of the same color rose into the sky hundreds of meters away.

at the same time

Fifteen miles away, where the lords' coalition forces were stationed

"The fifth signal!" A mage belonging to the Crystal Wolf family dispersed the eagle eye spell and loudly shouted with the blessing of amplification magic: "Everything is normal in Mercury City, the scout team encountered resistance!"

"Stay in formation!"

Dozens of Bauhinia Guards wearing mirrored masks flew into the air and announced in their severely distorted voices: "His Majesty the Emperor has an order. The entire army will attack in five minutes. The target is the Mercury City City Hall. The identity of the resisters is not required." , kill on the spot!"

There was no need to respond loudly or make a grand promise. As soon as these people finished speaking, the entire coalition of lords immediately showed terrifying execution capabilities. In just one minute, these more than 50,000 people perfectly arrived at where they should be. Various blessing spells flashed by in a dazzling way, causing the entire army to gain more than a dozen kinds of BUFFs in the blink of an eye. The soldiers formed a battle formation as planned with their lords as the center, looking down from a high altitude like a majestic hunter. The eagle, with Dantès as the beak, Hussein as the neck, violet as the throat, fire claws and Fernand as the shoulders, Barocca and Simon as the wings, and the crystal wolf as the tail, is like a precision-operated machine, exuding a commanding The power that scares people.

Although it has not been run-in before, this 'Violet Eagle Formation' was already natural when it was first deployed. All of this is attributed to the tradition of this empire. No matter what era it is, every lord's subordinates Legions must practice this formation for a long time. Only in this way can this loose and bloated empire have the capital to join forces to fight against foreign enemies when they attack, instead of being defeated one by one in the form of a loose sand.

This is the only thing that every family has never neglected. After years of targeted training, let alone the 50,000 people now, even if they are given enough time, they can pull out a team of 500,000 people. , the coalition of lords can also use this 'Violet Eagle Formation' to its maximum effect in the first time.

In history, the Violet Empire did rely on this joint battle formation to defeat many invading enemies.

"But it's probably the first time I've used it on one of my own~"

Motan, who was in the center of the battle formation with Futaba, leaned against the carriage and smiled, and said with a playful smile: "Beak, neck, throat, shoulders, wings, tail, if I guess correctly, the Marshall family's drill The part should be the 'body' of this war eagle, right?"

"How would I know."

Futaba, who was sitting in the car, shrugged noncommittally, poked his little head out of the car window and looked around, sighing: "But there are basically no people like us who have no fighting ability and come to eat melons. I thought This 'safe zone' will be very lively."

"It's strange that it would be lively. If it were in another place, there would definitely be nobles or powerful people coming to watch and stand in line. But in a country with a nine-party dictatorship like Violet, theoretically there is no such thing as 'spectators'." Mo Tan sneered, shook his head and climbed into the carriage. Before getting on, he didn't forget to say hello to Butler Deku in the driver's seat: "By the way, is it really okay for you not to be with the Grand Duke?"

Deku snorted angrily, shook his head and said, "Mr. Dabbs, you are worrying too much. I am just an older butler. In this case, there will naturally be stronger people to protect the mistress."

"Well, thank you for your hard work."

Mo Tan nodded casually, then got in the car and sat next to Futaba, humming a ditty leisurely: "I picked up a pot of money on the side of the road~"

Futaba slapped him without saying a word, and then asked like it was nothing, "Why did you change your mind?"

Mo Tan blinked and asked curiously with a bright red palm print on his face: "Why have I changed my mind?"

"Didn't you say before that if those people could think of some more advanced methods?"

Futaba casually snapped his fingers and set up a soundproof barrier in the city, and said leisurely: "Would you consider helping them?"

"Oh, you said that."

Mo Tan stretched his body lazily and replied casually: "Yes, I have changed my mind. Now that the Grand Duke of the Crystal Wolf has agreed to the marriage, the change of the Violet Empire is inevitable. No matter whether I help or No help, our Second Prince must make a decision as soon as possible, and it is a choice, but in fact he has only one way to go, so I hope that His Majesty the Emperor can survive this farce in peace. Only in this way can things be resolved It’s going to be full of drama, haha, hahahaha!”

He clapped his knees excitedly and laughed, his eyes full of teasing and joy, he was so happy that he couldn't help himself.

"Your character is really bad."

Futaba curled her lips in disgust and snorted: "It doesn't matter, it has nothing to do with me anyway."

Mo Tan glanced at her maliciously and sneered: "Stop making trouble, you and I are the same kind of people. Although you are slightly different in all aspects, in fact you should also be very good at the subsequent development." Be interested."

"haha, yes"

The girl also smiled and said with a grin: "After all, I am not a good person to begin with."

"Hey hey hey~"


At 19:55 PM during the game time, the lord coalition launched an assault on Mercury City, the core of the Marshall Territory, in a fighting stance.

At the same time, the Marshall Islands' Ice Curtain Mage Group, Buffy's Sword Knights, and Mercury Guards also quietly launched a defensive formation below the city.

at the same time

Violet Empire, Royal Capital Salamun

The eldest son of Clairva Bresne, the Imperial Crown Prince Rebe Bresne, appeared in front of a tavern next to the canal, and behind him were a dozen people with different genders, identities, and characteristics.

The only thing they have in common is that they are strong enough.

Taking a deep breath, Ruibo stepped forward and pushed open the door of [Female Bee].

Chapter 530: End

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