Quadruple split

Chapter 541 Jiawen’s suggestion

Game time PM21:27

Mercury City, Lord's Hall

As the core of the entire Marshall Territory, the Lord's Hall located in the center of Mercury City is much larger than the City Hall and the Duke's Palace. It has a huge area, extremely luxurious decoration and complete security measures. From the appearance Come on, this place is like a luxurious limited-edition enhanced version of Salamoon Mercury Court. From an armament point of view, this place is like a fully-equipped heavy fortress. Although there are no city walls and fortifications in the usual sense, this building is called ' The buildings in the hall can be said to be impregnable. The ubiquitous detection, perception, and alarm arrays are operating at all times, and the [Twilight Sky] defensive barrier bound to the former has also been gone since half a day ago. If we stop, even if there are thousands of high-level spellcasters carrying out saturation bombing outside, or the charge of knights of the same level, they will not be able to break through this place in a short time.

This is just a means on the 'table'...

This shows how insecure the owner here is.

"I'm not insecure, Ms. Gavin!"

Buffy Marshall, who was walking back and forth around the round table, shook his head gloomily, his face pale and haggard: "I'm just taking precautions before they happen, you know what I mean!"

"Of course I understand what you mean..."

Gavin, who was leaning against the table, smiled. Her appearance was still that of an orc aunt, but she had a strangely captivating aura that made Sylvia next to her look stunned.

Buffy took a long breath, then sat down heavily on the main seat, gritted her teeth and said: "Then please stop making sarcastic remarks. Our current situation is very bad, very bad."

In a sense, the 'Marshall guest', the sexy and seductive blood seeker Sylvia Shuangrui stretched her body lazily, and laughed in her slightly hoarse voice that was as sexy as her figure: " Yes, if the situation continues to get worse, I should be ready to run away."

Sitting opposite her, the Chief of Internal Affairs and the nominal second-in-command of the Marshall Islands, Li Naifuji, glared at Sylvia angrily and said in a deep voice: "Madam, at this time, we should unite more!"

The old goblin's face was worse than Buffy Marshall's. Visible beads of sweat slipped from his forehead. The wrinkled light green old face was so pale that it was almost transparent. The hands folded on his knees were even darker. It was shivering non-stop, giving people the feeling that it might be whipped out at any time.

However, Chief Fudge is someone who has seen strong winds and waves after all, so he is still actively thinking of ways at this moment and has not really tried to get over it.

"Don't worry, the contract between me and Mr. Buffy is still valid for the time being. I will do my best when it's time to do my best."

Sylvia didn't bother to quarrel with the ascetic goblin opposite, she just leaned listlessly on the chair, her hands wrapped around her proud upper body with very little cloth coverage, and said leisurely: "After all, the life here is too moist. If I don't have to, I will never leave."

The subtext is that if it comes to a last resort, I will definitely give up and leave.

After a short silence...

"Heh, I guess I have to give you two a heads up."

Gavin's eyes stayed on Buffy and Fudge for a moment respectively, and smiled: "Whether it's 'Our current situation is very bad' or 'We should unite more', the 'we' in it are all the same. I have nothing to do with him, Mr. Fudge, let’s not talk about it for now, but the Duke… no, I should say the former Duke, please make sure you understand this.”

The next second, a tall man with a slightly lower presence, covered in black plate armor, suddenly stood up. The two red dots under the knight's helmet stared at Gawen: "Bold!"

He was the commander-in-chief of the Mercury Guards of the previous generation, and also the head of the Second Slave Catching Group. He was one of the close confidants of the Archduke Marshall. His status and power behind the scenes far exceeded that of Fudge and Sylvia. As for the 'First' Slave Catcher, Briar Blackhoof, the leader of the slave group, was not even a minion in his eyes.

And this person's strength is also the strongest among everyone except Buffy Marshall.

Ever since, after Gawen's "rude words", this loyal and powerful warrior suddenly became angry and stared at the latter with murderous intent.

"Okay, Quinn."

Marshall shook his head, waved his hand and said, "What Ms. Gawen said is true..."

"Hold on."

Obviously, Buffy was planning to smooth things over, but Gavin did not give him any face. Instead, she slowly slipped down from the edge of the table with her rather bloated body and walked slowly to the table. In front of the person named Quinn, he asked calmly: "What did you say?"

Quinn snorted lowly and put his hand on the hilt of the sword at his waist: "I said you were big... um... uh..."

The next moment, Quinn staggered back a few steps under Gawen's gaze, and couldn't help but tremble. In his eyes, the plain-looking orc woman in front of him seemed to have an extra pair of eyes behind her, a pair that made him couldn't help but think. Kneel down on the ground, eyes radiating pressure like a vast ocean.

This strong man with quasi-legendary strength and the ability to use the power of 'whisper' was like a frog stared at by a poisonous snake, unable to speak even a single word.

"Very good, I like people who know the current affairs."

Gawen nodded with satisfaction, looked away, turned to the surprised Buffy Marshall and smiled: "In fact, my boss had already asked me to go back after the dust settled on the previous trial. And the reason why I stay until now is actually just a little unconvinced. After all, you have been very cooperative with my plan from the beginning, but you still ended up in this situation, even though you and the Marshall family are dead or alive. Life doesn't matter to me, but I still don't want to give in, so before I leave, I want to work harder."

"Ms. Gawen..."

After Buffy waited for Quinn who had collapsed on the ground to recover, she frowned and said to Gavin, "I don't quite understand what you mean by these words."

"Please be patient, I'm trying to make it clear now."

Gawen casually opened the chair next to Sylvia and squeezed her big butt into it with great effort. He raised his head and said with a smile: "Let's be honest, I know your trump card, which is the slave catching group, the knight group, Based on this, I plan to make some small suggestions about the force other than the Mage Group and the Mercury Guard, because... to be honest, although the few here are all the best, they are shallow compared to me. Stupid..."

She paused slightly when she said this. Seeing that although the other three people looked sullen, they did not mean to interrupt, she continued: "So, I sincerely hope that Sir Buffy will adopt my suggestion and seize this opportunity." Last chance, please note that what I call 'adopting' is basically equivalent to 'obeying', rather than the consideration and consideration of the superior's proposal by the inferior, because I have repeatedly reiterated that my position is that of a collaborator, not a subordinate. So you shouldn’t lose face, right?”

To be honest, what she said above is quite embarrassing.

And Buffy Marshall is worthy of being a hero of the generation. Not only did he not get angry after hearing Gawen's words, he even showed a smile based on his own sense and cultivation: "I would like to hear the details."

Although Buffy had been repeatedly frustrated by Gawen's suggestions before, and was at a huge disadvantage in both meetings and trials, he still did not complain at all against the latter, because he knew very well that without Gawen's ideas, he would only Faster, earlier, more complete failure.

Perhaps the cause was just the destruction of a certain Fire Claw trainee team in Dieyan City, but the waves caused by that incident had brewed into a storm, a storm that was enough to completely destroy the Marshall family.

In this process, with the help of Gawen, Buffy has tried her best to do her best, but she is still troubled by the dead girl Futaba who represents the Fire Claws, the unfathomable bard Anthony Dabbs, and the finally revealed Fang's Hubresian failed in front of him, completely defeated.

And Buffy also had to admit that only the mysterious 'Ms. Gavin' in front of her could help her overcome the difficulties. As for Fudge, Sylvia, Quinn and other people who were not as good as herself, maybe occasionally they could A flash of inspiration or something, but pointing to them to help him break the situation in front of him, it is better to hope that he can do it reliably, and now he himself can't think of a way other than to break the situation to the death.

"Thank you for your trust, Lord Buffy. I am happy to tell you that the current situation is not beyond my control."

Gawen nodded slightly, then tapped the table twice: "First of all, based on the fact that the opponent's offensive only slowed down slightly, but there was no chaos at all, we already have enough reasons to believe that those who went to assassinate Clairva Bray Sean's people have failed, so now we need to change our plan immediately, recall the Ice Curtain Mage Group and the Buffy Sword Knights outside the city to the city, and temporarily contain the opponent's offensive, at least for one night."

Sylvia winked at her and said with a smile: "It's easy to say, they are about to call in now, what can we do to buy time?"

"Overloaded Winter Prism."

Jia Wen gave the answer without hesitation and said calmly: "I have already investigated it. If the natural guide crystal is overloaded indefinitely at the cost of destroying it, we can attack it at an extremely high frequency in a short period of time." Strike anywhere within a five-mile radius of Mercury City. The ice pulse released by the severe winter prism will also become more powerful when overloaded. Relying on the city wall to temporarily force the opponent back is not a problem. They are not fools, as long as they can see us. Since Prism is overloaded, we are naturally willing to wait until tomorrow to attack the city at a lower cost. In this case, we can gain time in one night."

Fudge wiped the cold sweat from his cheeks and said tremblingly: "But if this is the case, won't we completely stand by their side..."

"Opposites? Yes, but so what?"

Jia Wen smiled contemptuously, shook his head and said: "Let the two legions let each other approach outside the city, pretending that we have no intention of resisting, and then let the slave catching group pretend to be a third party to kill the emperor, and then separate the relationship." It is completely bankrupt. To put it simply, if Clairvaux dies, even if everyone knows that the Marshall is the instigator of this matter, you can still fool him with the help of the Dantes and Hussein families. , I’ll be fine if I let His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, who forcibly ascended the throne after killing his own brother, do Tai Chi.”

Sylvia nodded subconsciously, because that was their previous plan, and the initiator of the plan was still Gawen.


Gavin shrugged, spread out his now chubby hands and said with a smile: "Such a simple, obvious and effective plan must have a prerequisite, that is, the assassination of Clairvaux Bresne is successful. However, in Dantes, With the joint cooperation of the two Hussein families and a large number of internal agents, not only did we not see the chaos of the lords' coalition as expected, but there was not even a person who came back to report the news. The result is already obvious, whether the other party was on guard for a long time, or There was something wrong in the execution process. In short, Clairvaux is still alive and well. Under this premise, it is impossible to prevaricate the fact that the attacker is actually one of our people, so even if the prism is not overloaded and they fight, We have long been on the opposite side of them."

Buffy Marshall nodded slightly: "Go on, ma'am."

"So we must buy time now to prevent them from breaking through Mercury City. We are not in a hurry to use your force, because we still have a chance to kill Clairva Bresne, and there is still room for the water to become muddy. ." Gawen narrowed her eyes slightly and said softly: "If nothing else happens, they will temporarily withdraw from Mithril City for repairs after the Winter Prism shows its power, and during this period, I can start a new round..."

Quinn, who was quite silent, finally found a chance to speak: "Can that get us out of the predicament safely?"

"If it works, of course."

Gawen smiled and said leisurely: "But the possibility of success, as it stands now, even if everything except Brian is not dead is developing 'according to plan', it is only 50%."

Buffy sighed, raised her hand, interrupted Quinn who was hesitant to speak, and asked softly: "But this is already the best plan, right?"

"Based on the information I have so far, yes."

Gawen raised her eyebrows, stood up with considerable effort, looked around at Buffy Marshall's pitifully few cronies, and showed a sarcastic smile: "If you understand, just do it. If there is anything else, wait. I’ll talk about it after I get back from there.”

Then he turned and left.

Sylvia, the only one with full authority over the mage tower, turned to look at Buffy.

The latter sighed, closed his eyes and nodded slightly...

"go a head."

Chapter 538: End

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