Quadruple split

Chapter 549 Imperial Account

After Mo Tan left with the unlucky bird, he came to an open space on the edge of the Crystal Wolf station, because the soldiers stationed here last night had already lined up to gather in the central area more than an hour ago. So there are not many people left here except for a small number of support staff who are still collecting pots and pans.

It only took Mo Tan about two minutes to borrow a set of kitchen utensils, and then he found a bonfire and roasted Crow's Raven No. 12 on it. He sat comfortably on the folding stool that came with him. While humming a tune and turning the simple grill in front of him, he took out the piece of paper that he secretly received in his luggage, scanned it twice, laughed a few times, and then threw it into the fire to burn. Lost.

The dead courier naturally can no longer spare the effort to protect this rather fragile intelligence.

After another ten minutes, Mo Tan turned the 'dead messenger' into the 'eaten messenger' and stood up with satisfaction. While picking his teeth, he strolled towards Mithril City with three unsteady steps, and soon he was Appearing in front of the city gate, I happened to meet His Majesty the Emperor and six Grand Dukes who had just finished breakfast at Liuli Pavilion and were walking out surrounded by a large group of elite guards.

Then he stood impartially in the middle of the road, holding his arms and looking at the most valuable group of people in the empire in front of him with a smile.

"Please step aside, sir."

A guard from the Hussein family strode forward, holding the rather gorgeous long knife on his waist with his right hand, and looked at Mo Tan with an evil look: "I'll give you five seconds..."

Five seconds is exactly the time it takes for those behind to walk here at a constant speed.

The implication is very obvious, that is, if you don't get out of the way, I will chop you up before the big guys come over, and then let your body get out of the way.


Mo Tan looked at the Jin Tianping guard member in front of him with a smile, who must be at least a commander-level member, and grinned: "One, two, three..."

This guy actually helped the other party count.


Seeing that the other party not only blocked the road but also took the initiative to provoke, the guard, who was visually very wealthy, became angry on the spot. He pulled out the long knife from his waist with a swipe, and then...


Grand Duke Hussein's voice came from behind, forcefully causing this man to stop his mid-swing side shot, and he almost dodged his waist.

The guard brother covered his waist and turned around to salute: "Your Excellency, this person..."

"You don't have to worry about this guy."

Grand Duke Hussein has regained his former composure, and his energy is completely different from the expression last night as if more than 20 people had just died in the family. He first waved away the guards, then stroked his goatee, He greeted me with a smile on his face: "Mr. Dabbs, everyone thought you were waiting over there at the station."

Grand Duke Baroka and Grand Duke Crystal Wolf from behind also came over and looked at Mo Tan with rather painful eyes. Their expressions were very complicated and they didn't say a word for a long time.

Archduke Simon and Grand Duke Dantès lagged behind. Their faces were not very good-looking, but there was a certain difference. The former was mainly heartache, fear and fear, while the latter was completely hopeless. appearance.

As for Archduke Fernando who was following him, he was trying hard to reduce his presence while carefully avoiding being stepped on by any blind guard, although this would rarely happen to the elite among the elite around everyone. But he still clumsily moved his short legs around in the crowd in a rather comical way.

"Coincidentally, I just ate a little too much in the morning and wanted to take a walk before chatting."

Mo Tan replied to Grand Duke Hussein with a smile, and then shrugged to Baroka and Crystal Wolf. Just when he was about to say something, he saw Zi Jing appear quietly in front of him, bowed slightly and said : "There are many people here, so if you have anything to say, we'd better wait until we get to the station first, Mr. Dabbs."

There is no doubt that this is what Clairvaux meant.

Mo Tan also nodded obediently, clapped his hands and said, "That's very good, then let's go."

So after a short stay, there was an unemployed bard in this team who lowered the lower limit of per capita status. To be honest, if this guy hadn't been playing with his tattered lute as he walked, Everyone has almost forgotten that this 'Anthony Dabbs' was still a bard.

ten minutes later

Game time AM07:34

Outside Mithril City, in the center of the lords' coalition station, the special version of the Violet Imperial Tent Glazed Pavilion

Emperor Clerval, Grand Duke Crystal Wolf, Grand Duke Barroca, Grand Duke Dantes, Grand Duke Simon, Grand Duke Fernand, Grand Duke Hussein and the bard Anthony Dabus gathered in this 'tent' , but the area is no less than the tent in the most luxurious suite of Liuli Pavilion. This thing was delivered to the grand viewing hall by the owner of Liuli Pavilion in Mithril City last night. The reason was that the pedicure master took leave because his daughter-in-law had a difficult childbirth. Therefore, in order to compensate His Majesty for the loss of his pedicure, a small tent of the same style as the one in the Diamond Suite at Liuli Pavilion is given as an apology.

"You're really brave..."

Mo Tan sat at the end of the long table in the center of the tent's main hall, looking around the surrounding decorations with envy and hatred, smacking his lips and sighing: "You are so rich."

Compared with the gentle and polite appearance when he first broke into the Purple Nine Hall, he now looks like he has no inhibitions. Although it is not too bad, he did this in front of the people around him who are at the top of the Purple Empire. An 'ordinary bard' who behaves in this way can already be convicted of lese majeste.

Of course, the premise is... he is really just an ordinary bard.

Today, I'm afraid no one feels that way anymore.

"Ahem, by the way, where is Ms. Futaba?"

After everyone ignored someone's exclamation, Grand Duke Baroka cleared his throat and asked Mo Tan: "She should be participating in our discussion on behalf of the Fire Claw Territory, right?"

Mo Tan waved his hand and leaned back lazily on the chair: "She entrusted me with all the responsibilities. She said that she was a little injured from the meeting some time ago, and she was feeling unwell, so she was lying down. "

"It's warped..."

Grand Duke Baroka choked up at that time. After a while, he smiled bitterly and shook his head: "How should I put it? He is indeed the apprentice that Ana likes. Even his personality is so similar."

"Wait, what happened to her body?"

Emmeline, Grand Duke of the Crystal Wolf, has another focus.

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows and replied without thinking: "Well, we had a little too much fun and too late yesterday, so her mental state is relatively depressed now."

Emmeline's eyes suddenly widened and she exclaimed: "What did you say..."

"After all, playing cards is very brain-consuming."

Mo Tan took out a stack of Tarot cards from his pocket, shuffled them in a dizzying manner for a few seconds, then spread his hands to reveal a neat row of identical [Devils], and smiled: "Let's play all night together when we have time. ah?"

Emmeline spat lightly with a slightly red face, but said nothing.

"Then, let's start as soon as possible..."

A few seconds later, seeing that no one had any intention of greeting, Clairvaux smiled calmly and turned his gaze to Mo Tan: "Mr. Dabbs, what you said when you came to bother me last night, I I have told everyone earlier, and to be honest, everyone, including me, who has been thinking about it all night, finds it incredible."

Mo Tan nodded slightly, then looked around at the six grand dukes who were already looking solemn, and said softly: "It doesn't matter whether the 'information' I provided is incredible or not. What matters is whether you are willing to believe it or not." Woolen cloth?"

Silence fell again...

"I believe."

Half a minute later, the Archduke Dantès, who was always in a state of despair, broke the silence with three words, and it seemed that he had no intention of saying anything more.

"I believe too."

Archduke Simon also nodded and said in a deep voice: "Although there is no substantial evidence, Buffy was able to escape from Salamoun's 'grey prison', and it also allowed the guards to keep an eye on the empty prison." The cell creates the illusion that the target is still inside, and it is difficult to find an explanation other than what Mr. Dabbs says."

"I believe too."

Grand Duke Hussein immediately expressed his position and said righteously: "The testimony mentioned by Sakflis before said that the Marshall Slave Catching Group cooperated with the Viper Chamber of Commerce and a mysterious sect. If The so-called religious group is in the same group as the Marshall family, so many things can be explained."


Grand Duke Baroka tapped the table lightly and narrowed his eyes slightly: "Do you still remember the evidence left by Captain Ned? After a simple comparison, it can be found that the slaves sold by the Viper Chamber of Commerce are far less than The total number of missing people, and except for the Viper channel, if the Marshalls use their own power to transfer slaves, it is better to say dozens or hundreds, but it is not possible to secretly transport tens of thousands of people out of the territory without being noticed by other families of ours. It's possible, so those people can only be 'digested' by the Marshallese territory."

"And the way of 'digestion'..."

Emmeline clenched her fists hard and gritted her teeth: "If it is offered as a sacrifice to the evil god, or used to perform some kind of ritual, it makes perfect sense. I have seen many mentions of evil cults before. , the evil god’s classics, they have countless ways to make tens of thousands of people evaporate.”

Needless to say, she naturally believed it.

As for Mo Tan, after Emmeline finished speaking, he turned his attention to the mercury-core Fernan who had several layers of cushions under his butt.

The latter was stunned for a moment, then looked around and laughed twice: "I... I believe it too."

I have to say that this Mediterranean Grand Duke is really a wonderful person. He can continue to act like a pig when four people (Motan, Clairvaux, Dantes, and Hussein) know his true identity. nature.

Of course, this attitude of not being afraid of boiling water is also related to his not wanting to eat tigers. The purpose of Archduke Fernando pretending to be a pig is just to prevent others from causing trouble, asking his own opinions, and not talking to him. If he can make himself It would be perfect if it were a real pig.

However, after a brief chat with Mo Tan that day, he knew very well that his good days were coming to an end. Even if Clairvaux and others were willing to continue to pretend to be deaf and dumb, it would be useless for a certain His Highness. I will let myself continue to mess around...

All in all, after Archduke Fernando finished speaking, the only person present who did not express his opinion was Clairvaux Bresne, and he obviously did not intend to be unconventional, so...

"This puts the question of whether the Marshall family is colluding with cultists to an end."

Clairvaux nodded slightly, and then whispered to Mo Tan: "So Mr. Dabbs, you can continue what you didn't finish last night."

"Okay, Your Majesty, that's what I mean."

Mo Tan put one hand on the table, cupped his cheek and said with a smile: "Since everyone has believed what I said, I will tell you directly. In today's battle, our coalition of lords, which is theoretically guaranteed to win, will be very dangerous. .”

Clairvaux did not ask such nonsense as "What kind of dangerous method?" He just didn't have time to think and speculate and asked: "Is it because of those possible cultists?"

Since everyone knows that it is impossible for the coalition to lose based on its apparent strength, after simple elimination, there is only one possibility.

"That's right."

Mo Tan nodded sharply and said with a smile: "Our enemies are not only the Buffy Sword Knights, the Ice Curtain Mage Group and the Mercury Guards, but also those cultists who have been lurking in Mercury City for who knows how long and how many of them. I believe that as the top leader of the Whispering Sect, Buffy Marshall has absolute control over those people, and when we are forced to the point of desperation, no matter how reluctant he is, he must play this trump card as a final struggle. And this tremor is likely to directly reverse the situation."

Grand Duke Simon frowned slightly: "Reversing the situation? As long as those cultists are exposed, what if he wins the battle? Even if he kills us all, there will be no place in this continent for him."

"well said."

Mo Tan clapped his hands, then shrugged: "But in fact, the power of that sect is very strange. Please recall the incident of Buffy's escape from prison. If I had not told everyone about it in advance, who would have thought of him? Did he escape with the power of the evil god? You will only find it inexplicable that Buffy escaped. In the same way, if everyone did not know about this before the war started, you would only feel that your defeat was inexplicable, and it would be difficult to think of the evil god. Go up there.”

Grand Duke Baroka narrowed his eyes slightly: "In this case..."

"In this way, the situation between the Grand Dukes and His Majesty Clairvaux becomes very dangerous."

Mo Tan grinned and said leisurely: "So you must be fully prepared for this battle. It is best to put yourself on the side with a smaller chance of winning. I will also provide some pertinent suggestions, although it is difficult. Eliminate the opponent's advantage, but at least we won't be stunned by others. Even if it doesn't work, we can create an evenly matched situation, and then..."

"No more."

Clairva Bresne interrupted Mo Tan lightly, stood up and looked around at the other six people...

"We all know what to do."

Chapter 546: End

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