Quadruple split

Chapter 553 Taking the bait

Game time AM11:04

Violet Empire, Marshall Territory, main battlefield

The Violet War Eagle, which was constantly flapping its wings, attacked the positions of the Marshall Main Battle Corps over and over again, trying to completely tear the prey in front of them into pieces. However, the defensive strength of the three main battle corps that had merged was never reduced by more than half, even though their The number has been reduced by nearly one-third, but it is still firmly fixed in place, without allowing the lord coalition to gain any advantage.

After the fierce battle, from the dozens of joint commanders of the emperor, the grand duke and the lords to the soldiers who fought bloody battles, everyone has to admit one thing, and that is the actual combat power of the three Marshall legions. It far exceeded expectations. Even though they had the home field advantage and were assisted by cultists who could use strange powers, they were able to survive in front of 50,000 elite warriors who were twice as many as they were. It was still considered a feat that they had not yet been defeated. Miraculously, in terms of fighting will, loyalty, and discipline, Buffy's Sword Knights, Ice Veil Wizards, and Mercury Guards are already among the best in the empire.

"It must have been influenced by that 'whisper'..."

Futaba gently pinched his smooth chin, overlooking the main battlefield through his mage's eyes that were constantly making rattlesnake maneuvers in mid-air, and carefully observed the thousands of people at the front who were resisting the Fire Claw Wolf Cavalry and Barlow. The enemy of Kapan Mountain Knight had a playful smile on his face: "The evil god or something, it seems really interesting."

At this moment, a tall warrior monk with fine features and a sturdy back walked hesitantly to Futaba, and while bending down to lower himself to a height of about 1.6 meters, he whispered: "Well, Ms. Futaba, let's Are you going to lend a hand or something? It’s a bit difficult to fight in front.”

"Difficult? With this ratio, each enemy has to face at least two and a half members of our coalition. Are you telling me that the fight ahead is a bit difficult?" Futaba disconnected the Mage Eye and glanced at the opponent. With a big face, he waved his hands like a fly and said: "Don't worry about the main battlefield, continue to eliminate the small groups of enemies nearby, and ask the scouts to double the search area to detect any signs that may be the 'target'." Report immediately, if nothing happens again in five minutes, we will move to the next location."

Ruber Baroka blinked in confusion: "Where is the next place?"

"Let me think about it."

Futaba replied casually, then gently shook his little hand, and used the power of the elements to use the gravel and sand on the ground in front of him to make a square earth element puppet with sharp edges, with " East', 'South', 'West', 'North', 'One more time' and 'Thank you for participating', and then threw it to the ground very casually and nodded casually: "Well, east."

Rubeus was stunned at that time, and then he stood still in place for seven or eight seconds. In the process, he even punched a high-level thief from the Mercury Guard in the air, and then remained in a daze for half a second. Minutes, still no response.

"Why, don't you understand?"

Futaba rolled her eyes impatiently, and repeated it word for word in a way similar to teaching a naughty child to speak, with gestures: "I said go east, Wang-Dong, you understand. ?”

Only then did Rubeus come to his senses, and then he laughed dryly, rubbed his broad palms and whispered: "Well, I can understand what you said, but this place is already far away from the front line, and it is almost impossible to go eastward. There are no enemies anymore."

"Well, what you said makes sense, that's indeed what happened."

Futaba nodded matter-of-factly, then waved his hand and said, "So hurry up and convey the order."

"Okay, tell me what the order is!"

"Go east."


Rube Baroka, who really didn't know how to react, used his facial expressions to convey the word 'balls hurt'.

Not only him, but several soldiers on guard around him also looked confused. You must know that the two hundred or so people who were arranged to follow Futaba and follow his orders were the elite, the elite of the elite, including Baroka. The Second Assault Brigade of the Knights of the Rock (led by Archduke Baroka's brother Ruber), the Sharp Fang Banner Regiment of the Crystal Wolf Cluster Guards (led by Butler Deku), the First to Third Fire Claw Hokage Troops The squad (led by Cassie), the fourth to seventh scout squads of the Bauhinia Guard (led by Amethyst, deputy commander of the Bauhinia Guard), the fifth to sixth vanguard squads of the Fernan Iron Gate Guard (an unknown person with a worrying hairline (led by a dwarf) and the Second Shadow Squad of the Night Watch Chapter (led by an unknown dark elf female with big breasts), their comprehensive combat effectiveness is quite impressive. If they are placed on the front line as sharp knives, they can at least be Obtaining more than three times the results of other warriors, whether it is to cut the frontal defense line or interfere with the side, it will definitely achieve extremely fruitful results.


From the beginning of the war to the present, Futaba, as the temporary chief, has just led them in circles, and he is still going in circles in his own absolute control area. Even though the battlefield at this moment is already very stalemate, both the enemy and his own people can be seen everywhere. , but they only met two or three kittens along the way, let alone a serious battle. Melee professions like Rubeus, who had a limited attack range, couldn't even grab a few kills.

Needless to say, in the eyes of most people, Futaba's actions are a huge waste. To put it bluntly, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is making fun of the lives of the soldiers on the front line. You must know that the most fierce ones are rushing. The fiercest Fire Claw Leader Wolf Knight has now killed nearly two-thirds of them!

But what is puzzling is that as a Fire Claw, Cassie didn't say anything. Not only that, he always obeyed Futaba's orders unconditionally at the first time, without hesitation, as if Even the thinking phase has been omitted.

Precisely because the Fire Claw Leader, who had suffered the greatest losses, did not express his position, the rest of the team had been patient until now.

However, this inexplicable order from a throw of the dice telling everyone to go east is really hard to accept. You must know that these are elite soldiers. They are not adventurers or mercenaries, but out-and-out soldiers. For these elite troops, the word 'honor' is very, very important, and what Futaba did at this time was trampling on their honor.


The girl looked coldly at a soldier not far away who muttered something under his breath, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth: "How dare you call yourself a soldier? My sister, a layman, will tell you the word soldier right now. Another way to read it - obey! Do you hear me clearly?"


The latter blinked blankly, not knowing what she was talking about.

Because the distance between the two of them is quite far, and he can't read lips like Futaba. More importantly, the noise that always lingers on the battlefield is too noisy. Everyone's body instinct has started to protect themselves. Gradually reduce my hearing.

"Here! Dad! Shut! Mouth! Obey! Obey! Order! Go! East! Go!"

Futaba casually placed a compression amplification barrier near her mouth and roared at the top of her lungs, shocking the unprepared warriors around her and rolling their eyes. After a few seconds, she almost The broken soprano said: "BLACK me@#¥%you@#¥%\u0026*! It's so unpleasant!!"

Then she received a friend message.

Tan Mo: ‘Hahahahahahahahahahaha! Do you feel like your ears are getting pregnant? ’

‘You are pregnant with your horse! It's all gone already, bastard! ! ! ’

Futaba replied angrily, then closed the friends bar. After calming down his mood, he said in a deep voice to the horrified temporary horses around him: "Listen up, you bunch of cheaters, I've been here since the beginning. A beautiful girl with a bad personality, a troublemaker, a mess, and no military knowledge! But what you can see, the people who handed you over to me can also see it, so shut up and obey me. ! I want to scold you in my heart, if you dare to slow down for me on purpose, I will definitely go to the adults in your family to complain! Do you understand me!"


"Don't you have anything to eat?"

"I understand, ma'am!"

"Very well, head east!"

Futaba waved his hand.

"Go east!"

Rubber Baroka next to him immediately echoed loudly. He knew Futaba's temper a little better. If this girl complained, he would definitely be included in it, and the words would definitely not go anywhere. It was fabricated. It is possible for someone to perform a glorious deed of committing homosexuality in public on the battlefield.

As a result, the team led by Futaba began to move eastward without haste. However, before they could go far, they saw an elf mage surrounded by wind elements coming crookedly from mid-air. Flying over, he shouted loudly as he flew: "The southern war zone needs support! The southern war zone needs support...ah!"

"Hey, what's going on little old girl?"

Futaba walked up to the elf mage who was hit by a fireball with a figure-footed step, and asked angrily: "What happened to the southern war zone?"

"The southern war zone needs support!"

The little mage girl sat up holding her head and said loudly: "We have encountered the enemy's elite. They have strange powers. Now they are almost reaching the outer flanks. We are in urgent need of..."

"Wait a moment, I already know that support is needed there."

Futaba interrupted the other party calmly, staring into the other party's eyes: "But there seems to be something wrong with your way of delivering orders~"

"Ms. Futaba, shouldn't we now..."

Rubeus couldn't help but wanted to say something again, but was pulled by Cassie behind him. After receiving a look of "please don't seek death", he remained silent.

"Don't worry, find someone who can fly and take a look to the south first."

Futaba explained casually, then squatted in front of the puzzling elf girl with a smile, and said softly: "You answer a few questions for me first..."

two minutes later

In the center of the Violet Phalanx, outside and inside the area absolutely controlled by the lord coalition forces

‘I encountered a mage who is 90% likely to be influenced by the cultists and has already controlled him. It seems that the southern defense line is indeed the target of their feint attack. You’d better be vigilant. ’

Mo Tan quickly scanned the friend message that Futaba just sent, chuckled, then continued to look down at the sand table in front of him, and moved his gaze to the southern periphery where five red areas had been marked.

To be honest, he was not very used to this feeling. Although compared with the strategic map he had used in Misha County before, this expensive citrine magic sand table was more advanced. The gryphon knights and wind elements in mid-air The speed of the mage's delivery of orders is not much worse than the reporting method of friends' messages, but Mo Tan still doesn't feel like a fish in water. On the contrary, at this moment, he is particularly impatient for this kind of thing, and he has no reprimand at all. Fang Qiu's desire.

Fortunately, he didn't need to do that, and others wouldn't let him do that. Mo Tan's purpose of staying here to observe the sand table was just to deduce the timing when 'certain people' were about to come here. Because Hei Fan spent all his time thinking about more complicated things when he was playing in Misha County, he could still handle such a simple task.

Behind him, there are also a total of two hundred elites, and their quality is higher than that of the people at Futaba. After all, most of them are the second, third, fourth, and fifth teams of the main battle legions of the major families. , and the people here are either the first team or the second team, which is the most elite group of elite troops in the elite battle group.

And Mo Tan's mission is also simple and clear, which is to lead this group of people to protect Clavebresne and prevent the destined group of assassins from approaching the last line of defense.

Silently guarding the Violet position with Futaba's team that was always hanging around, this was the only thing Mo Tan had to do before the assassin jumped out.

Although the Dantes and Hussein families no longer cause trouble, and the level of security around Clairvaux has been strengthened several times, the possibility of the emperor being successfully assassinated has been infinitely close to zero, but the two However, they still did not relax their vigilance, and were even on guard against the Whispering Sect's ability that was close to 'mind control'. Even the people under their command had not been revealed about the purpose of the mission.

All in all, from the moment today's 'decisive battle' started, the two of them have been waiting...

Until now, they finally waited.

A griffon ordered by Mo Tan to go out for reconnaissance fell from the sky and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Dabbs, several commanders on the south side had blocked the escape route of the previous batch of enemies ten minutes ago, but after tightening their pockets, but……"

"But we didn't find the unknown powerful enemy that had caused us some losses before and might even break through the flanks."

Mo Tan looked away from the sand table, yawned and asked, "Am I right?"

"Well, in fact, a commander over there told me that they really thought they had blocked the elite warriors of the Marshall family, and sent us Fernan, Crystal Wolf, and the Baroka family to support them from the rear. A small number of strong men fought, but in the end... only one enemy strong man was killed."

Mo Tan smiled and raised his eyebrows: "The others ran away?"

"Well, according to the commander's words, it seems that there are no other enemies at all, but they regard that strong man with strange power as many people..."

"very good."

Mo Tan nodded slightly, then opened the message bar and found Futaba.

‘Took the bait~’

‘Took the bait~’

The moment the message was sent, he also received the exact same message from the other party.

Chapter 550: End

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