Quadruple split

Chapter 556 Spoiler

The violent elemental torrent tore out a deep pit in the earth arbitrarily, 'washing' the three-meter-square land crazily, the manic and scorching flames almost burned out the air, and the earth elemental puppet was like a small siege ram. The giant fist continued to hit, and the dull dark purple thundercloud was less than three meters high from the surface. Every few seconds, a well-head-thick bolt of lightning would be struck, falling sharply amidst the deafening roar, and merged into the raging and agitated land. In elemental frenzy.

No medium, no gestures, no chants, Futaba just stood quietly with her little hands behind her back, creating a living purgatory that was like a restricted area of ​​life. In front of her terrifying demon-controlling ability, everything she could see was , even the thunder element with the lowest controllability surrendered and allowed itself to be driven.

Although in the real world she is just a fragile girl with a very developed mind, extremely simple limbs, and slightly stunted development, and her combat effectiveness is not even as good as that of a goose, in the World of Innocence, Futaba Keyuan chooses mage as her main profession. Not that fragile, on the contrary, not only is she not fragile, but she can also perfectly control one of the most destructive forces in the world: magic!

As the first player in the entire game to crack the "Magic Versatility" worldview illustration, Futaba, who has always consciously made herself stronger, has never stopped sharpening herself. She is spreading the science of "Magic Versatility" to Mo During the period after Tan, he also successively unlocked the "Similar Elements Splitting Theory", "Single-frame Spell Stacking Theory", "Compound Array Reverse Analysis Theory", "Different-Level Spell Overclocking Formula ⑦", "Different-Level Spell Overclocking Theory" Spell Overclocking Formula⑨", "Magic Frame Reconstruction Theory", "Magic Frame Reconstruction Theory Advancement" and other illustrations. The first three were summed up by the Fire Claws when they set off for Salamoen. The two The overclocking formula for different-level spells was devised by referring to a large amount of information and combining it with my own opinions after coming to the Salamun Magician Guild branch. As for the last two magic framework reconstruction theories and promotion, Futaba was inspired by Anata Unlocked under the guidance of Rasha after being accepted as his apprentice.

And when "Advanced Magical Framework Reconstruction Theory" was included in her worldview illustration, in addition to her knowledge increasing by 15 points, she also directly gained the high-level profession of 'law controller', which she had lost at that time. With more than 30 elemental spells learned, the skill bar became extremely refreshing, with nothing left except [Spell Control].

But at that time, Futaba no longer needed those so-called 'skills'. The reason is very simple. If each spell is equal to a magic formula plus one or more corresponding models, regular mage players use skills. The process is equivalent to using magic power to copy and paste various formula models to make them concrete, then Futaba, who has mastered a large amount of virtual knowledge that only exists in the world of innocence, can already use the skill of 'Controlling Law' I wrote formulas and drew models.

This is an area that her mentor, who is proficient in all attributes, has not touched!

"Well, to be honest, this is much easier than writing code~"

This was the explanation given by Futaba after his mentor showed an expression as if he had seen a ghost.

To be honest, for the vast majority of players, even if they get the profession of 'Dharma Controller' by chance, they will not be able to exert the power of the 'Dharma Controller' skill at all. The reason is very simple, copy and paste Everyone can do this kind of operation. There is no difference between using a big fireball and using 'Ctrl+C'/'Ctrl+V'. But if ordinary people are allowed to write formulas and draw models by themselves based on their own understanding and knowledge, then But it’s easy to force people to give up traveling...

But Futaba is not an ordinary person. You must know that she is the first monster-level talent in this book so far to independently develop an artificial intelligence program. There is really not much pressure to master such professional skills.

Of course, it's not like she hasn't encountered bottlenecks. After all, she would definitely be uncomfortable if she suddenly changed from copying and pasting to arranging by herself, so it took Futaba half a minute to use the 'Control Technique' to cast the fireball technique for the first time. ...and after the fireball technique was successful, he turned his hand and instantly fired a pyroblast technique surrounded by three flying flames.

That's right, during her so-called bottleneck period, she only had half a minute to shoot a fireball.

After that, the character of Futaba grew up many times faster than before, and she often went to the arena to hone her actual combat skills. Today, she is ranked fifteenth in the player comprehensive strength rankings. He can cast more than fifty low- to mid-level spells, and has developed a large number of cost-effective, highly targeted, or powerful spell combinations. Regardless of his identity as a player, he is still a rookie with great potential. A mage, if you train him well, he might even be promoted to a sage before he gets wrinkles.

Talent, wisdom, acumen, decisiveness, tenacity... ruthless, she has almost all the qualities to become a strong person.

Especially cruel!

So at this moment, after successfully calculating Gawen, she launched her strongest offensive without any hesitation. First, she summoned an earth element puppet with powerful physical attack power in the shortest time, and then continued to guide two kinds of The different magics are [Fire Spin], which has a larger attack range and adds many negative statuses, and [Roaring Thunder Cloud], which has extremely strong single-target attack power.

Gu Xiaole, who had encountered Futaba in the arena before, was killed in this way, and Jiawen was not even as strong as Gu Xiaole in terms of pure statistics.

But she still survived!

Poof! !

Two groups of imperceptible firelight flashed from Futaba's [Triple Rock] (self-created skill), and then Futaba swayed, and a blood flower burst out from her shoulder, although she only staggered half back. He stabilized his figure in just one step, but in less than a second, the earth element puppet's reaction was still half a beat slower, and the lightning that struck in the thundercloud also shifted by about half a meter.

[Triple Rock], which combines strong control, killing, and containment, has a tiny flaw.

Even though Futaba immediately adjusted and made amends after standing still, he still couldn't stop the swift figure from rushing out.

"It only took five seconds to break through two layers of shields worth thousands of gold coins, taking away 88% of my health..."

Jiawen, who was covered with a thin layer of light, raised her hands and loosened her collar, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin dripping with sweat. She smiled at Shuangye with a reddish face: "Good fight."

Seeing that Jiawen finally escaped, Futaba stopped guiding the two spells. He raised his eyes and looked at the latter, and said with a dry smile: "What are you doing? Do you want to expose your breasts to apologize or something? It's better to avoid it. Well, after all, don’t say those breasts are unreal, I don’t even know whether you are a boy or a girl.”

"Oh? Did you really guess it?"

Jiawen looked at Shuangye calmly. The intact flintlock gun in her left hand pointed at the ground. She didn't seem to have any intention of fighting with the latter immediately. She just continued to say in a chatting tone: "It seems that Miss Shuangye is interested in I’m very impressed.”

Futaba raised her middle finger and pushed up her glasses, and said calmly: "It's okay, after all, you almost killed my number one loser last time, not to mention you didn't deliberately hide your fighting mode just now, it all depends on If you don’t come out, it won’t make sense.”

Of course she would not fail to recognize Gawen. Although the last time he appeared, he was still a half-orc man from the Leopard tribe with a stern face, but both the two signature double guns and her elusive fighting style were quite recognizable. Due to Futaba's memory, it's natural that she would have no impression of it, so she said that before, "I don't even know whether you are a boy or a girl."

"A bitch?"

Gawen raised her eyebrows and smiled meaningfully: "I thought there was some kind of closer relationship between you and Mr. Dabbs."

"Then just think of him as one of my closest friends."

Futaba curled her lips, and then narrowed her eyes slightly: "But Mr. Hermaphrodite, although I don't mind continuing to drag you along, is it really okay to continue like this? You don't still believe in yourself until now. Is it the 'backhand' you arranged before?"

Gawen shrugged, shook his head and said: "That's not true. From the moment I saw your unexpected traveling defense line, I no longer have any expectations for the Dantis and Hussein families. "

"It's a pity you found it too late."

Futaba yawned, rubbed the tip of his nose lazily, and said with a bad smile: "So just be decisive and fight us to the death here. I can be tolerant and let you drink two bottles first. Healing Potion.”

It can be seen from the last sentence that this girl is actually a very vindictive person, so much so that she is still bitter about Gawen breaking her bottle of potion before.

"That being said, in fact, you should be the one who really wants to delay time, right?"

Jia Wen actually took out a bottle of healing potion from his bag and took two sips to restore his health to more than 50%. His tone was still calm and calm: "It is said that I am advised to fight to the death, but if I am really ignored, If the casualties are fighting with you, Ms. Futaba, you will have a headache, right? If I am not wrong. At this moment, there should be a team with a considerable level of elites and numbers coming here. After all, with these around you It’s impossible for soldiers to leave us all behind.”

Futaba blinked in surprise, and then smiled: "Very good, he is indeed a really smart man. The time I was tricked by you before was really not an injustice."

"Ms. Futaba is overrated, all in all."

Jiawen bowed politely to the girl in front of him and chuckled: "After all, your main purpose is to protect the emperor rather than to repel or defeat us. In this way, those of us with the power of whispers only need to Even if one escapes, His Majesty Clairvaux's crisis will never go away."

Futaba nodded slightly and said: "So, the best plan for me is to wait until the reinforcements arrive, and then kill everyone here. The best plan for you should be what I just proposed. We must break through this line of defense at all costs and let the survivors continue to carry out the assassination mission. Regardless of whether it is successful or not, no matter how bad it is, it can still involve elite troops like us."

She immediately settled the account, then stopped talking and looked at Gawen with a smile, leaving the choice back to him.

Of course, it is said to be a choice, but in fact it is a multiple-choice question for Gawen, where she can only choose to lead people to death, on the premise that she wholeheartedly wants to help the Marshall family.

"I think you may have misunderstood something, Ms. Futaba~"

Jia Wen looked around and saw that even though those 'own people' had a certain degree of advantage due to their abilities, none of them could break through the encirclement that the elite coalition forces of the Lords had defended at all costs. He smiled and said: "My greatest advantage is that"


Futaba interjected viciously.

"No, I've always been an attacker."

Jiawen put her only remaining flintlock gun back into her waist and smiled charmingly at Futaba: "My biggest advantage is actually that I never mind admitting my failures, and I won't go to the stage in person." and finally rely on any slim hope.”

Futaba raised his slender hands lightly, and used the power of controlling magic to condense dozens of sharp blades made of various elements out of thin air: "So what do you mean?"

Jiawen, who had already calculated the cooldown time of the skill and ensured the evacuation route, secretly clasped the [Phantom Dice] in his hand and said softly: "To put it simply, I agree."

"It's not over yet!!"

A crisp shout sounded from not far away. Gawen and Shuangye turned their heads at the same time, just in time to see a woman wearing a gray robe and aqua-blue shawl with long hair appearing behind Rubber Baroka, and then Seeing her graceful body swaying slightly, she actually pinned the high-level monk in front of her to the ground in an instant. Her seemingly weak and boneless hands actually pressed the latter until his chest collapsed, and he immediately spurted out a big mouthful. Blood.

"Compatriots, the Marshall family is no longer of use. I'm here to open a gap for you! Kill Clairva Bresne with all your strength!"

Sylvia Shuang Rui's sweet voice resounded in the air. Without even looking at Rubeus, who was lying on the ground, she appeared in front of Cassie who was hiding at an incredible speed, and sneered: "You Where do you want to go, little elf?"

The latter was shocked and immediately planned to pull away, but found that his legs had been wrapped in a layer of ice crystals unknowingly. No matter how hard he tried, he could not move. In the blink of an eye, he had turned into an ice sculpture. .

"Hello little sister, it smells so good, why do you cover your face?"

Sylvia's ghostly figure appeared in front of Amethyst again. She wiped out the negative energy aggregate on the opponent's fingertips. She then lifted off the mask of the deputy commander of the Bauhinia Guard with a backhand and hit him with a sexy knee. It was knocked to the ground.

At the same time, her long aqua hair had turned as red as blood

"Get out, don't waste time!"

Chapter 553: End

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