Quadruple split

Chapter 558 The tilted scale

[This person’s brain is not very good, right?]

The corner of Gawen's mouth twitched and he activated the [Body Body] that had just cooled down. He rolled on the spot and avoided Cordoba's powerful blow by a hair's breadth, and turned around with the help of the shock wave from the Punisher's Staff. Jumping backwards, the whole process seemed to have been rehearsed dozens or hundreds of times, without any unnecessary movements. Even if it was scratched even a little, it might lose all health points on the spot, and escaped nearly ten meters without any injuries!

"You can't run away!"

Cordoba shouted low, exerted force with both feet, and made large cracks in the ground beneath his feet. His whole body was ejected like a cannonball, and he used the cold-light staff to wave a blade-shaped shock wave. This is the only long-range attack technique he can use so far. Because the rune body cannot learn any skills, using the giant power rune and the external hurricane rune to wield this kind of shock wave is already the limit of trickery.


Gavin, who was always paying attention to the movements behind him, suddenly paused and almost shouted softly at the moment when Cordoba waved the sanctioner's staff, and then spurted out a small mouthful of bright red blood.

As for the Talisman Impact Blade, which could definitely cut Gawen in half without any accident, it also deviated from the track and struck hard not far behind Gawen's side, directly tearing a huge two-meter-square gap in the ground. .

The next second, Cordoba suddenly appeared in front of Gawen. Without saying a word, he smashed the latter into pieces with a stick.

[Fragments? 】

Cordoba was stunned for a moment. Because the minor sensory protection system was always on, he had basically watched the other party turn into a cute warm-colored cartoon mosaic before. He had never seen someone being smashed into pieces and disappearing into the air. middle.

"That's false, Brother Cordoba!"

Futaba, who always had two mage eyes staring at Gawen, immediately noticed the problem, jumped to his feet and shouted: "Don't worry about that hermaphrodite for now. She has no ability. The top priority now is to get rid of those evil spirits." Kill all the believers, don't let them rush out from here, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

Cordoba smacked his lips, decisively gave up on Jawun, who slowly appeared ten meters away, and rushed towards the two cultists closest to him, smashing their spines with ease.

"The ranger thieves of the Night's Watch Chapter, keep an eye on that pink-haired flower elf hermaphrodite!"

Futaba breathed a sigh of relief, and then loudly ordered the temporary cavalrymen who were under pressure: "The others will cooperate with the reinforcements to defend. If you can't hold on, call for help. Brother Cordoba, please support me!"

Cordoba, who placed two more members of the slave-catching group, grinned cheerfully and said: "No problem, just call me if you have any trouble!"



"Please help!"

"I can't stand it anymore!"

"Hero, come here!"

"My arm is broken!"

"My shoulder blade is shattered!"

"My legs are cramped!"

"I am dead!"

"Shut up."

In a matter of seconds, calls for help came from all directions at the same time, immediately confusing Corvo's classmates.

In fact, this is not to blame for the failure of these elites around Futaba. The main reason is that the damage Sylvia caused before was too great. Not only did it tear the sawtooth formation that could only contain the enemy into pieces, They are constantly wandering around the edge of the defense line to collect kills, coupled with the weird and disgusting "whispering" of those high-level cultists, everyone is no longer "tired of running for their lives", "tired of dying" Not bad.

Although Cordoba's true identity is unknown, there is no doubt that he is a super soldier who has strong reinforcements from his own side. He is undoubtedly a high-quality shot in the arm.

Although I am not afraid of death, if I can avoid death, it would be better to live!

So for a moment, even the most serious and rigid soldiers put aside their worthless reserve and started shouting for help.

And Cordoba did not disappoint everyone, but they saw him spinning the Punisher's Staff with one hand like a monkey, spraying out thick steam from the back of his neck, and crashing into the nearest person like a human bulldozer. Among the dozen or so cultists, while shouting "Ping A: Unparalleled Dance", he used a set of high-speed heavy blows with no rules, beating the bones of the surrounding cultists who were whispering BB. The tendons were broken and he was lying flat in a short time.

Immediately afterwards, he appeared in front of two members of the Iron Gate Guards' charging group who were shouting for help. After accidentally kicking one away, he used a weapon against the elite five-man slave trading group who were constantly attacking the two people's defense line. Using the 'Ping A: Xia Ji Eight Attacks', within half a minute, the five warriors, wandering herdsmen and thieves who risked their lives were beaten into paralysis.

In front of Cordoba's powerful rune body, ordinary high-level professionals are no match at all. This man plows around the battlefield like a rampaging mini-Gundam, whether it is the whispers of cultists or the capture of people. Even the interceptions and kills of the slave group members could not stop him, and unlike Sylvia, Cordoba did not use advantages such as physical skills and speed to get around the opponent, but relied on strength, weight, The anti-strike ability allows you to directly step over the enemy with the attack.

"Is this the second level in the combat effectiveness ranking?"

Futaba stared at Cordoba with a dead eye as he looked at Cordoba in the crowd, and couldn't help but murmured in a low voice: "I can't think of a person who can name himself 'FFF East Asia Branch' on social software. Private Cui Xiaoyu of the 7th Special Forces Team can be so strong. Is this world crazy?"

However, complaints were complaints, and she was relieved after all. Because Cordoba arrived early and the relationship was stronger than she expected, the situation was finally completely stabilized. Even if Mo Tan couldn't get there for a while, No matter how hard Gawen and Sylvia tried to defeat them, Futaba was confident that they would kill the last hope of the Marshalls in front of them here.

And what Futaba can think of, Jiawen will naturally not think of.

"Ha, I was also impulsive. It would have been better if I had made a decisive decision and retreated immediately."

Jiawen narrowly avoided another tracking arrow, shook his head with a wry smile, and evaded erratically amid the encirclement and suppression of more than a dozen Night Watch Rangers, and whispered: "It's already so powerful. He is only at the second level in the rankings. How strong is the boss who was able to kill him instantly with two moves? Haha, I really took refuge in an incredible person."

Before she finished speaking, she suddenly disappeared from the spot, and at the same time, she strangely appeared in the blind spot behind two Fernan soldiers five meters away, turned around and ran away.

"Brothers, don't move!"

A Night Watch ranger shouted at the two Fernan shield guards, then quickly strung his bow and shot three ice-blue arrows in the shape of a fret. The two stood side by side with a chilling chill. The dwarf flew over the head and crotch, and went straight to Jiawen's ankles and back.

all hit!

However, Gawen turned into a phantom and disappeared again.

And the location where she appeared the next second was a gap without the elite lords' alliance, nor the cultists, nor the slave-catching group!

The only gap on the battlefield!

This position is her true purpose.

Despite the lack of time and the constant interference, Gawen still found the best place to escape the blockade in the shortest time and successfully sent herself here.

【Oops! That's too late! 】

Several rangers had already launched attacks the moment they re-captured Gawen's figure, but they all knew that after being hit twice in a row, this last hasty attack did not pose much of a threat. As long as the opponent can maintain his previous alertness, not to mention being unscathed, he can at least avoid the vital points without being killed instantly.

And Jiawen, who always maintained a high degree of concentration, did not disappoint a few people. She did dodge the more than ten powerful arrows without any damage, and then was blocked by a piece of ice spikes rising from the ground.

"Hey, where do you want to come from?"

Futaba winked at Jia Wen from afar, and then said loudly: "Is there a melee profession that is stress-free? Is there a melee profession that is stress-free? It's just the two of you! Go over and slap that pink hair on me!"

Then the two Iron Gate Guards soldiers who had just crushed the enemy by Cordoba rushed towards Gawen Dian'er carrying their shields.

"This is really true."

Gavin, who was short and dodged two flying shields, and was forced back into the battle circle by two burning boulders a second later, sighed, activated [Desire for Survival] and quickly hid among the dozen cultists who were still holding on. In the middle, he smiled bitterly and said: "It seems like I'm really going to hang here this time. Well, that's fine. You can never teach someone too many lessons."

Of course, even though she had the consciousness of 'fighting to death', Gawen still did not give up her struggle. After all, as long as all the people she brought were not dead, she could survive with their cover, and as long as she was alive, it was still possible. If there is a variable, even if it is just a variable that gives you a chance to escape, it is necessary to fight for it a little bit.

And Futaba didn't mind Gawen struggling anymore. It was good for her to kill Gawen. If it didn't work, it wouldn't hurt even if she ran away. As long as the backbone of the gang who assassinated Clairvaux were all dead. That's fine here, and judging from Cordoba's current crushing speed, the enemy will be completely wiped out in another fifteen minutes at most, so at this stage, just continue to fight steadily.


Sylvia, who was trying to attack Cordoba for the sixth time, quickly flew back with numb hands. She had just tried to break the former's neck, but she almost dislocated her wrist. To be honest, she had never seen this before in her life. Who else's neck can be so hard?

"Hey! You don't think I can't catch you, do you?"

Cordoba, who once again had several enemies flee from him because of being harassed by the opponent, turned back and glared at Sylvia angrily, and said angrily: "I told you not to force me!"

The latter did show a charming smile, gently licked the corners of his lips, and said provocatively: "Then you come after me."

She really hopes that Cordoba can watch and kill her alone. If that is the case, although the number has been reduced by nearly one-third, the assassination group that still has such a certain combat effectiveness may still be able to kill a bloody path, although The probability is not high, but it is definitely not zero, and if this thing of unknown origin, unknown race, and unknown structure is allowed to continue to cause trouble, then the situation is really over.

As for whether she would be in danger, Sylvia, who thought she had figured out Cordoba's strength, was not very worried. She knew that the opponent's attack power, defense power, and explosive power were at least one level better than hers, but If we talk about speed alone, as an elf blood seeker, there is no reason for me to be slower than the opponent. Moreover, I can also use ice magic to interfere or slow down the monster while being chased. Maybe I can really kill the monster alive.

【Consume this monster to death? 】

Bang! ! !

Sylvia, who continued to move at a high speed, didn't even have time to react at all. Cordoba suddenly appeared in front of her and slapped her on the left shoulder. She was immediately shot away like a cannonball until she was killed. He stopped after killing an unlucky cultist mage. He spat out a large mouthful of blood at the first sound, and his entire left arm hung limply by his side, with all the bones broken.

"How could you be so fast?"

She stood up staggeringly, a blush rising on her pale cheeks, and blood filled with sweet smell kept spilling from the corners of her mouth. It was obvious that she was seriously injured.

"Gu Liang, please don't be so ambiguous in your words. If you want to express surprise, you can just say, 'Why are you moving so fast?'"

Cordoba said something righteously, then cracked his knuckles twice, and his two calves and the back of his neck spurted out a large cloud of steam at the same time. He said in a deep voice: "I just entered a brief overload." It’s just a state, although it’s only for a moment, it’s enough to keep up with your speed.”

Sylvia bit her silver teeth lightly: "Then were you teasing me before?"

"Why the hell am I just here teasing you when I have nothing to do!"

Cordoba casually blasted away a cultist goblin thief who passed by him in a hidden state, and said feebly: "I don't want to overload because I really don't have much energy anymore. Hey, forget it. Anyway, I still have it." Since the mission of the last spare one has been completed, Luvina won’t say anything more, right?”


As soon as he finished speaking, several rays of green light flashed behind Cordoba's torso and outside of his legs. A violent torrent of energy exploded on the spot, and the body of four accelerated runes that were overloaded at the same time appeared in Xi in an instant. In front of Wei Ya, she said calmly: "So I'll give you a good time."

After saying that, he swung a punch loaded with half a giant rune and hit Sylvia in the chest.

The result was a ball of flying bats!

"Oh no, what are you doing, Castlevania?!"

Cordoba, who was not hit in the chest and failed to defeat a general of the enemy, shouted angrily, but could only watch the pile of bats flying around. If there was only one or it flew in the same direction, it would fall. It's okay, but under the current circumstances, Cordoba, who has no ability to fly, can only stare.

So he stared for about five seconds, and then turned around with murderous intent, ready to vent his anger on the cultists and slave traders who were still standing. He didn't hit the chest. Well, he couldn't kill the opponent's main combat power. of anger.

Futaba also breathed a long sigh of relief after seeing Sylvia being forced out of the battlefield by Cordoba.

The balance of victory finally tilted heavily to his side.

Chapter 555: End

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