Quadruple split

Chapter 565 Revenge is over

next day

Game time AM09:21

Violet Empire, former Marshall Territory, Mercury City Mages Guild Branch First Laboratory

Beside the warm fireplace filled with inert fire elements, the petite girl was curled up in a ball on the carpet and reading a book. She was only wearing a thin set of underwear and was surrounded by soft cushions. It was like a loose nest with a wide The robes were hung casually on the high-backed chair in the corner. Personal items such as shirts, shoes, gloves, scrolls, and dozens of functional books of different types were evenly spread in every corner of the laboratory, making this area The originally clean and tidy space became cluttered, and the experimental table in the middle was piled with a large number of parchments with various strange symbols on them, as well as half-eaten, few bites, or untouched food.

No matter how unkempt the colleagues are, after seeing this temporarily requisitioned laboratory, they can only comment on it as "a mess", and the next moment they will have the illusion of "Am I a germophobe?"

But in Futaba's eyes, this is the most comfortable environment, and only in this environment can his surprisingly easy-to-use brain be used to its maximum potential or rest.

It was obvious that although the girl was flipping through the book "Nismont's Magical Water Creatures and Their Characteristics" in her hand at an effective speed of an average of two seconds per page, she was resting at the moment.

"Gillweed can give those who take it the ability to breathe underwater for thirty to fifty minutes depending on their race or physique. Oh, it seems a bit familiar. Have you read it in an alchemy book? ?”

She turned over lazily, lying on the mat and swaying her soft calves. She covered her mouth and yawned: "It's so boring. I always feel that there is no real sense. There are only one or two Can a person who has no eyesight allow me to cause trouble?"


At this moment, the door of the laboratory located diagonally behind her was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and a burst of fresh cold air was brought in, which made the girl shiver immediately.


Futaba snorted without looking back, and slowly walked towards the fireplace twice: "Hurry up and close the door, it's super cold!"

The tall woman with waist-length silver hair and a light golden mask on her face sighed helplessly, flicked out a wisp of breeze with her fingers, closed the door, and then appeared in front of Futaba with a burst of hazy silver light and whispered softly. Said: "The temperature outside is normal. If you weren't only wearing two pieces of underwear, you wouldn't feel cold at all."

"It's a pleasure to be lazy in a warm house half naked in winter, Ana."

Futaba casually closed the book about the artifact water creature in his hand, slowly sat up holding his knees, showing his white teeth, and suggested maliciously: "Would you like to try it too?" ?”

The corner of Tarasha's mouth trembled slightly, then she sat elegantly with her legs crossed in the air half a meter high in front of Futaba, holding her forehead and saying: "You are also a girl after all."

"It's true that she's a girl, but now we should be the only ones who can come and go in Laboratory No. 1 at will without being taken advantage of." Futaba shook her hair nonchalantly, and then took advantage of herself. The instructor winked and snickered: "Ana, will you be excited when you see me like this? Oh, by the way, don't you really plan to take it off? You'll be addicted!"

"I'm really excited. After all, when I think that you, this girl, is my only apprentice, my blood pressure is a little high." Taraxia rolled her eyes at Futaba, complained lightly, and then said decisively: "I won't take it off." .”

Futaba curled her lips and said while shaking her head: "At least take off the mask, there are no outsiders here."

"Oh, I know."

Perhaps in order not to let Futaba continue to struggle with the aspect of 'taking off', Tarasha happily took off the [Talasha's Wisdom Mask] on his face after hearing this, revealing a mask that looked at best She has a pretty face of twenty-seven, and her oriental appearance is very delicate. Although she can't sink a fish or lose a goose, she is definitely a real beauty, and her pupils are light purple.

If I have to talk about a special feature, it is that there are crescent-shaped black lines on both sides of her cheeks, but this does not affect Tarasha's appearance, and even adds a little mysterious charm to her.

"I really don't know what this thing has to cover."

Futaba held her chin up and looked at the 'magic lines' on Tarasha's face, and said with a smile: "It's obviously pretty good."

"It doesn't look good."

Tarasha snorted lightly, obviously not wanting to say anything more on this topic. She just raised her eyes and looked at Futaba and said directly to the point: "I failed to kill Buffy Marshall."

As soon as the words fell, Futaba, who originally felt loose, stood up, widened his eyes and said: "What? You didn't kill him!? Is that guy's strength beyond expectations or is that bastard Tan Mo giving me to him?" Are you kidding!? Where is he now!? Is there any way you can track his whereabouts? I must."

"Hear me out."

Tarasha raised her right hand slightly, signaling her little apprentice, who was almost out of control, to be quiet first, and then said unhurriedly: "The reason why I failed to kill Buffy Marshall was that he was killed by another person. Already."


Futaba blinked and said suspiciously: "Another person? Who? Who arranged it?"

"have no idea."

Taraxia frowned and shook her head slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Because I was worried about being noticed, I always kept the maximum distance of seven perception spells from Buffy Marshall, so I only saw the cause of Buffy's death at that time, and The person who did it was not found, and when I arrived at the scene, no one was there."

Futaba nodded slightly, then slowly sat back down again, pondering for a while before asking with some worry: "Are you sure Buffy Marshall is dead?"

"Of course I'm sure."

Tarasha answered without hesitation and shrugged: "He seemed to be the high-level believer of the Whispering Evil God. The moment he died, I felt some kind of indescribable twisted will appearing out of thin air. It seemed that Want to steal Buffy’s soul.”

Futaba wrinkled her nose and asked quickly: "Then what? Did it succeed? Was Buffy Marshall's soul taken away?"

"In fact, the attacker didn't leave a soul for Buffy at all, so the will left the moment it came." Tarasha slowly fell back to the ground from mid-air, and answered Futaba before she could do it. Question to speak out: "The person who killed Buffy should be a clergyman. Although I have never seen the magic he used, I am sure that he was a clergyman and he was very powerful."

[A powerful cleric? Does the Violet Empire still have this character? 】

Futaba was confused for a moment, and then continued to ask: "Can you give more details? For example, how strong is he, which sect he is a clergyman, etc."

"I don't know much about divine arts, or any power that is not rigorous enough, and I have never paid much attention to it. However, through my past experience of dealing with those magical sticks, the person who did it should be the goddess of dawn, Pakosi. Believer." Tarasha grabbed a cute pink heart-shaped cushion and held it in her arms, gently stroking her chin: "As for strength, I can't tell, but according to the one that killed Buffy, Judging from the tactics, I shouldn't have a chance of winning against him, but I can still get away by running."


Futaba looked at Tarasha with an unclear look, and said hesitantly: "So, it means that the strong man who works for heaven is not very weak?"

Tarasha rolled her eyes at her and laughed dryly: "Let's put it this way, the blow that that person used to kill Buffy Marshall would never be weaker than an ordinary legendary strongman's full-strength attack. It’s fine if it’s been a long time to kill with one hit, but what if”

She did not continue because even Tarasha herself did not believe the other guess.

Futaba's reaction made her particularly angry.

"Wow! Ana, you are so strong!"

Futaba was sincerely surprised. This was not because she, like many people, felt that Tarasha's strength was limited to the epic level. The main reason was that this girl was only a player in her twenties after all, and it was difficult to understand those things. What kind of powerful method does a real strong man have? That's why he was surprised that his mentor had the confidence to retreat unscathed in front of such a seemingly ruthless strong man.

As her mentor, Tarasha would not be unaware of this, so she did not delve into anything further and just said dullly: "Then I tried to track that person for a while, and it wasn't until an hour ago that I completely tracked him down. I lost him and then came back. Well, maybe I should go to the United Holy Church after this crisis is over. I am very interested in that person's power."

Futaba, who was a little uninterested after confirming that Buffy Marshall was indeed dead, said "Huh" and asked curiously: "Isn't it just magic? I remember you are not interested in that stuff."

"Yes, I am indeed not interested in the power of priests or some shamans. The so-called divine grace and ancestral power are completely inexplicable to me, but"

Tarasha paused slightly when she said this, and the unique thirst for knowledge of the academic school shone brightly in her eyes: "The light last night was beyond the scope of divine magic in my eyes, it was more like... some kind of pure It is a 'phenomenon', rather than a power given by a certain god to its believers. Although I don't know what it is, at least one thing I can conclude is that the power that wiped out Buffy Marshall's body and soul is definitely not a 'god'. 'What is given, at least is not given directly by God, it is something closer to the essence."

"Oh, then I wish you a smooth trip in advance."

Futaba yawned and lay down lazily on the mat. He didn't take Tarasha's words seriously at all. He just let out a sigh of relief and raised the corner of his mouth with an extraordinarily innocent smile: "In short , Buffy Marshall is finally dead and the whole family is dead."

Seeing that her quirky and proud apprentice had finally been avenged, Taraxia also smiled happily and gently rubbed Futaba's hair. Erdao: "I heard that after you got the news about Cordoba, you immediately sent the 'final reserve team' to the western border to guard, and successfully intercepted Fudge and others who were secretly escaping Mercury City."

"Well, then kill them all."

"Those lords are really cooperative with you."

"Half and half, maybe. Those who were transferred to the final reserve team were all placed by Xiu in various families over the years. He gave me the list two days before departure. He probably wanted to sell himself a favor."

"Maybe he has feelings for you."

"He also gave Tan Mo a list. Isn't he also interested in that guy?"

"The people with Butler Fudge are Buffy Marshall's family, right?"

"Yes, a wife, a son and two daughters are all here."

"Oh, actually I had afternoon tea with Buffy's wife by chance more than ten years ago. She was a very quiet and low-key aristocratic lady. It's a pity that I believed in that evil god together with Buffy, otherwise"

"Otherwise, the results will not change."

Futaba interrupted Taraxia lightly, her clear and bright eyes filled with madness: "Don't get me wrong, Ana, even if that lady is just an ordinary lady, those few are no older than me. The young people a few years old are just ordinary rich second generations. As long as they are the 'family' who spends time with Buffy Marshall, I will kill them without hesitation. This has nothing to do with their beliefs, personality, identity, and status. ,after all"

She smiled a smile that made Tarasha want to get closer to the fireplace.

"I don't like to break trust with myself, so if I say I'll kill his whole family, I'll kill his whole family."

With a simple move, the girl commanded the wind element to bring her robe that was placed on a chair in the corner to her body, and tore off something from the collar. It was sewn on with very poor craftsmanship and had a wolf head printed on it. Signet.

Tarasha sighed softly, put on her mask again, and quietly left the room.

A drop of salty tears fell on the emblem in the girl's hand.

"too tired"

Futaba, with coaxing eyes, took a deep breath, held the emblem in her hand tightly, raised her face, looked at the sky through the enchanted glass across the room, and murmured: "Live for others, work hard for others, and work for others." Revenge and all that, it’s really tiring, I’ve never been so tired in my life.”

"You bastards, I really owe you."

"The great Muyu has been made less like himself by you, by people like you who are not even alive."

"You are so special that you can make me, a selfish, casual, fickle, bad, talented girl with extremely bad character, turn into this, into a positive character like the heroine in those brain-dead inspirational dramas. You deserve to die!"


"I finally avenged you"

"Have you seen Captain, Yinna? Have you seen Crabbe, Salazar?"

"Have you seen how many people I asked to support you?"

"If you see it, just die in peace. If you don't see it, forget it. In short, revenge is over."

The girl kissed the broken emblem in her hand, put it back in her bag, and then buried her pear-shaped cheek in her arms, her petite and thin body trembling slightly.

After a moment, she raised her head, a pleasant smile on her lips, and her eyes filled with qualityless confusion.

"It's time for me to be myself again~"

Chapter 562: End

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