Quadruple split

Chapter 572 Tower Master

【Oops! ! 】

When Mo Tan heard the low and hoarse voice outside, he immediately thought to himself that something was not right, and then he immediately waved his sword to push back the two bone bandits in front of him who had not yet reacted. He turned to Ji Xiaoge and shouted loudly: "Get back to the top, now. !”

"Copy that, I'll leave an egg bucket at the door."

The girl didn't hesitate. She quickly put away Catherine and the toaster, took out a bucket full of tea eggs, carefully placed them in front of the door, and then turned around and returned to the spiral staircase. He began to rummage around in his luggage, turning around and shouting downstairs: "Mo, come in quickly, I'll find a way to stop them!"

Mo Tan had no intention of staying there and waiting to die, so after confirming that Ji Xiaoge had safely returned to the spiral staircase, he quickly summoned his self-destructing sheep, and at the same time activated [Knight Skill·Falcon Strike] and [Thorns] Charge], rushing towards the entrance to the second floor like a whirlwind, and in the process, he used his slashing sword to knock down several shameless people who also rushed towards the wooden door in an attempt to stalk Ji Xiaoge.

However, just when Mo Tan was about to reach the door he came from, a series of piercing explosions suddenly exploded not far away. He was shaken, and then he felt a chill like a thorn in the back rushing toward him. Attacked with strong murderous intent.

Under that insanely keen intuition, Mo Tan, who didn't even know the form of the attack or who was the shooter, didn't look back, nor did he make any evasive action. He just used his own skill of [Knight Skill: Turtle] in the flash of lightning. The strongest damage reduction skill in the column!

The next second, the moment Mo Tan appeared under the Self-Destructing Sheep with his head held in his hands and kneeling in defense, two densely packed, dark, tiny steel arrows directly poked the Self-Destructing Sheep into a hedgehog, and also emitted a wave of Mo Tan, who was curled up under his mount, only inhaled a little bit of the strong fishy-sweet smell and lost 5% of his health, which shows how toxic it is.


The middle-aged dwarf who had just entered the abandoned tower raised his eyebrows, flicked the ferocious black crossbow in his hand twice, glanced at the self-destructing sheep lying on the ground in surprise, licked his chapped lips and sneered. Said: "It's really interesting to be able to block a move."

The person who came was the one who just said, "Of course we'll continue" outside the ruined tower. He was wearing a thick leather jacket that was obviously two levels higher than the others, and had two scimitars inlaid with gems stuck behind his back. , the quiver on his waist is filled with metal crossbow arrows of different lengths, his messy long brown hair is mixed with his beard, and he wears half an engineering goggle on his left eye, which looks quite cool.

"What stands in front of you is coke oven thick iron."

The dwarf first raised his hand and waved away the bone bandits around him, then casually pulled out two half-meter-long dark red crossbow arrows, pressed them into the crossbow in his hand with a bang, and said in a deep voice to Mo Tan who was hiding behind the self-destructing sheep. : "He will deprive you of your life, steal your women, and crush your bones. He will make your head into a chamber pot, weave your scales into armor, and exchange your bone marrow for gold coins. By the way, he will make a Revenge for a trash fish that is worse than scum."

Mo Tan squinted his eyes, silently drank a bottle of healing potion to return his health to over 90%, and cautiously poked out half of his face from behind the self-destructing sheep.


Two high-temperature arrows shot out. One of them grazed Mo Tan's cheek and hit the wall, directly blasting a hole as big as a bowl in it. The other one fiercely penetrated the self-exploding sheep. Its hind legs suddenly exploded in half a second, knocking it to the ground.

[The same level as the monk from the Viper Chamber of Commerce, maybe even stronger! 】

After completing the test, Mo Tan felt a bit bitter in his mouth, but there was no hesitation in his movements. However, he quickly put away the corona sword, pulled out the Mandala of Justice and rushed towards the man named Scorch Oven·Thick Iron. The dwarf threw out an [Arc Shadow Slash], then rolled over and landed beside the self-destructing sheep, muttering in a low voice: "Sorry, man."

Then he pulled off the self-destruct switch located on the back of the sheep's neck, curled up and rolled to the side.

"A futile struggle."

Jiao Lu snorted coldly, casually pulled out a scimitar and slashed it in the air, directly scattering the arc shadow slash, then threw the scimitar high into the air, took out two more crossbow arrows and pressed them into the crossbow. He caught the machete while pulling the trigger, and the whole set of movements was done in one smooth motion. Even though he was a dwarf with a rough appearance and a short stature, he still gave people a light and elegant feeling.

Two dense black arrows exploded in mid-air, turning into a dense curtain of arrows and shooting out, causing a rain of blood to fill the sky.

The body covered with short arrows fell to the ground, and the poison that penetrated into the bone marrow was mixed with a large amount of blood and shot out. It looked extremely sad and ferocious, but it was not the target of the scorch oven.

That was one of the first batch of bone bandits killed by Mo Tan. Because the distance was just right, the latter who was rolling in the electric light and stone fire just now was used as a shield to grab him and lay it in front of him, not only protecting the killer who killed him The murderer was brutally beaten twice by his companions.

"Cunning boy!"

Jiao Lu snorted coldly, and hung the heavy crossbow behind him, which was no more than ten centimeters shorter than himself. He drew out another scimitar and rushed towards Mo Tan, but stopped suddenly in the middle of the road, and he was confused. He took one look at the sheep with only three legs left, and then flew away!

Beep beep beep - BOOOOOM! ! !

Violent explosions resounded through the abandoned tower, and several bone bandits who were close to the self-exploding sheep were blown away in an instant. The coke oven, which discovered the high-energy reaction in advance, was out of the explosion range at the first time, but it was flawless to deal with it again. Mo Tan launched a pursuit and could only watch helplessly as the other party rushed into the door that his group had not been able to open for several years.

"Follow me, I'm going to skin him alive!"

Coke Oven·Houtie brandished his machete angrily, turning into a short, fat afterimage and chasing after Mo Tan's back to kill him.

As a result, after passing through the choking smoke and dust, I saw a pretty face.

"Hi, how are you?"

Ji Xiaoge, who poked half of his head out from behind the spiral staircase, waved to the coke oven with a smile, and threw an oval-shaped object that exuded a faint scent of tea, accurately hitting the barrel at the feet of the coke oven. .


The egg barrel, which was twice as powerful as a self-exploding sheep, exploded instantly, engulfing the coke oven in a series of deafening roars and causing a small collapse, blocking the small room under the spiral staircase.


Mo Tan, who only had 30 points of physical energy left, managed to hold himself up, leaned on the steps, raised his right hand towards Ji Xiaoge, and said with a smile: "It's very accurate. I'm afraid you didn't calculate it when you left the bucket of tea eggs." Are you going to create a landslide?"


Ji Xiaoge leaned over and gave Mo Tan a high-five, and said with a smile: "It's a perk of the field engineer profession. I have several related passive skills. Although I only started to try to use them flexibly in the past few days, I can already use them for the time being." I was able to detect the weak points of a fixed structure in a short period of time. Well, you can only cheat like this in a game. My science scores are very bad."

Mo Tan sat on the steps and panted for a while, then gritted his teeth and stood up with his knees, and said softly: "It's pretty good, but let's go back to the previous room now. The dwarf should still be alive. With his strength, as long as he is injured, If it’s not too heavy, this small landslide shouldn’t be able to stop it for long.”

"I know, I'll help you."

Ji Xiaoge immediately nodded, then grabbed Mo Tan's arm and put it on his shoulders: "Don't be shy, you are in a bad state now, save some energy if you can."

Because her physical strength had been depleted to the point where even her basic movements would be affected, Mo Tan didn't show any pretense to her, but said half-jokingly: "Okay, as long as you don't take off your headgear."

"I've never understood it. It's just a piece of headgear that's missing, so how can it feel so different to everyone?" Ji Xiaoge pouted, supporting Mo Tan with her delicate shoulders, and said distressedly : "I always feel like I look like a source of mental pollution."

The latter shook his head, holding his breath and trying not to smell the delicate fragrance on the girl's body that should be simulated by the system in theory, but it could be mistaken for the real thing: "Your description is wrong. If you ask me, it should be like looking at the flowers through the smoke and looking at the flowers directly. difference."

"Oh? Which one looks better?"

"Uh, they all look good."

"Hey, your mouth is quite sweet."

"You said it yourself, the only difference is whether there is head equipment or not, and the appearance has not changed."

"Sure enough, he still looks very mentally polluted!"

Ji Xiaoge curled his lips and said with empty eyes: "The kind that lowers the SAN value."

Mo Tan gave a bitter smile and said helplessly: "You can completely stop worrying about what you look like, but think about it from the perspective of skills, talents, etc. This is a game world after all. If you take it seriously, you will lose."

"Hey, guess what I am like in reality~"

"I don't know, but the impact should be about the same as when you wear headgear in the game."

"Eh? Why do you say that?"

"Because if it's the same as when you were not wearing headgear, it will definitely cause a commotion. I follow the news every day."

"Hmm, I just think you are complimenting me~"

The two of them chatted casually while climbing up the long spiral staircase again and returned to the room where they were first teleported, with the stone sculpture of Doraemon.

"The door won't lock."

After Ji Xiaoge helped Mo Tan into the room, he turned around and ran to the door. After careful inspection, he shook his head with regret and said, "It can only be closed normally, but it can't stop people."

Mo Tan, who was slumped on the chair and trying to regain his strength, nodded slightly and said softly: "Then close it first. If the coke oven is only slightly injured or not injured at all, we have about five to ten minutes to think about countermeasures."

Ji Xiaoge gently closed the door, then flapped his wings and flew to Mo Tan's side. Just as he opened his mouth to say something, he was interrupted by a severely distorted and slightly harsh sound.

"No, you only have three minutes."


Ji Xiaoge quickly took out a tea egg, looked around and said in a deep voice: "Come out!"

"Ha, you girl is so arrogant. It's obvious that you are the uninvited guests, okay?"

It took seven or eight seconds for the voice to ring again, and he said in a rather troubled tone: "In short, time is running out now. You just need to know that I am the master of this place. Now, if you want to survive, the last thing you need to do is So strictly follow what I say.”

"Wait a moment."

Mo Tan frowned and interrupted the other party, and asked in a deep voice: "Thank you for your kindness, but I want to know why you want to help us? And with all due respect, this place seems more like a ruins than a mansion. You said you are the master here"

"There are very complicated reasons for this. I don't know much more about the situation than you do. The doubts are even greater on my side. Like the two of you, I also need to understand the situation urgently."

The voice suddenly became a little anxious, and then said quickly: "But the premise of all this is that you can survive safely. You must know that the eyepatch dwarf has now begun to command the bone bandits to clean up the 'foyer', so to sum up In other words, the primary goal of the two of you now is to "survive", and I, who hope to obtain certain information, need you to "survive". In addition, I also hate bone bandits, so we have every reason to temporarily put aside our doubts. Let’s do the actual work first.”

"What do you think?"

Ji Xiaoge turned to look at Mo Tan, shrugged and said, "What he said seems to be right."

The latter, who had settled the accounts in advance, also nodded, looked up at the ceiling (so as not to look too stupid) and said: "Okay, we are willing to do as you say."

"No need for honorifics, it sounds awkward."

After still a few seconds of delay, the voice said seriously: "Now you go to the east and north sides of this room immediately, and then"

"Um, sorry."

Mo Tan coughed dryly and raised his hand nonchalantly: "Which side is east?"


After a short delay, the voice seemed to be sure that Mo Tan was not teasing him, and then said with a little bitterness: "Forget it, man, get up from your chair now, take three steps forward, and then turn to your right , take five steps, yes, stop here, lower your head and lift up the floor that your right foot is stepping on."

Mo Tan nodded tiredly, leaned over and lifted up the unknown floor beneath his feet, and found a shallow groove underneath.

"Very well, the woman now takes two steps back, walks five steps straight ahead of you, looks down under the table, picks up the Doraemon statue that fell on the ground, and places it on her head, left arm, right arm and... Pinch your left leg three times each.


After Ji Xiaoge did as he was told, he suddenly found that the head of Doraemon in his hand fell off, and there was a dusty ruby ​​in the hollow body.

"Okay, now take the stone to the groove in front of the man and press it down hard."

"Then what?"

"Then the downstairs will be bombarded with forty-seven high-level magics for half a minute, and you two will be safe."

Chapter 569: End

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