Quadruple split

Chapter 578 Showdown

next day

Game time AM07:02

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, chaotic neutral Tan Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you good night]

"Huha, garbage time is garbage time, there is really nothing to do..."

Mo Tan, who had 'awakened' from the carriage, yawned and stretched. He opened the curtain and took a look outside. Unexpectedly, he saw a large number of soldiers from various families gathering from all directions. There were also soldiers in the distance. The cooking staff is packing the freshly painted pots and pans into the truck.

The sunrise in the Moon of Poetry is always very late. Even though it is already seven o'clock now, the sky is only dimly lit. Without the use of torches, magic crystal lamps or lighting techniques, most people can't even see clearly. What are the people across the street doing?

Of course, this situation does not apply to Mo Tan now. With elven blood, he has excellent eyesight. Even at this time, he can see thirty or forty meters away with a little light source. , so he can clearly observe the expressions of everyone in his field of vision.

That...pleasant expression mixed with restlessness, anxiety, confusion, and confusion.

Not only the ordinary soldiers, but also the higher-ranking officers and a small number of noble vassals of the major lords were equally worried and confused.

In fact, not only did the news of Reb Bresne's murder come as late as last night, but it should only be known to the major lords and their cronies. As for the officers and even the soldiers, it is theoretically impossible to know this. level of intelligence, if nothing unexpected happens...

However, in the presence of two scourges who are suffering from "garbage time", the possibility of nothing unexpected happening is simply greater than the possibility of Ribo committing suicide, so the result is self-evident.

Under the synchronized operation of Mo Tan and Futaba without any prior communication, overnight, the news that the heir to the Violet family and the Imperial Crown Prince Rebo Bresne had rushed to the street spread throughout the entire coalition of lords, and was carefully It was compiled into seventeen or eight versions. Some said that His Highness raped a girl in the slums and was strangled to death by a strong man named Long Otian. Some said that His Highness went to visit the underground brothels in the aristocratic area and died in a fox clan. On the girl’s belly, some say that His Highness went to visit an underground brothel in the aristocratic district and died of bleeding due to picking up soap. Some say that His Highness was assassinated by someone sent by the Marshall family. Some say that His Highness was killed by a meteorite when he invited someone to watch a meteor shower together. , some say that His Highness was premeditated to death by his own brother, some say that His Highness and the eldest daughter of the Marshall family were old friends, and they heard that the lady died and committed suicide in the palace...

That's a lot of fun.

Although everyone from the Royal Redbud Guard to the Fire Claw Second Battalion Commander were investigating, they never found any clues about the perpetrator. This situation is theoretically impossible, and The serious but somewhat perfunctory investigation order from above had no choice but to make those who were interested start thinking.

[Could this happen with the acquiescence of the adults? 】

Everyone with a little bit of status began to think like this subconsciously. As for those who couldn't think of it... they would definitely not be able to become officials.

In fact, these gossips came entirely from the non-governmental organization Black Sun without the tacit approval of so and so. It’s just that the lords above have been ruined and really don’t have time to deal with these things. What’s more, the news of Ruibo’s attack on the street has already been Before it was officially transmitted, it had already been known to half of the lords, such as Fire Claw, Dantes, Crystal Wolf and Hussein...

[The storm is coming, tsk tsk, although it has little to do with me~]

Mo Tan, who had guest-starred as a publicity committee member for one night, smiled, then suddenly had an idea, clapped his hands and said, "How about I sing a song for them to boost their morale~"

If you rap, sing!

But Mo Tan took a deep breath, leaned half of his face out of the window, and said loudly: "The funeral of a grass mud horse, burying you with a dead eye. The elder brother stopped breathing and penetrated into the earth. Guests are not allowed. I will dance on the grave to accompany you." Wait...Gah!"

A group of people looked at Mr. Dabbs who was unconscious by the car window in horror. They were stunned for a long time without realizing what happened.

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect. 】


[Reconnection begins...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, chaotic and evil Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Game time AM07:08

The Chavin Empire, the Kulati Valley in the western territory of Kunda Territory, the counter-rebel garrison

"about there……"

In a tent in the center of the station, the sin lord, who was sleeping fully clothed, slowly opened his eyes, got up from the blanket specially thickened by the butler Dawn, and raised the corners of his mouth, which was a rare occasion when he was alone.

He stood up slowly, opened the friend message, and re-read the message Ji Xiaodao sent last night...

Be concise, clear and unambiguous.

Although this information was slower than expected, it was extremely valuable.

This is enough, I am not in a hurry anyway...

It seems that even though she doesn't understand it, she knows exactly what she wants...

Compared with those intermittent, piecemeal, and boring progress reports, directly presenting the results is the most valuable behavior, so even though she knew that she had made progress, she still ignored it, and Nor did she bother herself pointlessly with ambiguities before coming to a final conclusion.

that's enough.

Even if he knew the interesting information in advance and could directly understand the truth, he still had to praise the other party's actions.

Of course, to be worthy of praise does not mean to actually praise it, because it is meaningless...

Everything is meaningless, whether it is her or anything else, it is superfluous.

That's all.

He grabbed the cold-proof cloak that was thoughtfully folded next to the blanket, waved away the distortion around him, and left his tent silently.

a moment later

"Your Mightiness?!"

Dawn, who was playing with a heating magic energy panel in the tent, widened his eyes in surprise, looked at the Sin Lord who quietly appeared behind him, and whispered: "What are you doing today..."

"We're already here, we can't sleep like we did before."

Mo interrupted the other party with a smile, walked to Dawn and looked down at the tin magic energy board engraved with two low-level fire element aggregation arrays, and asked curiously: "What is this?"

Dawn shrugged, shook the two eggs in his hand, and said with a smile: "I am preparing some breakfast for His Highness Arthur. It must be very inconvenient for him not to have a servant around him. I also met His Highness last night. I went to the woods to hunt game by myself, um... of course, it is yours now, please wait a few minutes, I will get it done soon."

"No hurry, my dear butler."

Mo gently clasped Dawn's wrist, which was about to beat the egg, and said with a smile: "It's not a good habit to eat right after getting up. Are you interested in going for a walk with me or something? Anyway, His Highness has decided to put the meeting aside in order to take care of me. The time has been postponed to ten o'clock, so there should still be time for a walk."

Dawn immediately put down the plate and eggs in her hands, and after wiping her hands, she skillfully leaned over to straighten the hem of Mo's cloak and replied, "It's my pleasure, Your Excellency."

"Very well, let's set off."

"Yes, where do you plan to go for a walk?"

"Haha, just go farther. Have I ever told you that I was in the habit of running in the morning before I got injured?"

"No, Your Excellency."

"Well you know now."


fifteen minutes later

Game time AM07:29

Kultira Valley, nameless slopes

"Huha... Huha... Sir, has your injury... been healed?"

Dao En, who had been following the Lord of Sin at a fast pace, saw that the former had finally stopped, and then he sat down on the ground with sweat dripping from his back. After all, for an ordinary person who had hardly been exposed to extraordinary power, this distance was not really close. And it is even more difficult to keep up with the opponent's movement speed.

Of course, this level of exercise can be completely ignored for Li Fu Astor, the representative of Tianzhu Mountain and the soul of Abel of the Sun Dynasty, but his current identity is Daun, and Daun is It is necessary to show fatigue, and only in this way, under the premise that the other party is indeed the 'Shadow of Apocalypse', will I not be exposed...

"Stand up and speak. I know that this level of...heh, this level of consumption is nothing to you."

The sin lord, who was wearing a cold-proof cloak and a black aristocratic dress, chuckled, turned around and nodded slightly to his butler, whose face was full of doubts: "You guessed it right, it's me."

"Your Excellency... Your Excellency?"

Li Fu, who was cold and shocked in his heart, suppressed his emotions as easily as breathing, and said in an extremely shocked and logical tone: "What are you... talking about?"

"Of course it's stating the facts."

Mo's eyes hidden behind the mask were lifeless and dim, which was in stark contrast to the slightly raised corners of his mouth and his gentle and calm voice.

"Your Mightiness?"

In front of those black eyes that seemed to be able to swallow and assimilate everything, Li Fu's hands trembled slightly. This was undoubtedly a move that was very consistent with his identity as 'Dawn', but even he himself didn't know that he was pretending. What came out was still...

"You are a perfect actor. You even turned yourself into the person 'Dawn' and deceived almost everyone." Mo gently snapped his fingers, and an invisible and strange wave spread out. It came, and in an instant it covered the slope where the two of them were, and spread to several miles away before stopping: "It's a pity that you haven't deceived yourself, so naturally you can't deceive me."

"Your Excellency... Your Excellency... I admit that ten years ago I was indeed... a bandit in the north for a while and killed many people, but now I have..."

"Huh? Have you made any preparations for this?"

Mo interrupted the other party casually and said calmly: "Thank you for your hard work, but I don't know the resume you just mentioned, and I'm not very interested."

"Then you..."

"I am the shadow of the apocalypse that you, His Majesty William, and Archduke Fosset are looking for."

Mo looked at Li Fu calmly, and said in a chat-like tone under the other's stunned gaze: "Your suspicions are very correct. I am the person who massacred Banser City, and I was the driving force behind the death of Farah Ossis. I was also the one who caused the death of Kunta Bho and Witham Bho, that’s all.”


Li Fu finally gave up his disguise, stood up with a serious face, and asked one word at a time: "What do you want to do?"

"This has nothing to do with the subject of our conversation, Dawn. Maybe I should call you something else? Never mind, it doesn't matter."

Mo shook his head slightly. The temperament on his body was gradually changing, turning into some kind of indescribable, indescribable dead silence and emptiness. The smile on his lips had all disappeared, and even his 'existence' itself seemed to have been transformed into The malice of some invisible substance is far beyond the concepts of madness, evil, and destruction. It is far beyond the pure malice that any intelligent creature can exude...

Just like laws and principles, it does not even contain the slightest emotion and rejects all existing malice.

It has nothing to do with good or evil, nothing to do with strength or weakness, nothing to do with order, nothing to do with chaos.

It is not tolerated by the world, nor is it tolerated by a certain... phenomenon in the world?

Li Fu forcibly suppressed the increasingly absurd thoughts in his mind, and relied on his firm mind to make himself clear again, escaping from the crazy thoughts that gradually collapsed into the abyss.


Danger Danger Danger Danger Danger! ! !

It is far more dangerous than what was described in that prophecy! ! !

He must be killed, he must be killed, he must be killed! ! !

[Kill him, kill him, kill him, kill him, kill him, kill him, kill him! ! ! 】

However, in the next second, Li Fu's eyes, which suddenly seemed to be affected by another force, gradually became bloodshot, he raised his hands tremblingly, and shouted in a voice that could hardly be heard as his own: "The Disappearing …”

"clam down."

Mo frowned slightly, then raised his head and looked calmly at the increasingly dark sky, and slowly pressed his right hand on his mask: "Don't disturb me..."

The next moment, Li Fu's hand, which had gradually begun to gather violent power, hung down softly, and looked at the sin lord in front of him with a wry smile: "You are so confident that you can kill me here, and you won't reveal your flaws. What?"


Mo nodded, stretched out his index finger and pointed it steadily at Li Fu, and said calmly: "Of course I can."

Although he only had one finger, Li Fu felt a chill as if he had fallen into an ice cellar in an instant, as if he was not facing a person, but some kind of doomsday that was very close at hand.

"When did you discover my identity?"

He sighed softly, raised his hands to show that he was not hostile for the time being, and asked with a gloomy face: "Why don't you kill me immediately?"

He didn't ask what Mo wanted to do again, not only because the other party had no intention of answering, but more importantly, he suddenly didn't want to know the answer at all.

"If it refers to Tianzhu Mountain's identity, I knew about that when you first entered the Sin Lord's residence. As for why I didn't kill you immediately..."

Li Fu's Adam's apple squirmed with difficulty.

"Of course it's because you are quite useful in all aspects...Mr. Abel Soul, born for revenge."

Chapter 575: End

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