Quadruple split

Chapter 58 Ax and Snake

It sucks…

While Mo Tan was anxiously waiting for several skills to cool down, he looked around at the situation. He had to say that the current situation was absolutely terrible.

Everyone who should have started to retreat is still standing here. Ned and Crabbe were injured one after another. A large number of enemies are slowly approaching, and one of the prisoners who looks the worst has been captured.

The most important thing is that the tall orc who looks very fierce, but is actually more powerful than he looks, is simply terrifying. In just two encounters, he almost disabled Ned, the most powerful person in the team, and it seems that Not very serious yet...

Tactics and command can indeed influence many things, and can even forcefully carve a way out of a desperate situation. Mo Tan has known this since the last encounter, and is sure that he can do a good job!

He will not put all the burdens on his own shoulders, and he does not think that other people are dispensable. He can treat everyone correctly, and he does not like to be independent or separate from the group. He is naturally tolerant...

Sufficiently objective, responsive, relatively rich in knowledge and experience, intelligent...

Now as the 'Black Brahma', Mo Tan no longer questions himself as before. He has found something that only he can do now, which is something that cannot be done in other personality states.

And maybe there’s more…

Mo Tan is no longer confused, but just because he is no longer confused does not mean that the problem can be solved!

Karon is too powerful, at least for the current Fenrir team, he is too powerful!

We all know that when an individual's strength reaches a certain level, the other party's numbers, tactics, and strategies will gradually lose their meaning. Maybe this example makes sense in reverse, but it definitely does not apply now.

Throughout the ages, the most hated opponents of commanders are the kind of macho men who love to behead generals among thousands of armies. Those who say, "If you have millions of lions and you can send troops to form formations, I will be happy to fight unparalleled in the crowd." The strong men never think too much, they are just reckless! Winning, crossing, stabbing recklessly, the commander of the opposing team was so heartbroken that they all turned into Cordo... I mean Mrs. Xianglin, cursing the injustice of heaven.

These macho men are very popular with everyone. After all, we are restricted by the status of "social animals" and it is difficult not to yearn for these guys. People who cannot show off their unparalleled faces will never be as popular as military commanders who have independent models. They are called It’s impossible for those miscellaneous pilots in the romantic Zaku to be more popular than Kira-san.

Therefore, I personally think that rather than saying that Zaku is a man's romance, it is better to say that driving a special machine and killing Zaku is a man's romance.

In short, I don’t know when the above-mentioned macho men started to have a special term, which is ‘hero’.

Note that this is not a compliment, but a noun. It doesn’t matter what your character and appearance are, as long as you are strong enough, you are a hero!

In principle, the enemy of a hero can only be a hero, and other creatures are all experience, money, mission progress, heads... Sorry, not heads, at most they are supplementary soldiers...

Then we can collectively refer to existences other than 'heroes' as 'miscellaneous fish'. In most cases, miscellaneous fish do not have human rights, even if they evolve into super miscellaneous fish, they do not even have the things that litter the ground after they die. The qualification is called blood, because as we all know, the 'first drop of blood' always comes from the hero. When the miscellaneous fish are gathered together, they are rarely called a team. In most cases, they are 'Line', the only task is to be 'pushed' or 'led'.

So the conclusion is very clear. In most cases, the consequences of being an enemy of a miscellaneous fish and a hero are obvious.

In this situation at this moment, Kalunguyi is naturally a hero, while Ned Motan and others can be properly classified as miscellaneous fish. (Although it feels like there is still a lot more to say, I still managed to get back to it!)

"Damn!" Mo Tan saw that Ned who was rushing towards the adjutant was slapped to the ground by Charon again. He quickly took two steps forward and threw the three skills of Law Shield, Holy Healing and Prayer of Fortitude onto his own at the same time. The captain shouted at the same time: "We can't save that guy! Captain, break through in the opposite direction, and use that magic equipment to teleport to a safe location in one minute!"

He was not willing to die, but letting go of the thirty or so people before was considered the best result. If it was possible to bury everyone here in order to save the last prisoner, Mo Tan would never choose to go save him!

Most humans are selfish. If we were asked to make a life-or-death choice between a very close acquaintance and more strangers, most of us would not choose the latter, even if life is quantified and more people Survival is the right thing to do.

What's more, for Mo Tan now, the choice he has to make is still a stranger VS a plurality of his own people, and he won't even hesitate!

"Okay! You retreat first!" Ned did not run away immediately. He just shouted without looking back. Then he murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "I don't want anyone to sacrifice anymore." No matter it's you or other innocent people..."

Mo Tan nodded, retreated behind Salazar and said loudly: "Futaba, retreat to my side. If possible, freeze the ground in front of you. Crabbe, go to the back of the team. Salazar, hold on! Yinna help!"

"Kulad Fubu - frost!" Futaba immediately muttered a spell that did not exist in the spell description. He drew two five-pointed stars on his side with one hand, and then gently tapped the staff, and the air was filled with Immediately, a large piece of thin ice was produced, covering the small patch of ground in front of everyone in an instant.

This is also one of her newly learned skills. Futaba had already told Mo Tan about its effect when studying strategies. Frost Condensation is not an attack skill, but it has the effect of temporarily changing the environment, and it is very controllable. High, if the calculation is accurate, the price/performance ratio is quite good.

The least difficult thing for Futaba is calculation!


"What is this...!"

Under the influence of the almost strict prediction and coverage angle, the three charging Fire Claw warriors suddenly slipped and fell to the ground unprepared.

But the threat was not over yet. Although Ned had stopped several enemies before, several orc warriors still managed to bully everyone. Salazar was struggling to support himself at this time. His broken arm had just recovered a few days ago. , and now it started to hurt a little.

However, this lizardman monk with a somewhat cold personality did not even hum. He just followed Mo Tan's orders and fought hard in front of his companions.

Fortunately, Yinna, who had previously failed to interfere with Charon, turned her arrows in time and began to use close range shooting to help rescue the siege. This also allowed Salazar to still persist during the period after Mo Tan used all his auxiliary skills on Ned.

At this moment, Ned, who was being approached step by step by Charon, suddenly let out a war cry. His dark blue eyes gradually turned into light red, and his entire figure grew larger. He held swords in both hands fiercely. The ground threw out a blue and red whirling slash.

"Bloody fury!?" Crabbe, who was not under much pressure for the time being, couldn't help shouting: "How is it possible!"

Mo Tan, who was about to adjust his pace and take everyone away as soon as possible, was startled by him and asked subconsciously: "What is that?"

"That is……"

Before Crabbe could answer, he saw Charon give a sharp shout and hit Ned head-on with an axe. Half a second before the sword light was about to reach his adjutant, he intercepted him in mid-air and roared: " How could you be..."

A bright red bloomed, and Caron didn't even finish what he just said, because a pouring rain of blood suddenly broke out in front of him, and the scarlet warm liquid instantly dyed his vision red!

In the turbid haze, a sturdy figure slowly fell to the ground in front of Caron.

His lieutenant!

That nagging, grumbling, soft-tempered guy who doesn't look like a Fire Claw warrior at all...

collapsed! ?

Caron wiped his face in disbelief, and then let out a roar full of murderous intent, completely falling into rage!

Dead, really dead!

The throat was almost cut in half, and there were cross incisions on both sides of the neck and at the heart. The guy who had all the problems but could still be called loyal and brave fell to the ground, and there was still a trace of blood left in his eyes that had not yet been closed. Confused and wary.

But no fear…

Until the last moment of his life, the guy he always called a softie still had no trace of fear in his eyes...

And behind his body stood the figure that he would never forget!

Still that short gray hair, still that faded leather armor, still that chilling smile, and that scar on his face... that he left on him!

I have waited too long for this damn bastard to come over!

The result is finally waiting for...

"Do you like my greeting gift?" The middle-aged man who had previously made Gart obedient in the temporary camp smiled at the orc warlord in front of him: "Long time no see, Mr. Caron."

"Grey Snake - Baneclaw!!" Caron almost bit his teeth, and the armor on his body was stretched out by the muscles that suddenly swelled up. Countless fine cracks appeared: "What you have to do for yourself All pay for it!”

"Then I won't bother you to distract you, please wait a moment." The middle-aged man known as Ban Nei shrugged, then kicked Ned flying out, and then took the man in his hand. The orc captives also threw themselves towards Mo Tan and others: "Take it!"

Boom! Boom!

Crabbe and Salazar caught the two of them respectively, both at a loss...

But it’s probably true that the person coming here should be one of our own.

"Ugh!" Futaba suddenly knelt on the ground and retched. This was the first time she had seen such a miserable death. The countless wounds that had just suddenly erupted on the orc adjutant's body were uncountable. , much more unacceptable than the previous soldier from the Randian Team (everyone knows who he is).

Yin Na patted her back gently, her face not looking good.

boom! !

The bloody battle ax crashed down with uncontrollable rage. Charon, who was gradually losing his mind under the madness, held the ax with one hand and rushed out brazenly!

But the squad in front of him was several minutes faster than him. I saw an afterimage passing by. The two orc soldiers behind Caron covered their necks at the same time, but they still couldn't stop the blood spurting out. There was almost no trace of blood. No matter how hard they struggled, they both fell down.

"Have you noticed?" Ban Nei, who was spinning several bloody blades on his fingertips, turned back to Caron and said coldly: "Have you slowed down?"

The death of the tribesman made Caron pause for a moment, and then he found a small, lavender metal piece inserted into his shoulder!


"Bah!" Caron actually bit off the poisonous blade on his shoulder with his teeth. With a flick of his neck, he threw it directly towards the class. Then a huge explosive bear totem appeared faintly behind him, far away. Punched!

"Getting stronger again~" Ban Nei cursed in a low voice with a gloomy face. He melted directly into his own shadow, dodged the punch that seemed impossible to block, and then appeared silently. Behind Karon, he said with a ferocious smile: "But I am also different from before!"

Puff puff puff puff! !

Four venom-quenching blades pierced directly into Karon's back. After the successful blow, Ban Nei somersaulted to Mo Tan and others without stopping, and said sternly: "He won't live long! Follow me now!"

"Let's go!" Mo Tan said decisively: "Crabbe is carrying the captain, Salazar and the other two of us are carrying the other one. Now is the best opportunity!"

The two pursuing orc warriors were cut open in the chest by a spinning flying blade thrown by the squad, and fell to the ground screaming. The furious Caron swayed on the spot, and the movements of his hands were slowed down. Half a minute later, the thrown battle ax brushed against Mo Tan's shoulder and passed by without injuring the squad he originally wanted to kill.

A few people rushed out of the camp with great danger, but the remaining Fire Claw warriors did not catch up with Warlord Caron immediately because of his injuries, so they were stunned to let them run out!

"Who are you?" Ned, who was on Crabbe's back, turned his head and asked the class: "Are you from the Autonomous Army?"

"Not really." Ban replied casually absently, then narrowed his eyes and looked back at the camp that was getting farther and farther away, and smiled gloomily: "It feels good to handle business and private matters together."

He walked around the crowd like a leisurely stroll, but his speed was always so fast that people felt weird...

However, the team did not move too fast, mainly because Ned's injuries were not serious, and the physical condition of the previous orc prisoner was also quite bad. This also made Mo Tan and Futaba breathe a sigh of relief. After all, the mage and priest None of them are professions known for their agility.

"Are you feeling better?" Mo Tan asked Futaba next to him. After all, the blow the girl received just now was not a small one.

"I'm fine." Futaba used the remaining magic power to bless himself and Mo Tan with a light body technique each, shook his head and said: "But... I always feel that there is some bad premonition..."

"How bad is it?"

"very bad!"

Chapter 56: End

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