Quadruple split

Chapter 584 Choice

Golden Dragon Bosh Gallon, the last dragon king who died at the final line of defense of the Holy Dragon Peak, the Pride of Dragons in the Northwest Continent 1,700 years ago, died at the age of 3,658.

As one of the greatest Dragon Kings in the history of the Dragon Clan, Bosh, with his perverse personality, did not achieve much in his early years. Before he won the title of Dragon King, Bosh spent almost all day fooling around in his youth. He teased red dragon girls, He teases the green dragon girl, the yellow dragon girl, the black dragon girl, the blue dragon girl, and often spits at the colorful dragon girl. Not only that, he also likes to transform into other races, having learned advanced transformation techniques at the age of seventy. , and then travel around to molest human girls, elf girls, lizard girls, dwarf girls, goblin girls, half-dragon girls, ogre girls, and occasionally go to major blacksmith shops to spit on dwarf girls.

According to incomplete statistics, before Bosh became the Dragon King, he dated at least four figures of women from all races, ranging in age from 18 to 1,800 years old, and had never had a car roll over. Everyone who has been with him sincerely loves him, and there is no sign of being bewitched at all. It can be said that he has passed through thousands of flowers without a leaf touching him. Until now, such as "Bobo the Bard", "Elf Foreign Land" Prince Gaga', 'Sakura Knight Xiaolong', 'Domineering Lord Ash' and many other incarnations of romance still occupy a considerable proportion of the market share in the romance circle.

It was not until Bosh turned a thousand years old that the contemporary Dragon King, Favna, who was also Bosh's youngest child, could not bear it anymore. She finally sent people to capture him and bring him back to the Holy Dragon Peak in anger. After failing to educate him, he fought with Bosh and finally lost to him. Being slept on.

The following year, according to the ancestral system, Bosh, the strongest member of the Golden Dragon Clan, took over as the new generation of Dragon King when his wife Fafna abdicated the throne. He worked hard to rule... Two and a half days later, he "investigated the development of various races on the mainland." He left the Pride of the Dragon on the grounds of his potential and humanistic knowledge, and continued to bring harm to the people of the world, and appointed Favna to sit at the Holy Dragon Peak and perform the duties of the Dragon King on his behalf.

Another thousand years later, Bosh, who was captured by Favna for the 6477th time and brought back the Pride of the Dragon, finally calmed down and settled in the Holy Dragon Peak with his eighty-eight wives, raising their wives and raising their children. Until the day when the Sun Dynasty launched a massive attack 1,700 years ago...

In the thirteen-day battle of [Thousand Sun Flames] (Records of the Sun Dynasty), the last dragon king, Bosh Galon, showed frightening strength. At the beginning of the battle, he determined that his side had no chance of winning. He defeated all the opponents and forcibly launched the largest evacuation operation in the history of the Dragon Clan. He led the Royal Guards with the Golden Dragon Clan as the core to fight to the death, and defeated the second consul of the Sun Dynasty at the time in a duel. The deputy commander-in-chief, the Great Sage of the Thousand Suns, killed him with rage, and fought to the death with the third consul of the Sun Dynasty, Ugin Sword Emperor Justin Longbottom, who was secretly ambushing not far away. In the end, after both sides were injured, he recklessly launched the dragon language magic [ Skyfall·The Cataclysm of the Reversed Dragon] permanently changed the landscape of Dragon's Pride, buying the escapees the last two days before dying of exhaustion.

The above is all Mo Tan knew about the last Dragon King in front of him. Part of it was heard from A Sang, and the other half was heard when he occasionally heard Fei Miguel reminisce about the past in Tianzhu Mountain. of.

It has to be said that Bosh Galon is a very strong boss in every sense of the word.

"So... so scumbag..."

Ji Xiaoge looked at the message in the chat column that Mo Tan used to satisfy his curiosity, glanced sideways at the latter with twitching eyes, and whispered: "Well, you won't add fuel to the fire, will you?"

Mo Tan sighed, covered his cheek and replied softly: "I have been as subtle as possible..."

Immediately afterwards, the image of the Dragon King, who had just announced that he was about to die, suddenly spoke again. What came out of his mouth was not the smooth and magnetic common language, but a low dragon roar.

However, in Mo Tan's ears, the dragon's roar was still well-spoken and magnetic. After all, as a half-dragon, he could understand dragon language.

"Sorry, I'm used to speaking Common in human form."

The last Dragon King smiled apologetically, looked at the air between Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge... gently, and shrugged slightly: "After all, this is a place that can only be reached through 'that door', so I think it's better to use It’s better to communicate in our own language, right? I’ve never met the Dragonborn before, hahahaha~”

Because this was just a pre-recorded effect, Mo Tan naturally had no need to answer his questions. He just smiled wryly and shook his head at Ji Xiaoge, who was confused: "The rest seems to be recorded in Long Quotations. Judging from what he just said, According to analysis, it seems that only Dragonborn can reach here through normal means."

"So this is ah."

The girl nodded in understanding and said with a smile: "But it's okay. If you can understand it, just translate it to me."

"Easy to say."

Mo Tan nodded slightly, and then looked back at the Dragon King's shadow on the desk, who had finally stopped laughing.

"First of all, I am very happy that someone can find this place. Since this video has a chance to be broadcast, it means that the sons of bitches from the Sun Dynasty did not find this place. I am deeply relieved about this."

Bosh changed his posture, crossed his legs and blinked at the air between Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge... and smiled: "I have a lot to say, but since I don't have much time left, I'd better get in there as soon as possible. Theme."

He rolled up his sleeves casually, revealing his right arm that was gradually disintegrating under a certain bright light, and made a funny expression.

[It seems to be a very serious injury... But this seems to be different from what Fimi told me. He did not seem to die suddenly from exhaustion on the top of the Holy Dragon Peak. 】

Mo Tan quietly translated for Ji Xiaoge while secretly guessing in his heart.

"I don't know how future generations will judge this battle, but I must say that the third consul of the Sun Dynasty made a really dark move." Bosh pulled down his cuffs again and stared at the air gradually becoming serious: "I have no intention of discussing the rights and wrongs of the war. Strange dragonborn, even if you know something about this war, don't try to avenge what happened back then without any thought or fear. No matter how great my personal charm is, don't do this. .”

After saying that, he even winked.

"I believe the bizarre science popularization you just did."

After listening to Mo Tan's translation, Ji Xiaoge laughed dryly and rolled his eyes at Bosh Galon in front of him.

"The Sun Dynasty is very powerful, so if they still exist and become more prosperous, don't make any impulsive moves. Not only you, the strange dragonborn, I hope you will convey this sentence to any of your fellow clansmen. Of course Well, if you don’t have this plan in the first place, just pretend I didn’t say it, after all, our dragon clan always has few roots... Well, what I mean is that although we live a long life, we don’t hold grudges very much.”

The last Dragon King sneered twice, and then laughed sinisterly: "Of course, if...I mean if, the Sun Dynasty is over, then please be sure to go to our Underhill for me. Peeing at the gate, and then swearing a few curse words, I think X you XX and @#¥% are good~"

Mo Tan: "..."

Ji Xiaoge: "..."

"Haha, look at my memory, I just said that I should get to the point as soon as possible."

Bosh lightly patted his forehead, suppressed the rather vulgar (and actually very handsome) smile on his face, and said in a deep voice: "I did a little trick on the gate, no matter who you are planning to come to see. , will be teleported to my tomb. As for the reason... it's hard to talk about, but it's actually my personal problem.

In fact, although I have sent away most of my compatriots in advance, and even all my wives and children, my sixteenth wife Sarah is still unwilling to leave. Her mind is not very bright to begin with, and she is old. She is already very big, so although I can't bear it, I still acquiesce to her stubbornness, ha... You guessed it right, Sarah is not a pure dragon. In fact, the only similarity between her and the dragon is that she is larger, but It is undeniable that Sarah has a pair of extremely charming eyes, as well as her legs, her belly and..."

[I didn’t guess, you don’t need to be so careful...]

Mo Tan complained in his heart, and then continued to translate Bosh's words to Ji Xiaoge.

The girl was slightly stunned after hearing this. After reacting for half a second, she raised her eyelids and smiled (it was still very good-looking) and said: "The personal issues he mentioned are not about his lifestyle."

Before Mo Tan could answer, Bosh continued to talk about business: "And in the last ten days, I discovered a sad secret, that is, Sarah actually lived a long time ago She is already pregnant with my child."

"He said that Sarah was pregnant with his child a long time ago...Oh my god..."

"What the hell!?"

The two stiff-faced listeners were both shocked.

Bosh sighed: "One hundred and forty-three years, I didn't find out for a whole one hundred and forty-three years. I am really...sigh...what a hopeless fool."

【yes! You are really hopeless! It’s hopeless in every sense of the word! ! 】

Both Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge couldn't help but roar in their hearts.

"Sarah has a kind heart, but her brain is not very bright, so I spent three hours asking to understand why. In the end, I found out that it was because she was neither a dragon nor a race with a high level of civilization. I was afraid that my child would be discriminated against after he was born, and I was even more afraid that as a father, I would be criticized, so I kept holding the egg in my stomach for a hundred and forty-three years!!”

【It’s too much! It’s a bit much in every sense of the word! Your Majesty, are you sure you didn't go to the wrong set? Who is the legendary Lady Sarah? How many crazy things have you done to so many races? How can we help you? It's too late to run now! 】

Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge continued to roar in their hearts.

"All in all, with my insistence, Sarah finally gave birth to the child and then died. This is very fortunate. If she fell into the hands of the enemy, even if she was lucky enough not to die in the battle, she would probably die in the end. Reduced to a camel beast or a mount, but by my side, at least she can walk peacefully."

The last Dragon King, who had serious style problems, sighed sadly and continued: "Although he avoided stillbirth, the Holy Dragon Peak at that time had been completely blocked by the Holy Miracle Thousand Curses Mage Group. It was impossible for me to let the people around me The soldiers made meaningless sacrifices for a child, so they thought of a way."


Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge looked at each other.

"I hid this... this... this... my youngest child in the Dragon King's tomb, and at the last moment I dragged my nearly dying body back here, took it into the deepest part of my tomb, and brought it to the deepest part of my tomb. It's frozen, and I hope that one day in the future, there will be someone who can only be entrusted to raise him for my incompetent father."

Bosh smiled weakly, and his vertical pupils looking into the air became serious again: "However, as a father, I still can't easily entrust my child to just anyone. He is probably not a normal dragon. If Something went wrong to make the rest of that child's life miserable and unbearable. I would rather it sleep here forever."

"He is quite responsible..."

Ji Xiaoge smacked his lips after listening to Mo Tan's translation, his expression a little subtle.

"The issue of style does not mean the issue of character, and even if it is the issue of style, it is said that it is the kind of thing that you and I agree on, so... alas... I don't know what to say..."

Mo Tan smiled bitterly and shook his head.


"This space will collapse in ten minutes."

Bosh's next words immediately made Mo Tan's eyes widen, and that was all. He followed up by saying, "And you, the strange dragonborn, have two choices."

Mo Tan frowned slightly. Before he could translate this sentence, he saw the shadow of the last Dragon King snap his fingers, followed by a bottle that seemed to be made of pure gold and filled with bright red liquid. The small cup appeared on the table out of thin air in a burst of distortion.

"This is my blood marrow. All you have to do now is drink it, and then..."

Bosh snapped his fingers again, and two complex and gorgeous magic circles, one red and one blue, appeared on both sides of the room at the same time. After a brief pause, he said lightly to the air: "Although it seems to be just an ordinary study , but the space structure here is actually extremely unstable, and the time it can exist after activation is very limited, so before it dissipates, you must make a choice, to be transported to the place of trial through the red magic circle, to face opportunities and dangers , or leave this tomb through the blue magic circle, and you will never be able to return here."

[Sure enough, it is the same as the mission description, but this choice...]

Before Mo Tan could think of the reason, he heard Bosh calmly say something that made him feel like he was struck by lightning...

"No matter what you choose, you must drink the cup of Dragon King's blood marrow for one person. It can greatly improve your physical fitness in a short period of time, and after the effect is over, it will subtly transform your body, making you become more Being strong, hehe, is my welcome gift, even if you choose to leave, as the Dragon King, I am embarrassed to let you go in vain."

The last Dragon King, Bosh Galon, showed a generous smile...

"Remember, if you don't have the body of an adult dragon, after making a choice, you must drink up the cup of blood marrow before standing on the magic circle. Otherwise, the unstable space will cause the transmission to fail, and then Tear you into pieces, and of course, if you think about it for too long, in ten minutes the space will gradually collapse and tear you into pieces.”


"Then, choose as soon as possible, whether to move forward or leave."

Chapter 581: End

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