Quadruple split

Chapter 597 Blood in the Forest


Akiva Lawrence and the others loudly responded to the order, and quickly broke away from the team with the other scouts. After bowing to the haggard-looking Sin Lord, he turned around and rushed into the dense forest, clearing the nearby area in the open space. Hundreds of corpses and the increasingly strong smell of blood were left behind.

When he turned back for the last time, Akiva saw the middle-aged butler with a decent manner striding out of the crowd, supporting the young noble's shaky body, and stuffing two warm alchemical potions into the latter's hands.

【They are really two completely different people...】

Recalling the extremely smooth encounter not long ago...or rather the almost artistic command of the Sin Lord in the annihilation battle, and the simple but extremely sharp sword in his hand, Akiva shook his head with a complex expression. Quickly entering the hidden state, he moved quickly and silently through the forest, his bright brown eyes constantly scanning the surroundings, trying not to miss any clues.

[Be vigilant and don’t be fooled by the illusion of silence. The rebels are likely to be hiding nearby. 】

This was the warning given by Lord Sin when he stepped into this forest area an hour ago. Although everyone thought it was impossible, and some even thought that this gentleman who had already half-stepped into the upper-class aristocratic circle was too cautious, but Lord Duke had previously The explanation made them have to take the young man seriously. Fortunately, his attitude was quite polite and he did not act recklessly just because he was the temporary commander. This made everyone less dissatisfied with this sickly guy. .

As a result, thirty minutes after the team entered the so-called "suspected defense zone", the sin lord didn't know what he noticed when listening to the scout's report. He actually ordered everyone to stop moving and personally moved the entire team. The scout teams, which were all operating in groups of three, were disrupted and split into more than twenty two-person teams. These teams were randomly dispersed and assigned to several areas that were out of reach of the march destination to conduct untargeted reconnaissance. Everyone was confused and annoyed.

The reason is very simple. Even if there are no accidents, if this five-hundred-person troop fails to complete the task within the estimated time and delays the advance to the designated location, then everyone will be responsible. As for the commander, the Lord of Sin, although theoretically he would also take the blame, everyone knew that this guy had a very strong backing. Not only was he close to the Grand Duke of Garros, but even His Royal Highness Arthur seemed to have a special regard for him. , so as long as someone is intentional, they can take the shit out of the pot just by pushing the envelope, without even thinking about it.

It can't be said that everyone is looking at people through colored glasses. After all, these people are the so-called "veterans". Under the premise of having a mature system, it is strange to be sincerely convinced by such an aristocratic commander who comes from the air.

As for the contribution made by this sin lord in the battle of Banser City, it is not that everyone has never heard of it, but then again, contribution is linked to status in most cases, and in terms of status, , the Sin Lord was the third most important person besides Galahad and Garros in the Battle of Banser City. He was seriously injured afterwards. Logically speaking, even if he had no merit, he would still have to be given some gold, not to mention that he was originally They are people from Duke Garros' camp.

But Akiva didn't think so. It wasn't because he was so accurate at seeing people. When he took a look at him, he found that the sin lord's bones were amazing. At first glance, he looked like a big bull that could challenge the whole world. It was because of him. Before departure a cryptic and vague order was received.

Keep an eye on the Lord of Sin, always pay attention to his movements, always observe his performance, and obey his orders as much as possible based on the above.

In this private army directly under Duke Fossey, nineteen people besides Akiva received the exact same order, while the remaining 480 people were only told the word 'obey the order of the sinner'. item.

Akiva did not dare to neglect, because the person who told him about this matter was Duke Fossey himself, the person he had sworn allegiance to ten years ago.

Because the order he received was very vague, Akiva didn't dare to ask more questions, so he didn't know what the Duke's purpose was.

But perhaps out of the unique sense of smell of a qualified scout, Akiva seemed to sense a hint of vigilance in the Duke's tone.

As we all know, mediocrity does not need to be alerted, especially by those in power.

So Akiva felt that the Sin Lord was not simple from the beginning, so he did not preconception that this person was messing around like others, but looked at the arrangements made by the Sin Lord from a very objective perspective, and in Analyze during practice...

Before he could analyze anything, the facts proved that the sickly-looking young man was not unfounded. A large number of 'abnormalities' that had been engraved and hidden but still left traces were accurately detected by a weapon. A scout team investigated it and reported it to the rear immediately.

Of the twenty teams sent out by the Sin Lord, eighteen made gains in the search areas assigned to them, and sixteen of them had nothing to do with the established route of the large army.

【How did he do that? ! 】

While everyone was still thinking about this problem, the Sin Lord gathered the scouts who had been sent out and led the five hundred people to continue setting off as if they didn't know anything.

In the process, he continued to fine-tune the entire formation, quietly 'resetting' the team's structure through small-scale passing. Although it seemed nothing special, these five hundred people Those who have a better view of the overall situation are gradually noticing the clues...

By increasing the rotation frequency of the scout team and strengthening the control of the absolute control area within the regular sight range, the entire team's 'field of vision' is becoming narrower and narrower.

Through two seemingly inappropriate speed-up orders, the originally compact troops became more loose.

By increasing the security of the core area, the formations on the wings and rear are made thin and vulnerable.

By replacing the vanguard units with heavily armored professionals with stronger defenses, the team's mobility is significantly reduced.

The march that originally had no dead ends actually became riddled with holes under the adjustment of the sin lord, forcibly creating a large number of flaws that in the eyes of onlookers could be fatal...

It is also a poisonous bait in the eyes of the authorities.

So, just fifteen minutes ago, when the sin lord seemed to suddenly realize something and immediately started to broaden the team's vision, the attacker appeared...

There are about 300 people in total, all middle-level professionals. Their overall strength is slightly weaker than Duke Fossey's 500-person direct force, but if they seize the opportunity, they are not without the power to fight. Not only that, On the premise that the latter has a mediocre commander, it is even very possible to achieve a beautiful record.


"The left knight, counterclockwise from ten o'clock to five o'clock, the right knight, clockwise from two o'clock to seven o'clock, charge in an arc to avoid battle."

"All casters move closer to the center. You have ten seconds."

"The first and second team of thieves press left, the first and second team of assassins press right, and cross cover."

"Scout teams one to three, in the direction of the red-robed mage at three o'clock, suppressed by arrows."

"The third team of swordsmen, all the berserkers, and the first team of monks, come forward and change positions."

"The shield guard retreats, the knight blocks, and the caster prepares. Three seconds later, a large-scale damaging spell will be cast in the arrow rain suppression area."

"All the scouts are ready to withdraw and replace themselves with longbows and two-handed crossbows."

"Assassins and thieves, disperse."

"The knights are suppressing them in reverse. The injured go to the nine o'clock direction and the shield guards come in. The third and fourth teams of monks block the road."

"All casters stop attacking and gain defensive buff status nearby."

"The swordsmen and berserkers retreated. With the black-cloaked elf knight as the center, all the scouts concentrated fire to attack the heavily armored units."

"All disperse, knights charge."

"Heavily equipped professional two-wing interception, four o'clock direction ice wall, earth barrier, thunder and lightning cage, devil's door."

"At ten o'clock, flying flames, rain of shadow arrows, and poisonous smoke traps."

"Periphery, cut off the retreat."

"Follow me, hang."

Then... there was no more. In just a quarter of an hour, everyone completely defeated the enemy under the command of the sin lord.

With the help of the high-level mage specially sent by Duke Fossey to protect him personally, the Sin Lord, who directed the whole process with the help of amplification magic, defeated the enemy in an honest and fair manner. Those Kangda leaders who had been waiting around for a long time Until the rebels were completely defeated, they didn't know why the opponent's unconcealed scheduling could succeed again and again, tearing their defense line to pieces.

Yes, it is a defense line rather than a battle line, because except for the initial wave of incredibly smooth attacks, this rebel team has been struggling to cope with the enemy's continuous offensive from beginning to end, let alone counterattack. There wasn't even a moment to breathe.

This is not the scariest thing...

As a participant in the previous battle, the most horrifying thing for Akiva was not the victory, but that everyone actually achieved a complete victory under the guidance of the sin lord.

That is - zero battle losses.

Before one of them dies, they will kill all the others.

[Even if you are calculating mentally or not, it is too exaggerated to be able to do this to this extent. Even General Galahad... No, now is not the time to think about these things...]

Akiva shook his head vigorously, refocused his energy, and moved quickly on the route arranged for himself by the Lord of Sin, always monitoring the surrounding movements and not letting go of any slightest movement.


The next moment, he suddenly and silently fell from the treetops, half-crouched on the ground, narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at the abnormally crooked weeds in front of him, and quickly disappeared after a few seconds. , disappeared into the shadowy forest without leaving a trace.

Game time PM15:47

"Give up your resistance. Letting the soldiers of the empire bleed is not His Majesty's original intention."

The dark eyes behind the mask narrowed slightly. The Sin Lord, who was standing in front of the last recalcitrant officer, sighed softly and said in a deep voice: "Surrender, and then tell me how you knew we were going to pass here. As a person, I Guarantee, never..."

"You're dreaming!"

The scarred lizard knight roared angrily, and the giant sword in his hand suddenly rose up, slashing at the seemingly undefended young nobleman in front of him with a flash of red arrogance.

Akiva reacted immediately and was about to rush up to the scapegoat to block the attack. However, he hesitated for half a second before using Shadow Step. It was exactly this half second that caused him to dodge and appear in front of Mo Tan. The side behind him was unable to stop the powerful and heavy slash.


The Sin Lord, who barely raised his sword to block, was suddenly shattered. The weapon in his hand was knocked high into the air, and he stumbled to the ground.

Puff puff! ! !

The next moment, three weapons penetrated the body of the lizard man from different angles. The latter struggled to rush forward half a step, and was about to give the young man who led the people to annihilate his entire team a stabbing blow. It was focused frontally by a huge pyroblast, and was turned into charcoal in the raging flames.

"Your Mightiness!"

The high-level mage sent by Fosai to protect Mo hurriedly leaned over to lift him up, and tore open a valuable magic scroll to recover Mo's injuries. He said apologetically: "I was careless, please punish me." !”

"You are joking. If you want to be careless, I am the only one who is careless."

Mo shook his head slightly, glanced regretfully at the charred corpse in front of him, turned to Akiva, who was standing blankly in front of him and smiled: "Can you help me call Ms. Willow and Mr. Varez?" Coming?"


Akiva immediately nodded in agreement, and then quickly left to find the two people.

High-ranking ranger Willow and high-ranking knight Varez were the temporary commanders of this team before the Sin Lord. They were also quite prestigious among these five hundred people. They were also commanded by Archduke Fosset. One of the two people who had been 'instructed' quickly appeared in front of Mo after being summoned.

"Your Excellency Lord Sin."

The two of them saluted at the same time, being respectful and neither humble nor overbearing.

"You are Welcome."

Mo casually wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said softly: "I am not a person who likes to beat around the bush. The reason for calling you two here is very simple. I just want to understand how quickly the rebels can grasp our side. What do you think about the trend..."

Willow and Varez were both stunned. They both immediately thought about whether they had exposed the Duke's intentions, but they did not expect that the other party would ask such a question.

"The possibility of the rebels sending epic-level scouts is very low and should be ruled out."

Willow, who reacted quickly, first made some random nonsense, and then said in a deep voice while sorting out her thoughts: "Is it possible that it's an insider?"

Before Mo could speak, Varez shook his head quickly and said: "Impossible. The people here are all our own people. I don't believe anyone will leak everyone's whereabouts to the rebels."


Willow wanted to say something more, but was stopped by the Sin Lord in front of her who raised his hand slightly.

"I trust Mr. Varèse's judgment, and I think Ms. Willow actually doesn't want to doubt the loyalty of anyone present to His Excellency the Duke... and His Majesty."

Mo Tan breathed out lightly, then smiled bitterly...

"I have a guess. Do you two remember the town we passed through at noon?"

"what do you mean?"

"Although it's just a personal guess, I think...the loyalty of those townspeople to His Majesty may not be as simple as they appear..."

Chapter 594: End

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