Quadruple split

Chapter 599 The Decaying Lion

【Griffin Dynasty? ! 】

Willow and Varez were naturally familiar with this name, so they were both surprised when they heard this, but they did not immediately realize the meaning of the Lord of Sin's words. After all, these two people were not the same. As for politics, in addition to improving one's personal strength to a high-level peak, the highest achievement in this life is to command and command the people around him under Duke Fossey. Although the two people who managed to achieve the status of confidants are not of the same quality in all aspects. It would be too bad, but it is reasonable to feel frustrated when suddenly talking to them about such a major national event.

The Lord of Sin did not rush, but patiently leaned on the rock behind him, giving the two of them ample time to think...

Willow and Varez were also more competitive. Although they were confused at first, they were not fools as they had been around Fossey for many years. After carefully pondering what the Sin Lord had just said for a while, their expressions suddenly turned gloomy. When I got down, I obviously realized something from it.

The Griffin Dynasty rose thousands of years ago and borders the Land of Miracles, Lake Nismont, the Theocracy of Dreams, the Free Territory of Adolf and the Chauvin Empire. It is the oldest empire in the Southwest Continent and one of the most powerful forces. , although its overall strength is slightly inferior to the Silver Alliance, which is united by dozens of forces, it is no less than the former with a relatively loose system in terms of population, military, and wealth. Its area is even equal to that of Adolf's Free Territory, The combined strength of the Dream Kingdom and the Chauvin Empire is extremely powerful.

But the Griffin Dynasty is also the most decadent force in the entire Southwest Continent. Thousands of years have made the majestic lion in the past become extremely sick and old. There are a large number of moths and moths in its body that are difficult to eradicate. There are countless hidden dangers lurking under the darkness and intricate factions. No matter how wise and powerful the monarch is, they are unable to restrain the rate of decay of the empire from within, not to mention the Blood Lion King Chiwetel who succeeded to the throne seven years ago. Emperor Logan is not a heroic and wise king, but a mad king who is addicted to the glory of the past.

As we all know, the Blood Lion Emperor has never faced up to the fundamental problems of his country. He has repeatedly stated in various public occasions that the empire's 'aristocratic problem' and 'corruption problem' that have been criticized by others are just a little bit of 'trivial flaws' ', are problems that exist in any country with a long enough history, and these problems cannot shake the glorious Griffin Dynasty at all.

He had never seen the darkness growing in the corners, nor could he smell the rotten stench that had permeated the empire for nearly a thousand years. He had never heard the wailing of the people, and he had never known that it had been distorted beyond recognition by the major wealthy families, and had turned into a book. He laughed at how unfair the imperial code was, and he didn't understand that beneath the bright appearance, the empire he was sitting on was actually declining rapidly. What kind of stench was exuding in more and more slums, and what kind of abuse was echoing.

The Blood Lion Emperor didn't even notice that the supreme royal power in his eyes had been eroded to nothing. He was so arrogant, arrogant, greedy, and conceited, and seemed to have all the characteristics of a subjugated king.

It's a pity that the possibility of Chiwetel Logan becoming the king of subjugation is really low, because the foundation of the Griffin Dynasty is too strong. No matter how rotten, no matter how rotten from the inside, no matter how angry the sky and the people are, from then on From an objective point of view, it is still extremely powerful, at least for an effect like the Chauvin Empire, which only has a history of hundreds of years. It is still powerful enough to suffocate Willow and Varez.

In addition to suffocation, there is also fear...

As for the reason for fear, it is very simple. It is really because the Chauvinist empire is too fat. Under the decades of management of William Bohe, who is known as the businessman king, although the comprehensive national strength is still not outstanding, the economic strength is. It is no exaggeration to say that if the Griffin Dynasty takes action to destroy Chauvin one day, even if it is just a rough robbery, it will be worth the tax revenue of its own dynasty for ten years.

And from a geographical point of view, Chauvin, which is located in the southeast corner of the Southwest Continent, is almost completely covered by Griffin Land. With the overall national strength differing by several levels, it is not surprising that it is suddenly destroyed by troops any day.

Putting aside the less lucrative era in the past, at least in recent years, Griffin has become increasingly greedy for Chauvin, who is well managed by William. The reason why he did not throw away his arms to grab money, food and territory, except for William ·In addition to the benefits Bo He provided to the great nobles in the dynasty, what was more important was the other 'neighbors'...

If the division rashly annihilates chauvinism without any reason, Griffin's originally not good reputation will immediately fall to the freezing point, and its neighbors who are not a threat individually, but who are united but cannot be underestimated, will definitely not If they just sit back and watch, not to mention how much management William has done over the years, he will still have to cause trouble for Griffin, even if it is based on the principle of losing his lips and teeth, and may even directly form an alliance to declare war on him.

So in the final analysis, whether it is the Blood Lion Emperor or Griffin's powerful nobles, there is only one reason why they dare not take action against the Chauvin Empire rashly - the impact is not good and it is easy to attract a lot of hatred.

But... what if you give them an excuse?

What's a legitimate excuse for being a famous teacher?

For example, the leader of Kangda, who was plotted against by the faint royal family, took the initiative to ask Griffin for help, hoping that they would send troops to destroy the faint king?

"No...it can't be..."

Varèse swallowed hard and looked up at the sin lord with a pale face, whose expression was still calm and calm. There was a large amount of cold sweat covering his back.

Willow's appearance was not much better. Although she was not trembling with fear like Varèse, she was still frightened and her pretty face turned pale with shock and confusion.

"It's just speculation, but at least in my personal opinion, there are too few reasons that can explain the rebels' delaying action. Among them, the possibility of bringing the Griffin Dynasty into the situation is the largest."

The Lord of Sin sighed softly and said with a wry smile: "Actually, it is understandable. The highly respected Princess Prince passed away early, and His Royal Highness the Prince and Duke Witham died one after another in a short period of time. Those who no longer have anyone to loyal to are holding back their passion. Loyalists who have no way to vent are not incapable of luring wolves into the house. Since they dare to rebel and put themselves to death, they obviously no longer care about the future of the empire. Revenge is the only thought of those rebel leaders, and Introducing Griffin to intervene is the most direct and craziest move."

Willow, who was born in Trone, lightly clenched her fists and said softly: "But will the Griffin Dynasty be so willing to be used as knives by those rebels? They..."

"They won't mind."

This time it was Varèse who answered her. He gritted his teeth with an extremely gloomy face and said, "Do you remember what the Duke told us before? That rotten lion has been waiting for this opportunity for too long. , as for being used as swordsmen, huh, as long as they are willing, they can find any reason to destroy those damn rebels, or they can kill and loot first, and then finish the superficial work to the end, no matter You can’t lose to them no matter what!”

Willow lowered her head and stopped talking.

"Okay, you two, it's too early to be pessimistic."

The Sin Lord who first proposed Griffin's intervention smiled and said, "This is just a guess after all. Even if it is true, Griffin will not be able to send legions into the empire in a short period of time. As far as I know , they have very few troops stationed in the southern border with our Chauvin, and the structures of other legions are also very bloated. In addition, those powerful nobles will definitely not come to a conclusion immediately, so it is far from the time to lose fighting spirit. If the other side can exert force immediately, why would the rebels waste their losses and delay at the border of their territory."

Willow pursed her lips, and finally adjusted herself quickly, nodded and said: "You are right, Your Excellency, then let's..."

"We now need a safe place for everyone to rest."

The haggard-looking Sin Lord raised his head and glanced at the increasingly dark sky, and said softly: "Even if there isn't one, one must be made."


The two nodded silently, their expressions still gloomy, because they all understood the truth, but in this area filled with countless rebels, it was not easy to find or create a place where people could rest peacefully.

At least they couldn't think of a way, so they just unanimously cast their hopeful eyes on the sin lord in front of them.

And the latter did not disappoint the two of them...

"I have thought of a way. Although it may not be safe, it is at least worth trying."

The Sin Lord narrowed his eyes slightly and turned his gaze to the terrain map he had just drawn casually: "Let everyone rest for a while, and then we set off..."


Game time PM19:05

Chauvinist Empire, somewhere in the northern territory of Prince Batlló's territory

"Your Excellency Lord Sin, this is..."

Varèse, who was walking at the front of the team with the Sin Lord, looked at the brightly lit small village in the distance under the night. He turned to look at the former with some uncertainty. After the seemingly irregular march before, he was already a little confused. I don't know where I am anymore. The only thing I know is that there seem to be fewer searchers than before, because the pace of the team has slowed down since half an hour ago, and the faint chill in the air is much less.

"Prince Batlló controls the northern territory."

Mo casually took the alchemy potion handed by his housekeeper from the side, took a sip, and said calmly: "We have left the Kangda Territory twenty minutes ago. If the layout of the rebels is based on the 'territory border' If we don't use 'general area' as a standard, then the town in front should be relatively safe."

[This is...Prince Batlló’s territory? 】

Varèse was a little surprised, but he was not too surprised. After all, from a geographical point of view, the area directly controlled by the royal family headed by Trenn, the territory of Prince Conda, and the territory of Prince Batello are all relatively close to each other. Among them, the territory of Prince Conda is relatively close. The western border is bordered by the area directly controlled by the royal family, and the southern border is bordered by the northern border of Prince Bartlow. The team of 500 people led by the Sin Lord originally planned to take a circuitous route to the southeast. If it changed its route to the south in the process, It’s not surprising that he arrived at Prince Batlló territory, which is a relatively close place, at nightfall.

All in all, this is definitely good news that can inspire people. After all, even Varez, the sub-commander running around under the command of the Sin Lord, does not know where he is, and those who are encircling and suppressing can detect it. The possibility of everyone moving is even lower.

Moreover, Prince Bartlow's territory is not the territory of the rebels, not to mention that Prince Bartlow, who has lived in the royal capital Troon all year round, is a staunch royalist. Under such circumstances, it is almost impossible for the rebels to extend their defensive front here. …

"That's not necessarily the case."

The Sin Lord, who had not ordered the large army to enter the town for a long time, did not agree with this view. Instead, he said solemnly to Varese and Willow who came from behind: "If the other party really does not hesitate to let Griffin The dynasty also wanted to 'revenge' His Majesty when they entered the game, so there would be no pressure to cross the border to the territory of Prince Batllo, especially since it is very close to the royal control area and the Kangda territory, so it can be used as a help Supplies can also serve as 'eyes', so we'd better not be careless."

The two nodded slightly: "Then what do you mean..."

"Let all the scouts hide themselves and spread out outside the town to monitor, and then let the knights surround it."

Lord Sin made the deployment without hesitation, and Varez and Willow immediately passed on these two orders.

Ten minutes later, accompanied by a burst of noise and exclamations, the remaining large troops appeared silently in the darkness and entered this seemingly ordinary town with vigilance.

"Rithlus Town?"

Mo, who was walking at the front, glanced at the wooden sign at the entrance and chuckled: "This name is quite interesting...

"Yeah, interesting."

Although they didn’t know why Lord Sin said this, Varez and Willow next to them still nodded in agreement with sincere faces.

A moment later, more than 400 people marched into the town square and lined up neatly under the surprised and fearful eyes of the townspeople.

"I suggest that everyone here be gathered in the square first, and the number of people will be checked first."

The Sin Lord, who had traveled all the way despite being sick, gently wiped his forehead, leaned on his cane and asked Varèse and Willow: "What do you think?"

Although the other party was just asking questions, how could someone who had seen the power of the Lord of Sin express different opinions? He quickly arranged a group of people and ordered them to gather the residents scattered throughout the town.

"Remember to be polite."

Sin Lord also gave a special warning and said gently: "After all, we are uninvited guests."


Everyone accepted the order, then quickly dispersed, and began to invite people forcefully but politely.

The town is not big, so this process did not take too much time. In less than half an hour, a large number of people had gathered in front of the square. At the same time, Varese and Willow also received messages from scouts outside the town. information……

Five low-level thieves dressed as ordinary townspeople and suspected of being rebels tried to escape to Kunda Territory, but committed suicide after being captured.

It's definitely not safe here...

Chapter 596: End

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