Quadruple split

Chapter 601 New stuff

The vast majority of people did not move. This was not because they were really afraid of getting their hands dirty, but because everyone was confused at the moment. Many people had not yet realized what the command "obey orders" meant by the Lord of Sin was. .

As for those who had contacted the preface and roughly guessed what would happen next, most of them were stuck in place like nails, hanging their heads desperately, trying their best not to let the sin lord notice themselves.

Only a few people walked out of the queue and actually took a step forward.

There are only a dozen or so of these people, and among them, in addition to those warriors who are truly enlightened, there are also a few people who have not yet understood the situation and feel that stepping out now can make a good impression on the new noble in front of them.

Willow and Varez both wanted to say something, but Lord Sin did not give them a chance and just named them lightly...

"Carlo, Andrea, Sami."

The three people left the crowd in silence and walked to stand in front of the Sin Lord.

"Emre, Alex, Blaise Sandro."

Another three people walked out of the team. Willow keenly noticed a detail in the process, that is, because there were two people named Bryce in this team, the Sin Lord specifically added his last name when he named him. .

[He...remembered everyone's names? I remember that he only took a look at the roster at the beginning. If it was just based on that look, it would be too...]

Willow was shocked. More than that, she found that Varez next to her also showed a surprised expression, apparently thinking the same thing as herself.

"Roddigo, Silver Ingot, Federico, Black Branch."

Four more people came out and lined up silently in front of the Sin Lord.

"Your Mightiness!"

Willow finally couldn't help it anymore and stared into the Lord of Sin's eyes with burning eyes. Although she didn't say a word, her eyes were extremely firm.

Varèse also looked over, standing straight like a javelin.

"okay, I get it."

Mo just smiled faintly and didn't ask any more questions. He just waved his hand gently: "Emre, Black Branch, go back."

The two people whose names were called for the second time were stunned, but they didn't say anything. They just turned around and walked back to the team silently. They breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, because although they knew what was going to happen, they didn't know what was going to happen. I thought I was good enough to take on the next 'task', but before and after I left the train, looking at the frightened faces in the square, I started to struggle again.

In the end, they were ordered to return to the team by the Lord of Sin, which made the two of them feel a little lucky.

Obviously, in the process of selecting people, Mo was not as simple as just giving out a few names. First of all, those who did not understand their status were not selected. Those who were brave except for Emre and Heizhi who started to feel uneasy after being listed. Their names were not called, and then none of the women listed were called.

Willow and Varez were not fools. They both saw Lord Sin's intentions, so at this moment they were grateful to each other from the bottom of their hearts.

"The others dispersed where they were and found a place to rest."

The Sin Lord ordered again, and then narrowed his eyes and added: "Don't think wildly."


After a brief response, more than two hundred people immediately dispersed on the spot. Even those soldiers who didn't know what was about to happen were a little depressed by the surrounding atmosphere. They quickly turned around and left, having been working hard for most of the day. At this time, everyone's mental state is not good, and they really need to rest.

As for those who can’t rest just yet…

"You go to the outside edge of the square and wait."

The Lord of Sin waved away the eight people he had pointed out, then turned to look at Willow and Varez behind him who were hesitant to speak, and said with a smile: "There is still some time, what do you want to say?"

"Your Mightiness……"

Willow suddenly looked up at the other party, but after being silent for a while, she gritted her teeth and asked, "Why...why do you do this?"

The Sin Lord looked at her with some doubts and asked, "How to do it?"

"Just...that's the order you just said...that's not..."

Willow stumbled and spoke. Although the words were incomplete, they were not difficult to understand.

"Oh, that one."

The Lord of Sin understood the idea, but after hesitating for a long time, he spread his hands and said with a bitter smile: "Because I am a coward, so I let you two help me make the final decision. It may be said that I am deceiving myself, but it does make me feel... Feel better… I’m really sorry.”

Varèse was anxious at the time: "We didn't mean that, Your Excellency, since I came up with this idea, why do you still..."

"Because I'm just a little cowardly, and I haven't even lost my responsibility."

The Sin Lord interrupted Varèse lightly and said with a smile: "Duke Fossey entrusted everyone to me. If that's the case, this order is not mine to give. Should it be yours?"


Both of them were silent. That was what they thought at first, but they didn't expect that the Lord of Sin had already decisively issued the order before Varese finished expressing his position...

‘According to my observation’, ‘According to my judgment’, ‘Mr. Varèse and Ms. Willow have some complaints’, ‘I am qualified to ask you to obey orders’.

He used the above words to remove the two of them in a few words, taking all the responsibility on himself.

"We cannot risk the lives of more than 400 soldiers just for peace of mind."

The Sin Lord sighed softly, looked back at the townspeople gathered in the square, and said calmly: "After considering all the details and weighing all possibilities, this answer is actually not difficult to come up with at all. What is in front of us is actually a scale. On one side are more than 200 civilians mixed with unknown number of rebels, and on the other side are more than 400 soldiers including us. After abandoning the idea of ​​​​lucky, we can only choose one side after all. If you can't afford to take the risk, those innocent people are destined to die."

Willow's face darkened: "But this shouldn't be your responsibility alone."

"No, in fact, no one should be responsible for this kind of thing, including the rebels."

The Sin Lord smiled slightly, shrugged and said: "But if you must choose someone to give this order and bear this responsibility, believe me, no one is more suitable than me. Don't forget, you two are only directly affiliated with the Buddha. I am just an officer in Duke Sai's army, and I have a noble title, and I am even more fortunate to be appreciated by Grand Duke Garros. I have the same responsibility. If I am held accountable, I will at least have a chance to explain all this, but if If it were the two of you...with all due respect, if it gets too big, none of you will be able to escape unscathed."

Willow and Varez both opened their mouths, but no one said anything. After all, they did have this idea before, and they even slandered the Lord of Sin because of this in their hearts.

What's ridiculous is that this truth is now being used by the other party to convince them who were originally unwilling to do so.

For a moment, Willow and Varez both had mixed feelings.

It is true that there are not many stories of mass killings during covert operations in order to protect themselves or block information during the war. Even outside of this game, this kind of thing has happened in the history of real wars.

This has nothing to do with morality, good or evil, it is just a series of simple multiple-choice questions. Compared with "I die, you live," most people will still prefer "You die, I live."

Li Fu, who was still serving the Sin Lord as 'Daun Butler', lowered his head and smiled. He knew very well that from the moment Mo stepped into this town, the people here were actually doomed. , the difference is just what kind of process it needs to go through.

Then he witnessed the whole process with his own eyes. Although he kept a proper distance, it was meaningless to Li Fu, who had a lot of Tianzhu Mountain's secret skills. He saw a perfect performance completely, although he could only imitate it. He was vaguely aware of His Excellency's intention, but it did not prevent the 'Soul of Abel' from sincerely admiring the former.

To be honest, the details just mentioned are insignificant on the surface, but they are very likely to trigger a series of chain reactions that are not optimistic...

Of course, the so-called 'not optimistic' only refers to Li Fu Astor's previous position and has nothing to do with his current position.

Although this new partner was far less sincere than His Majesty William, and even made him feel a little shuddering, it was this shuddering that made him full of confidence in future cooperation...

What you care about is not who gave the order at all, but who made the decision. And no matter who investigates, no matter how many means they use to investigate, they can only hear what they want others to hear, and see him. He wants others to see what he wants others to know.

To be honest, when he made up his mind to stand by the side of the Sin Lord, the latter actually did not need to do anything extra to be invincible, but he still did not ignore any details or reveal any flaws.

[No one can stop him, not the rebels from Kunda's territory, not William Bohe... Tianzhu Mountain... maybe not either! 】

Li Fu Astor, who was ready to continue being 'Dawn', laughed silently, his eyes shining with excitement.

ten minutes later

The Sin Lord and the ten 'executors', including Willow and Varez, stood in front of the more than 200 people in the square, silently watching the frightened faces.

"Willow, Emre, take the children away."

Sin Lord silently drew out the long sword from his waist, his voice as cold as frost.


The two of them did not hesitate at all, but quickly walked into the crowd and carried out the order.

"You...what are you going to do?!"

A half-orc woman stared straight at her forcibly taken away child for a while, then suddenly howled at the top of her lungs: "Give Kai back to me! Give Kai back... uh..."

Bloody light burst out, and the moment the children who were taken away by Willow turned the first corner, the woman covered her neck and fell softly to the ground.

"twenty minutes……"

Mo gently shook off the blood on the tip of the sword and looked back at the eight people behind him: "Let's begin."

five minutes ago

Game time PM19:26

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, the chaotic and evil Merlin, who is about to enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

"It's 'night' again. Maybe I should reduce the frequency of spending time in the laboratory. Haha, those guys who only dare to play with eukaryotic genomes are not worth paying attention to."

A dirty old dwarf suddenly appeared in the corner of a thatched house. He had gray hair, and the short robe he was wearing was so dirty that it was difficult to distinguish the color. It also exuded a strange smell, and it was not because he had not taken a shower for a long time. The strange smell that will appear is something more weird and pungent.

"Material, material... you can never have too much material..."

He quickly lifted up the haystack under him, revealing a pile of bottles and cans that were as dirty as himself. He grinned, and after counting the pile of things at high speed, he picked up a few bottles. He stuffed his bag into it, then covered it with hay again, stood up and sneaked out.

Yes, there is never too much material, and he is going to find it now. Although there may not be any good opportunities at this time, it will be even more difficult to find people after midnight, especially after the two previous experiments. In the days after the body disappeared, those stupid mediocre people were very vigilant.

"You should feel honored to be the cornerstone of truth~"

The old man named Merlin muttered something and walked quickly on the street while carefully concealing his figure. A pair of bright light gray eyes kept looking at the surroundings, but...

"No one? Where did everyone die?"

At the moment when Merlin muttered in surprise, a faint wailing sound suddenly came from a distance, followed by a faint smell of blood.

【oh! There are dead people! 】

The old man's eyes lit up and he hurriedly staggered towards the center of the town.

Restless Town, Town Square


An old and sharp voice sounded in the distance, which seemed particularly abrupt among the wailing and curses.

With no trace of blood on his face, Varez looked back stiffly, only to find a crazy old dwarf man running towards this side. As he ran, he screamed excitedly: "Hey! Are you killing people!" You are killing people!"

Varèse did not hesitate, and immediately clenched the long sword that had been poured into dark red in his hand, and walked toward the old man as if fleeing. This would at least prevent him from looking back at the miserable scene behind him that was like a living purgatory. .


"I'll go take a look."

The Sin Lord, whose hands, face, and even his mask were covered in blood, was holding Varese's shoulders unsteadily.

Varèse knew that the strength of this gentleman was far inferior to his own, so the 'problem' that he could solve with one sword would probably require two or three swords. Coupled with his injuries, Varez seemed to be on the verge of collapse at the moment. , on the premise that he owed the other party a big favor, he immediately stopped, nodded and said: "Excuse me, sir."

So, Mo temporarily left the boring and sleepy killing center, and stopped in front of the old man covered in blood: "Player?"

"Yes, I am a player."

The old dwarf nodded indifferently, then continued to stretch his neck to look at the center of the square, and asked excitedly: "Are you killing people?"

"Yes, killing people."

"People from the town?"

"Yes, theoretically that includes you."

"It doesn't matter, but before you kill me, can you let me try this."

The old dwarf took out a dirty little black bottle from his bag and said hopefully and enthusiastically: "This can also kill people! Ideally, it can kill people much faster than you! I can give it to you! As long as it can kill people, I just need to watch the process of taking effect. Of course, it would be better if I could record the test conditions of different races. Then you can kill me if you want!"

"What's in the bottle?"

"It's good stuff."

"What good stuff?"

"A new thing that no one has seen before!"

"I see... Then just go and give it a try."

"Okay! By the way, help me get the paper and pen. You can remember what I say in a while. It doesn't matter if the writing is sloppy, I can understand it, okay? As long as you are willing to help, you can kill me later. "

"Of course, please, old gentleman."

Chapter 598: End

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