Quadruple split

Chapter 603 Final Chapter (II): The moon is dim and the night is dark

"I'm just getting ready to go back to the guild, do you want to come with me?"

Luna made the invitation casually.

[Alchemists Guild? I know this! 】

Mo Tan was overjoyed and immediately said that he had just finished his stroll and was about to go back.


The corners of Luna's mouth seemed to be slightly twitching, but the next moment she turned around and walked towards the exit of the inner city without any intention of waiting for Mo Tan.

The latter naturally followed quickly and was careful not to exceed the opponent's pace.

"how are things?"

Luna, who was walking in front, didn't seem to completely ignore Mo Tan and asked casually.

"It's okay. I'm going to Sumir with the joint support force to deal with the cultists in two days."

Mo Tan smiled and replied casually: "It's just soy sauce."

"Soy sauce?"

"Just paddling?"

"Go paddling in Sumir?"

"Uh... Paddling means to just follow along and not contribute to the work."

"Oh, that's right. It's rare that you haven't vomited blood recently."

Luna nodded slightly and said without looking back: "Good paddling."

Mo Tanqian laughed twice and did not continue the conversation.

"Wangyu is going with you?"

Luna asked again. She sometimes refers to Her Royal Highness Yuchen as the Saint, but because the two of them are relatively familiar with each other, she just calls her Wangyu when she forgets about it.

"She's not going."

Mo Tan shook his head and glanced at Zhan... well, he thought it was in the direction of the Battle Nunnery: "His Majesty the Pope asked her to stay in the City of Light. I think this is a good idea."

Luna looked back at him: "Really?"

So Mo Tan explained what he had just analyzed to Yu Chen again.

"Well, that's right."

Luna continued to walk steadily in front of Mo Tan, and she didn't know if she heard it. She just whispered softly after the latter finished speaking: "What about you, are you okay?"

"What questions can I have?"

"It will be troublesome if no one takes care of you, such as vomiting blood or fainting, right?"


"So, is it okay?"

"No problem, I have friends there."

Mo Tan sighed and responded ambiguously.

"What friend?"

"Fellow, he is a good man."

Holy mountain Sumir, lower area, snowfall slopes

"Ah sneeze!!"

Huo Yanyang sneezed violently, then continued to beat the war drum on his waist, smacking his lips and saying stupidly: "Which girl is thinking about me?"

The Wind Whispering Shaman in front folded his hands and shot out a string of dazzling lightning chains. He turned around and said loudly: "Yan Yang, don't be stunned, press forward with everyone, those blasphemers can't stand it anymore!"

"Fuck you!"

Huo Yanyang took a closer look. Sure enough, the group of muttering cultists not far away were retreating steadily under the power of elements summoned by dozens of shamans. Although they were temporarily defeated by their strange power, There were not many casualties, but it was impossible to escape unscathed. Two cultists who seemed to be slow to react had been shocked by the three-round Wind Fury Hammer and vomited blood. Seeing that they were about to die, they immediately rushed forward. Go forward, beat the bloodthirsty war drum with your hands, and shout the group amplification war song in your mouth, which makes the warriors in front tremble, and under the cover of the shamans, they smash the cultists back. .

"Ice~ freezes all blades and damage, and the whirlwind roars across the messy battlefield~"

After re-energizing the warriors, Huo Yanyang howled out a [Storm War Hymn] using a tune he found online. Although it was not very powerful, the storm that was summoned out of thin air still blew away a few cultists. He had to stagger around and keep retreating in the cold wind.

If the same war song is sung by a Wind Whisper Shaman of the same level, it can at least summon a small-scale snowstorm. However, after all, Huo Yanyang's main job is just a war sacrifice. Although the Wind Whisper Shaman also has more than ten levels, But in terms of power, I can't praise it.

But it doesn't matter, because he is not the main force of this defense line. The moment the [Storm War Song] roared out, the Earth Prophet in the center of the team had already raised the sacrificial hammer and waved it down silently.

A giant rock python nearly ten meters long burst out of the ground with a roar, and swallowed up even the Whispering Cultists who couldn't dodge. Then, with a sudden sweep of its tail, it knocked seven or eight more enemies off the cliff. Finally, with a soundless roar, After roaring, he rushed into the enemy formation and exploded with a bang!


The leader of the team, the Bishop of the Whispering Sect, made a prompt decision. After muttering something in a low voice, he actually bounced away a large number of boulders filled with violent power, protecting most of the people around him, and then decisively ordered a retreat.

On the other side, the Earth Prophet who wasted a lot of money also signaled everyone not to pursue too hard. After killing a few miscellaneous fish that couldn't escape, he reorganized his team and retreated to the slope.

Then came the transportation, treatment, and burial of the wounded and dead. Everything was carried out in an orderly manner.

This has been Huo Yanyang's daily life in Sumir these days, but he still has difficulty adapting...

"Damn it, these bastards!"

Huo Yanyang reached out and closed the eyes of an orc warrior with whom he had chatted a few hours ago, and cursed angrily.

"Don't be carried away by anger, Yan Yang."

The highly respected Earth Prophet gently patted the apprentice who was his friend's cousin's second sister's secret crush, and said with relief: "The Holy Religion Union is already organizing manpower, and support will be here soon."

"Ok, I know……"

Huo Yanyang, who had received the news from Mo Tan a long time ago, nodded slightly, and after the Earth Prophet left, he turned his head and glanced to the south where the Holy Domain was, and spat: "The Holy Religion Union, bah, if it weren't for Mo Tan and Yuchen is here, so I have to scold you a few times to get the pleasure."

At the same time, the holy mountain Sumir and the babbling city were in silence.

"The opponent's morale is very high during this period..."

In front of the long table, a man shrouded in a black cloak sighed softly, and said in a hoarse voice: "It is said that the people of the Holy Religion Union have recalled 30% of the combat force over Guillotine Cliff. The situation is not good."

"With all due respect, Archbishop Eden."

Another voice came from the bottom of the long table, and his tone was extremely solemn: "It's time for us to concentrate all the power of the Northeast Diocese. We have not been able to complete the task for so long. Even if this is the home of the Holy Religion Union, we It is still possible for the Lord to send down His wrath, so..."

"I'm already doing it, but it will take time to get all the believers here."

The man known as Archbishop Eden interrupted the other party coldly, then cast his gaze to the other side of the long table, and hesitated for a while before asking: "Harry, how is the situation in other parishes..."

"The northwest diocese is just like before, still a mess; the southeast diocese has been hit to a certain extent some time ago. The Marshall family, which our Lord had high hopes for, has been destroyed. The emeritus bishop Buffy Marshall is missing and is suspected to be dead."

Harry said shortly.

Archbishop Eden nodded silently, and after a while he asked reluctantly: "So, what about the Southwest Diocese?"

"Ambitious and ready to go,"

Having said this, the cultist named Harry paused for a moment, and then continued after a while: "They seem to value the new believer very much."

"The young man who was said to be favored by our Lord just after being baptized?"



Archbishop Eden snorted coldly and said insincerely: "This is really pleasing."

Dreamland Theocracy, Underground Church

"Oh, this is really happy~"

The human man with long black hair smiled playfully. He stood in front of a huge wall-mounted map. He was wearing a silver trench coat with the emblem of the Dreamland Church. He had delicate features and a somewhat feminine temperament. He had a A monocle, slender phoenix eyes are always smiling, giving people a very comfortable feeling, but only at the first glance...

From the second glance, the squinting eyes that seem to be always smiling will only make people feel weird, twisted and weird, like someone wearing human skin... something else.

"Well, Staff Officer Lamorlock, you are referring to..."

A middle-aged man who also had the emblem of the Dreamland Theocracy on his robe looked at the other person in confusion.


The young man known as Lamorlock turned his head and asked with a smile: "You don't know?"


"Then why don't you die?"


The other party was immediately stunned, and his face instantly turned ugly.

"Sorry, just a joke."

Lamorlock smiled, then looked at the map in front of him again, and said softly: "You should have noticed that Griffin has transferred the third legion at the border of the Eastern Territory and the Land of Miracles, as well as the guards. The Seventh Mixed Army Corps is in the Western Region and is moving south."

"Yes, it is."

The man nodded immediately, his expression still not very good, because what the other person just said was exactly what he had just reported.

"Combining the information about the deaths of Prince Kunda Bohe and Duke Wetmu Bohe of the Chauvin Empire some time ago, I suddenly discovered something very interesting."

Lamorlock no longer looked at the map on the wall, but picked up the teapot on the table and poured himself a cup of fragrant black tea. He said slowly: "Some interesting changes have happened in the south. It is said that the man who has never committed a crime has His Majesty William, who had made a mistake, seemed a little overwhelmed, but the hungry lion smelled something and opened his eyes greedily..."

The man was stunned for a moment, frowned and said, "Are you referring to the Chauvin Empire and the Griffin Dynasty?"

"Yes, I think there should be no other 'His Majesty William' and 'Lion'."

Lamorlock took a sip of the cup of overly rich black tea and said with a smile: "Find someone to pay attention to the intelligence of the Chauvin Empire. If there is really something going on there, it shouldn't be kept secret for too long. As for the dean, tell me He, Staff Officer Ramolok, has been feeling unwell recently and will not go to see him in the past two days. By the way, he asked him to transfer half of the several legions stationed in the south to relieve the pressure on the lion, that's it."

The man nodded first, but did not leave immediately. Instead, after a long silence, he said hesitantly: "But, Mr. Staff... you directly captured a county in Griffin not long ago, and now you Wouldn’t it be a bit..."

"Of course there's nothing wrong with that."

Lamorlock shook his head, and then said with a leisurely and meaningful expression: "I think you should know the reason very well, don't you?"

The man swallowed hard, leaned over and bowed, then turned and left.

Of course he knew the reason. In fact, at this moment, everyone wished that Lamorlock would stop participating in anything for the time being. It would be best to calm down for a while.

What's the specific situation...

Let's put it this way, under the active provocation of the Griffin Dynasty, the guy who is currently serving as the general staff of the Army of the Dreamland Theocracy captured an entire county for the Theocracy at almost no cost. However, according to the post-war According to statistics, the population of that county has dropped by 80%. To put it simply, there are not many living people left.

Although this matter has not been publicized, and no one except the Griffin Dynasty and the Dream Kingdom knows about it, it still puts great pressure on the top management.

As for Lamorlock himself, he just casually said "the war situation requires" after the explanation. The smile that seemed to be fixed on his face did not waver at all, and it seemed that he did not take the countless human lives seriously.

In fact, he didn't take it seriously...

"The chauvinist empire~"

Lamorlock, who was leaning on the table, turned his attention to the map on the wall again, a flash of madness flashed in his smiling eyes, and drank the red tea in his hand: "Oh, I sincerely hope that you Move faster, otherwise I may not be able to control myself, please drag the lion away bit by bit..."

Chavin Empire, southern border of Kangda Territory, nameless slope land

"The movement is too slow..."

Mo stood at the highest point of the slope with his hands behind his hands, looking coldly at the temporary station not far away, and said calmly: "At the current speed of advancement, the Griffin Dynasty will definitely intervene before the counter-rebellion forces push to the Royal Thorn Castle."

Li Fu, who was standing behind Mo, frowned and said softly: "But Your Excellency, the current speed should have reached the limit. The number of rebels that Arthur Bohe and Duke Fossey are currently facing are ten times as many as here. Above, if we speed up the process, the other two fronts will be completely disconnected."

Mo didn't pay attention to Li Fu's analysis. He just turned his head and glanced at him slightly. He raised his hand and threw over a roll of exquisitely sealed parchment letter: "You can go there again later and pretend to be a scout to find Arthur Burke." He, give this to him, and he will tell you what to do next.”

"Okay, then Duke Fossey..."

"Just let him continue to do what he is supposed to do and make no unnecessary moves until further instructions are given."


"Go ahead and don't forget to deal with the person you pretended to be when you come back."

"I know."

Li Fu bowed slightly to greet Mo, and then left quietly.

A few seconds later, with a clear snap of his fingers, an identical 'Butler Dawn' appeared behind Mo. His appearance and temperament were no different from the original one.

Mo stood there for a while, then opened his friend list, found the name 'Jiawen' in it, edited a short message and sent it...

In the center of the Innocence Continent, at the edge of the dark forest

"So, what kind of world mission is this?"

Luen Hiran, who was squatting on the treetop, complained in a low voice, turned his head and glanced at the three teams that plunged into the dense forest again. He sighed while maintaining his epic longbow, and kept sighing in his heart. Why is the gap with others so big? Why are the world missions that Mo Tan, Yu Chen and Xiao Yu received in Misha County so exciting, but the one I received is so boring that it makes people feel moldy.

Of course, complaints are complaints. Kang Lan, who has investigated the world mission rewards, is not sloppy at all. These days, he is so dedicated that he is not like a casual party. Even his favorite professional player passed by here and did not stick to it. This shows the importance attached to it.

"But that being said, are there really so-called 'idlers' who would just go deep into the jungle without any care?"

Kang Lan smacked his lips and hung himself upside down on a branch and swayed lazily: "The Dark Forest is not a forest of elves. It has never been a tourist saint... Damn, there are really people here!?"

To be continued

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