Quadruple split

Chapter 611 The Second Applicant

[Sure enough, it is still difficult to guarantee unity. No, let alone unity, even the most basic state of balance and communion is very easy to be broken. Just now it was obvious that Salia was in charge, but now it has unknowingly changed. Became Remilia...]

[Although it cannot be said that there is no progress, if it continues like this, even if it is trained for another hundred years, it may not be completely synchronized. As for fusion, it is even more of a joke. 】

[Oh, is it because she has received too much stimulation during this period...]

[Let’s take a closer look. This perfect case that was delivered to us cannot be ruined at once~]

Mo Tan had already weighed the matter in a flash, and then smiled softly and held Lesa's cold delicate hand: "Be good, be obedient, who do you think I am doing all this work for?"


The beautiful and charming blood seeker pursed her thin lips, held Mo Tan tightly with a pair of weak and boneless hands, and whispered: "I still want you to stay with me."

Jun Wu and Weiyang both cast strange glances at Mo Tan. They already knew Lesa's NPC identity. However, seeing the atmosphere between the two people that would make anyone think too much, they naturally took it for granted. I thought the second uncle had tricked the blood seeker lady.

Not to mention species and other minor issues that are not a big deal in the Innocence Realm. What happens between players and NPCs? This is totally inter-dimensional online dating!

And there are system restrictions there, so if something is going to happen, it shouldn’t happen at all! How on earth did this guy do it?

Plato! ?

"Hey, I understand. Then I'll have a meal with you here before I leave."

Mo Tan fondly pressed his forehead to Lessa's, raised his arms and wrapped his arms around the latter's shoulders, smiling: "But I have to leave after eating, you know, only when the matter is completely resolved Only then can you truly get down safely. If you want me to accompany you, won’t you have as many chances as you can after my car kills your whole family?”


Lesa wrinkled her nose a little aggrievedly, and finally nodded with a slight blush: "Yes, I understand!"

【Master! ! 】

Jun Wu saw that Mo Tan had coaxed the little blood seeker sister who was just like a peerless overlord flower into submission with just a few words. His whole body was at ease, and then he couldn't help but start thinking about how he was playing this game. Are there any problems with my thinking?

Not to mention that I am also a fresh and handsome boy in reality. Even in the world of innocence, my appearance is very good. Although Tan Mo is not bad in appearance, he should be more handsome and elegant. It’s important to be competitive. Why did it only take three months for such a beautiful, charming and well-educated girl to be my wife, but I could only be miserable behind the counter reading books every day? There is no time! This is not fair! Is there any royal method?

Jun Wu sighed, then glanced at Weiyang subconsciously, and sighed again.

I have to say that with such an eye-catching sister hanging around every day, there are really not many opportunities for online dating. Whether it is a player girl or an NPC girl, if you don't know, you will definitely think that you and Weiyang are the same. They're a couple, so...that's why they don't come to flirt with me! hateful!

This guy seems to be a little bit excited.

"What are you looking at?"

Weiyang, who didn't think much about it, just glanced at him strangely, then took the lead in holding up her skirt and walked to the door, greeting Mo Tan and Leisha: "Then let's go downstairs and have lunch together. It costs money. Oh."

"Easy to say."

Mo Tan smiled, then hugged Lesha and followed Weiyang downstairs.

Jun Wu had no choice but to stop his rambling thinking, weakly stood up and went back to the lobby downstairs with the three of them. After saying hello to Crowe who was busy settling accounts, he sat in the corner with Mo Tan and the others.

"Xiao Liu~"

Weiyang waved to the intern Liumu Chenkobel who was also very busy, and shouted crisply: "Let's have a piece of the most expensive food in our store, and give it to the uncle and auntie."

Xiao Liu looked back in despair and said bitterly: "Sister Weiyang, the drinks are fine, but the food is really hard to prepare. There is no one in the kitchen!"

"Why is there no one in the kitchen?!"

"You are the only chef here!"

"Uh, I forgot, we haven't found the cook yet."

Weiyang patted his head, rolled his big eyes twice, and stared at Crowe, who had just taken a break and was studying the menu behind the counter, and shouted quickly: "Hey! Who can you cook?"

Crowe raised his head helplessly and shook his head slightly while trying not to meet Mo Tan's eyes: "I'm good at doing accounting and moving things, but I'm really bad at cooking."

"Okay, okay, I will go get you something to eat right now."

Weiyang sighed helplessly, fluttered his wings, stood up and walked to the kitchen, saying without looking back: "As promised in advance, my skills are average, so you can eat whatever I cook."

Jun Wu, the younger brother, naturally wouldn't say anything, and Leisha didn't care much about it in her current state. First, her mind was on Mo Tan, and she wished she could finish the meal as late as possible. Second, Blood seekers' demand for regular food is just to satisfy their appetite. Blood is the staple food for people with special physiques. As long as they are not greedy, it doesn't matter if they don't eat ordinary meals for ten and a half days. There is no requirement for quality.

As for Motan...

"Haha, don't worry."

He leaned back on the chair extraordinarily calmly, patted Lesa's thigh leisurely and said with a smile: "I am a man who has tasted hell with my own mouth. The mortal level of 'poor craftsmanship' is not enough evidence, even if you If you put salt into sugar and soy sauce into white vinegar, as long as the power is less than 31g of TNT equivalent, my taste buds will not be shaken in the slightest."

Weiyang, who was halfway there, looked back in confusion and asked for directions: "What is the equivalent of thirty-one grams of TNT?"

Jun Wu, who knew a lot about this aspect, laughed: "It's the power of the explosion. To explain it simply, the power of a nuclear weapon explosion is roughly equivalent to the equivalent of 20 million tons of TNT explosives, and the equivalent of 31 grams of TNT he just mentioned ...Well, it’s probably equivalent to the explosive power of an anti-infantry mine.”

"Just blow it."

Weiyang made a face at Mo Tan, obviously not taking this truth that any discerning reader would know seriously.

Mo Tan didn't explain, he just pretended to be an expert and continued to touch Lesa's smooth thighs.

At this moment, just as Weiyang was about to go to the kitchen to cook something awesome for Mo Tan, a fiery figure suddenly rushed in from outside, holding a leaflet in his hand and shouting: "I heard that we are recruiting people here, is it true?"




Weiyang, Jun Wu, Mo Tan and a dozen other customers all turned to look at the applicant at the door who didn't know how pitiful this store was.

It was a human girl who looked very energetic. She had a beautiful face and delicate features. She had a pair of rare snow-green eyes. Her long, smooth black hair was simply tied into a single ponytail. She was wearing a suit that looked strange. The not-so-luxurious combination of warm-colored blouse and long skirt is not stunning, but it makes people feel very comfortable.

"Sorry, we already hired someone not long ago."

As the boss here, Jun Wu naturally had to express his feelings. He immediately stood up and smiled apologetically at the girl, thinking to himself, 'Oh, this girl is quite handsome! ’

"Although I'm no longer in a hurry to recruit people, would you like to have something to drink to save yourself the unnecessary trip?"

Weiyang greeted the girl in a particularly friendly manner, thinking to herself, 'Hey, this girl is quite handsome! ’

"Little sister, do you want to share a table? I'll treat you."

The half-orc brother from the Ox Tribe who had been fed white water by Xiao Liu laughed and thought to himself, ‘Oh, this girl is quite handsome! ’

Mo Tan looked at the energetic and pretty girl calmly, with an elusive and weird smile on his face, thinking to himself, 'Hey, I really know this girl~'

Yes, although they have been separated for more than three months, it is natural that Mo Tan, a girl who was very active in the battle of Misha County as his adjutant, could not fail to recognize her. You must know that the two of them had communicated through good friends a few days ago. They had chatted, and although most of the time they were spent on one-sided teasing and inquiring about Yuchen's progress with him, it was enough to prove their familiarity.

There is no doubt that even if all the interpersonal relationships under the personality are integrated, 'Yu Ying' is definitely one of the people with whom Mo Tan has the best relationship in the world of innocence. Although they have not been together, they After all, they have the revolutionary friendship of carrying a gun together. If you exclude the group of relatives and friends headed by Yi Dong in reality, and put aside the messy entanglements between Futaba and herself, Yuying has no doubt that Mo Tan has the best relationship. One of the netizens.

Of course, the character sitting here at this moment is 'Tan Mo' and not 'Hei Fan', so this level of familiarity is only one-sided, and for Mo Tan under his current personality, he is a 'good netizen' The meaning of a relationship of this degree is basically equivalent to nonsense. After all, let alone online games, even Yidong, a gay friend and childhood friend, has been cheated by the current Mo Tan countless times.

[…Heh, whatever, I don’t hate this kind of development. 】

While Mo Tan absentmindedly scratched Lesa's black silk stockings with his nails, he looked at Yu Ying at the door with interest, and the corners of his mouth drew an arc of unknown meaning.

"You... stop making trouble!"

Lisa blushed and slapped away Mo Tan's paw, then silently grabbed the latter's hand that was pushed aside and squeezed it tightly, whispering: "Are you interested in that girl?"

Obviously, Lesa, who has been with Mo Tan day and night for a while, already has a certain understanding of this guy.

At least that's what she thinks...

"kind of."

Mo Tan smiled playfully.

"You...can't be more serious!"

Lesa wrinkled her nose, and her pretty face turned red and she looked stunned at how many guests were sitting next to her.

At the same time, Yuying trotted up to Weiyang with a smile and shook the flyer in her hand: "Sister, don't say that. One silver coin a day for food and accommodation is already very low. Either way, as long as you take her in As for me, you don’t need to pay even a single silver coin, just take care of food and accommodation.”

[This woman...is quite willing to go out...]

Mo Tan was rarely surprised, because he knew very well how Yu Ying was a person who valued money as much as his life. He was a man who even planned to steal and sell his roommate's underwear to pay for weapon maintenance. He was also the one who first worked for the Misha County Joint Force. In order to get a small reward for the task, such a person is willing to give up money...

Either adultery or theft!

This was Mo Tan's first reaction.

The two talkers at Wuye Branch were stunned for a moment, and then Weiyang looked at Jun Wu with a particularly confused look. Although she was the sister, Jun Wu always made the decision on such matters.

"Well, what, I'm the boss here, let's talk."

Jun Wu coughed slightly and waved for Yu Ying to come over, while Weiyang strolled into the kitchen and sent Crow to the ground floor to bring up the ingredients while humming a song to make food.

Yu Ying immediately ran over in a friendly manner, pulled out a chair and sat down next to Jun Wu. She first looked at Mo Tan and Leisha seemingly casually, and then extended her small hand to Jun Wu with a smile. :"Good day, boss."


After all, the latter was not as unscrupulous as Mo Tan's current personality. In addition, he was a relatively shy young man in reality, so he just shook Yu Ying's hand politely and said seriously: "Why? Would you choose this place? To be honest, the treatment at our night-free zone hotel has no advantage over other hotels."

In fact, what he said was completely putting money on his own face. When it comes to salary, it is definitely not as simple as having no advantages. Take the salary on the recruitment flyer as an example. Even the poison wholesaler in the sewer district has the worst business. Shops can provide benefits that are ten times higher than the above. You must know that in the Free City, the prices are no joke. The difference between a reward of one silver coin a day and no reward is so small that it can be ignored. , only Boss Jun, who has almost no bottom line in doing business, can figure it out.

In fact, the purpose of the recruitment advertisement was not to recruit people at all, it was just a gimmick. The fundamental purpose was actually to make others curious about "how weird is that store that only gives out one silver coin a day", and thus to increase customer flow.

Finally, someone actually came!

Crow's identity has been exposed by the second uncle, and the details are relatively clear. What kind of trouble is this girl who doesn't seem to be mentally retarded?

"Hey, how can you say there is no advantage~"

Yu Ying grinned, blinked and said, "Didn't you note on it that 'in addition to the basic salary, you can also get commission based on performance'?"

"Uh, you mean..."

"Don't underestimate my business ability! I have a lot of ideas here! I guarantee that our store will make a lot of money."

"Uh...what about?"

"Tsk tsk, for example...well, have you heard of maid costume? Forget it, boss, you must have never heard of it, but it doesn't matter. As long as you are willing to try my idea, I guarantee that we..."

"There are twenty sets in the storage room that I made myself. You can go change your clothes now. Here is the key."

Jun Wu casually took out a key from his pocket and threw it to Yu Ying, then raised his index finger and pushed up his glasses...

"You want a commission, right? When you go to the door of the store, call 'Master' to attract customers. Let me see your business ability. If you are qualified, I will hire you. The commission will be calculated from every order you get, one order. 1% charge, and 5% more for drinks that cost more than ten gold coins. Tips are up to you, and 3% for repeat customers. That's it, go to work."


Chapter 604: End

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