Quadruple split

Chapter 617 Revolving Lantern

【Where...is this place...where am I...】

The confused Harper Ramsay tried to open his eyes, but found that he could not feel his body at all. He tried hard to perceive everything around him, but everything around him did not give him any feedback, whether his mental power or existence existed. Regardless of the unknown vision, all that can be sensed is silence and darkness.

No smell, no temperature, no gravity, nothing.

Even Harper Ramsay, who has lived for nearly a thousand years, has never seen this feeling like a lost ghost.

Apart from being able to force himself to think, he could do nothing...

[Is this the world after death? 】

But the old man, who had already given up his heart, was not afraid. He just sighed silently in his heart, calmly and indifferently.

However, at this moment, a faint light suddenly appeared in the distance, surprising Harper who was about to stop thinking.

At the same time, there was a vague noise in the distance, as if many people were talking loudly. Harper tried to hear what those people were saying, but to no avail, but he could not stop the intermittent chatter. The noise reaches his ears.

Wait...in the ears?

When he suddenly discovered that he could feel his hearing organs, the light in the distance suddenly zoomed in, filling his entire field of vision in an instant, and then...

"Hey Ramsay, it's a boy!"

Harper saw a woman with a blurred face shouting happily into the distance, then gently picked herself up, and while wiping her body with pleasant hot water, she looked at the other person outside her field of vision. One person smiled and said: "Ada, thank you for your hard work. The little guy is very healthy."

【Ada? 】

Harper was stunned for a moment, shocked.

The next second...

"Thank you, Bai Shuang, please... let me see him quickly."

A voice that he thought he had long forgotten sounded very close, and Harper's thoughts suddenly froze completely.

The blurry world in the field of vision shook twice, and an outline that seemed to be covered with a layer of mist appeared.

Harper struggled to open his eyes wide. Finally, the person in front of him gradually became clear. That was...


He felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and for a moment he felt mixed emotions, and he had an extremely strong urge to cry loudly.

"Wow wow wow wow!!!"

Then he really burst into tears.

"Haha, this kid is really energetic~"

"Hey, Bai Shuang, let his father come in. He definitely wants to see his son with his own eyes."

"Hey! Idiot Ramsay, you can come in!"

"Ahhh! Ada! I'm so glad you're okay Ada!"

"Haha, it's because Bai Shuang is there..."

"So this wrinkled, monkey-like little guy is our little Ramsay?"

"White frost..."


"Kick him out."


Amidst the lively and familiar noise, the world before Harper Ramsay's eyes became blurry.

"Sneaking into the kitchen to cause trouble again!"

The mother, who was exactly the same as in her memory, blocked herself in a corner, squatted down, glared, and feigned anger: "Little Harper, what are you going to do?"

Needless to say, of course...

"I want to cook!"

That's right, there can't be any other answer, it can only be this!

"No, you're not cooking, you're cooking the kitchen, dear."

Mother held her forehead and sighed, holding her hand and walking back to the smoke-filled kitchen: "Let me teach you..."

A cold light flashed in the air, and the wild birds that were late two seconds ago had fallen evenly into the porcelain bowls in front of them, with wings, legs, breasts, necks, heads, claws, and internal organs scattered neatly. On the cooking table, blood oozed out after a while.

"Eight swords flash!!"

The flower elf woman sitting not far away exclaimed and looked at her mother standing beside her in shock, her tone full of disbelief: "How old is little Harper!"

"He's not even close yet."

The mother smiled reservedly, but even if she didn't look back, she could guess that her eyes were full of joy and pride.

"What? You want to travel away from home? A cooking trip?!"

The father, who had always had no idea, widened his eyes and waved his arms helplessly: "But...but aren't you already very good? And your mother still has many skills to teach..."

"I'm not even close yet, Father."

Harper held up the salute that he had secretly arranged, smiled faintly, then glanced at his mother standing next to his father, and muttered in a low voice: "Mom is not far behind, her cooking is too rustic."

"What did you say..."

"Okay, I think little Harper is quite ambitious."

The mother patted her father on the shoulder, with a hint of loneliness on her face that she didn't notice at the time. She smiled and waved her fist at herself: "You have to work hard."

"Wow! Your craftsmanship is great!"

The human girl with short blond hair held the piece of barbecue in her hand as if she had found a treasure, and wiped her saliva with her sleeve in a very unladylike way: "Isn't Nikachu super unpalatable?!"

Sitting by the fire, I glanced at the man with disdain: "There are no bad ingredients, only bad cooks."

"Tch! You can make a meal out of this stone!"


"Hehe, you have nothing to say. I'm going to catch another Nikachu and come back. Can you make it for me?"

"You should be full by now."

"But I'm greedy!"

"Not interested in."

"Then I won't protect you anymore. You can walk out of this wilderness by yourself."


"Haha, wait until I come back!"

Although her appearance was not outstanding, she was extraordinarily beautiful in his eyes that day.

"Always stay with me."

He gently stroked her cheek and whispered in her ear in what he thought was the most magnetic voice: "I will cook whatever you want."


"Kissing you doesn't mean I want to be by your side all the time."

She curled up in her arms and winked slyly.


"Just because I like you doesn't mean I want to be by your side all the time."

"Jiajia, you..."

"Even what happened just now doesn't mean that I am willing to stay with you forever."

"but I……"

"Shh, don't talk."

She tapped her index finger on her lips, and her eyes with faint tears flashing were getting closer and closer...

In the fifth year after she left, and the third year after she rushed into the permanently frozen ice field to search for [Cold Meteor Steel] to strengthen kitchen utensils, a letter that was a year and a half late was finally delivered to her after several twists and turns.

‘Go home when you have time, your mother wants to see you one last time. ’

The short sentence above, which didn't look very beautiful, made my heart, which I thought had been numb for a long time, feel again.

Severe pain like tearing...

The moon of song is cold, the piece of [Celestial Cold Meteor Steel] in my arms is cold, my mother's flower monument is cold, but my father's eyes are colder than the first three.

From that day until the day before Ramsay Sr.'s death, father and son never spoke a word to each other.

My father passed away in the early morning of my mother's 329th death anniversary.

In the previous half day, he had a long chat with his already famous son.

He didn't mention any kitchen-related topics, but casually talked about interesting anecdotes from his childhood, talked about his encounter with his mother, talked about a lot of bullshit that could be seen through at a glance, and finally asked about his feelings and inquired about where he was. Are there any erotic stories over the hundreds of years?

He told him that more than three hundred years ago, he once fell in love with a girl.

The father asked, what next?


Then that girl disappeared without a trace one day, but he still couldn't forget her and still loved her.

The father asked, what happens next?

Of course there would be no further consequences. After all, the other party was just a human being with a lifespan of only a hundred years.

"Is that so..."

My father was stunned for a long time, then suddenly laughed and said: "It turns out that everyone we love is no longer alive."

He nodded silently, his heart filled with a heavy feeling of guilt.


"I'm much luckier than you, at least I can always be by her side."

The father who was lying on the bed smiled, his expression still as dull as ever. He gently held his hand that was pressed by the bed and whispered: "I'm sorry, I'm too childish. I have been angry with you for so many years."

I am the naive one.

Just when I was about to say this, I found that my father had slowly closed his eyes.

"Let me rest for a while."

He said.

And then never woke up again.

Many years later, his name has resounded throughout the continent, at least in the chef world of the entire continent. Except for a few old opponents who are not talented enough but work hard enough, no one can compare with him in the field of cooking. ,but……

When I had just reached middle age, my physical condition and mental state were indeed deteriorating. In the end, even the feast I cooked with my own hands became tasteless.

No, that is the only value of my existence.

I don’t know how many times I reminded myself in the mirror.

But miracles will never come to a person who has given up deep down in his heart.

Game time PM19:45

"Grandpa Harper! Grandpa Harper!!"

Amidst the girl's helpless call, Harper Ramsay slowly opened his eyes.

Ji Xiaoge, who was so regretful that he wanted to chop himself in two, was immediately overjoyed. He hurriedly helped the old tree elf in front of him to a chair, held his hands tightly, and apologized incoherently...

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

"I overestimate my skills!"

"Are you still feeling uncomfortable in any way? Would you like me to find a pharmacist or a priest?"

"I, I, I... I know I was wrong. You can punish me however you want. Otherwise, you can give me a beating. Even my father has never beaten me."

"You...if you don't have the strength, I can just beat myself up!"

Ji Xiaoge's intestines are almost turning green, because in the past few months in Tianzhu Mountain, whether it was Femiguel, Lujiang or Cordoba, they could eat the food she cooked without changing their expressions, and he had [Self-produced and sold] Beside me, and the fact that I just made a very ordinary stir-fry, Old Harper also said that no matter how hard it is to swallow, it can be done, the stronger the taste, the better, so this girl just made I didn’t think much about it.

As a result, Harper, who had just eaten half of the shredded meat, collapsed in front of her and twitched on the floor for twenty minutes.

"Well, you little girl..."

Harper shook his head vigorously, raised his hand and scraped his ears before regaining consciousness, and looked at Ji Xiaoge with a twitching corner of his mouth: "What did you add to the dish?"

"Small...small chili peppers, ground grass, snow onions, stone beef tendons, white fish fillets..."

Ji Xiaoge lowered his head and reported more than a dozen materials.

Harper's eyes widened, and he reacted for a while before saying angrily: "Who are you lying to? How could these ingredients make something so unpalatable... unpalatable... uh... eh!?"

He was stunned for a moment as his speaking speed became slower and slower, then he yanked the plate of strange substance in front of him, picked up the spoon and stuffed it into his mouth.

Game time PM20:05

"Grandpa Harper! Grandpa Harper!!"

Under the girl's trembling call, Harper Ramsay opened her eyes again, with an excited smile on her face, and said loudly: "Ugh!!!"

"Grandpa Harper! Grandpa Harper!!"

Ji Xiaoge immediately poured a drink into the hands of the other party who was retching, and said in a panic: "Drink some water first."


"Drink water quickly!"

"Gulu, gulu... Kah! What the hell is this?!"

Harper's face turned purple after he drank half a glass of water. He waved the glass and said angrily to Ji Xiaoge: "Is this for people to drink? Although it's a little stronger than the plate of substance just now..."

Ji Xiaoge shrank his neck and timidly pointed to the teapot on the table: "Well...this is the drink you made yourself. I watched you drink this when I first came here."

"Well, okay, it tastes fucking awful."

The old man's expression suddenly became very exciting, and then he threw the cup in his hand out of the window along with the teapot on the table. He lowered his head and looked at the plate of cold dishes in front of him again. After a while, he hesitated and asked Said: "This thing really only contains the ingredients you mentioned?"

"Yes, yes! Please advise!!"

Ji Xiaoge nodded immediately. She noticed it when she saw the two legendary... well, legendary quality kitchen utensils in the kitchen. This old man who had lost his sense of taste was definitely not an ordinary person, or even Most likely a secret chef!

This kind of thing may not be noticed by ordinary NPCs at all, but for players, two legendary items named [Harper Ramsay’s Old Sauteed Spoon] and [Harper Ramsay’s Burnt Spatula] Kitchenware contains enough information.

"Advice is out of the question. I have to confirm first whether this thing really only contains the things you just mentioned."

Harper glanced at Ji Xiaoge indifferently and said in a deep voice: "If I find out that you are lying, huh..."

He didn't finish his words, he just carefully leaned down, put his nose to the plate of food in front of him, and took a deep breath...

Bang! !

"Grandpa Harper! Grandpa Harper!!"

Chapter 610: End

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