Quadruple split

Chapter 626 Big Fire Ball Ball Ball Ball Change

Ximen Spitfire feels very good at this moment. As a veteran player who has been playing the game 24 hours a day since the first week of Innocence's launch, he really likes this world that is almost the same as the real world. , and different from reality, the degree of freedom in this world is simply outrageous. Although there are still system restrictions in some areas, which is not a good thing, it is more likely to be red than spitting anywhere. The real world that Auntie Hoop dragged away is already very, very free.

And such an unfettered virtual world will naturally allow many people to reveal a side of themselves that they can only carefully disguise at ordinary times, and since they are usually carefully disguised, this side will naturally not be easy to see from an objective perspective.

For example, Ximen Spitfire is shouting "robbery" in high spirits at this moment. Outside the game, he is polite to people and serious and responsible. He is a good son in the eyes of his parents, a good senior respected by his schoolmates, and a good person mentioned by the leaders. He is a good partner in the eyes of employees and colleagues. Although he is not top-notch in terms of appearance, ability, etc., he will never make people feel unhappy. His personality is also quite gentle, calm and unobtrusive, which makes it easy for people to like him.

But that's not all he is...

Leaving aside the real world, the Ximen Spitfire on the Internet is a completely different person. He is arbitrary, self-willed, stubborn, vindictive, yin and yang, and even uses reasons such as skin color and region as an excuse to attack others. Socially Whether it's a vest on the platform or a virtual character in the game, as long as you have these things to protect you, Ximen Spitfire will immediately transform into another person. He has the psychological endurance to move, and never bothers with those vain people. He flirts with pretty girls when he sees them, grabs good things when he sees them, and beats people when he sees them ugly. He is just like a textbook-like real villain who is filled with a lot of people. It can be called a breath of fresh air in the online platform and virtual world of hypocrites.

[Anyway, the me here is not the real me. 】

Maintaining this mentality, Ximen Spitfire's gaming career in Innocence is equally unrestrained. Especially after being completely addicted to this game, Ximen Spitfire, who was already an experienced player, studied hard and finally became the first player. A group of first-line players who have reached level 40 or above in their main profession can be considered to have entered the high-level level based on the strength rating of the current world view.

However, due to the style of the game, this character named 'Ximen Spitfire' is naturally not a decent character. After all, a hypocrite is not a gentleman, and a true villain is a villain. After half a year, this old man managed to survive. He has become famous in the places where he has been, and he has gained notoriety.

But Ximen Spitfire never cared about being liked or disliked, because in his concept, this character had nothing to do with him. Even if people scolded Ximen Spitfire's eighteenth generation ancestor, he would not care about it. What can I do? Anyway, my surname is not Ximen, let alone fire breathing.

But then again, after playing the game for more than half a year, Ximen Spitfire naturally has a social circle in Innocence. Among them, he plays better with him. Of course, it can also be understood that there are three "friends" who share the same interests. They are called Dog Takes a Good Name, Huang Feifan and Auntie's Cappuccino...

No matter who these people are in reality, at least in the world of innocence, they get along quite well.

As for strength, Cappuccino, Huang Feifan and Ximen Spitfire are all level 40 players. Their main professions are thieves and monks respectively. Although they are not high players in the combat power rankings, they are still at the top of the pyramid among players. He is one of that group of people, and the dog has a good name because he entered the pit late, and his level is slightly worse. His main profession has just been upgraded to level 37.

As for why they fell into the trap, it was entirely an accident. One day half a month ago, Ximen Spitfire, Huang Feifan and the three dogs were going to the Anka Market to find cappuccino. People met a group of robbers on the road, but because the strongest of the dozen robbers were only mid-level, and there were also many unqualified trainee professionals among them, the result was naturally that they were killed by three who had already risen to 40 at the time. The level player was defeated, and after that, Ximen Spitfire, who found nearly a hundred gold coins from the robbers, suddenly had an idea and called out: "How about we start this kind of business too!"

As a result, the three people who had not killed all the robbers directly integrated this gang of green forest heroes, and even occupied their lair.

At this point, the three players who originally planned to go to Anka Market to meet up with their companions and experience the industry of adventurers have turned into robbers, and they also very intelligently played the trick of pretending to be pigs and eating tigers, although every time I have personally participated in every business, but I have never used my full strength.

I have to say that this is a wise decision. If Anka Market had learned that there was a group of bandits with three high-level professionals nearby, they would have issued an emergency mission to find someone to wipe them out.

Therefore, thanks to the caution of the three of them, the activities of the bandit group, which was not taken too seriously at first, went extremely smoothly. Not only did they rob many travelers and merchants, but they also robbed a large medium-sized caravan. Twice, I made a lot of money. Each of them even made a special trip to Anka Market to buy a set of equipment. Their strength increased even more. And because Amway's methods are quite modern, the bandit group secretly recruited soldiers. It went quite smoothly. Although not half a high-level professional joined, the total number of people has reached more than sixty. Not counting the trainees and low-level weaklings who are classified as logistics personnel, the number of mid-level professionals has reached nearly four. Ten people, for a group of low- to mid-level thieves committed to robberies, this is not a small group.

However, just a week ago, Ximen Spitfire and others learned through some channels that Anka Market was preparing to dispatch an official caravan and hired several adventurer teams to participate in the escort.

Probably the last time in a while...

After knowing that they had completely attracted the attention of the small-scale Anka Market, Ximen Spitfire and others were still confident that they could capture the third caravan without hiding their strength, but they also knew that after this robbery, After the end, Anka Market will definitely send people to clear out those who still dare to stay near Parcell Avenue. Therefore, they have discussed it a few days ago and are ready to pack up and leave after finishing this last move. .

As for their younger brothers, they can only rely on their own abilities afterwards.


Thinking that this might not be his last robbery in the near future, Ximen Spitfire, who had become somewhat accustomed to being a forest hero, suddenly felt a little melancholy, so after smashing the demon rift of Pars Blast Furnace, he followed Huang Feifan. He roared the same, and the giant sword in his hand was filled with red energy under the passive skill of [TM Bear's Power], coupled with Ximen Spitfire's extremely sexy [Spellbreaker Armor] ], looking very heroic.

"Stop us?"

Ximen Xiuhuo raised his eyebrows and snorted coldly while leaning on his giant sword: "It's just a fight between trapped beasts. Come on, boys!"

The dozens of bandits who came out were also very cooperative. With Ximen Spitfire's command, the long-range profession instantly launched a chaotic offensive. The pyroblasts, hailstones, and gravel summoned by the mage fell from the sky. The shaman Not to be outdone, chain lightning, bursting lava, and torrent rolled over, and the ranger's chain master and the shadow blade of the magic technique were also mixed in, making the scene look very gorgeous.

So gorgeous... Not only were the adventurers forced to retreat again and again, but even the melee professions who also belonged to the bandit group did not dare to step forward, for fear of being bombarded to death by one of their own.

"A bunch of idiots!"

A sinister voice rang out from the air, and he shouted sternly: "The warriors and knights were at the front and ran over. The other melee professions followed behind them, suppressing them from both sides from a distance. Don't use group damage skills. If anyone hits one of your own, I promise to kill him with my own hands."

The bandits immediately became excited and quickly arranged themselves into a chaotic formation according to the order of the second master Cappuccino. They organized a powerful charge and chased after the guards who had already started to retreat. The slash actually almost dispersed the latter in one wave.

The adventurers were also in trouble. Because the camps were relatively scattered, there were not many people who came to support them in time. Faced with the bandit group that did not break out until they were less than a hundred meters away from the camp, the number was huge. The adventurers and chamber of commerce civil servants who were at an absolute disadvantage were suddenly caught off guard. Even if there were not many casualties in a short period of time because of their superior combat skills, God knows when the high-level warrior who was eyeing him would rush forward. The killing spree, coupled with the fact that the thief who only showed his face and disappeared, everyone was a little panicked. It was clear that retreating to the central area was their goal, but they became more and more panicked.

None of us are novices, and we can easily tell that it will take at least five or six minutes for all the companions in other directions to gather here. But the question is, can they hold on for five or six minutes now?


"Everyone, get out of the way!"

A low roar sounded behind everyone, and the adventurers looked back, only to see an ogre, which was not tall among the group, rushing over. He... or rather, they There are two heads. The head on the left is wearing a large wizard hat and roaring in an unclear manner. The head on the right is wearing a big steel helmet and comforting in a very intellectual voice: "Don't be afraid, everyone, I'm coming!"

[Who the hell are you! 】

A few people who had not turned around looked confused.

"This guy is probably the two-headed ogre of the Wangwang team."

But more people reacted immediately.

But after thinking about it, they didn't believe that this ogre named Anthony Dabbs could play any role in turning the tide of the war. It is true that the two-headed ogre is indeed one of the most powerful ogres. A rare breed with considerable potential, but potential and strength are two different things. Facing the overwhelming number of bandits, no one would think that a reinforcement of the same intermediate level as themselves could have any effect. It doesn't matter if there are two enemies or even one enemy three. If you are attacked by a wave of enemies, you have to attack the street anyway.

"Don't be impulsive!"

A kind-hearted adventurer didn't want to see Anthony die in vain, so he quickly shouted at his too eye-catching back.

"I'm fine, everyone, hold on!"

"Anthony, beat you to death!"

The two heads of the ogre roared at the same time, and then...

A halo of dark red ripples shot out from Anthony Dabbs' hand, and quickly ignited into voluptuous and unclean fires in mid-air, gathering into more than a dozen missiles with a radius of thirty kilometers. The fireball fell with a crash, slamming into the center of the group of bandits who were rushing at the front.

Boom boom boom boom! ! !

The dim fire swept across and instantly ignited the seven or eight warriors at the front. This was not over yet. After the frightening balls of demonic fire passed by, all the fireballs landed at the same location. At the same time, turbulent pillars of fire burst out, washing away the bandits who were unable to reach them. A thin goblin thief just stepped on the landing point of a fireball, and flew away with a charred sound in half a second. out.

Immediately afterwards...

"Hahaha! Burn! Explode! Kill you! Little bugs!"

Anthony laughed loudly, then clasped his left hand on his right wrist and opened his mouth excitedly: "It's burning!"

Peng! !

A huge fireball with a diameter of nearly one meter 'floated' towards the group of bandits who had been stunned by the explosion like a meteor, dragging the bear's tail inflammation!

【Big Fire Ball Ball Ball·Modified】

Fire elemental school active skills

Requirements for mastering: Fire element specialization level 20, negative energy specialization level 10, intelligence 45, possessing the talents [Fire Affinity]/[Son of Elements] and [Big Fire Ball Ball Ball] used ≥100 times

Cost/limit: 300 mana

Effect: Launch three high-burning fireballs infused with the power of shadow, bombarding targets in a designated area within 30 meters, causing medium fire damage and a small amount of shadow damage. There is a 60% chance of triggering a secondary flame storm on the spot after being contacted. There is a 30% chance of triggering an additional burst of fire after triggering a secondary flame storm, with a cooldown of 3 minutes.

Traits: Secondary Flame Storm will cause very low fire damage, very low shadow damage and knockback effect; Spurting Pyroblast will cause a small amount of fire damage, with a medium probability of knocking up targets within the range, and a low probability of adding the [Burning] state.

Gao Neng: Anthony is very excited! It will launch 5-8 additional high-inflammation fireballs, with a small probability of launching powerful high-inflammation fireballs, and increase the triggering rate of secondary flame storm and gushing explosion to 90% through guidance.

Incompetent: Anthony is very unhappy and throws the fireball at random targets. When it is thrown at a friendly target, the damage is greatly increased, and the flame storm is 100% triggered, but the gushing explosion cannot be triggered.

[Note 1: Dabus! sharp! Anthony! That’s ok too! 】

[Note 2: Anthony! do not like you! 】

Chapter 619: End

Happy New Year everyone~

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