Quadruple split

Chapter 631 Wang Ba Gu Ginseng (Part 1)

To this day, Jadeka, who has regarded becoming a great mage as his lifelong ambition, has been training for more than a month. The old man who is worried that he will delay his path as a mage due to physical weakness is extremely crisis-conscious. Since returning from the Mage Guild that day, , every day is an unstoppable sixty sets of push-ups, sixty sets of sit-ups, sixty sets of squats, twenty sets of one-finger handstands, twenty sets of one-arm three-finger push-ups, a ten-kilometer long-distance run with weights, and a fifteen-kilometer weight-bearing run. Speedy tour...

Like many masters, Jadeka also chose the poverty-style fitness method with the core ideas of strict self-discipline and perseverance. However, the difference is that the content of people's strict self-discipline is "try not to forget to eat as much as possible", and the embodiment of perseverance is "Strive to go to bed early and get up early" and so on. In the eyes of Jadeka, who has been molded to have a distorted outlook on life since he was a child, the so-called self-discipline is to do a set of "Diesel Comprehensive Exercises" every day.

As mentioned before, the same four words "physical health" are completely different concepts in the eyes of knights and mages, while the four words "hard work" are different concepts in the eyes of mainstream knights and Diesel family knights. The same two concepts. For Jadeka Diesel, who has been trained as a family heir since he was a child, if he wants to do something, he must meet the standards, and his standards, even for a serious child like Mo Tan, For the knights of the Eight Classics, it is an impossible task.

It’s really impossible to accomplish!

It was in the afternoon of a certain day. Mo Tan had previously practiced with Jadeka at the kind invitation of him. Starting from push-ups, sit-ups and squats, after thirty-five minutes, there were a total of one hundred and eighty sets of movements. Jadeka had already completed them all, but Mo Tan had already used all his strength to do it, but could only complete the 40th set of sit-ups. After another ten minutes, Mo Tan completed the 19th set of standard squats. Tan's physical fitness level had been cleared and he was lying on the ground unable to move. Meanwhile, Jadeka next to him had just finished the last set of one-arm three-finger push-ups. He gave Mo Tan a particularly regretful look and left him to be taken care of by Yaya. I just took two big hammers and went out for a run.

You must know that Mo Tan had already obtained the advanced profession of 'Knight of Justice' at that time. The two values ​​​​of strength and physical fitness in the basic attributes have been greatly improved. Although he is not yet at the high level, his physical fitness is definitely not weak. Coupled with the racial advantages of half-dragons, they are even much stronger than most people of the same strength.

As a result, I was stunned by the first third of the 'Diesel Comprehensive Exercise'...

On the other hand, Jadka is a relatively average but featureless human race. He is over eighty years old and has studied magic for decades. He is actually able to complete Nabisba every day without blushing or out of breath. Da also wants Spartan's training. This can no longer be explained by simply 'unscientific'.

"This old guy is a monster!"

Looking at Jadeka who was changing his robe next to him after returning from swimming, Wang Badan, who was lying in the corner of the room, sighed sincerely.

After taking off the loose robe with big sleeves and fluttering sleeves, the sharp-edged and explosive muscles on Jadeka's body almost blinded Wang Badan's titanium alloy tortoise eyes.

"This is probably talent..."

Mo Tan, who knew that Jadeka had basically never been involved in anything unrelated to mages in the past few decades, shrugged his shoulders and suddenly felt that the Diesel family was really not easy.

His elderly companion is undoubtedly a genius, at least according to the knowledge of Diesel, a knight family, he is definitely a genius.

Darien once told Mo Tan in private that with his great grandfather's talent, if he had been willing to follow the path of knights back then, he would most likely have become the youngest legendary knight in the history of the Innocence Continent. , given time, even if you strive to reach the pinnacle of legend, you may not be able to step into the realm that only a few people have experienced for thousands of years.

It's a pity that Jadeka's ambition is to become a mage, a powerful mage, an elegant and cool mage, and he has no interest in slashing people with a big knife.

This is what is called fate messing with people.

This is undoubtedly a very sad thing for the Diesel family.

For Jadeka himself, he has been a junior mage for most of his life. It is sad to be treated as a god of plague no matter where he stays for a long time. However, since Ji Xiaoge's Spicy Noodles, he has opened up a new world. Behind the gate of the world, he felt very happy again, and besides, he really had no regrets, so it was hard to say.

And for those enemies who regard Jadeka as a mainstream mage, it's not just sad.

The conventional way to fight a mage is to close the distance, not giving the opponent time to cast spells, and then kill them quickly.

To be honest, there is nothing wrong with this idea at all, but if someone holds the above mentality and only wants to stick to Jadeka for close combat, the consequences will often not be very good...

Huang Feifan is a good example.

He made no mistake, but because he made no mistake, he was caught off guard by Jadeka's punch after successfully completing the close-up, and was stabbed to death from behind by Yaya.

The latter is all too clear. After more than a month of training, the nearly 100-year-old Jadeka's physical fitness has made another breakthrough. Although I don't know how much progress he has made, he was beaten by a set of fighting skills before. The old man, who had to lie on the ground paralyzed for at least a while, can now get up as if nothing happened.

As a result, Yaya didn't try very hard when intercepting Huang Feifan. Instead, after entangling one of the opponent's clones, he immediately used [Dog Whispering Magic·Wang's Claw] to enter his strongest state, and then used the long-handled tormentor's weapon in his hand. The end was inserted into the Saint's Cloak, and connected to the huge drill accessory, turning it into a complete [Altaïr's Blade Giant Destroyer], and then smashed the clone in front of him with the gear hammer.

What happened next was just as Yaya had expected. Huang Feifan, who was caught off guard, was punched away by Jadeka, and she turned the giant destroyer in her hand that had accumulated a lot of kinetic energy, and used the high-speed rotating crack The Fleshman's drill penetrated it directly and obtained the head.

This series of operations seems simple, but it contains the absolute understanding and trust of his teammates, and Jadeka did not disappoint Yaya. Although he does not like to fight with people, in the situation just now, he still He chose to punch Huang Feifan and completed the assist to Yaya.

Since many people in the two caravans had died when they were attacked by bandit groups, the two of them did not hold back and did not feel any guilt at all.

"Do you need to rest for a while?"

Jadeka patted the dust on his body and looked worriedly at Yaya, who still had blood stains on the corners of his mouth.

The latter shook his head subconsciously, then bit his lip hesitantly and fell silent, without giving an immediate answer.

Although Yaya is a little impulsive and irritable now, he is not confused at all. Although he wants to say that he is very tough, how can he not be burdened by the previous battle with Huang Feifan, a high-level monk, not to mention anything else, just the opponent That move [Diamond Collapsing Fist] made her unable to fully recover until now, and her whole body ached when she tried to breathe harder.

If he went back to provide support in this state, his life might even be in danger.

"I'll go back and take a look first."

Jadeka smiled happily, holding his staff and walked towards the center of the camp where there were faint shouts of killing. He said without looking back: "Don't be brave, come back after you have rested, Mo and Dabus and the others They're all over there, nothing will happen."

Ya Ya snorted and nodded with an unhappy face: "Pay attention to what Mo Mo said before."

"Don't worry, everyone already knows."

On the other side, south of the camp

"This is really unreasonable!"

Ximen, who had just received the news from Huang Feifan, roared angrily, and the giant sword in his hand launched a violent mist, whizzing towards the half-dragon knight with a resolute face and solemn eyes: "Get out of here!"

The person blocking him was naturally Mo Tan. He calmly turned sideways, and the Sun Crown Sword that was pressed against his waist incredibly threw out a half-moon-shaped residual light, which directly lifted the Ximen Spitfire. The sword energy was smashed into pieces, and he shrugged and said: "I'm sorry to obey."

"You guys are too difficult to deal with..."

Ximen Spitfire gritted his teeth and was very anxious. You must know that he has been restrained by the guy in front of him for a while. Although he had the upper hand throughout the whole process, the other party did not seek harm at all and only bothered to pester him. The defense was watertight, giving him the feeling that his power was useless.

You must know that there are only three high-level strong men on your side, and now you are firmly restrained here. Huang Feifan was jointly killed by an old mage who was said to punch very hard and a bitch woman. The only one who rushed forward was Kabu. Kino is a thief, and the thief profession is the easiest one to target. Although he is very sharp in combat, due to insufficient defense and blood volume, he may not be able to deal with a wave of concentrated fire in a chaotic battle. Safe and sound.


【The focus is on me! If I can kill this guy as soon as possible and support Cappuccino's side, I won't be afraid of the two-headed ogre, the capable orc woman, or the mage. 】

Ximen Spitfire first exchanged a few messages with someone in the friend list, then took a deep breath, stared at Mo Tan's seemingly loose movements, and decided to no longer cherish the skill cooldown and physical strength, and use all his strength to Kill the tough blockers.

As long as he, a high-level warrior, meets Cappuccino, everything will be easy.

[The health value is still 85%, the physical value is also 70%, and the Shadow Flash and Sword Intent Wave have also been cooled down. That's enough! 】

Ximen Xiuhuo glanced at his own panel roughly, and with a heart in his heart, he charged directly to kill him with one move. The [Fortress Guard's Sword] in his hand was filled with fighting spirit, and it flew towards Mo Tan's throat like lightning. He had previously given Anthony a powerful [Jinghong Flash], but this time he did not use any 'S'-shaped sword light trick, he just used a very simple and fast and accurate sword.


But Mo Tan reacted faster. The Sun Crown Sword was placed in front of him as if he had no idea. The blade was slightly deflected, directly removing the power of Jinghong Flash. His body was deflected again, and his backhand was filled with cold light as cold as two full moons. Spitfire forced Ximen Spitfire back, who was about to use Shadow Flash to make a close attack.

"Do you know how to rush now?"

Mo Tan, who had defeated Ximen Spitfire with [Arc-Moon Double Flash], smiled slightly, changed his previous cautious fighting style, and actually rushed forward with the Sun Crown Sword, [Charging Stab], The four skills of [Knight Skill·Tiger Spear], [Sword Wind], and [Scarlet Slash] were completed in one go, and a huge 'X'-shaped sword light was slashed less than half a meter away from the Ximen Spitfire!

After the sword light spliced ​​by two skills appeared, Ximen Spitfire knew that he could not escape, but his expression still did not panic at all.

Twist your body, draw your sword, and blast—the sword intention fluctuates!

The surging sword intent soared into the sky, and the two sword lights that were spliced ​​together were shattered into pieces in an instant.

Obviously, in terms of skill judgment, [Sword Intention Wave], a standard high-level combat skill, completely crushes the overlapping [Sword Wind] and [Scarlet Slash].

"It's not over yet!"

Ximen Xiuhuo seized the moment when Mo Tan was unsteady due to the impact of the wave of sword intent. He used the skill [Love Battle] to lift the cooldown of the charge. He slammed into him with his sword, and in the process used A strange shadow flashed, and a ghostly figure passed by Mo Tan's side, then turned around and stabbed out with a sword!

One in front and one behind, one person and one shadow!

Two murderous swords stabbed at Mo Tan at the same time, as if copied and pasted.

The next moment...

The Sun Crown Sword in Mo Tan's hand fell to the ground quietly, his hands quickly passed over his waist, and then his whole body spun like a top. At the same time, countless dazzling red afterimages spread silently around him. Come, like a red lotus in full bloom!

Ximen Spitfire uses shadow and sword, while Mo Tan uses two swords.

The left-handed sword [Mandala of Justice]!

The right-hand sword [Sharp Sword·White Night]!

The second effect of [Knight Skill·Angry Red Lotus]——[Twin Lotuses·Blooming]!

The sword light was twisted, and the mysterious shadow behind Mo Tan, which had only 1 point of health, instantly dissipated, while Ximen Spitfire's body, which was not controlled by the main consciousness, was struck by seven or eight swords in an instant, and its health was immediately cut off. 5%.

"This is impossible!"

Ximen Spitfire, whose main consciousness returned to his own body, withdrew and flew away with a horrified expression. He never expected that Mo Tan could make the most perfect response in the lightning and stone fire. The skill characteristics of [Shadow Flash] were directly broken. This round of attacks that I was determined to win, I cracked it perfectly!

Mo Tan crossed his swords, followed Ximen Spitfire and swung out a [Two Sword Style Eagle Wave] in the air, and said in a deep voice: "I..."

"Wang Ba Dan, come on!"

A powerful roar sounded from not far away, interrupting Mo Tan's highlight moment in an untimely manner.

Ximen Spitfire took a closer look and exclaimed: "What a big bastard!"

"You are a bastard! Your whole family is a bastard!"

Wang Ba, who rushed in wildly, stared at Ximen with his eyes split open, spitting fire...

"Tell dad loudly, are you the bad guy who blocked the road?"

Chapter 624: End

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