Quadruple split

Chapter 633 The Assassin from Behind

【Incarnation of justice】

Passive skill

Mastery requirements: Possess the profession [Knight of Justice]

Consumption/limitation: 1 physical point, normal language ability, in combat status

Effect: When you are attacked first by the opponent before taking action, you can try to make the target frankly admit his malicious intent. If successful, the effect of your next skill with a cooldown time of no more than 10 minutes will be increased by 30% for 10 minutes. Cannot be used again on the same target.

[Remarks: Killing evil people is equivalent to doing good deeds - Huayan Jing/Jigong/Constitution/Bai Miaomiao/Shu Ren Great Pharmacist Run Yi]

Obviously, Wang Badan's pitiful question just now was not because this guy really felt how wronged he was, but he was just a very clumsy way to grab a very powerful passive skill for Mo Tan, one that can directly cut off nearly a thousand points of Ximen Spitfire. Chance of health!

With the relationship of blood contract partners, although Wang Badan and Mo Tan have a negative personality compatibility, through these three months of getting along, their understanding of each other has still become very deep. In terms of the seamless cooperation just now, if Wang Badan hadn't known the corresponding effects of each of Mo Tan's skills and had a deep understanding of his fighting habits, he might have directly chosen to counterattack or abuse Ximen Spitfire. Using guiding words to urge the other party to satisfy the skill effect of [Incarnation of Justice] was entirely because he knew that based on Mo Tan's position and angle at that time, [Arc-Moon Double Flash] was definitely the skill he was most likely to use.

But knowing that Ximen Spitfire was a high-level warrior, Wang Bagan felt that it was difficult to cut him into the air with the original effect of [Arc-Moon Double Flash] alone, so he designed and activated the passive skill [Incarnation of Justice]. Mo Tan received a 30% skill effect bonus at the moment of taking action, and finally succeeded in slashing Ximen Spitfire into the air, and triggered the terrifying effect of '100% critical hit, ignoring the target's 100% armor attribute in total'. Ximen Spitfire, whose health was not full to begin with, was almost killed with one move.

"Hey, are you stupid for asking me to kill my father?"

Wang Badan laughed mercilessly at Ximen Spitfire, who fell to the ground in shock. The turtle turned over on the spot very flexibly. After landing on all fours, he retracted his head into the shell and slammed into Ximen Spitfire.

Mo Tan, who had just dealt a heavy blow to Ximen Spitfire, took the [Spinous Process] move without hesitation. The Sun Crown Sword in his hand was pointed directly at Ximen Spitfire's eyebrows with an indomitable momentum, showing no mercy at all. mean.

Perhaps Mo Tan under his current personality is indeed a good person in the conventional sense, but this does not mean that he is an indecisive person. At the end of the Dragon Clan, he did not show any mercy when he killed the bone bandits. Now facing the incompetent Ximen Spitfire He will not show mercy to a robber who knows how many lives are in his hands.

Mo Tan's sharp sword was in front, and Wang Ba boldly charged behind. If there were no accidents, Ximen Spitfire, who had only 320 health points left, might not be able to survive such a natural attack.

But as a high-end player who has been immersed in the world of innocence for half a year, how could Ximen Spitfire not prepare some back-ups when he knew very well how much the price of death was.

He saw his legs suddenly exerting force, and his whole body jumped straight towards Wang Ba Gu. He was immediately hit by the latter and spat out blood. His health dropped to 190, but he had to forcefully fight for himself. In about a second, before Mo Tan's [spinous process] hit his eyebrows, he took something out of his bag and stuffed it into his mouth!

Bang! ! !

The next second, raging fighting energy suddenly swayed from Ximen Spitfire's body, which not only made it difficult for Wang Ba who was standing behind him to take another half step, but even lifted Mo Tan, who was close at hand, two meters away!

[Daosluo’s alchemical dregs]

Category: Disposable consumables

Quality: rundown

Requirements/Restrictions: None

Use: Recover 80% of health, 80% of stamina, increase all basic attributes by 20%, last for 10 minutes, and reduce 8% of maximum health and 8% of maximum stamina every minute, which the user will bear for the duration of the effect. Intense pain, not subject to system attenuation, and a random career level of 5 will be deducted after the duration ends.

[Note: A handful of flesh-colored powder was hidden behind the fireplace and was constantly squirming as if it were alive. It seemed to hide some unpleasant secret. 】


Ximen Spitfire, who turned over and landed on the ground, spat out a mouthful of black blood, staggeredly raised his sword and pointed it at Motan, and roared in a voice that no longer sounded like a human being: "Come again!"

His exposed skin had all turned into a strange gray-black color and was covered with dense veins. His eyes, ears, mouth and nose were constantly overflowing with thick black blood, exuding waves of a very bad stench, and his shoulders and back were still wet. A large, squirming bulge grew out, and it kept exploding because it could not break through the [Spell Breaker Armor] on his body. A large amount of turbid pus and blood seeped out from the gaps in the armor, making the scene extremely scary.

"no problem."

Mo Tan nodded slightly, holding the Sun Crown Sword tightly and looking at Ximen Xiuhuo's eyes full of pain, and said solemnly: "As you wish."


Wang Ba boldly curled his lips, carefully moved his body closer to Mo Tan, and kept licking his lips all the time...

"It stinks so bad. Did you eat twenty kilograms of shit before going out to rob?"

at the same time

Camp central area, periphery

"Kill all these troublemakers!"


"The spell was accurate! You almost blew me up just now!"

"Press them up! Press them up! Don't give them time to breathe!"

"That idiot is right! Don't be a coward! There are many of us!"

The shouts of the bandits rang out one after another under the night, and one wave after another hit the temporarily organized defense line of the adventurers. Curses, fights, and screams came one after another, which was very lively.

But the excitement is still excitement. This group of rabble-rousers has been on the offensive for nearly ten minutes but still has not broken open the defense line in front of them. Although they have a huge advantage in terms of numbers, they are completely unable to compete with the caravan in terms of personal quality. The guards were on par with each other. The Tyrannosaurus Adventurer Team and the Black Goat Team, which had already assembled, were tightly clamping down on the two wings. In the center were the middle-level civil servants from the Grand Market and the two-headed ogre Anthony Da of the Wangwang Team. Booth, Master Jadeka.

Among them, the two members of the Wangwang team played a decisive role in this stalemate. Anthony Dabbs, who was very strong in fighting ability and lethality, was at the front. With the help of several civil servant knights, he not only fought to the death He withstood the attacks of elite bandits, and from time to time would use his iron fist, hammer, and fireball to inflict serious blows to the opponent.

Jadeka, on the other hand, perfectly does what a mage should do, which is to use spells to suppress the enemy crazily under the cover of his teammates. Even if the opponent has a lot of spellcasters, he can still forcefully maintain the situation at the opposite level. The degree of being bombarded rather than being bombarded can be said to be very powerful.

But even so, all the two can do is 'resist' and 'counterattack'. On the one hand, the opponent's numerical advantage is indeed huge, and on the other hand, the two (three heads) are fighting against Ximen Spitfire respectively. I suffered some injuries in the battle with Huang Feifan. It is not easy to hold this line of defense with everyone and kill the enemy. It is really impossible to fight back.

Moreover, both sides of the war also had healers, so although people were injured every minute, there were never any dead or seriously injured people.

The scene just froze.

This made Cappuccino, who was always in a stealth state and watched coldly, feel very anxious.

Like Ximen Spitfire and Huang Feihong, he is a high-level powerhouse defined by the current world view. His profession is level 40 thief and level 1 Swift Shadow Assassin respectively. In terms of pure attack power, he can be called the strongest among the three masters. One, if he takes action suddenly, even middle-level peak knights, warriors and other professions with thick health will most likely be killed by him instantly. He is not weak at all.

However, despite his strong attack power, Cappuccino, as a thief professional player, is very unsatisfactory in terms of defense and health. To be more specific, his two values ​​​​are not even as good as a powerful mid-range player. There is no level knight like Anthony Dabbs who can resist the beating.

So he didn't dare to take action rashly...

Except for the strange old mage mentioned by Huang Feifan and the two-headed ogre who is said to not die even if his head is knocked off, Cappuccino is sure to take away anyone in the enemy formation with one blow, but the current situation No matter who he kills, it will be difficult to affect the overall situation. It is true that his side has an absolute numerical advantage, but this does not mean that the opponent will be completely defeated after losing one person.

On the other hand, if you are attacked by the opponent after leaving the hiding state, if you are unlucky, you are likely to die on the spot. Although the possibility is not too great, Cappuccino does not have as good a psychological quality as Huang Feifan. , if he had returned to before liberation overnight, let alone rebuilding a character and going online to remind everyone of something, he would definitely be able to smash the game cabin angrily!

So he didn't dare to act hastily, so he kept waiting for Ximen Spitfire to kill the half-dragon knight who was said to be a bit powerful and come to join him. Only then, with the cover of a high-level warrior, could he let go and kill. A special kill.

However, Auntie’s cappuccino (collectively referred to as ‘cappuccino’ in order to simplify the word count) waited for a long time, but what she finally waited for was a message...

"I've been completely suppressed. Go ahead and don't wait for me. If you can't do it, just plan D. After killing that side, come back quickly for support."

What's going on! ?

Seeing this friend message from Ximen Spitfire with only one punctuation added, Cappuccino simply wondered if there was something wrong with his eyes. You must know that the half-dragon knight of the Wangwang team should only be an intermediate level. Strength, but the person who was suppressed until now turned out to be Ximen Spitfire? !

This shocking fact made Cappuccino feel extremely depressed.

But collapse leads to collapse, and action must be taken. After all, Huang Feifan is dead, and Ximen Spitfire has even put Plan D on the agenda that he had no intention of using before. It can be seen that the current situation is already very serious.

"Damn it, what's the matter..."

Cappuccino muttered in a low voice, then with a calm face, he clenched his two long daggers and moved forward. As a Swift Shadow Assassin, his movement speed will not drop by 20% while in hiding like ordinary thieves. , on the contrary, you can get a 10% speed bonus, so it only took less than half a minute to move to a relatively forward position, and quickly used your brain to consider where your first blow should be.

After deciding to take action, the method of selecting the target was actually not complicated, so it only took Cappuccino less than ten seconds to complete his thinking and lock the first target.

It was a water mage who belonged to the Tyrannosaurus team and always stood on the left side of the defense line to cast healing spells. There were only two rangers next to him who were not very particular about their positioning. It was unlikely that they could react immediately after he appeared.

Just do it!

In the hidden state, Cappuccino took a deep breath, moved quietly under the cover of the night and the light and shadow not far away, and soon touched the side of the water mage.

A very wonderful distance for an assassin, where even the beating of the target's arteries can be clearly seen.

The next moment...

"What a beautiful neck."

The water mage of the Tyrannosaurus Adventurer Team had just sprayed a piece of [Healing Mist] when he suddenly heard a whisper that was almost a whisper, and then his neck felt cold, and his eyes were filled with darkness.

[Strong throat cut]

Active skills

Mastery requirements: Dagger specialization level 35, dexterity 100, and a thief profession

Consumption/restrictions: 100 acuity, 80 stamina, equipped with at least one dagger

Effect: Inflict a powerful slash on the target's neck with no hit attribute modification. If it hits successfully, it will cause a large amount of damage and have a 100% additional bleeding effect. It has a low probability of death and has a cooldown time of 3 minutes.

Trait 1: When used behind the target, the hit attribute can be modified, and the critical hit rate is increased by 50%.

Trait 2: When used behind the target in stealth state, the hit attribute can be modified, the critical hit rate is increased by 100%, the probability of death is high, and the cooldown time is reduced by 50%.

[Note: Every assassin should learn how to approach an unsuspecting neck. 】

The spurting blood splashed all over the two rangers next to them. They turned their heads stiffly and saw that the mage who was standing behind had collapsed in a pool of blood. There was an extra line in his throat that almost cut his neck. After cutting off one-third of the blood, the look in his eyes quickly disappeared, and in an instant, there was no breath at all.

"A thief is coming around!"

One of the middle-aged rangers, who was a little calmer, roared very professionally. The long bow in his hand had been stretched to the full moon. He looked around but could not find any enemy shadow.

But the ranger next to him, who had extremely poor psychological quality, looked around wildly with a look of horror on his face, his body was shaking violently, and he didn't even draw the bow in his hand.

"clam down!"

The calm ranger couldn't help but kick the low-level civil servant and yelled: "Grab your weapon, use eagle eyes to guard Zhou... uh..."

The arrow that had no target was bounced into the air. The middle-aged ranger with a dagger stuck in the back of his neck coughed up a mouthful of blood and hit the ground weakly.

A short figure slowly walked out from behind the corpse, with a bloodthirsty smile on his lips...

"Oh, it's easier than I thought."

Chapter 626: End

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