Quadruple split

Chapter 64 Remarks on the launch

Well, it’s on the shelves... I’m a little confused...

It seems like yesterday when I delivered my Sanjiang speech. (It would be great if it were true. It would prove that I can write twenty-five chapters in one day~)

Let’s be serious first as usual:

Thank you to the editor-in-chief Changtian, my editor-in-charge Nili, and the editor-in-chief who is always willing to chat with me~ Thanks to you all the way, Sizhong can be seen by so many people.

Thank you to every reader who clicked on this book and did not read the upper right corner in a short period of time. I am honored to witness the growth of Fourfold with you. I hope that we can go further and further hand in hand. You will always be me. The driving force behind creation. (The last driving force was procrastination, but I finally decided to give up treatment)

I would like to express my perfunctory thanks to a certain gangster comrade who doesn’t want to be named. He goes to work at 6 o’clock and often stays with me to chat about the plot until two or three in the morning. He fools everyone in the group (there is nothing he can do to help). He hacks me on a daily basis (gnashing his teeth). For the first time, I Start recharging and prepare to subscribe. He has basically read the text of the draft (thank you so much!), I will buy milk powder for your unborn child...

Well, then the more serious content ends like this.

Let’s have a casual chat~ I feel like I won’t open chapters many times in the future~ Although I occasionally make jokes in the group, I don’t often have the opportunity to say something in such formal occasions~

I was shocked by myself, really...

More than two months ago, "Quadruple Split" was just a whimsical idea, a concept that was not very reliable, and a story that might only exist in imagination~

But now it has gradually turned into a complete work, and has become a part of my life unknowingly. This also causes me to feel that there is something missing from the day every time I don’t finish a chapter...

If this book can be lucky enough to become a part of your life (I hope this part does not include reminders and wholesale blades...), then it is valuable~

I am not a qualified novel writer. I have late-stage procrastination, slow writing speed, and almost no outbursts (emphasis added). I don’t like asking for votes or rewards, and I habitually exceed the outline, am addicted to fragments, and tear up manuscripts. Adulthood...

I can’t even control my characters. It’s not so much me writing their stories as they are carrying me.

Suddenly I feel that I am a bit pretentious, but for me, whether it is Motan, Black Fan, Tanmo, Mo, Mo, Shuangye, Ned or Xianglin... I mean Cordoba, They are all my colleagues, and they are much better than me. Creating these characters does not mean that they will become their gods. Although the author has almost divine authority (but a person will still get lost when he goes out)... …

I feel more like I am just a lame bard telling his story to the audience, rather than a God who plays with fate at will in this story.

Maybe I am just a beginner in the field of novels (there is a very inappropriate BGM here), but I will still try to do the best I can...

Well, an author who can be very proud of himself for constantly updating is so shameful~

Thank you to everyone who is willing to listen to my story. Although I am not a qualified author, you are the best readers. After all... How big of a heart can you tolerate a guy like me...

In short, I will always write this story at my own pace~

I believe this will be a wonderful journey~ Because... well, it’s so cliché to say this... but it’s really because you are with me~

I feel so good now, like looking in the mirror without my glasses...

This feeling usually lasts until I wake up the next morning and find that I owe another 4,000 words...

So, to wrap things up...I'm sorry I can't help myself, this review (?) ends here~

An extra update today! (Put your chest out, raise your head, place your arms on your hips)

I hope everyone can support the genuine version as much as possible~ (After all, I don’t have any other requirements~)

By the way, let’s check out the book club group: 226764250~ (But now everyone seems to be more accustomed to using WeChat. In fact, I am too...)

So ~ see you in the main text ~

Remarks on the launch: The end

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