Quadruple split

Chapter 644 Beat up teammates

Yuying's running speed can be said to be quite fast.

Thanks to the talent of [Shadow Blessing], she was devastated because she was caught by Billy. When she fell, she instantly triggered the two characteristics of 'stealth level +3' and 'forcible escape from combat', directly relying on The stealth level of up to level 7 made him disappear successfully, and then he rolled out of the room and escaped from the Pink Magpie Courtyard without looking back.

If you want to briefly review it.

First, after Yu Ying was caught, Mo Tan, who thought he had been exposed, drew a knife and angrily stabbed Germain.

Then, Billy, who tried to negotiate with Mo Tan, asked the former to keep someone alive on the condition of Yu Ying's life.

Then, Yu Ying, who knew that she and Mo Tan were not in the same group, was heartbroken, and immediately forced herself to recall the results of yesterday's price reduction in the mall, but failed to trigger [Shadow Blessing].

In the end, Mo Tan inexplicably agreed to the conditions, and Billy let go. While igniting hope in her heart, Yu Ying forced herself to think about the fact that she was the only one in the dormitory who was not single, and successfully triggered [Shadow Blessing], and landed on the ground. Instantly activate the stealth skill and run away.

Two seconds later, the joy of surviving the disaster caused [Shadow Blessing] to be shut down, but Yuying, who was still in hiding, still managed to sneak out of the Pink Magpie Courtyard.

When she landed and ran away, she didn't know that Mo Tan stabbed Germain four or five times while she disappeared, but even if she knew, she wouldn't care. After all, the girl whose mind is full of swear words has decided to give up this mission. As for whether Germaine will huddle in his residence and not go anywhere after today's incident, or whether he will continue to look for places to kill chickens all day long without learning a lesson, it has nothing to do with Yuying at all.

After working hard to collect information for less than half a month, the hard work of insisting on staying in Fenqueting every night was ruined at the last moment because of Te Miao's self-consciousness. Although this was not the first time, this kind of blow was It still made her extremely uncomfortable and made her want to cry.

Yuying wants to be quiet now, just wants to be quiet.

But wanting to be quiet requires conditions. After all, in Yuying's knowledge, the pot-bellied Germain was only stabbed once, and it was not one of those vital parts with a very high fatality rate, so if the 'Technician No. 3' really If you keep your promise and release the hostages after you run away, then as long as Billy is willing, he can immediately start chasing the two of them after briefly dealing with Germaine's injuries, even though there are other accomplices on his 'own' side Considering the probability, this probability is not high, but it still cannot be taken lightly.

So after Yu Ying left the Pink Que Court, she kept running with full concentration. In the process, she changed herself into a set of clothes that were not very eye-catching, and also put on a wig that she had prepared a long time ago.

For non-professionals, this level of disguise is enough. After all, the situation just now was very chaotic. I was still wearing a mask, and the bodyguard's attention was almost entirely on the No. 3 technician. Even now He had already chased him out, and it was difficult to find out that he had changed his clothes and hairstyle during the run.

So now we just need to stay as far away from the incident as possible

Yuying, who really wanted to be quiet, sighed softly and ran harder and harder.

fifteen minutes later

The city of freedom, a dark alley in the nightless district

"Huh, if we stay here, it should be fine."

The girl let out a long breath, and sat down on her knees at the end of the dark alley where she couldn't see her fingers. She casually took off the five-silver-coin maroon wig on her head, pursed her lips sadly, and put the beautiful Her face was buried deeply in her arms, enjoying the tranquility that she actually didn't like at all.

After an unknown amount of time, maybe one second, three seconds, or no more than five seconds at best, the tranquility was broken.

"Hey beauty, alone?"

A frivolous voice suddenly sounded half a meter away, and in this deserted dark alley, there was obviously no other beautiful woman besides Yu Ying.

So the beauty immediately jumped up, and while leaping up, she drew her weapon. She held a pair of daggers in her hands and looked around the surrounding darkness vigilantly, and immediately discovered the person who was chatting with her.

With the help of a certain passive skill, Yuying, who could easily see in the dark, saw a young man who was either an elf or a half-elf. He had a cynical smile on his lips, making him feel that he looked very familiar to him.

No! It’s not just that it looks familiar!

I really know this guy! It was the second uncle who claimed to be Jun Wu and Weiyang. He was also the one who fostered the blood seeker sister Lesa Kevos in the hotel. The bard named Tan Mo was also a player with him. poet!

Even though he doesn't dress like a bard at all!

A wide hood with red stripes on a gray background.

The material is unknown, surrounded by a circle of mini-skull-shaped locks, and a double layer of shoulder pads stacked together.

The black magic pattern cloth wrapped tightly around the body like a bandage and connected by a large number of belts should be the breastplate.

The waist equipment is a very professional three-row belt, which is dark red in color. The material should be the skin of some kind of creature. On it are several medicine bottles filled with bright liquids and several props that Yuying can't name.

The bottoms are leather leggings and thick-soled short boots tied with a rectangular tactical bag. If the latter is not specially used to make up for the height, at least one or two short-blade weapons can be hidden inside.

There is also a pure black one-shoulder cloak that extends from the shoulder pads and hangs on the left side of the body like bat wings, a pair of light armored gauntlets that cover the entire forearm, and two extremely narrow blades that look like long needles. dagger.

At this moment, Tan Mo was completely different from the casual player in the girl's memory who was wearing a white robe and holding a lute in his arms.

"Well, occasionally I dress up a bit more fashionably. I hope I don't scare you."

Mo Tan smiled at the vigilant and silent girl in front of him, and said softly: "Don't worry, if you are worried that the bodyguard just now will chase you and beat you to death, then there is no need, because he should not be there now. If you are worried that I will be unfavorable to you, then I can only congratulate you for guessing correctly~"

Yuying's eyes widened when she heard 'Mr. bodyguard just now', and she reacted for a while before exclaiming: "Wait a minute! Why do you know that?!"

Mo Tan smiled: "Because I was there just now."

"Impossible, there was clearly only..."

Midway through her words, Yu Ying suddenly felt a huge shock and pointed at Mo Tan in horror: "Wait! Are you the 'Technician No. 3'?"

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows, nodded and said, "Yes, I am the No. 3 technician."

Yuying was shocked: "Are you disguising yourself as a man?!"

"I'm a man dressed as a woman."

"Then why are your breasts so big?"

"You can use some padding on your breasts, girl."

"you win"

Yuying breathed a long sigh of relief and lowered the weapon in her hand: "What else did you say just now?"

She vaguely remembered what the other party said after mentioning the bodyguard.

"I just said that"

Mo Tan walked towards Yu Ying with a smile, cracking his knuckles gently as he walked: "If you are worried that I will be harmful to you, then I can only congratulate you for guessing correctly."


"Don't worry, I won't slap you in the face."

Mo Tan Qi smiled harmlessly and slowly took out the two needle-like daggers from his waist: "I'll give you a minute to change your equipment."

Yuying was shocked: "Why?!"

"Haha, because your disrupting the situation makes me very unhappy."

Mo Tan smiled nervously, then turned around in a very gentlemanly manner: "Change your equipment."

"Are you sick!"

Yu Ying sighed, shrank into a corner, quickly changed into her previous set of extremely cost-effective equipment, grabbed the dagger and stabbed Mo Tan directly in the back.

Of course, this girl didn't mean to kill anyone. Although she was a little angry due to the previous series of encounters, and Tan Mo's messy speech also made her very unhappy, after all, the two had met before, and during this period of time with Lei Getting along with Sha was quite pleasant, and Yu Ying himself was not a murderous person, so he still had plenty of room for action. Even if the dagger was stabbed, it would most likely not kill Mo Tan.

However, at the moment when the blade was about to touch the target, Yu Ying's eyes only felt blurry, and Mo Tan's slightly thin back suddenly disappeared!

"Are you so stupid?!"

With a furious roar, Yu Ying felt a strong force coming from her shoulder, and her whole body was kicked out uncontrollably by Mo Tan, and she hit the dirty wall at the end of the dark alley.

[Backhand Spin]

Yu Ying reacted quickly. The moment she was about to hit the wall, she raised her leg and kicked hard on it. The slender dagger flew between her fingers and spun at high speed, slashing hard at Mo Tan behind her.


"Won't you try to seduce me if you hide yourself and be found out?"

Mo Tan casually knocked Yu Ying's dagger to the side, and while slashing at the latter, he cursed endlessly: "Can't you cover up your ugly appearance? Can't you cover up your flat chest? You can't learn from other people's professional skills. Playing stealth, you are a bitch!!”

【Piercing the Heart】!

Yu Ying, who was sprayed with blood, was also furious. She ducked past Mo Tan's unorganized chops and then directly sent out a high-consuming skill with a small probability of causing death, and stabbed the latter's heart menacingly. go!

Then he felt a pain in his waist, and Mo Tan received a [Kidney Blow] before the heart piercing needle was inserted. Suddenly, his vision went black and he entered a state of dizziness.

"Let you spoil my good deeds!"

As a result, Mo Tan didn't seize the opportunity to use a set of skills or something. Instead, he pushed the dizzy Yu Ying as if fighting a gangster, and angrily yelled: "Calling you a bad guy is a good thing! Calling you Bad old man, good thing!"

Until the contact in the dazed state, Yuying didn't lose a drop of blood, but was sprayed with spittle.

“Are you done yet!!”

Yu Ying, who was more unwilling to be spat on than losing blood, screamed in collapse, and the two overlapping daggers twisted towards Mo Tan's neck like scissors.

[Strength Liberation] + [Breaking Neck]!

As a result, the latter took a step back calmly, avoiding Yu Ying's strangulation by a hair's breadth, then lightly stamped his right leg, and then struck hard with a half-moon-shaped blade popping out from the toe of the shoe. Whip Leg: "How dare you fight back!!"

However, this move was seen through by Yu Ying early, and the girl's figure instantly appeared behind Mo Tan, and while dodging the latter's boot blade, there was a flash of cold light like lightning!


The most powerful skill with a cooldown time of up to 12 hours can be used as soon as possible. It can be seen that Yu Ying has shown real fire and decided to teach Mo Tan an unforgettable lesson!

However, judging from the details that she did not use [Luoying] in advance (stay in the air for 1 second, the damage of the next cunning active skill is increased by 100%) to increase the damage of [Blinking Shadow], Yuying still did not kill Mo Tan. Otherwise, if you have a good face, under Luoying's damage increase, back attack + critical hit + 100% damage increase [instant] may really directly kill a player with weak defense.


When the [Instant] attack as a starting move hit Mo Tan's back, he was directly turned into a ball of white light and dissipated in pieces in the air.


Yu Ying, who thought she had accidentally killed the opponent, was startled at first, and then a short blade grazed her side, leaving a bloody gash on her waist.

Yu Ying was immediately startled, and when she turned around suddenly, she didn't find even a single figure. Then another blade of light passed by silently, and there was a gash on her thigh.

"This woo!"

The third ray of cold light lit up. Yuying still did not avoid it, but she finally managed to see the attacker clearly.

It's that Tan Mo! Although it’s a little vague, it’s definitely Tan Mo!

Yu Ying made an accurate judgment and was about to take a step to chase after him. Then she felt a cold feeling on her back. She stumbled forward two steps and turned back again in surprise. Sure enough, she found Mo Tan sneering towards her at an incredible speed. Come rushing.

Three tanmo!

The next moment, there was another whistling sound from both sides!

No, it's five.


Behind you! Six or seven? !

The blade flashed!

How many channels?

have no idea!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom! !

With Yu Ying as the center, chaotic figures intersect and shuttle like ghosts!

The health value dropped rapidly. The girl who was teetering in the dozens of dazzling blade lights felt that her mind went blank. She could only subconsciously raise her double blades to resist the opponent's terrifying thunderstorm that could no longer be described as 'fast'. offensive.

[Shadows flash]

Growable active skills

Mastery requirements: Have a high-level melee profession, sin value \u003e 5, [Shadow Flash] hidden proficiency \u003e 800

Consumption/limitation: 30 physical energy, 30 acuity, 3% of current health

Effect: Create an operable shadow with 70% of the user's basic attributes, 200% movement speed and a health value of 1. The basic duration is 2 seconds. Each additional second consumes an additional 5% of the maximum physical energy. The shadow can Use normal attacks and one-time skills [Destruction], [One Flash], [Continuous Flash], the cooling time is 30 minutes.

Trait 1: The user can freely switch his/her main perspective and consciousness between body/shadow. The uncontrolled party will receive an 80% increase in damage, a 50% increase in critical hit rate, and a 100% reduction in total resistance.

Trait 2: The unconscious shadow can only perform two commands: attack and move to a designated position, and cannot use skills independently.

Trait 3: The negative effects suffered by the shadow cannot be fed back to the main body in any form.

Trait 4: Before all the shadows disappear, you can actively create additional shadows. The consumption of each shadow is 50 physical energy, 50 sensitivity, and 5% of the current health. The duration is 2 seconds. The additional consumption is calculated independently. .

Trait 5: When there are more than 3 shadows existing at the same time, for each additional shadow, the damage received by the body increases by 20% and the critical hit rate increases by 10%; when there are more than 8 shadows existing at the same time, each additional shadow increases the damage received by the body by 20%. There is a shadow, and the body's critical damage is increased by 25%.

Trait 6: Every time a shadow is killed, 5% of its maximum health will be deducted.

[Note: In that era when there was no spiritual connection, such skills were the best choice to verify your single time.]

Chapter 637: End

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