Quadruple split

Chapter 646: Mixing in

恶狠狠地瞪着旁边这个无耻的男人,羽莺只觉得自己整个人都不好了,她觉得这个能在把自己揍到半死后将'你傻辶'与'我对你一见钟情'这两段话The guys who fit together so seamlessly are either crazy or kidding themselves.

In fact, Mo Tan at this moment is really both.

"Hey, actually if you get along with me carefully for a period of time, you will definitely find a lot of shining points in me."

Mo Tan held his chin in melancholy, looking at the gloomy night sky over the Free City, shaking his head and sighing: "It's a pity, it's a pity."

Yu Ying laughed dryly, tugged on her torn red scarf, hugged her knees and said dullly: "So what are you planning on doing? Why do you want to save me?"

"Oh, didn't I tell you that I fell in love with you at first sight?"

"If you keep talking nonsense, I will log off."

"Uh, okay, let's be serious."

Mo Tan smiled and touched his hair, suppressed his smile and said seriously: "Actually, it's because I like you."

Yuying said nothing and decisively prepared to execute the offline operation.



A cold light flashed, and a shallow bloody mouth suddenly appeared on the girl's right leg. Her offline operation was unable to take effect because she was dragged into combat.

"You better figure it out, honey."

Mo Tan played with the long needle-like dagger [Ling Shuang] in his hand and glanced at Yu Ying teasingly: "The initiative in the conversation is now in my hands, so even if you can't make a joke, it's best not to try. I would be very sad to end this really unproductive chat in this way."

Yuying didn't get angry this time, but she just spread her hands helplessly and said: "As long as you can guarantee that you don't look much worse than what you look like in the game, and you are willing to pay for the bus fare, dinner and movie tickets, I can I’ll leave you my cell phone number and next Saturday afternoon.”

"Forget it, I don't want to call the suitor of someone like you."

Mo Tan smiled and raised his eyebrows and said: "Let me guess, that person is your senior. He is not short, has well-developed limbs, and has a simple mind. He confessed his love to you because he lost a bet with his friends, and in a series of quite... After the bloody farce, I found out that I do have some interest in you, so I am still pestering you until now, right?"

Yu Ying was stunned for a moment, then changed her calm demeanor, hugged her shoulders and rubbed back half a meter in fear, staring at Mo Tan as if she had seen a ghost: "You, you, you, you, you!"

"That's nonsense."

The latter waved his hands lazily, then he lay on the ground with his whole body stretched out, crossed his legs and said with a smile: "To be honest, I'm not very interested in such embarrassing topics, so let's talk about something else. .”

Yuying, who was kneeling on the ground, quickly turned sideways to adjust the angle. After making sure that her legs were out of sight, she asked a little stiffly: "For example?"

"For example"

Mo Tan picked his ears and said nonchalantly: "What is the purpose of you working and completing tasks non-stop during this period of time?"

Yuying, who thought the latter was going to continue to steer the topic towards love at first sight, frowned and asked with a little surprise: "Why are you interested in this?"

"Actually, I'm not very interested. Let's change the topic. Are you willing to date me?"

“The purpose of working to earn money is to update and maintain equipment.”

Yu Ying looked at Mo Tan expressionlessly and spoke quickly: "As for the fact that I have been taking on tasks from the Thieves Guild during this period, it is because of one of my, uh, personal tasks."

The hesitation in her last sentence was not a lie, she was just worried that Mo Tan wouldn't believe it. After all, personal missions are quite rare in this game, and Yuying is currently working hard to conquer the epic personal mission. It is even rarer. Even in the official forum of the Innocence World, few people mention it. Almost all those who are lucky enough to take on such tasks have failed. Some have failed or quit due to difficulties. Anyway, Just not many passed.

However, 'few' does not mean 'none' after all. For example, the star player [Awakening Dragon], who is well-known in the gaming circle, shared his experience of completing an epic personal mission on social platforms a few days ago. It's just that the missions in the game Innocence are basically not replicable, so even if the boss writes the process in detail, it won't be of much reference value to other players.


Mo Tan's eyes lit up as Yu Ying expected, and he asked with great interest: "Personal mission? What level is it?"

Yuying didn't hide anything, and replied generously: "Epic mission chain."

"Hey, not only is it an epic level, but it's also a quest chain~"

Mo Tan whistled, first did a 180° turn from lying down to lying down, and then asked with a smile on his chin: "So, are you doing the preparatory work for that epic task chain during this time?"

"You are quite curious."

Yuying rolled her eyes.

"There are many places where I am strong."

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows.

Yu Ying hummed: "Why should I tell you?"

Mo Tan smiled: "Because this is the attitude you should have towards your savior."

As the person who almost beat Yu Ying to death a few minutes ago, his expression can be said to be quite shameless.

However, the female assassin who had calmed down at this time did not get angry. Instead, she narrowed her eyes and looked at Mo Tan for a long time before saying calmly: "I can explain it to you clearly, but to be fair, are you It’s better to briefly talk about your situation.”

"I am your savior."

Mo Tan reminded him very seriously.

"Yes, but I don't think you are the kind of gentleman who likes to see rough things on the road."

Yu Ying smiled and glanced at Mo Tan charmingly: "So, if there is anything in me that would make you willing to give up the mission and play the role of 'savior', please tell me directly."

Mo Tan also smiled, and then stretched out his index finger and shook it gently: "You are wrong. Maybe I am not the type who likes to draw a sword to help when there is injustice, but I can guarantee that I am definitely a gentleman."

Yu Ying raised her eyebrows and said, "Why do you see that?"

Mo Tan smiled evilly: "The notebooks I have collected can fill your entire bedroom. The total hard drive that contains them weighs eleven kilograms. The variety even exceeds the total number of elective courses you are eligible to take. Among them, you alone are There are more than 200 female assassins who fall short on missions."

"Stop! Please shut up! I already completely believe you!"

Yu Ying, whose face turned red quickly, then turned from red to green, and then from green to white, panicked and interrupted the other party's speech that was indeed filled with the glory of a gentleman.

Mo Tan smiled proudly and looked at the sky as lonely as snow, hiding his merit and fame.

Yuying, who was completely shocked by the 'gentleman' in front of her, remained silent for a while before timidly asking: "So what was your reason for saving me before?"

While saying this, Yu Ying had already made up her mind. If the guy in front of her dared to use 'love at first sight' or 'I'm a gentleman' as an excuse, even if she tried to lose her job in the hotel, she would still have to activate the stealth skill and then Going offline is not difficult because you will be out of the battle right away.


Yuying, who was hit in the head by a small stone, subconsciously screamed in pain.

"It's so obvious in your eyes."

Mo Tan, who easily helped Yu Ying resume fighting status, grinned, and then said slowly: "Well, it doesn't matter if I tell you the reason. First, because of your extreme exposure, I can no longer take advantage of that. Fatty accidentally got the thing secretly. Although it is not impossible to rob it, there is at least a 70% chance that the mission target will die. In this case, the bodyguard brother with an uncertain future will go berserk and 90% of the time. After killing you, he immediately started chasing me, but I am not 100% sure that I can successfully escape from the entanglement of an epic monk."

Yuying, who actually heard the words Germaine roared out, "It's better to die than let this thing take me away," nodded slightly, and then asked curiously: "Is this just the first reason?"

In her opinion, this reason alone was enough for Mo Tan to make the previous choice.

"Of course, after all, this reason alone is far from enough to make me change my mind."

Mo Tan bounced up lightly, his posture changed from lying on the ground to sitting cross-legged, and continued to explain lazily: "The second and most important reason is that through the attitude of Mr. Germain, we don't It’s hard to tell that the mission item is very important. Although I don’t know to what extent, there is no doubt that the description of mission 759 is concealed, so considering that this mission may cause big trouble and I have never been very If you have the habit of voluntarily being a gunman for others, giving up the mission is the best choice."

Yu Ying pondered for a moment, and when she raised her head again, she looked at Mo Tan with a little more admiration in her eyes, because although she could not guess the second reason just now, it was difficult for her to do it in just a few days like the other person did. Analyze the situation clearly within seconds.

"As for the last reason."

Mo Tan casually took out two apples from his pocket, threw one to Yu Ying, and then skillfully peeled the fruit with the long dagger like a one-handed sword in his hand: "I want you to owe me a favor."

Yuying was stunned: "What's the reason?"

"Because I fell in love with you at first sight. It's naturally impossible. To be honest, although you can barely be included in my defense range, your intellectual flaws are still too serious, and you are not like Lesa. The figure and contrast are cute, so.”

Mo Tan turned away with some embarrassment, scratched his cheek and whispered: "Although I know you are a good person, you really can't force feelings."

The corners of Yuying's mouth twitched twice as she was dealt the Enchanted Good Guy Card, and she gritted her teeth and asked, "May I ask, what is your defense range?"

Mo Tan gave the answer without hesitation: "Female, alive."

"Sorry, I seemed to have asked a stupid question."

Yuying didn't believe what the other party said, so she just laughed twice and brought the topic back to the right track: "So, what is the reason why you want me to owe you a favor?"

Mo Tan snapped his fingers casually and smiled playfully: "Actually, there is no special reason. Do you still remember what Boss Jun said the day you applied for the job?"

"Are you talking about that labor contract that makes people want to kick you in the face?"

"No, I mean that about your resume."

"My resume?"

Yuying frowned and shook her head: "If you are referring to the disaster in Misha County, then unfortunately, I only played a small role in it. The so-called chief adjutant is actually the one who gave us The Commander does errands and delivers messages. To put it simply, he just adds friends with many players, and then conveys the Black Commander's orders to the corresponding units as soon as possible. It is indeed a lot of hard work, but in terms of credit, .Oh, there were indeed many indispensable people in that disaster, but they didn’t include me.”

"But that's not important~"

Mo Tan shook his head indifferently and chuckled: "I am a person who likes investing very much. As long as the other party has or may have some value, I am willing to help a little, such as Junwu and Lei Sha, like you, I don’t care whether the other person is worthy of his name, and I don’t care whether the other person is worthy of my help. As long as the cost-effectiveness is high enough, I don’t mind helping anyone, such as the mission just now, to help you escape and my decision. There was no obvious conflict, so I just did it, and it wasn’t complicated at all.”

Yu Ying took a breath and nodded: "This reason is at least easier to accept than 'love at first sight'. Well, even if I owe you a favor, if there is anything I can do to help you in the future."

"No, it's not necessary now."

Mo Tan interrupted her with a smile, and said with a grin: "Now and then, I don't need you to pay back the favor, that's all."

"But what?"

Yuying looked at him warily.

"But the epic personal mission chain you just mentioned seems very interesting."

While Mo Tan was casually decorating the 'Thinker' core he had just cut out, he stared at Yu Ying with burning eyes: "So if it's convenient, let me get involved in your mission chain this time~"

Yu Ying was stunned for a moment, then spread her hands and said: "It's inconvenient. I've only been to the mission location once, so I don't know very well, but the rewards for this kind of 'personal' mission should be directly issued by the system, even if you There’s no good in doing it with me.”

"so what?"

While Mo Tan carefully looked at the lifelike apple-core version of the 'Thinker' in his hand, he asked casually: "Is there any benefit or anything? Is it important?"

Yuying was shocked: "Isn't it important?!"

"At least to me, it's not really important."

Mo Tan got rid of the thinker in one go, shrugged his shoulders and said vaguely: "So, we decided happily like this?"

"How come it's decided? I haven't said yes yet!"

"Stop making trouble. When I said I wanted to get involved, you looked at me as if you were looking at my father."

"whispering sound"

"So, what's the answer?"

".make a deal."

Chapter 639: End

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