Quadruple split

Chapter 673 Going to the Mine

"Calm down."

Mo Tan comforted Yaya for a while, who rolled and crawled back to him. He pulled out his sword with a serious look on his face and walked to the front of the team: "Let's get closer and wait and see first."

So the Wang Wang team stopped chatting, walked professionally, quietly and quickly along the road Ya Chong came back, and soon arrived at the outskirts of mining area No. 12. At the same time, in the dark mine cave The moment Mo Tan and others came into view, a vague odor gradually spread around. Although it was not very strong, it still made Ji Xiaoge frown. As for his sense of smell, which was several times sharper than everyone else's. Yaya, who was at the same level, was now crumbling and his face was pale.


Ya Ya grabbed Mo Tan's cloak and cried while covering her nose: "Wangji is so scary! Those Wangtou people are so insidious!!"

Mo Tan shrugged, and simply took off his cloak and let Yaya hold it in his arms as a mask. He shook his head and said, "Well, although the air here is indeed a bit bad, it shouldn't be a trap deliberately targeting us. I can only talk about what's inside. The hygiene situation must be pretty bad.”

“It’s all full of shit!!”

Ya Ya held her stomach and retched twice, whimpering with a sad and angry expression: "Wang is going to die, Wang is going to die, Wang is going to die."

Several other people looked at Yaya helplessly and distressedly, with eyes full of sympathy.

Everyone has been together for such a long time, and naturally it is clear that Yaya's sense of smell and hearing are outstanding even among the same race, and this feature can be an advantage in many cases, and can be used in tracking, locking, early warning, etc. It has played a huge positive role, and because of this, Yaya has been positioned as a scout in the Wangwang team from the beginning, and he is also an offensive scout who can perfectly shoulder the tasks of assault, breaking formations, etc., even though he is in relatively professional fields such as identifying traps. Not as good as thieves, but its striking ability and anti-attack ability are far better than those of the cunning profession at the same level. Coupled with the assistance of dog whispering magic, it can definitely be called the number one all-rounder of the barking team.

Whether it is Mo Tan, who is fully developed morally, intellectually, and physically, or Jadka, who is deactivated from range bombing and able to strike hard, or Anthony Dabbs, who is knowledgeable in both magic and martial arts, they cannot match him in terms of functionality. In comparison, Ji Xiaoge, who has already accomplished her studies at this moment, can compete slightly with her battlefield engineering and various kinds of cuisine, but her body is as brittle as paper and she is obviously not a scout.

And everyone can see that just by standing in front of this mine, Yaya, a professional scout, has already lost half of his power.

"I go in front, Anthony and Dabus are two meters behind to cover, Wang Badan is in the middle, Jadeka and Yege support from the two wings, and Yaya is behind."

Mo Tan only thought for a moment before adjusting his original tactical arrangements and choosing a formation configuration that was more optimal for the current situation. He then replaced his two-handed giant sword with a pair of lighter one-handed swords and adjusted his chest. Armor and shoulder pads were two pieces of equipment, adding more than a dozen points of dexterity attributes at the expense of reducing physical fitness, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a decent-looking swordsman scout.

Of course, it just looks like it. After all, Mo Tan is still a knight. However, although he cannot switch between many personal styles as smoothly as he did when he was 'Tan Mo', he can also refer to the latter. Create several plans for yourself with slightly different emphasis, and because 'Mo' and 'Tan Mo' are the same person after all, although this kind of reference cannot be compared to a tiger, it cannot be compared to a dog, and the practical value is still relatively good .

The same goes for the arrangement that he almost had no time to think about just now. Even if he can't have the ability to see the overall situation and deal with details that was unique to him as 'Black Fan', he can still do it decently now that he is already very familiar with his teammates. Create a very effective arrangement.

This is the advantage that 'Mo Tan' gained at the cost of having less than one-third of other people's game time on average. It is his own unique advantage, that is, he has more than others in all situations. Triple the experience!

The tactical and strategic ideas cultivated when I was a 'Hei Fan', the observation and research of various battle details when I was a 'Mo', the various style ideas I honed when I was a 'Tan Mo', the above are random. There are many examples that can be cited, all of which can more or less help Mo Tan with any personality in the game. Although it has great limitations, it is definitely much more reliable than conventional reference methods, because these Things are originally his 'own'.

Other personalities can get a full 100% professional answer sheet. For the current personality, let alone 80%, it is not a big problem to get a passing score of 60%. No matter how bad the compatibility is, getting a 40 or 50% score is absolutely nothing. Strong without a clue.


Jadeka smiled and looked at Mo Tan, who was leaning forward slightly, holding his swords backwards, and walking erratically, and praised him from the bottom of his heart: "I always feel that you are no different from those veteran thieves."

As 'Tan Mo', Mo Tan, who had been able to outwit most so-called veteran thieves, smiled, shook his head and said, "It's just a look. If there's no problem, let's set off."

Everyone nodded in unison. At the stall where Mo Tan and Jadeka were talking just now, everyone had quickly adjusted their positions according to the former's instructions. Anthony Dabbs stood in front with a hammer in his hand, and Wang Badan looked at it with a frown. The huge butt in front of him was sighing, and on the left and right were Jadeka and Ji Xiaoge, who had not seen each other for three months but was not unfamiliar with everyone. The last one was shivering, almost wrapping his little face in a cloak. Zongzi teeth.

"Keep up and stay alert."

Mo Tan casually held a sword flower and rushed into the mine silently. He lowered his center of gravity as much as possible and was very fast. Rather than 'rushing', the description of 'floating' into the mine seemed to be more appropriate, and he suddenly enveloped him. The darkness did not waver him in the slightest. A pair of clear vertical pupils had adapted to the dim environment around him in just a few seconds. In the next second, two bright small fireballs appeared on his left and right sides. Steadily emitting a warm and soft flame.

Naturally, the Wangwang team does not need oil lamps. With the assistance of spicy burnt powder, Jadeka can control several fireballs to fly around everyone. The two small fireballs following Mo Tan always maintain a 5-minute distance with them. Centimeter equal distance, the level of magic control is at its peak.

"Brother, keep it up."

Wang Badan in the center of the team suddenly said something, so Mo Tan, who had been speeding up slightly, immediately stabilized his moving speed to ensure that the slowest bastard in the team could keep up, while the others also adjusted at the same time. Adjust the rhythm to ensure that the state can be maximized at the current movement speed.

"There is an obstacle thirty meters away."

Ji Xiaoge, who pulled down the [Great Craftsman Goggles] suddenly said something, and at the same time raised the alloy chopping board. She knew very well that she was the weak point of this team, even though the attacker was the first to attack in an unexpected situation. The target is most likely Jadeka, the 'crispy' guy who looks like a mage but is actually a mage.

Jadeka also summoned three [Fire Shields] at the same time, which was very consistent with his identity as a mage, although this thing may not even be as thick as his.

The next second, Jadeka, who had blessed himself with defensive magic, waved his staff lightly, and three fireballs shot out in the shape of a letter. They hit the 'obstacle' Ji Xiaoge found, and exploded in a series of dazzling fireballs. spark.

"Everyone is on alert, I'll take a look first."

Mo Tan raised his sword to signal the people behind him to stop, then replaced his left sword with a small buckler, and cautiously moved forward surrounded by two small fireballs.

It is a mess of rubble, with a somewhat reluctant path shoveled out in the middle, and there are heavy human traces.

"It seems that this is the place where Master Brando caused the landslide before."

Mo Tan made a quick judgment, and then waved for everyone to come over: "The miners seem to have created a passage here, but... uh... Dabbs, can you go through?"

"I'm already struggling right now."

The three-meter-tall two-headed ogre (the sober head) sighed, glanced at the two-meter 'passage' in front of him, shrugged and said, "Even if I'm crawling forward, I feel like I'm You will be suffocated to death inside, this thing is obviously not dug for ogres."

What he said was correct. Although Brother A Liang organized a group of people to barely dig out a passage in this area after the landslide, those kobolds with an average height of less than 1.3 meters could dig out a passage about two meters high. The passage in the corridor was obviously a superb performance, and they didn't have water in their heads, so naturally they couldn't find a way out that would allow the ogre to move like flying.

So Anthony Dabbs was embarrassed. To be precise, Dabbs was more embarrassed. Anthony, who had eaten and drank enough, was sleeping soundly, almost without snoring.

"There's nothing you can do. Just stay here. I'll call you if anything happens."

Mo Tan patted Dabbs on the arm. The current exploration progress was just the beginning. It would definitely be inappropriate to turn back directly, so he simply suggested that Anthony Dabbs stay here and the others continue to move forward.

Dabbs nodded slightly, moved away and sat cross-legged on the ground: "Let's do it like this. Say hello if you need anything."

"I can't get over it either. My figure is too round."

Wang Ba boldly smacked his lips and lay flat on the ground, humming with a shy face: "Brother, please leave first. Say hello if you need anything."

Mo Tan glanced at him with a half-smile: "Are you sure?"


Wang Ba boldly turned his head and saw that Ji Xiaoge was taking out snacks for Anthony from his bag. He immediately shuddered and said, "I'm not sure."

Mo Tan nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Then let's go, you are in front of this part of the road."


Wang Ba was dumbfounded.

"The room for maneuvering on this road is too small. Since you are the strongest, you should naturally go in front."

Mo Tan stepped aside and patted its tortoise shell: "Don't worry, I'm following you."


After swearing with a frown, Wang Baguang obediently got into this passage that was so narrow that it made him nervous, followed closely by Mo Tan, Jadeka, Ji Xiaoge, and Ya Ya.

One turtle and four people trudged nearly two hundred meters in the narrow passage and finally escaped from this long landslide area. According to the judgment of an expert (field engineer Ji Xiaoge), the power of Master Brando's detonator was indeed It's quite good, and his personal strength is probably not particularly bad. Otherwise, let alone being seriously injured by a landslide and becoming a hostage, it would be good if he didn't directly become a scumbag.

This is also the reason why the Craftsman Town Apprentices have a bunch of engineering masters but are still unable to deal with these kobolds. Putting aside the Miners Association, which has no fighting ability, although those engineering masters are all very strong, any one of them can't do anything. He is a fierce man who can blow up hundreds of kobolds in open areas, but the fighting style of these people is not something that this mine can bear. Take the great craftsman Naxam Brando, for example. He only used a detonator that he thought was a deterrent but not very powerful, but still caused a landslide in this mine that received expensive maintenance every five years. If he really took action, Even if they could blast those kobolds who had risen up in a matter of seconds, the mine located on the outer edge of Mining Area No. 12 would probably be doomed.

That's why Father Kag had no choice but to initiate a commission to the Adventurer's Guild despite having a large amount of high-end combat power. It's really because if these ancestors didn't take action, if they did, the landslide would be devastating, literally. 'Landslide' and 'earth rift'.

Everyone must have guessed it after seeing this. Yes, in fact, even the combat effectiveness of Mo Tan and his team will be affected by this, because when fighting methods such as explosions, explosions, or explosions cannot be used, Ji, who is more enthusiastic about egg dishes, Xiaoge has basically lost 60% of her combat effectiveness. Although she still has attack methods such as the face net, flying cake, and the rampaging Valkyrie Catlin machine gun mode, she can only use the fragmented tea egg against people and the concussive hand slide against people. No need to use good things like eggs.

"Not only that."

Mo Tan was walking at the front with his eyes and ears in all directions, and said softly: "Don't forget that the most spacious place here is only four meters high, and there is no room for you to use your flying ability, Ye Ge, so what if? "

But when he suddenly stopped, he moved his right hand slightly, and threw out a sword shadow that made a bright red slash in the air, smashing two dirty bottles in the air.

The next second, two flames exploded not far away from the four people (one turtle), making the mine tunnel extremely bright.

The sneaky figures of two dogs disappeared in the corner of Mo Tan's field of vision.

"Wait a moment!"

Mo Tan rushed forward, shouting as he ran: "Today's news is real"

Ahem, wrong.

"Wait a minute! We are not hostile!"

“No shit!!”

He was answered with two yells and more and more [homemade Molotov cocktails].

Chapter 666: End

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