Quadruple split

Chapter 682 Boss Jun’s business experience

Seeing that Crow's face was red and his neck was rough, and he looked like he was about to go crazy, Jun Wu did not continue to make this joke that was completely true. He just said lightly: "Whether it is in terms of handling the established business or in terms of personal abilities. , with rich work experience, you can at least throw me out of the top ten. In the final analysis, 99% of the difference between us is actually in the business philosophy. I have to say that in the field of serious business, you are not as good as me. "

"Of course I know this."

Crowe snorted lightly, although he still felt a little bit unsatisfied when Jun Wu finished speaking. He felt that the so-called gap between the two in this regard was entirely because he didn't care about turnover, passenger flow, or anything else. Well, maybe there is something about the maid that he cares about. Anyway, in short, "If I pay attention to this, I will never do worse than Jun Wu." This idea is Crow's first reaction, but he has already found Being calm, he suppressed this reaction when it first appeared. There were two reasons. First, he had just been pointedly pointed out that he had realized that his mentality was somewhat unbalanced after losing to Jun Wu. Second, he was afraid of being exposed by that person. Damn it, Tan Mo will spray blood again.

"So you know."

Jun Wu held his chin and glanced at Crowe in confusion, and said in confusion: "Isn't that okay?"

"Why is everything okay?"

Crowe's expression was even more confused than Jun Wu's.

"Isn't the purpose of your coming here just to understand why you lost?"

Jun Wu scratched his cheek, spread his hands and said, "Now you know."

"I do not know!"

"You just said you knew."

"Wait a moment."

Crowe tugged at his long ears tiredly and said feebly: "I don't think we are talking about the same thing."

However, Jun Wu suddenly showed an enigmatic smile and said softly: "No, we are talking about the same thing, you taste it, you taste it carefully."

"Boss Jun, I'm begging you, can we just tell you what we have to say and stop talking about it?"

Crowe was going crazy. He rubbed his aching forehead and smiled bitterly: "I'm really out of shape right now. It's very difficult for me to stay awake and think normally. I really can't shoulder anything that requires my brain. "

Jun Wu took Crow's hand with concern on his face: "What happened? Did you not get enough rest recently?"


"Hey, why are you so careless about your health?"

".You don't give me a holiday."

"Oh, that's okay."

Jun Wu looked solemn and said seriously: "If you don't want to taste it, then I won't taste it. Come here, I will talk to you carefully."

Crocodile laughed twice and nodded: "I thank you and your family."

"You're welcome."

Weiyang waved his hand, signaling Crowe not to be so polite.

"Hey, we are all our own people, so thank you."

Mo Tan also smiled, and then was slapped to the ground by Wei Yang with a broom again.

"As I said just now, the content that you want to see but haven't seen yet, I'm pretty good at it, and the content that you see but don't care about is the 'advantage' of my business."

Jun Wu smiled, wagging his finger and explained to Crowe: "Let's make a long story short and only talk about the two most critical points. First, as far as the hotel itself is concerned, you pay more attention to its functionality, that is, for thousands of years The unique operating system formed by the organization Lai Yunyou Hostel is an intelligence network based on the group of bards, from the most basic exchange of stories for stories to the more advanced exchange of money for information and bounties. Intelligence, intelligence-for-information and other operations have now become a complete, rigorous and efficient 'network'. With the headquarters located here as the core, every Wanderer hotel in the entire continent is a 'node' on this network. , and the hotel has built a 'line' between these nodes that initially only had ordinary bards, but has now expanded into countless channels to ensure that every valuable message will be included in this system in a short time. , you should know this very well, right?"

"I don't think what you said is clear."

Crow, who almost grew up at the Wanderer Hotel headquarters, raised his eyebrows and nodded: "But the general meaning is not wrong, but the specific details are much more complicated than what you just said."

Jun Wu shrugged: "Don't forget that I just became a middle-level cadre a few months ago, and I am still in the wait-and-see period, with imperfect authority. It is not easy to make up for this level. Okay."

Crowe nodded and motioned to Jun Wu to continue tasting it for him.

"As a node on this network, you are much better than me as a person with a professional background."

Jun Wu raised his hand to adjust his glasses, took a sip of the cold drink that Xiao Liu brought over shakily, and continued: "You know far better than me how to use, integrate, and utilize this system more efficiently, and how to achieve success in this system." What you need is your first advantage. Of course, this advantage did not play any role in the previous competitive competition. After all, no matter how decayed the Violet Empire is, the content that involves the core level is not Yuanyu. At least the branch of the Wanderer Hostel in Wayne City can be obtained by oneself."

Crowe continued to nod, his expression quite focused, and he didn't even notice that Mo Tan, who was sitting next to him, had wandered to the other side to chat quietly with Yu Ying.

"I'm different from you. Whether I was the person in charge of the Traveler Hostel in Kalan City, which was put on the market at that time, or the person in charge of the Traveler Hotel in the Nightless Zone, which was put on the market now, it's difficult for me to play my role perfectly. The role of 'nodes', if your utilization rate of this system is 85%, then I'm afraid I haven't even reached 58%, because some experiences and ideas cannot be mastered quickly as long as you are willing to make up lessons, perhaps with the exception of some geniuses. But at least I have nothing to do with the word genius."

Jun Wu made a funny expression (PS: It's not a 'funny' expression) and chuckled: "So I simply lowered the priority of the 'node' responsibility and focused on this network. Of course, the 'online' is not those systematic intelligence channels. After all, as you just said, I don't have a deep understanding of these things."

"Isn't it a systematic existing channel?"

Crowe was not a fool who could only nod his head and had no ability to think at all. After hearing Jun Wu say this, he was gradually able to follow his train of thought: "Did you mean?"

"Yes, I mean all the guests I can come into contact with, and try my best to make everyone a 'line' around my node, just like this."

Jun Wu smiled, poured some cold water on the table between the two of them, and then

Weiyang took out the rag and wiped it dry as fast as lightning.

Jun Wu turned to look at the former in silence: "I'm giving you an example. Can we please stop causing trouble?"

The latter scratched his hair and chuckled: "I'm used to it."

"Ahem, it's like this anyway."

Jun Wu poured some water on the table again, then stretched out his index finger to 'pick' it a few times, turning a small oval pool of water into a 'sea urchin' shape, and then

He was wiped by Weiyang again.

"Sister, you did it on purpose?"

Jun Wuxu looked over.

Weiyang was particularly embarrassed as he carried the rag behind his back and took a small step back: "I'm really used to it."

"What about that? I probably understand. Boss Jun, please continue."

Crowe, who had been resting for about two hours (yes, for him now, being able to sit down for a while is considered a rest) sighed and motioned to Jun Wu to stop giving examples and just say what you should say. .

Jun Wu didn't insist. He drank the remaining coolness in the cup and continued: "Maybe this method doesn't seem high-end to you, but I actually just try to make this place as popular as possible. Increase the traffic and diversify the guests, just like those pubs that also take care of intelligence work. Now it seems that at least I have been successful in this hotel without night zone. I still remember the C+ to B grade This is why we can collect more than 30 pieces of information of the same level in a day. If you are lucky enough to find the interaction point, you can even piece together B+ or A-level information."

A flash of realization flashed in Crowe's eyes, and he whispered: "Instead of taking advantage of the convenience brought by the hotel itself, are you turning your own territory into a large intelligence source? Indeed, it is just like you said, primitive, but efficient."

"To correct you, it's not that I don't take advantage of the convenience brought by the organization, but that what I can borrow now is relatively limited, so I just prioritize operations."

Jun Wu blinked and said slowly: "I have researched some information that I can easily access. It shows that the original Wanderer Hotel was actually just a simple hotel. At that time, there was no distinction between normal opening hours and private hours. Give the bard time to exchange information."

Crowe's silence was longer this time. He lowered his head and thought for three minutes before he raised his head and said sternly to Jun Wu: "I've been taught a lesson, Boss Jun, but please allow me to raise a different opinion and a question."

Jun Wu spoke concisely and to the point: "Speak."

"The difference of opinion is that although you don't think you are a genius, in my opinion, you can be called a genius among geniuses for being able to run this newly built hotel into what it is now in just a few days. Well, whether it’s the idea of ​​‘maid’ or the charging model that is the same as robbery, it is definitely not what ordinary people can think of.”

Crowe first complimented, and then raised his doubts: "As for the problem, let's put it this way, from the time when the headquarters decentralized the task until the dust settled, you should always stay at the Kalan City Hotel, but according to Well, according to my investigation, the operating conditions of the Kalan City Hotel at that time seemed to be relatively average."

Jun Wu nodded: "Well, so what happened during that period has nothing to do with what I just said."


Crowe was stunned.

"You want to know how you are inferior to me, right? I didn't say there is any inevitable connection between these two things."

Jun Wu was very calm and said before Crowe could react: "But the second point I want to make is related to the previous incident."

After hearing what he said, Crowe regained his energy and looked at Jun Wu with burning eyes: "I'm all ears."

"The first point I just mentioned is that you trust the energy of the hotel too much."

Jun Wu knocked on the table and stretched out two fingers: "The second point is that you believe in your own abilities too much. As the person in charge of the Wayne City Hotel, you know that it is already difficult to pass." After Node collected effective information, he immediately chose to rush to Violet in person, collecting information like an ordinary intelligence agent. It is true that your ability to drive ravens has a unique advantage in this regard, but you have transformed yourself from a planner. It is still very funny to become a pawn. In my personal opinion, whether it is buying, asking, or using any other means to investigate, it is better than rushing to the front line myself."

Crowe clenched his fists: "But."

"But you have indeed gained a lot, and you think that as long as I don't interfere, it is certain that your contribution is the greatest. However."

Jun Wu smiled, spread his hands and said, "You still lost to me after all, so you're sitting here listening to me teach you advanced business concepts, right?"

Crowe was not at a loss this time, but shook his head and said: "You are sophistry, you are secretly changing the concept."

"Well, maybe you are right, but on the premise that I have won and successfully entered the Nightless Zone Hotel, my sophistry and my concept of sneak exchange are correct at least for you. ."

Jun Wu looked at Crowe with a solemn gaze and said in a calm tone: "No matter what field you are in, there is one truth that will never go out of date. Victory equals correctness. You can choose to sneer at my explanation, but you can also You can only sneer at it, but that won’t change anything.”

Crowe was silent for a longer time this time. It was not until Xiao Liu had refilled Jun Wu's second cup of Liangbai that he slowly said, "So how did you win? No, I might as well ask more superficially." , where did your information that is both accurate, timely and even forward-looking come from?”

‘It doesn’t matter if you tell him, just polish it properly. ’

A piece of news suddenly popped up in the corner of Jun Wu's field of vision.

"I have some connections of my own, and although they are not free, they are useful enough."

Jun Wu smiled calmly, quickly sorted out his words and pointed to Mo Tan not far away: "Including him, many people have given me some help. Although the price is high, it is It really works.”

Rao Shikeluo had to admit that although this answer was not satisfactory, there was really nothing to fault. He could only follow Jun Wu's words and continue to ask: "Have you spent a lot of money to manage 'channels'?"

"That's natural."

Jun Wu blurted it out without thinking.

"Wait, how do you have so much money?"

"I don't need to tell you how good our hotel's business is, right? You should know how much you earn every day, right? Is it difficult to make money?"

"Uh, that's right. Wait! That's not right! Weren't you in Kalan City at the time? What does it have to do with making more money here?"

"It doesn't matter, I'm just telling you that it's important to do business well, for example, you can make a lot of money, and this money can play a big role in many times."

"Okay, okay, I've learned my lesson, so you were..."

"you guess?"

"Fuck me!"

Chapter 675: End

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