Quadruple split

Chapter 687 Day Black (II)

Day Black was born into a very high-class family. As for how high-class he is, let's put it this way. His father was one of the top ten patriarchs of the Sun Sect at that time, and he was also the former right-hand man of the current Sun Pope Pedro. Black, and his mother is one of the knights of the church, the outstanding Bonnie Black. Although her strength is no more than half a legend, she leads the Sunfire Knights, the most powerful fighting force in the entire sect, and is very good at using troops. In an expedition, he used his miraculous tactics to kill two entire battle groups of the Blood God Sect on the Chaos Side, earning him a reputation far and wide.

However, just five years ago, on the 5th of the Scarlet Moon Prayer in the Holy Calendar 9566, these two mainstays of the Sun Sect died at home in extremely strange circumstances, and their child, day and night, was only eight years old. He was also seriously injured. When he was found, the right side of his chest had been completely penetrated by some unknown force, and the left half of his body had large burns. He fell into a state of suspended animation almost the moment he was attacked. It was speculated afterwards that this was also his The only reason why a life was saved was that the murderer did not expect that the child would survive.

This tragedy shocked the entire Holy Domain, and the Sun Sect fell into a rage. The church's top leaders, headed by the current Pope, almost went crazy to hunt for the murderer. They even took the lead in high-level meetings within the alliance very forcefully, from all walks of life. The Inquisition selected people from the Inquisition and formed several tribunals covering at least ten sects. They launched an investigation centering on the Holy Land and even covering the entire continent. In the process, they also interacted with the Dark Night Sect, the Dark Night Sect, and the entire continent. The Blood God Sect and other chaotic-side True God Sects that are not part of the Holy Religion Alliance have had several large-scale conflicts. Even the God of Lies Sect, which only has two or three kittens, has been implicated. In addition, some of the Sects of the God of Chaos have had conflicts with the Sun in recent years. Individuals or forces with sectarian conflicts have also been affected, and even two killer organizations headquartered in the City of Freedom have not been spared.

As a result, until the end of the investigation that lasted for more than half a year, the Sun Sect had not found the murderer or organization that killed the Blacks. This incident became the biggest blow that the Sun Sect and even the Holy Union had suffered in the past hundred years, and it remains unsolved until now. No one dared to mention it within the sanctuary, and even the bards did not have the courage to artistically process this matter, otherwise they would easily be angered by the Sun Sect who was still angry.

When he was discovered, Day Blake, who had already half stepped into the gate of hell, was rescued by the sect's top leaders with all their strength. However, the child, who was already a disabled person, lost his memory. Although he still retained basic common sense and language skills, he lost himself. Most of the memories of those short eight years of life made people who wanted to ask him about the perpetrator feel extremely disappointed.

After that, the entire left half of his body was completely unrecognizable and he could not even take care of himself. Black was adopted by the Pope himself and soon disappeared from most people's sight. However, there were many rumors circulating within the Sun Sect. News, for example, poor little Black is physically disabled but has a strong mind, and is working hard to learn knowledge every day; for example, poor little Black is extremely talented, and has mastered many low-level magical arts in less than half a year; for example, poor little Black Blake didn't need to sleep, he spent every day studying hard in a pile of books that even adults couldn't understand; for example, poor little Blake had an extraordinary memory and learned several languages ​​just after he turned ten, even if they were written in ancient Elvish. He could recite hymns by heart at a glance.

Only a limited number of people, including the Pope, knew that those rumors were simply true. Not only were they not exaggerated at all, they were even a bit subtle.

Finally, on Day Black's eleventh birthday, the current Pope of the Sun, Saint Anastas Silver, personally performed a formal baptism ceremony for him.

That day, in front of all the believers who came to watch the ceremony, a young man wearing a plain white robe with most of his body covered in bandages stood up from his wheelchair with difficulty. He did not rely on anyone, but relied on his own strength. Slowly walked to the statue of the sun god Tisu, a distance of less than 20 meters. The young man walked for a full five minutes. When he finally stopped in front of the statue with difficulty, he looked at the already worn out body on little Blake's body. The large bandage was soaked red, and countless people shed tears.

And at the moment when his legs finally lost strength and he suddenly fell to his knees, a miracle happened.

A golden flame fell from the sky, covering the thin figure before anyone could react, burning his body quietly but firmly. While the boy was wailing, the Pope himself and several others rushed forward to save him. At the same time, the human Grand Priest was oppressed by a vast divine power, unable to move forward, and could only watch as Zuo Blaine struggled in the dazzling golden flames.

[Is it because God can’t stand it anymore and wants to grant this young man liberation? 】

Seeing the flames that burned more and more intensely, engulfing the young man's figure and howling within ten seconds, everyone had the same idea.

However, a few minutes later, when the flames dissipated into nothingness along with a faint chant, everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them.

Not only was the young man kneeling in front of the statue not killed by the monstrous divine fire, but the almost irreversible injuries on his body disappeared completely at the same time as the flames. In the center of a sun disk-shaped scorch mark, the unconscious man could be seen. The young man knelt there quietly, all the bandages on his body fell off, and his fair skin was healthy and full of vitality. Whether it was the huge radiating wound on the right side of his chest or the hideous scars on the left side of his body that had changed beyond recognition, it was as if they had never appeared before. The general no longer exists, even the hair on the left side has grown back.

A miracle, this can only be a miracle, an undoubted miracle!

Along with this miracle, the increasingly clear hymn in the air symbolizes another meaning, a meaning that makes everyone in the Sun Sect ecstatic - God's favor!

When the ten thousand feet of holy light burst out from the statue of the sun god Tisu and gradually focused on the comatose boy, everyone knew that the youngest person favored by the gods in history was born.

From that day on, the eleven-year-old Day Black rose unstoppably like a rising sun.

To this day, this beloved Holy Son has not disappointed anyone. He is a true genius. His deep understanding of the teachings and his rapid improvement in strength are enough to amaze everyone. In this most difficult time, At an age that is easily moved by vanity, he has never been dazzled by his identity and status. He can wear the most luxurious robes and stand in front of the solemn chapel to preach, and he does not mind squatting in the dirty and simple buildings on the edge of the sanctuary. Preaching to the poor under his shed.

Not only that, this young man seems to have inherited all the advantages of his late parents. Not only is he gentle and devout in his beliefs, but he is also equally talented in combat and even war. Every dean who has taught little Blake the magical arts bluntly said that this child is He was able to escape more than a dozen streets when he was young. Jeff Harrington, one of the knights of the Sun Cult, even designed and severely damaged the 'Mangled Queen' and her guards not long ago on his suggestion, directly letting those northern blood Man fell into civil war.

Unlike Yuchen, this Holy Son who went to the war-torn area as an army chaplain did not need to gild his reputation. In other words, since Knight Commander Harrington said that he planned the most important battle, it must be him. planned.

In Xia Lian's words, Zhou Black's resume can be basically equal to that of 'Saint Chenwangyu' + 'Commander Hei Fan' and several times more. He is destined to be in the limelight from childhood to death, and may even become a member of the Sun Sect. The first person in history to become Pope before the age of thirty.

At this moment, this big man was standing in front of Yuchen, greeting him and Luna with a smile.

"That...His Royal Highness Wangyu."

A wry smile appeared on the corner of Blake's mouth, and he said with some embarrassment: "Every day, I am called Your Highness by those elders who are much older than me. The pressure is really great. It is rare that you and I belong to the same God, so you can just call me Zhou or Xiao." Just Blake, of course, Ms. Luna, just call me by my name."

"no problem."

Although Yu Chen is afraid of strangers, he is not afraid of stage fright in front of a thirteen-year-old child. Hearing this, he immediately smiled and said, "I'm very happy."

Luna nodded indifferently.

"That's great."

Blake breathed a sigh of relief, then smiled and asked Luna: "I just took the liberty of overhearing the two of you chatting. Ms. Luna, are you looking for holy water with obvious exorcism properties?"

"That's right, I need a material that can combine and purify the two qualities of Uldum's evil mushroom, 'withering' and 'hallucinogenic'."

Luna nodded slightly and asked crisply: "You just said you could help me find a solution?"

Blake blinked and said hesitantly: "If I remember correctly, even if you don't specifically use holy water, there is a method that uses snail bile mixed with water spirit in a certain proportion."

"It's useless to mix the bile of the snail with the neutralizing agent of the water spirit algae. My purification method is not very orthodox. The hallucinogenic effect is five times that of the usually purified evil spirit mushrooms."

Luna calmly interrupted Black's suggestion, and then added belatedly: "And I am relatively poor. I still have some leftover water algae from the previous harvest, but there is not enough snail bile, so I have to use it sparingly. "

Realizing that Yuchen next to him was a little confused, Blake immediately and decisively stopped the discussion between the two on the field of alchemy, and said with a smile: "I was the one who was abrupt, so be it. It is not appropriate for you to provide holy water to Ms. Luna, but if it is just holy water with a higher than average effect of exorcizing evil or awakening the mind."

He took out a bottle of clear water from the thumb wheel-shaped storage item, then stretched out his index finger and tapped it.


Two spiral golden flames suddenly appeared in the water bottle. They slowly rotated and burned quietly. They seemed to be on another plane and did not react in any way with the water in the bottle, but they exuded bursts of order. One feels comfortable with the divine aura.

five seconds later


Blake removed his fingers, dispersed the two holy flames in the bottle, and handed the water that did not change at all to Luna: "If it simply increases the hallucinogenic effect by five times, a medium of this level should The merger can be completed.”


Luna took the bottle without politeness at first, and then asked belatedly: "How much is it?"

Yuchen smiled awkwardly at Blake. Even with her social skills, she could tell that Luna was obviously a casual favor that didn't need to be repaid, but the girl actually asked for a higher price.

"It's just a small effort, just think of it as apology for accidentally overhearing the two ladies chatting just now."

Blake chuckled and shook his head, then glanced happily at the bag of apples in Luna's arms: "But if Ms. Luna feels bad about it, just give me an apple."

As a result, the latter actually said honestly after thinking for a moment: "Fortunately, I'm not very sorry."


Yuchen tugged at the sleeves of his good friend with great trepidation, and then carefully glanced at the expression of the child in front of him.

Fortunately, His Royal Highness, the Holy Son of the Sun Sect, still had a heart-warming smile on his face, and there was no trace of embarrassment at all.

"Then I'll go back first. If you accidentally eat the horny powder of the Bofill Fire Crab, remember to find me."

Luna got a useful neutralizer and saw that Yuchen's little face was no longer red, so she bluntly stated that she was going to run away.

Yuchen nodded, moved and amused, and waved his hand, "Remember to play with me when you have time."


Luna casually put the bottle containing the holy water into her pocket, finally not forgetting about Blake, and nodded to him and said, "Thank you."

"You are welcome."

The young man bowed to Luna gracefully, but when he raised his head, he saw that she had walked several meters away.

Yuchen smiled at Blake very sheepishly and whispered: "I'm sorry, Luna's personality is er... erratic?"

"Well, quite erratic."

Blake nodded and smiled: "Look, she's back again."

Yuchen turned around and saw that Luna was walking back quickly, holding three light red potions in her hand.

"This is for you. It's for keeping out the cold. One sip will keep your body warm for three hours."

Luna put the potion into Yuchen's hand and said calmly: "I made too much last winter, and I don't need it myself, so I gave it to you."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

"But this."

Yuchen subconsciously called Luna. Seeing that the latter didn't seem to hear her at all, he murmured in a low voice, "I don't need it either. It's summer now."

Blake, who was standing nearby, looked at the potion in Yuchen's hand and smiled thoughtfully.


The young man bowed slightly to Yuchen, smiled and said, "Would you like to have something to drink together? I know there is a good shop in Zhongcheng District."


"Actually, I've been looking for a chance to apologize to you."


Chapter 680: End

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