Quadruple split

Chapter 70 Sun Dynasty

It was still early, and Mo Tan was planning to rush to Kalan City overnight. Cole and Xiao Ai should have arrived one step ahead, and there might also be a Wanderer Hotel in that place. He felt that it was time for him to speed up his pace a little...

But as the saying goes, there are unforeseen circumstances, and people have misfortunes and misfortunes. Just when he was about to concentrate on speeding up, something he loved to see happened.

[You have been disconnected, please choose whether to reconnect]

A few minutes later, Mo Tan sat beside the game cabin quite absentmindedly, with a very complicated mood.

"What am I thinking about? When can't I rush when I'm in a hurry..." He shook his head, just leaned against the game cabin and closed his eyes, muttering in a low voice: "Now is not the time to relax, the people behind the class are The Marshall family will never give up easily. Everyone's bodies are still in the wild. Futaba should have been offline, but there may be traces left... If it is searched on a large scale... No, we must go up and confirm."

Concentrating as much as possible, Mo Tan, who had just suddenly turned into a [Lawful Good] state, was ready to take the initiative to change his personality again. He had already completed the previous analysis when playing the game with 'Tan Mo', but this did not mean that With the matter over, something must be done before the Marshall family confirms Bennei's death!

Whether it is clearing the battlefield or getting clues, this time is perfect. Moreover, if Futaba leaves any conspicuous traces before going offline, he can also help deal with it. The most important thing is to at least Ned. Waiting for burial.

Even though they were just NPCs in the game, Mo Tan would never tolerate letting his friends' corpses be exposed in the wilderness, and at least they had to bury them properly.


"Can't do it?" Mo Tan opened his eyes after trying hard for a while. He was very sure that he was still the same 'self' as before. The initiative to change his personality, which had a high success rate, actually failed, and the several attempts just now also failed. He was a little exhausted mentally and physically, and there was no possibility of switching in a short time.

Getting up from the ground a little tiredly, Mo Tan clenched his fists tightly. Although he might not be able to succeed 100% in the first place, this time it was a little too coincidental, and the coincidence was so irritating!

"Damn it, why is it at this time!" He complained with some annoyance, then turned around and lay down in the game cabin, preparing to land in the Realm of Innocence.

He wanted to take a closer look at the McGonagall notebook, hoping to find some information about the Marshall family in it. Although he had the impression that the notebook did not contain too much detailed information about the Southeast Continent, it was at least better than doing nothing!

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, lawful and kind Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Northwest of the Innocence Continent, the ruined capital of Underhill

The last time he came, Mo Tan, who had not carefully observed his surroundings because he had experienced a flying dragon crash, a plane crash, misunderstandings, being slapped, and being disconnected, was shocked as soon as he went online.

Countless ruins that have been weathered by time look particularly desolate in the moonlight. There are tall buildings crisscrossing the area as far as the eye can see. The stone base standing not far away is tall and tenacious, but it should have been sitting upright. The bell tower above is scattered like rubble, covering the main road carved with decorative patterns...

The ruins of a certain square where Mo Tan was before offline were dotted with a large number of stone sculptures and seven or eight stone pillars. The former seemed to be sculptures of various races in the Innocence Continent, and each one was no less impressive than the two stone statues in front of the Adventurer Branch. Towering, the latter is covered with totems and coats of arms, and even countless enchanted carvings that have been scattered for thousands of years. They just sit quietly in this ruins, no longer glorious and magnificent, but turned into The tip of the iceberg that can be seen everywhere in this ruins commemorates the glory of the past in another form...

The perennial north wind makes this place rarely dusty, but makes it feel even more desolate.

There are enough spectacular scenery everywhere, even the city of Pato has the same grand Holy Church Chapel, but when countless majestic and magnificent wrecks cover the land, they all turn themselves into a part that can be seen everywhere in this abandoned city. , this shock is enough to make anyone who sets foot here for the first time tremble.

Mo didn't tremble, he just let out a long sigh with a complex expression. He was not a sentimental person, but he still felt a sense of sadness for this abandoned city that was once known as the 'Never Falling City'.

"The Sun Dynasty almost unified the Northwest Continent back then." A voice with a hint of sadness sounded in Mo Tan's ears: "In the beginning, it was just a small force of thousands of exiles. In this most chaotic northwest barbarian territory, They survived tenaciously and spent nearly two thousand years to establish a kingdom, and their initial camp was the land beneath your feet, the Wasteland of Ondosher... which was also the later Underhill City, and now The ruins of Underhill."

A line of blue system prompts floated in front of my eyes abruptly...

[Civilization Attribute: Knowledge +1]

Mo Tan had already recognized who the other party was the moment the voice rang out. He quickly flipped through the Mag notes in his hand and asked softly with a smile: "Fimiguel?"

Although there was no suspected living creature in his field of vision, Mo Tan believed that the giant dragon that could speak into other people's ears from afar should be able to hear it.

Sure enough, after he closed the note with some disappointment, a deep and generous voice sounded again: "Those orcs and I are stationed not far to the south of you. Do you want to come over and have a chat?"

But Mo Tan didn't move, until he just looked up at the sky and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Many people are like you when they first come here, but sometimes thinking too much only adds to troubles."

Feimiguer's soft voice sounded in Mo Tan's ears. The former was still very kind to this humble and upright half-dragon.


"I am indeed a little worried." Mo Tan scratched his hair awkwardly: "Excuse me, where is Nan?"

Fimiguel: "..."

five minutes later

Mo Tan, who had assured the giant dragon many times that he was really not playing tricks on him, arrived at a small camp under the guidance of the former.

It was near a few tents on a relatively flat ruins.

The snoring one after another was deafening. It seemed that the sleep quality of the few orc warriors I met before was very good. Although there were only Huo Yanyang or two orc warriors present except for the high priest Meng, there were actually some entourage. There is no passage after that, because there are only those three people who need to undergo trials along the way.

It is said that if Fimiguel hadn't happened to fly here at that time, Mondo, who was confident that the 'children' would receive training, would not have taken action.

Perhaps because there were not enough tents, Mo Tan also saw a few dark orcs sleeping a little further outside without even a blanket.

It was so dark that if it weren't for the faint sound of breathing and the occasional murmur in sleep, Mo Tan wouldn't even be able to spot them.

And Feimiguer was lying on his back about ten meters away behind several tents, stretching his neck to look here.

"Long wait~" Mo Tan quickly greeted the giant dragon: "My sense of direction is a bit bad..."

"No, my friend." Fimiguer shook his head with a twitching expression on his face (a very hard-working expression for a dragon), and blinked twice with his huge ice-blue eyes: "You need to know the direction. Being poor and having no sense of direction are two different things.”

Mo Tanqian laughed twice and quickly changed the subject: "When did you discover me?"

"Just call me Fimi. You also have the blood of the dragon clan, and you can also be said to be my compatriot." Fimiguer restrained the dragon power that he unintentionally exuded, allowing Mo Tan to rely on him. He came closer and whispered: "When I first discovered you, I originally wanted to go over there, but in the end I decided to say hello to you in dragon language, which is more convenient~"

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, and then used his snapshot-like memory to recall the shape of Femiguel's mouth a few seconds ago, and immediately reacted: "Have you been speaking dragon language?"

"That's right~" the other party grinned: "Although I can also speak Common Language, it would require a loud sound, and Dragon Language is usually inaudible to people~ I hope it won't scare you."

Mo Tan immediately shook his head: "I understand. After all, if you wander over to my place, you will probably disturb other people."

"Well, that's not the case." Fimiguer muttered: "The main reason is that my wings are still a little cramped, and I flapped a little too hard the time before."

Mo Tan immediately didn't know what to say...

"Let's talk about this land." Fimiguer lay flat on the ground, lying flat like a lazy corgi: "Do you know its history?"

Mo Tan sat on a cracked stone floor next to him and shook his head: "What I know is not as much as what you told me before, Fimi."

"The Sun Dynasty was destroyed 1,700 years ago." Fimiguer said softly: "But they do not deserve sympathy."

"Oh?" Mo Tan noticed that there seemed to be a ray of cold anger burning in the eyes of this giant dragon, and couldn't help but ask: "Why?"

The latter asked in return: "Do you know about Dragon Soul Town?"

This time Mo Tan nodded. Mag's notebook actually mentioned that place, so Mo Tan, who had memorized almost the entire notebook (excluding pages 77-82), immediately replied: "I heard that However, that place should be in the northwest of the mainland. It is said to be one of the largest gathering places for half-dragons. Beyond that is the Dragon Breathing Wilderness and..."

"The End of the Dragon." Fimiguer sighed: "Located in the northwest corner of the continent, the largest dragon grave is the burial place where bone bandits and necromancers roam around all year round."

Mo Tan frowned slightly. He did know the place called Dragon's End, but Mag's notes did not mention what the Bone Bandits were or the news that there were necromancers roaming there.

But it’s not that hard to guess…

"The person who stole the dragon bone and the necromancer who desecrated the dragon's tomb?" Mo Tan asked uncertainly.

"Haha, although Dragon Tomb and all that are actually just nice words, what you said is generally correct." Fimiguer laughed dryly, and then said sadly: "A long time ago, there was the only Dragon Peak in the world. Most dragons and half-dragons gather together regardless of each other and live in the country that belongs to the dragon."

Mo Tan has always been an excellent listener, so he just nodded silently.

Just think about it for a moment and you will know what has become of that place where countless dragons and dragonborns once gathered...

"The rise of the Sun Dynasty is too fast, especially for the giant dragons." Fimiguer looked around at the spectacular ruins and sighed: "It seems that in just the blink of an eye, they went from an unknown place to an unknown place. The famous small settlement turned into a huge kingdom..."

Mo Tan listened quietly.

The so-called Sun Dynasty was actually just a group of pioneers who were sent to die in the beginning, or they could also be called exiles. They were people sent by a powerful empire in the southeast of the mainland to 'open up frontiers'. There are excluded scholars, fallen nobles, criminal civilians, bankrupt businessmen and legal slaves, all races are present.

In that restless era, everyone knew that being sent to the most chaotic Northwest Continent to ‘open up the frontier’ was just a death sentence that was definitely not gentle.

But those people had no choice, because disobeying orders would lead to death, while those who were sent there could at least survive for a few more days.

As the saying goes, if you leave now, you will die. If you have a big plan, you will die. If you are waiting for death, you might as well go...

So they went.

No one thought that those people would survive in the most turbulent Northwest at that time...

The fallen nobles wandered around and signed countless unequal treaties in order to preserve the stronghold that was not even a stronghold. In order to survive, they were even willing to become servants to special land elves and ogres who were not very smart. .

The lowest-status slaves scattered out and rushed into the countless meat grinder-like battlefields. They took back whatever they saw that could be used, just in exchange for the status of becoming a 'free man' again.

Although they have become 'dead people' in the eyes of those in their hometown.

The bankrupt businessmen washed and rinsed the broken weapons and armor that were brought back, and sold them for money. They also repackaged the picture albums that they had collected from some corpses and sold them as pornographic books to those who had suffered a loss. Nor could they reach the remote barbarians.

The weak scholars could not forge iron or build houses, but they tried their best to tell the younger children and slaves with bright minds the principles.

Just like that, the most difficult period of time passed...

More than ten years later...

With their own territory and power, the 'frontier pioneers' who had initially established a foothold in the northwest were taken seriously by the increasingly bloated and weakening motherland. The latter sent several special envoys to let these wanderers from their hometowns send some The son returned to his hometown to help, and by the way, he also formulated a complete set of tribute payment guidelines.

On the day when he received the envoys, the dwarf leader of the pioneers who looked like a bandit leader, the former nobleman who had been awarded the title of viscount because of his prowess in blacksmithing, only said one word and announced the plans for the exiled place of Andosiel. Independence, and also completed the naming of the Sun Dynasty...

["Sun!!"——The first consul of the Sun Dynasty: Buford Lyon Dihua Holy Shield]

[You have unlocked the story illustration: "The Rise of the Sun Dynasty", civilization attribute: knowledge +5]

Chapter 67: End

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