Quadruple split

Chapter 729: On the End of Love (II)

Accompanied by the sudden subsidence of the BGM, the holographic projection scene changed again

The 'little deceased' classmate played by Ji Xiaodao obviously did not give up. After seeking help from her class teacher to no avail, she began to consciously collect various information, starting from staying up all night in the library to investigate the history of this strange city. Visiting the neighbors around her temporary residence, she, who is not good at socializing with others, continues to work hard in her own way. However, whether it is a classmate from the student union who plays the role of the municipal library administrator, or the school janitor who plays the role of the grocery store owner next door, it seems that everyone None of them wanted to talk too much about "Class 3 of the High School of Wangfeng Academy". This situation caused Xiaomi's investigation to reach a deadlock almost at the beginning.

But she didn't give up because

"this is not fair."

It was still the classroom with an increasingly gloomy tone. The girl was spinning her pen absentmindedly while turning her head to look at the boy who was sitting alone in the corner staring out the window. The narration she had recorded in advance echoed in the air——

"Although I don't know what happened to you, even though I consider myself not a busybody who likes to get to the bottom of things, and even though the reason why I paid attention to you disappeared not long ago, but"

"This kind of ridiculous thing, this kind of pain that is not caused by oneself but is imposed on oneself by the outside world, should not be borne by people like you who are still willing to have good intentions towards others after being isolated for so long."

Classmate Xiao Ming's eyes were bright and firm, and he lightly clenched his fists.

"It doesn't matter even if you don't want to. It doesn't matter even if you are said to be nosy. Since I am not a likable type, then this level of willfulness is only reasonable."

The BGM once again became relaxed and cheerful, as if everything that had been depressing before was just a phantom or a dream that had never really existed. The various scenes in the school once again restored a vibrant and youthful atmosphere. The only difference is, Ji Xiaodao, who had never really appeared in these scenes before, that is, classmate Xiao Ming, somehow integrated into it. Although his temperament was still cold, he still slowly integrated into the group and became one of those smiling faces.

She started going to the cafeteria to eat with a few girls

She began tutoring members of the same study group.

She started sitting on the side of the road with everyone in her free time and chatting

With a stiff face, she began to listen to pop music that she had originally dismissed at the suggestion of her 'new friends'

The original 'weird' classmate Xiaomi disappeared, and was replaced by a quiet girl who didn't like to talk, but could get along well with everyone. In the last few scenes of this series of non-stop transitions, She even has several 'best friends' and 'suitors'.

Xiaomi, who had completely integrated into the class, just like everyone else, completely ignored the boy in the corner who was always acting as a backdrop.

Everything looks so normal, even so normal that it makes people want to yawn. After all, on a stage equipped with holographic projections, even if these too ordinary daily scenes can touch people at first, they will quickly make the audience become... fatigue.

But everyone present really didn't feel bored, because they could never forget the first scene, the blood-red crescent moon, the pale girl, and the sharp hatchet.

Finally, after a moment, Ji Xiaodao’s first-person narration sounded again——

"I successfully became a member of this class, and in the process gradually realized that the world I was in in the past seemed a bit too pale."

"Although I initially established a good relationship with everyone for a purpose, I don't know when I started to start to enjoy it. After participating in many things, I realized that they are not boring at all."

"This is a rare 'normal' day. I am no longer the weirdo who is incompatible with the environment. I have friends, hobbies and even things I like. It's like a hazy and happy dream."

"I was shocked to discover that I am not actually a 'weird', I am just an ordinary person who locked himself in a box simply because of his personality and psychological reasons. And now, the box is open."

"It's a pity that it's just everything on the outside, but it's just an illusion that seems warm and happy, but in fact is extremely cold and cruel."

The scene is set in a park one afternoon, next to a brightly colored swing. The characters are Xiao Ming and her classmates.

"Have you finally gotten used to life after transferring to another school?"

The girl with a few freckles on her face covered her mouth and smiled softly. She turned her head and winked at Xiao Ming, who was sitting by the swing and flipping a book: "We were all very concerned about you when you first transferred here. Although many people thought you He’s weird and unsociable, but it’s great to get along with everyone now.”

Classmate Xiao Ming nodded slightly: "Well, I have received more and more care from everyone recently."

"Hehe, it should be said that you are the one who takes care of us, especially tutoring us with homework~"

The girl walked to sit next to classmate Xiao Ming and stuck out her tongue: "After all, our school is very strict about the admission rate. Although there are many extracurricular activities, the pressure of homework and exams is really too much. Wow, if it weren't for you, , I will definitely be called a parent after last month’s quiz!”

Classmate Xiao Ming smiled, shook his head and said, "I'm just doing what I can."

At the same time, her voiceover sounded again——

"A very ordinary conversation, very ordinary politeness, but not fake. There is sincere gratitude to each other. This feeling is not bad at all."

"But it is precisely this kind of comfortable and lazy daily life that still oozes a chill that makes me chill."

"The corner that everyone can see and is deliberately ignored by everyone has never appeared in any topic."

"I like you very much, so I really hope you can give me a wrong answer to the following question."

The narration and BGM are hidden together.

After a brief silence, classmate Xiao Mian turned to look at his friend who was holding a reference book and asked softly: "By the way, Xing, how many people are there in our class?"

"Eh? No, it was just a few months ago. Don't you know how many people are in the class now?"

The girl named Xing blinked, then spread her hands and said, "Of course it is."

She suddenly got stuck and paused for half a second before continuing: "Twenty people."

"Twenty people?"

Classmate Xiao Chen pursed his lips and said softly: "Well, I'll count them carefully. Starting from Shanshan in the first row, one, then Fangzheng in the second row, first column, two, and then third row .”

Xing looked at her curiously.

One minute later.

"You in the fourth row and column, nineteen, and then..."

Classmate Xiao Ming paused here, and then asked casually: "Well, fourth row and fifth column. Who is that person? I didn't seem to hear him answer when the roll call was called."

The next second, the face of the girl named Xing suddenly turned pale, and then she turned her head away stiffly: "Xiao Xiaomi, what are you talking about, that kind of thing... No, you didn't actually say anything just now, right? "

Xiao Chen shook his head silently and looked at Xing with burning eyes.

"Yes, yes. You are a transfer student and have never stayed in this city before."

Xing looked away with twinkling eyes and whispered: "Well, you may not understand some things, but they are not important, so..."

Classmate Xiao Ming gently held the other person's hand and asked softly: "We are very good friends, right?"

"But that."

"I just don't like the feeling of being kept in the dark, especially now that I have become familiar with everyone."

"Xiao Ming, I."

The two people's voices became smaller and smaller, and the stage gradually fell into darkness. It was not until the BGM that kept ticking like a clock played for a full minute that it lit up again.

The stage was reshaped by a holographic projection into a simple bedroom. There was a set of genuine tables and chairs by the window that I guessed were brought up during the blackout just now. Student Xiao Ming was sitting in front of a wooden table filled with a large amount of handwritten information. He stared blankly at half a yellowed newspaper.

The title hanging at the top is very eye-catching (holographic projection split-screen close-up) - [A fire broke out in Wangfeng Middle School due to unknown reasons, and a student was killed. The reason needs to be investigated urgently]

The date is a day thirty years ago.

"Three months after the change of approach, the investigation finally made substantial progress."

The pre-recorded narration sounded, while Xiao Mian was looking at the newspaper in front of him intently, clenching his hands tightly.

"The owner of the coffee shop he frequented used to be the editor-in-chief of a newspaper in this city. For the past thirty years, he has always been brooding about the incident that cost him his job."

"He gave me this newspaper. Only three thousand copies were printed in total, but before it was even published, he was pressured by someone to destroy 90% of the newspaper, and he shared his investigation results with me."

"If I hadn't found a way to falsify his physical examination results and make him mistakenly believe that he had only a few years to live, I'm afraid he wouldn't have told me anyway."

"Combined with the information I got from Xing's mouth, I finally managed to restore the full picture of that incident."

"It's a pity that it's just a vulgar and superstitious supernatural story."

"On the evening of January 3, 2009, the students of Class 3, Class 66, Grade 1, Wangfeng Middle School held a ghost story meeting on the rooftop of the teaching building. Only one person did not arrive. At 21 o'clock on the same day, a fire broke out due to improper heating methods. In the chaos, the door to the rooftop was accidentally locked, trapping a total of nineteen students. Due to the large amount of invigilation equipment stacked on the rooftop, a distress call could not be sent.

At 22:30 on the same night, the only boy who was not present received a call from his classmate's parents and was asked about his classmate's whereabouts. Since he had agreed to conceal the information in advance, he was unable to contact his classmate by phone, so he made excuses to go out and return to school. , and became the first witness when the security team left the dinner party and the school staff fell asleep.

Perhaps because he was afraid that his classmates would be held accountable, the boy did not immediately choose to call the fire alarm or wake up the school staff. Instead, he rushed into the teaching building and went straight to the rooftop.

Ten minutes later, when the boys opened the door to the rooftop, because they were outside and the fire spread slowly, everyone except for a few students who were slightly burned was unscathed. However, just as everyone fled outside in a swarm At the same time, the boy who opened the door was pushed down the stairs, hit his head on the steps and fell into a coma.

However, the other nineteen students who were in panic did not help the boy who usually had no sense of presence. In addition, the latter was bleeding heavily at the time and was not sure whether he was alive or dead. There was not even one student who was afraid of taking responsibility. People tried to call the police, but instead invariably chose to leave them where they were.

Two hours later, when the fire had spread to the point where it could no longer be ignored, the school janitor woke up and hurriedly called the fire alarm.

But it was too late, the boy who could have been rescued had already been burned to cokes in a coma.

The next day, under joint pressure from a certain student's parents and the school, the truth of the matter was not exposed. It was explained to the public that it was just an ordinary fire, and the cause of the boy's death was also said to be that he returned to school to retrieve the child. An unfortunate accident of something.

At that time, the nineteen students were all told the same story, and each of them was forged with a set of excuses and alibi to deal with the collection of evidence.

Even if the editor who gave me the news found out the truth, he still had no chance to report it, and even lost his job for it.


On April 3, 2009, three months after the fire incident, a total of nineteen students from Class One and Three of Senior High School died within a week. Although the time, place and form were completely different, and they were all accidents, this incident The incident is still linked to the previous fire.

After that, until XX14, a total of 19 students in Class 3 of Wangfeng Middle School will die in the three years of high school. The causes of death are all accidents, whether it is the cancellation of Class 3 or the number of students in Class 3 in the same year. Before reaching 19 students, this curse-like phenomenon will spread to the entire school until 19 students die. Starting from the 67th class, 19 students will die every three years.

However, because this school with a high enrollment rate has a very strong backing, the public opinion storm that might have arisen at any time during those five years was miraculously suppressed. It was not until 2015 that the school, which was still in constant panic, finally found a solution. measure

That is to say, starting from the 71st class of students, the 'Grade 1 and Class 3' will be expanded every two classes, and the number of this class will always be maintained at 20 people, and a birthday will be associated with the person who was burned to death that year. The exact same people as boys are recruited into the class.

After that, that resentment or curse will be regarded as a substitute for that person, and as long as it is ensured that both classmates and teachers will treat it as 'non-existence' and be careful not to cause it. If there is any interaction, then there will be no victims in the next three years. "

Xiao Ming put down the newspaper, stood up and walked to the window with his back to the audience.

The cold voice-over sounded again

"Three years later, the substitute who is regarded by everyone as 'non-existent' is destined to die in a fire before the new class of high school is built, and there is no chance of survival."

Chapter 722: End

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