Quadruple split

Chapter 731: On the End of Love (IV)

"It's so pathetic."

The adult's voice sounded suddenly, with an unpleasant smirk.

"I don't know why you are living on the street, but if you don't go to the hospital quickly, you will die."

A voice that makes people feel disgusted from the bottom of their hearts, frivolous and hypocritical.

"Existence is reasonable. Every life has a unique value. It would be a pity to waste it easily."

Sitting in the front row, the majestic vice-principal covered his face under the surprised gazes of other teachers, reflecting on what possessed him in the first place, and actually agreed to make a friendly voice-over for these little bastards.

"Do you want to live? Or is it okay to just die here casually?"

The vice-principal's voice was full of inflammatory sounds, very similar to the swearing-in meeting held for everyone before the college entrance examination every year, but with a sinister and evil aura added to it.

【Why the hell did I get so into the drama at that time.】

Looking sideways at the two teachers sitting next to him who had their fists in their mouths and almost choked their breath, the vice-principal looked at his nose, his nose and his mouth, and his mouth and his heart. He shook his head in relief in line with the principle that tolerance means bigness but no desire means strength. , smiled kindly, and squeezed out four words from between his teeth with an imperceptible volume: "Whoever laughs will die."

The people around him suddenly fell silent, but...


A burst of hearty laughter came from the back row, which was called joy.

The vice-principal gritted his teeth and looked back with hatred, only to see the old principal sitting diagonally behind him clapping his hands in joy. After clapping, he grinned and pointed his thumb at him, his white dentures shining brightly: "Good boy, There’s a set!”

"Ha ha ha ha."

The vice-principal gave a stiff laugh and turned his head mechanically to focus on the stage again, feeling full of MMP and having nowhere to vent.

The shameful voice-over continues——

"So, what's the answer?"

The adult asked the question from a high position.

"I want to live."

Ji Xiaoge on the stage buried her head in her arms, her shoulders shaking constantly.

"Good boy, good boy."

The adult laughed, and the footsteps became clearer and clearer: "But as I just said, every life has its own unique value, so let's make a deal, I will find the best doctor Curing you will also make you no longer have to worry about eating, and even provide you with a home that can protect you from wind and rain, and all you have to pay is the value of this life. How about it? It's a good deal, right?"

The adult played by the vice principal laughed, and the old principal in the audience also laughed, very loudly.

"The value of life?"

Ji Xiaoge's voiceover, which has been edited to be relatively immature, seems a little confused.

"That's right, but you don't need to worry. I can promise that I will never abuse your life. On the contrary."

The adult's voice is getting closer and smaller: "I will give it a very, very noble meaning, about as high as the 133-story pagoda."

The adult's voice disappeared, and Ji Xiaoge, who was curled up on the chair, feebly raised her hands after being silent for a while, holding her cheeks with empty eyes and stared blankly. After a long time, she put her hands into her pockets, and from A copper chain that had completely faded was taken out from inside. From the close-up of the screens on both sides, it can be seen that it is a completely unique and simple thing that no one would want if it were given away.

“I’ve already made a lot of money by living so long.”

She held the copper chain preciously and murmured in a low voice: "And it can also save nineteen innocent lives in the end. Is there anything more meaningful than this?"

"Being chosen to shoulder all this is actually an honor for me."

"You nosy idiot."

The stage went dark, and when it lit up again a few seconds later, the protagonist had been replaced by classmate Xiao Ming, who was standing alone in the center of the stage.

It's just her on the stage.

A station after the rain, an empty classroom, an empty subway, a lonely street, the scenes were constantly changing, but Xiao Ming just stood there, looking around at everything around him lonely.


Her voice echoed in the empty scene, her cold voice trembling slightly.

"There is nothing more meaningless than to be saddled with such nonsense and to be content with it on your own."

"I'm finally convinced that you are an incurable idiot, an idiot addicted to self-satisfaction!"

"I can't accept it. I can't accept it no matter what. Whether it's the unfairness you bear, whether it's the blindness of those who know it, or this terrible curse, it all makes people extremely angry!"

"You, this guy, are just as scum among scum as that guy. The guy who turned me into a selfish ghost who could only get happiness alone, and made me bear the guilt without authorization."

"Whether it's malice that people are forced to endure or kindness that's forced on others, both are annoying."

"It is even more unreasonable for those who endure malice but do not resist, and those who take that absurd goodwill as a matter of course."

"That's enough."

"Want to add another layer of guilt to me who is already out of breath?"

"I'm sorry, you are selfish and unlovable and I will never allow it."

"You wait!!"

After she finished speaking, the scene had changed back to classmate Xiao Ming's room. The difference from before was that the desk in front of her was filled with piles of information, as well as several neatly arranged recorders.

In the noisy BGM, different voices sounded chaotically

"I've already told you everything I know. It's useless to ask any more questions."

"Wangfeng Middle School? I know, but my children's grades are so bad that I haven't even thought about a place like that. Well, by the way, it seems that Mrs. Zhang, who danced with me, had a child who went to school there a few years ago. .”

"My youngest? He was in Class 2 or Class 3 at that time? I remember they didn't have Class 3 in that class."

"The curse of Hope Peak High School? Are you talking about the Seven Mysteries or something like that?"

"Ah, I remember that something happened to that school more than ten years ago, but I'm not sure about the details."

"Little girl, are you not a local? There are some things that are better not to inquire about."

"Hey, little sister, do you want to get a gym membership card? If you join now, you will get a 30% discount. Huh? Wangfeng Middle School. I actually had the opportunity to go to school there. We ranked in the top 200 in the city in the high school entrance examination that year. Come on, even though I’m still a little short of the admission score, they actually had an admissions teacher come to see me, but alas, if I hadn’t thought that person was a liar back then, I probably wouldn’t be handing out flyers like this now.”

"That kid from Lao Wang's family who was specially recruited by Wangfeng back then? He seems to be working in City S now. It's strange to say that not many students from their class stayed here after graduation."

"Hello? Hello, yes, who am I? About the expansion of the enrollment class back then? I'm sorry, I can't remember clearly what happened in high school, so that's it."

The noisy sounds gradually died down, and computer screens appeared on the screens on both sides of the stage, all of which contained various entries about 'Wangfeng Academy'.

Classmate Xiao Ming rubbed his eyes tiredly, flipped through his handwritten notes twice and then fell asleep on the table.

The moonlight outside the window is as red as blood

[This is too strong, obviously a lot of content that has been specially noted and can be simplified has been basically performed. Is this really just a small New Year's Day program based on the class? ! 】

Mo Tan, who knew the direction of the story better than anyone else, took a sip of coffee and sighed as the scene began to change rapidly on the screen. It was a set of high-speed cutscenes similar to flash shots. There was only one thing to express, and that was With Xiaomi's tireless investigation, the full story of the incident finally emerged.

It was another dusk, and classmate Xiao Mian intercepted the boy played by Ji Xiaoge not far from the school gate.

"I thought you had given up."

Ji Xiaoge looked at her calmly. Because there was no big screen for a close-up, he didn't even move his mouth, but kept a straight face.

"I've always been stubborn."

Xiao Ming took a step forward with his hands behind his hands, blocking the audience's view intentionally or unintentionally, and said calmly: "But if you are willing to answer a few questions, I can give up."

Ji Xiaoge nodded slightly: "Say."

"Contacting you outside of school would not further the curse, would it?"

"Yes, in fact, as long as it is outside the class, there will basically be no problem."

"Wangfeng's enrollment expansion every three years is specially prepared for this curse, and the candidates are selected from high-scoring students whose grades are not originally qualified for admission, right?"

"What exactly did you investigate?"

"Answer my question, if you want me to give up."

".That's right."

"The school will test the candidates and their parents in advance. If they can accept such a strange condition as ignoring someone, then reveal a little bit of the truth and arrange to enroll as a member of Class Three?"

"Yes, so I'm very confused about how a nosy person like you got in."

"I didn't like to be nosy in the past. In fact, even if someone talked to my adoptive parents, the answer they would only get was, 'Under normal circumstances, Xiao Ming has a bad character that treats everyone as nothing. ', so you let me in."

"Looks like they made a stupid decision."

"This school has a very deep background. As a symbol of this city and even the entire region, all negative news about this school will be suppressed without limit. And at the top of this chain of relationships, knowing that curse and people like you There must be quite a few people whose substitutes will inevitably die sooner or later, right?"


"Even many locals who are quite old, and even former Class 3 students, there are many people who know these things, right?"


"answer my question."

"Has anyone ever said you have an unlikeable personality?"

"Do you even need to say such a thing?"

"Well, so what, I don't think they did anything wrong."

"What do you think? It's your problem."

Classmate Xiao Ming raised his eyebrows, walked slowly to Ji Xiaoge's side, and asked in a deep voice: "Then, the third to last question, don't you think the best way is to directly ban this school?"

"This is the third one from the bottom."

Ji Xiaoge sighed helplessly and shook his head: "As for the reason, didn't you already say it yourself before? There is no need to ask me."

Xiaomi snorted softly: "This school has a very deep background. It is the signature of this city and even this area, right? I think so."

"If your next question is, 'Is it okay to waste your life just because of a sign?' I can't answer you."

Ji Xiaoge looked at his sister calmly and lip-synced: "That kind of thing has nothing to do with me. I only plan to shoulder the responsibilities I should bear."

"What a coincidence."

Classmate Xiao Ming looked at the other party steadily and said without blinking: "My next question is exactly, 'Do you really think that this kind of thing is your responsibility?'"

"Under the premise that 'this kind of thing' does exist and someone must take responsibility, I don't mind that person being myself."

Ji Xiaoge smiled, making many boys and girls in the audience lose their minds.

"So, one last question."

Xiao Ming frowned, then grabbed the other person's collar, and said through gritted teeth: "Have you never resented anything? Have you never felt that this kind of thing is unfair? Really? Are you really so willing?!"

At the end, she seemed to push Ji Xiaoge hard, but in fact she just used an extra gentle force to remind her sister that it was time to 'fall'.

Then Ji Xiaoge stumbled and sat down on the ground in a cooperative manner, looking up at his sister whose acting skills were at least three hundred blocks ahead of his own: "You asked three questions."

"It doesn't matter, if you are really stupid enough, an answer is enough... ugh...!"

Classmate Xiao Ming crossed his arms and spoke coldly, but the words in his mouth stopped abruptly in the middle of speaking. Then he stared at the copper chain that slipped out of Ji Xiaoge's pocket with wide eyes, and the screen next to him. Close-ups are given.

However, the latter didn't seem to notice anything. He just calmly put away the copper chain, stood up and nodded to classmate Xiao Ming: "It should be the answer you guessed."


Classmate Xiao Ming didn’t seem to have recovered yet.

"Okay, now that I have answered your questions, please keep your promise."

Ji Xiaoge turned around and walked to the audience, saying without looking back: "Give up. Besides, both you and I have done the best we can, so thank you."


Xiao Ming stood there blankly, staring at his sister who was making faces at him behind the scenes after leaving the stage, and said blankly: "Why is that..."

The lights suddenly went out, and the girl's voice stopped abruptly.

a moment later

A magnificent school gate appeared in front of all the spectators. The cumulus clouds in the sky gradually spread. The red moon, as red as blood, loomed between the clouds, making the scene look particularly gloomy.

"Too strange"

Along with a soft murmur, a beam of light extending from the red moon quietly shone down, reflecting a slender shadow.

The final curtain called the prologue begins here

Chapter 724: End

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