Quadruple split

Chapter 734 Private Talk

"Huha~ But I really didn't expect it."

Nangong Na yawned lazily, then hugged Yuchen's shoulders from the side, and said with a smile: "Chenchen, you have awakened so early, tsk tsk, it's the first spring that is late."

Yuchen suddenly blushed, tilted his head and hit his best friend on the head, waved his hands vigorously and said, "What are you thinking about! We are obviously just ordinary friends, okay!"

"An 'ordinary friend' who can call you in the middle of the night and come to pick you up on a hot day?"

Nangong Na hit back at Yu Chen and stuck out her tongue playfully: "It would be possible if this matter happened to others, but for you, Chen Chen, who has not even had an ordinary male friend for more than 20 years. , it can be completely equivalent to the arrival of spring, okay!"

Yuchen wrinkled his nose, pouted his mouth and protested in a low voice: "No, and why don't I have any ordinary male friends? Aren't they the classmates Yidong and Xiaoyu I told you before? It’s not just Mo Tan!”

"But when you mentioned that 'Mo Tan', you didn't add the word 'classmate'~"

Nangong Na blinked and smiled narrowly.

"I'm going to fall out!"

Yuchen tried to intimidate the other party with all his teeth and claws, but with little effect.

After a while, Nangong Na, who had laughed enough, stopped teasing Yu Chen. Instead, she looked at the latter seriously and asked softly: "Um, seriously, Chen Chen, that wise and mighty man. What kind of person is the Commander?"

After all, she is the only serious person among Yuchen's few best friends. Nangong Na, whose personality is quite similar to the former in many aspects, is more concerned about the one who sounds quite crazy than laughing at her good sister. What is the character of the domineering and cool commander? Even if she is not a gossip, there are some things that she has to find out for the sake of Yuchen's future.

[No matter what, a super-good kid like Chen Chen is really easy to fool, and we must not let her suffer! 】

Nangong Na secretly clenched her small fists and secretly made up her mind. If after investigation and evidence collection it was found that Mo Tan's character was not good, then no matter how high the price was, even if Chen Chen hated her, she would have to let him go as soon as possible. The two broke off their relationship.

Little does Nangong Na know that in the eyes of her other sisters, including Yuchen, she is the one who is best at deceiving the most well-behaved children.

"Compared to Chen Chen's kind and introverted character, I always feel that Nana, who is both introverted, naive and childish, is more uneasy. If I were a man, I could get her in a minute. Believe it or not?" ’

The above was said by the ‘eldest brother’ whose nickname in the game is Kasena Youke while chatting with the other two sisters.

“What kind of person is he?”

Yuchen didn't think much about it. He just tilted his head and tapped his lower lip with his index finger. He thought for a few seconds and then chuckled: "Let's put it this way, fundamentally, he is different from the four 'Ying Ming Shen Wu'. Words don’t matter.”

Nangong Na's eyes widened in surprise: "Eh? I thought you would definitely praise him!"

"I'm just telling the truth~"

Yuchen shrugged, covered his mouth and chuckled: "Nana, don't believe those posts that come with filters. I've seen a lot of posts on the forum that said Mo Tan was strategizing and scolding Fang Qiu. In fact, he didn't even think about it at that time. Not so calm."

"Well, although I also think what was said in the post is a bit too exaggerated, but"

Nangong Na held her chin and glanced at Yu Chen sideways, and said suspiciously: "Chen Chen, you didn't tell me that deliberately to reduce your competitors, right?"

"I don't have that much free time!"

Yu Chen blushed and waved his hands vigorously, then took a sip of the iced black tea that the two of them had just opened together, and said with a smile: "And I didn't mean to say that Mo Tan wasn't great. To be honest, we were able to do that at that time. The victory in this situation is all thanks to him, but how can I put it, although Mo Tan is very powerful, he doesn't feel special at all. He will be afraid, worried, hesitant, and occasionally wonder. When he gave up, even the powerful-sounding title of Commander-in-Chief was just a huge burden in his eyes. To be honest, Nana, in the last few days, I always felt that he was about to collapse. , no matter how nonchalant it is, there is still a feeling that it is teetering on the edge and may collapse at any time.”

Nangong Na blinked and said with twinkling eyes: "No way, I thought he was the type who could casually glance at the map and then easily arrange a few Nine Palaces and Bagua formations to wipe out all the enemies."

"How is that possible?"

Yu Chen chuckled, leaned against the car window and whispered softly: "Every plan of the joint force at that time was the result of him immersing himself in front of the map as soon as he went online, and squeezing himself day and night to get through it. It's not as exaggerated as you said. Actually, I think Mo Tan is a person who is very afraid of pressure. The more people believe in him, the heavier the burden will be on his shoulders. That's why he pushed himself so much. .”

Nangong Na nodded in understanding, and after a while she hesitated and said, "Does he have masochism?"

"He just has no choice."

Yuchen shook his head and sighed softly: "I think that if conditions allowed, he might hope more than anyone else to be a party member who could idle around all day long, but the situation at that time did not allow him to do that. He had no way to deal with it. He ignored the tragedy that happened in front of him, unable to watch the people who could have saved their lives sacrifice in vain, so he gradually became the commander who was praised by many people after the war. The plague was putting pressure on him, and the monsters were everywhere. Putting pressure on him, innocent civilians are putting pressure on him, infected people are putting pressure on him, Sister Xia Lian, Priest Furman and me. Everyone is putting pressure on him.”

Nangong Na, who had a subversive change in Mo Tan, frowned and said in disbelief: "For such an amazing thing, someone else would probably be extremely happy!"

"Nana, your initial race is the dragon. In the past six months, you have always been at the top of the rankings. I don't know how many people are envious of you."

Yuchen looked at his best friend who had not turned around for a while with a smile, tilted his head and asked: "Are you so happy?"

Nangong Na was stunned for a moment, and then shook her head tiredly: "No, I'm so depressed."

"That is to say, everyone's pursuit is different."

Like a roly-poly, Yuchen fell counterclockwise from the car window onto Nangong Na's shoulders, blinked and said, "Nana, I always think you and Mo Tan get along very well~"

The latter shook his head noncommittally, indicating that he didn't think so at all.

"Sometimes I always feel that I feel sorry for him."

Yuchen pursed his lips, lowered his eyes and whispered: "If it weren't for me, he would probably be able to play a lot more freely. If Mo Tan hadn't been asked to come to Misha County, he wouldn't have endured so much pressure, nor would he I always feel a little sorry for being involved in the complicated matters of the Holy Alliance."

Nangong Na was slightly stunned: "Chenchen you"

"However, without Mo Tan, Sister Xia Lian, Mr. Taylor and I alone will not be able to reverse the situation. Even if the plague becomes completely widespread, there will definitely be many powerful people coming to support, but those innocent people will not be able to reverse the situation." I’m afraid there aren’t even a few left.”

Yu Chen changed the subject, raised his face and smiled sweetly: "Every time I think about this, I feel much more at ease."

Nangong Na nodded thoughtfully, pretending to understand very well and muttered in a low voice: "That's it."

He didn't realize that the signal sent by Yuchen's words just now was actually quite dangerous.

"To a certain extent, Mo Tan is indeed an ordinary person, but this does not conflict with everyone's sincere respect and trust in him."

Yuchen's eyes narrowed into two cute crescent moons, and he said softly: "He is really powerful, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do what everyone else can't do, and when Mo Tan is serious, even if he works hard No matter how embarrassing the process is, it will still make people feel handsome. Even in private, it will always give people a shaky look. Even if they say it as if nothing is wrong, it can be seen at a glance that they are trying to show off their strength, but it makes people feel inexplicably. I feel very reliable.”


No matter how slow Nangong Na was, she still smelled a hint of danger after hearing the above words.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that his friend's face looked wrong, Yuchen immediately asked curiously, with big question marks flashing in his beautiful eyes.

"Well, it's okay. It's okay for now."

Nangong Na coughed lightly, and then asked tentatively: "We have talked about a lot in the game, what kind of person is Mo Tan in reality?"

"In reality?"

Yuchen repeated something softly, and then his expression suddenly became a little strange. After a while, he wrung his fingers and said, "They are all the same person. It must be similar to the game. Probably."

Because of the angle, Nangong Na didn't notice the change in her friend's expression, so she just asked in a normal way: "Can you be more specific?"

"Most of the time, I feel very friendly, just like I said before."

Yuchen smiled, and then added a little uncertainly: "But...how to say, although my friends from B City and I haven't gotten together very frequently before, sometimes...I always feel that Mo Tan... Occasionally it’s a little strange. Although it doesn’t look any different from usual, it’s still... hmm.”

She stopped talking, not knowing whether she was finished or not going to continue.

Our classmate Nangong Na still didn't hear any problem, but asked without catching the point at all: "Is it because he always glances at your breasts, after all."

"No la!"

Yuchen panicked and interrupted the good sister next to him who was sometimes more natural than him, shook his head and said, "Well, maybe I'm overthinking."

"So, do you want to fall in love with him?"


"It's just online dating and stuff like that."

"We are not dating online!"

"Haven't you been pretending to be his girlfriend for a long time?"

"Then that's a special situation! It's fake!"

"So have you ever considered doing it for real?"

"I never thought about such a thing!"

"That's it"

"That's it! Nana, you are so serious!"

"Then think about it now."


at the same time

"Ah sneeze!"

Mo Tan, who had just cheated a taxi driver out of his job for twelve and eighty-five cents, rubbed his nose, chewed the lollipop in his mouth (which he got from the taxi) and muttered vaguely. Said: "Which girl who bowed down under my jeans is thinking about me?"

A beautiful girl with a hot body and wearing short shorts happened to walk by him. Hearing this, he immediately rolled his eyes and walked away quickly with a look of disgust.

"How dare you pull it off like this after two and a half layers of padding?"

Mo Tan bit the plastic stick in his mouth, snorted with disdain, then looked at the bustling crowd not far away and sighed: "How about I go back."

Of course, that's what he said, but Mo Tan did not turn around and leave willfully. Instead, he used some small means that are not recommended for children to imitate to open a way for himself and headed to Platform 3. direction.

Real time AM11:25

G250 train, dining car

"Really, there's still more than a month until school starts, why do you have to kick me out so early?"

Cui Xiaoyu looked at the pile of luggage next to him and muttered dejectedly. Then he took out his mobile phone and opened the social software. After finding his father, he directly sent a voice message: "What, I said daddy, I am really Are you and mom biological?"

Two minutes later, Cui's father, whose profile picture was a regular script with the word "pit" in it, sent a reply——

"Is someone coming to pick you up?"

Cui Xiaoyu curled her lips and replied briefly: "A friend is here to pick me up." ’

Two seconds later, his father sent another message - 'Boyfriend or girlfriend? (dog head expression)’

‘Male friend, after picking me up, go pick up a female friend who may become his girlfriend. ’

Cui Xiaoyu replied with a pained face.

‘Okay, actually you were a gift that your mother and I got when we sold waste paper boxes and mineral water bottles. ’

‘MMP! ’

‘Your pocket money will be halved next month. ’

‘Dad, it doesn’t matter what you gave me as a gift, you are my biological father anyway! ’

After replying to the message, Cui Xiaoyu put away his cell phone tiredly and slowly walked to the car door dragging a large pile of luggage under the reminder of 'the terminal is almost here'. I mean the reminder from the in-car broadcast. Looking outside at the city that had not been away for long, I was very worried about whether my game cabin had been sent to the dormitory.

three minutes later

The train that arrived on time stopped. Cui Xiaoyu, who was tall and tall, was the first to squeeze out of the carriage and quickly searched for Mo Tan in the crowd.

At this moment, a thin man with yellow hair walked past in a hurry and bumped into him accidentally.

"Feel sorry."

The other party turned around with a smile and apologized, without stopping.


Cui Xiaoyu shook his head and indicated that he had a lot.

However, two seconds later

"The wind blows suddenly! The sky is shocked! The hero is so passionate~The beauty is so charming~"

A contemporary cell phone ringtone rang. Cui Xiaoyu subconsciously touched his pocket, only to find that the source of the sound was coming from behind several meters away.

The scene two seconds ago flashed through my mind like lightning.


Cui Xiaoyu roared angrily, picked up the suitcase that weighed at least fifty kilograms and threw it away: "Sun thief, please leave!"

Chapter 727: End

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