Quadruple split

Chapter 760 A hot man

Perhaps it was because the down-to-earth old monster in front of him spoke too out of the blue. Whether it was Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge who were racking their brains to figure out how to apologize, or they were observing the surrounding environment with sly eyebrows. Not even Cordoba, who was about to run away, or even the young monster called 'Haluhalu', could react for a moment.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Mugamuga Benbo'erba. Like the young Haruharu next to me, we are both Super Saiyan fish-men living in Dongyuan Lake."

Old monster, uh, old Saiyan is wrong. The old fishman simply introduced himself in Common Language with a strange accent (GuluGulu), and then showed a not very ferocious smile to Mo Tan and others: " It seems that you did not attack us out of malice. Although the hunting methods of these two girls are somewhat special, this is understandable. After all, who can refuse a delicious emerald carp?"

Although he only spoke a few words, the old fishman Mugamuga's Common Language level was rising like a rocket, especially when it came to the last two sentences, although he still had trouble pronouncing them. It has some strange grunting sounds, but the accent has become standard Nanjing Mandarin.

That's right! It is not the standard lingua franca of mainland China without any accent, nor is it the unique dialect of any race, country or region, but the special standard Nanjing Mandarin!

But that's not the point; the point is.

"Super Saiyan Fishman!?"

Cordoba's eyes widened.

"Ben Bo'er Ba?"

Dabbs couldn't help but open his mouth.

Obviously, in front of everyone, this old man who seemed to have a high status among these Super Saiyan fishmen said something very shocking in a sense!

"Are you a player too?"

Ji Xiaoge asked subconsciously, although she didn't even believe it herself.

"Players? What is that? Are you 'outsiders'?"

Mugamuga was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a smile, and sat on the ground with the deformed coral in his hand: "Little girl, you are overthinking, I am not a 'player' like you, I am just an ordinary, He’s just a Super Saiyan fish-man who lives in Dongyuan Lake.”

‘This is not ordinary at all! It’s very unusual in every sense of the word! ’

Ji Xiaoge covered her smooth forehead and sent a message to Mo Tan.

The latter tried hard to remain calm, and sat on the ground with everyone at Mugamuga's greeting, curiously saying: "But you seem to be very aware of the existence of us 'outsiders'."

"Haha, if I didn't know clearly, I wouldn't be able to talk to you using the 'common language' you cultivated on earth. It's a long story."

Mugamuga grinned, then turned around and patted the fellow Huluharu who kept muttering something, and said a few words to the latter in a language that Mo Tan and others could not understand.


Haru Haru nodded reluctantly, and after looking at Mo Tan and the others with a particularly resentful look, he turned around and ran towards the lake, apparently planning to call his companions to retreat.

"I know you have a lot of questions. It just so happens that I also want to have a rare chat with the 'outsiders', so I asked those young people to go back to the lake to count the losses."

Mugamuga placed the coral across his crossed legs and smiled warmly: "Just watch and pay for it later."

Cordoba choked on the sashimi in his mouth on the spot.

"Well, it should be."

Mo Tan answered in the affirmative very cheerfully, and Ji Xiaoge, who was the main culprit next to him (PS: I accidentally typed it as cooking when I was writing, which shocked me), also nodded vigorously.

"Well, let's not talk about this for now."

Mugamuga nodded with satisfaction, and then touched his beard with great nostalgia: "A long time ago, an adult who was kind to the Super Saiyan Murloc told me about 'players' and 'outsiders' 'These two concepts, as well as my lingua franca, were also taught by him."

Ji Xiaoge nodded calmly at first, then suddenly lost his composure and exclaimed: "Wait a minute, what you just said was a long, long time ago?"

Mo Tan, Dabus and Cordoba, who also reacted, also began to lose their composure.

It has only been a little over half a year since the player appeared in the World of Innocence. Looking at the old Super Saiyan fish-man in front of him, he doesn't look like the kind of person who would use "a long time ago" to describe the past few months. Weird, so that is to say.

Did anyone anticipate the existence of ‘players’ before this game was launched? !

GM? administrator? System sauce? Aboriginal god?

For a time, all kinds of in-depth speculations emerged from the minds of the four players, and they were out of control.

Then he was stopped by Mugamuga's next words.

"Yes, it was probably more than four hundred years ago that my tribe met that adult. He called himself a 'player' and an 'outlander'."

Mugamuga picked up a handful of sand and watched the gravel slowly flow from his fingers. He recalled while saying: "He appeared during our most difficult time and not only saved us deformed people who were exiled on the road. species, and found the impeccable habitat of Dongyuan Lake for us. Later, he even gave us unrecognized freaks the name 'Super Saiyan Fish-Man' and taught us how to speak Common Language and write. Although there are only a few people who have persisted in planting on the ground, and I am the only one alive to this day, the kindness that the Lord did to us Super Saiyan Fishmen is still passed down from generation to generation."

To be honest, although this talkative old fish man said a lot, except for Mo Tan and Jadeka, the other three players all heard the words "more than four hundred years ago" and "self-proclaimed alien". After reading these two key messages, Jieren fell into a sluggish state, feeling that there must be something wrong between himself and the world.

As for Yaya and Anthony, one was hiding behind Mo Tan and the other was sleeping next to Dabus, and they didn't listen to even a single word.

"Um, this old man."

Cordoba cleared his throat and asked with a strange expression: "Can you tell us in detail about the 'sir' who is kind to you? We are both from other worlds, and we are very grateful for the glorious deeds of that senior. I’m still quite curious, um, quite curious.”

Mugamuga stroked his long beard and said with a smile: "Young man, don't be too anxious. I am just about to talk about that adult."

Including Mo Tan, who seemed to have guessed something, everyone sat down obediently, looking like they were all listening.

Ever since, Mugamuga’s memories began

This is not a very complicated story. The cause of everything is just like what the old fish man said just now. More than four hundred years ago, hundreds of fish men, including himself, were killed by the tribe due to congenital deformities. They were exiled and in the process formed a small new tribe, which is now the Super Saiyan Fishman.

By the way, the 'deformity' just mentioned is not only different from most tribesmen in physical characteristics, but also includes the thinking form of these people. In Mugamuga's words, the tribe they were in before was a kind of deformity. A large group of mud fish people live in the shallow sea around the northeastern continent. Their average intelligence is not very high. Although they know how to make tools and hunt collectively, their civilization is still very low. Even trading has remained at the level of To the extent of bartering.

In this situation, there are hundreds of existences that appear suddenly and are different in appearance and intelligence. If one of them is not handled well, it will be easily ostracized by the collective.

But Mugamuga's gang failed to deal with it well, so they were exiled by their "common people". Of course, the word "expelled" is more accurate when it is said to be exiled. After all, those simple-minded and limbless people The less developed 'majority' just want to get rid of these freaks.

In this way, the deformed race group who could not continue to survive in the shallow sea area and could not adapt to the deep sea thought about it and decided to go south along the Jinhui River and find a place in the vast innocent continent. a decision.

Definitely not a smart decision.

The reason is very simple. When they are curious about their appearance or do not understand the language, these intelligent creatures are often regarded as monsters or magical beasts by others and should not be treated as equals. The misunderstanding between Yaya and Ji Xiaoge just now is similar to the misunderstanding between Yaya and Ji Xiaoge hundreds of years ago. The troubles they encountered during migration were nothing compared to the troubles they encountered. Therefore, these fishmen had a very difficult time, and their number dropped sharply to less than two hundred. In the end, they were even defeated by a large and powerful army. , a strong encirclement and suppression by a mercenary group with a bad reputation.

At this moment, the adult Mugamuga was talking about appeared!

But I saw that man suddenly appeared in the center of the swamp that was the battlefield with a burst of space fluctuations. While shouting, "You can run, the monk can't run away from the temple." He raised his right hand high and summoned a fire, thunder, and storm out of thin air. The elemental aggregation of , ice edge, and shadow was thrown into the main formation of the mercenary group without saying a word, and then nothing happened. The mercenary group who was said to be doing all kinds of evil things from the first to The No. 10 figure was directly destroyed, and the No. 1 main battle group, which was the most powerful, also suffered more than half casualties, and was completely reduced by the two groups of [Strong Arcane Storm] that followed one after another.

After that, the big bull who had wiped out most of the mercenary group in an instant fell from the air and expressed his cordial condolences to the deformed tribe who had been bullied to the point of crying for their father and mother. After a brief exchange with the victim about the Druid's secret power, he was deeply moved and decided to help.

So he spent about two days setting up a magic circle in the center of the swamp, a space teleportation circle with a diameter of more than two hundred meters, and sent those deformed species to the Dongyuan Lake that year and now. Well, Dongyuan Lake.

The man said that Dongyuan Lake was big and round, and the Liuqiqi Xingli River upstream was long and wide, which was particularly suitable for this small tribe to use as a habitat, so he brought them here.

This was also true. For the deformed fishman tribe, which had less than 200 members in total at that time, this lake that could barely see the edge was not just enough, it was simply a luxury.

In this way, Mugamuga and his companions settled here, and their benefactor, who worked vigorously, gave them nice names after helping to shape a series of basic underwater buildings. He was the Super Saiyan fish-man, and then he gathered a group of smarter fish-men at that time, including Mugamuga, and taught them common language and knowledge through methods similar to druid secrets in order to communicate with other races. Avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

Then the adult disappeared, as if he just blinked and disappeared without a trace.

"But we didn't panic, because the adult had already said that he was likely to disappear suddenly at any time."

Mugamuga smiled, stroking his beard and continued: "In fact, he came again about two hundred years ago, and helped us deal with a huge trouble, and then disappeared again, and he has not been there until now. After we came back, we have been living a life of peace with the outside world in Dongyuan Lake. Because we are self-sufficient, we have not had much contact with the outside world in the past hundred years, until today you blew up two houses."

"I'm so sorry."

Ji Xiaoge stuck out his tongue coquettishly, then exchanged a look with Mo Tan next to him, and asked the old fish man in front of him: "Do you know the name of that 'otherworlder'?"

"Of course, of course I know that adult's name."

Mugamuga nodded matter-of-factly and said in a deep voice: "Sang, that's what the adult told me. His name is Sang. He is both a 'player' and an 'outlander'. He looks like a very young man. A human male with white hair, wearing a very gorgeous robe, handsome in appearance and strong in strength."

【It is indeed that guy! ! 】

Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge sighed in their hearts at the same time. In fact, the two of them roughly guessed who the 'beneficiary' in Mugamuga's words was as early as halfway through his words.

There is only one hot man, and he can only be that magical person who, by various coincidences, managed to play an online game with more than eight digits of people online at the same time into a single player, the real-life brother of Lu Jiang from Tianzhu Mountain , the apprentice of High-level Observer Hao, [Mang] who helped the two of them a lot in the Wang Badan incident!

Only a hot man can perform the miraculous operation of saving a wave of fish-men four hundred years ago!

Just when the two were about to start a relationship, the Super Saiyan fishman named Haru Haru floated up from the lake, trotted up to Mugamuga and said a few words in Mugamuga's ear.

"That's it~"

The latter nodded slightly, and then showed a not very ferocious smile to Mo Tan and others.

"Now, let's talk about compensation."

Chapter 753: End

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