Quadruple split

Chapter 767 A casual trip

at the same time

Southern part of the Innocence Continent, Crystal Town, sixth floor of the Mages Guild, Private Laboratory Zero

"Huh~ As expected, this day and night life is the most comfortable!"

As usual, Futaba, who was only wearing a set of underwear in the laboratory, stretched his body lazily and slumped down on the lounge chair next to the fireplace. He hummed two times with great pleasure and held the "Compendium of Elementary Astrology" in his hand. 》Throw it on the table, hug your knees and curl up in a ball.

“Sloth is one of the greatest enemies on the ladder of truth.”

Diana A. Azizolti, who was in front of the astrologer's desk, frowned slightly and turned with a serious face to look at the successor of her best friend Ana Ta Rasha, who was also half of her apprentice. He said softly: "Especially the astrology you have studied during this period, you must know that there are only three places in the entire continent where you can observe the stars without restraint for 24 hours."

Futaba, who put his glasses on his forehead, smacked his lips and said casually: "Well, that's true, but I'm in one of the three places you mentioned right now. 'Diana's Laboratory' where you can study the stars even during the day."

Diana shook her head and corrected her seriously: "It's the Private Laboratory Zero of the Crystal Town Mage Guild."

"But that's what outsiders call it, and since it's a private laboratory, isn't it the Diana Laboratory? After all, you are the only owner here."

Futaba turned over and gave Diana a harmless wink: "So actually there is no difference at all."

As a pretty, gentle, talented, low-EQ, unmarried, academically gifted girl, Diana, who was quite rigid to a certain extent, shook her head: "No, actually there is a big difference between the two. For example"

"Stop it."

Futaba raised her hand neatly to interrupt Diana's sermon. She rubbed her long hair that had not been taken care of for at least a week, reluctantly pouted and sat up cross-legged, holding up her hands. Shou said: "I surrender, you shut up."

Diana shook her head helplessly and turned her gaze to the astrological chart in front of her again. A pair of beautiful aqua blue eyes stayed on a certain position in the hazy nebula in front of her for a long time before she snapped her fingers in annoyance and interrupted. The astrologer's magic power supply has never stopped in the past few years, and he sighed softly, thinking that his voice was quiet.

"Don't turn off the biggest light source in this room."

The petite girl held her chin and yawned, and after complaining, she feebly asked Diana: "Are you watching the Wheel of Eros again?"

Diana turned her head to look at Futaba with some surprise, and said with surprise and relief: "You can already distinguish the Wheel of Eros in the Divine Palace?"

"Ah, it has been possible for a long time. After all, I am quite confident in my memory."

Futaba nodded lazily, and then chuckled: "But I didn't just judge it through the star map and the focus position of your big eyes, Diana."

The latter tilted his head in a particularly cute way, subconsciously touched the beautiful flaxen hair on his shoulder, and guessed uncertainly: "Then you have predicted before that I will appear in the horoscope at this time. Observe the Wheel of Eros before the market?”

"No, no, dear Diana."

Futaba laughed twice, raised his eyebrows and said: "If you are just a little bit self-conscious, you will find that you actually have such a bitter face every time you observe the Wheel of Eros, even though you look so pitiful. The appearance can arouse the protective desire of many boring males, but for me, whose orientation is very normal in all aspects, it is really boring and a bit annoying~"

Although Diana did not have high emotional intelligence, she was not stupid either. She could naturally hear Futaba's explicit overtones. She subconsciously wanted to open her mouth to retort, but when she met Futaba's smiling eyes, she lowered her head in despair. My head, I can't say a word.

No matter how eloquent I am, I will be easily refuted by this girl who seems to be able to penetrate people's hearts easily, not to mention that I am not the type of eloquent person outside of the academic field.

Diana was very self-aware about this.

In other words, it only took Futaba a short period of time to make Diana, who was not very self-aware, become very self-aware.

[However, if it is Frank, can he, who is so eloquent, not fall behind in front of little Futaba? 】

Diana stared at the fire not far away in a daze, her beautiful eyes quickly losing focus.

If it were Frank

If Frank were here


Can I, a leftover mage who doesn't understand the charm, really get together with him in the end?

As a man who loves freedom by nature, it is impossible for him to choose the eternal starry sky above his head and abandon the earth that he loves deeply for himself, right?


In this case, if I give up the mission of the Achizolti family, give up studying the documents that have become increasingly boring to read in recent days, give up studying the starry sky from the perspective of analyzing the truth, and simply study the sky full of Prosperity is regarded as a perfect scene, just like it was done when he was with Frank. Can the passionate love between the two last longer, until the end of life?

"Hey, Diana"

Haha, although I really hope that I can choose the second path, apart from other people in the family, my brother alone will never accept it. My brother who is as dazzling as a genius, in If Kenneth A. Azizolti, the ninth-ranked [Sage of the Fog Moon] in the Council of Truth in the City of Miracles, knew that he had given up on the path he had already designed because of a man, he would optimistically estimate that he would be able to do so in the third place. Kill Frank within the day.

"Let me tell you, sister, have you been feeling a little lusty these past two days?"

In front of a sage who had already reached the threshold of legend when he was less than forty years old, Frank didn't even have a chance to say a word of defense for himself.

Frank, who knows nothing, must not be harmed in the slightest because of his own willfulness!

Although with his character, even if he knew that his life would be in danger, he would not hesitate to put himself first, but because of this



She was startled by Futaba who appeared less than five centimeters in front of her. Diana jumped back subconsciously like a panicked rabbit. As a result, she lost her balance and fell down. On the ground, he was still struggling (dancing and clawing) and bumped his head against the edge of the astrologer's platform. Tears of pain almost flowed out. He lay on the ground miserably, which was really cute.

"Why are you shouting so loudly?"

Although she was already thirty years old, she looked like she was only in her early twenties or early twenties at best. She looked at Futaba with red eyes, and her delicate and delicate face was filled with great grievances.

The latter shrugged, casually grabbed the robe on the back of the chair and put it on his body carelessly: "Because when I tried to attract your attention with my cute and cute lolita tone just now, Diana, you didn't even Dio me~ "

"A little distracted."

Knowing that she was in the wrong, Diana sighed, stood up holding the corner of the astrological platform, and nodded sadly.

A dangerous light flashed in Futaba's eyes, and she asked casually, "Still thinking about Frank who fascinated you so much?"

"I am not sleeply."

Diana frowned and whispered: "Although I would rather I wasn't so sober."

Futaba laughed twice, shook his head and said: "I think one of us must have a different understanding of the word 'awake', um, so you are not still struggling with the 'Wheel of Eros' 'The dialectical relationship between the two astrological signs of 'Lulidais', right?"

"A symbol of love that is always in reverse aspect to one's own sign."

Diana walked to the fireplace with a bitter look on her face, sat down tiredly on the special seat where Futaba had just curled up, and sighed softly: "I don't think I care."

Futaba sat down on the astrological platform that Diana regarded as a treasure. Her two restless little feet dangled in the air for a long time before she curled her lips and said: "Don't blindly believe in those stars, my dear. Diana, you know there are hundreds of thousands of people in this world who are protected by Lulidais, is it possible that all of them are singles?"

"But the stars."

"Astrology is always just a reference. Although my astrological attainments are far inferior to yours, even if I have simply memorized the two basic textbooks "Introduction to Divination" and "Elementary Astrology Outline", I know that whether it is the starry sky, Pendulums, cards or crystal balls, they are always just references, not conclusions.”

The girl clasped her little hand across the tip of her nose like a lazy female cat, and chuckled: "To give a simple example, suppose the astrolabe tells me that it will rain tomorrow, but I hope to be with someone on that day. If a beautiful man with a pure personality, good looks, a lot of education, and a lot of money goes out on a date, then I will use the wind control technique to send myself to the sky tonight in advance, and then evaporate the cold air and cloud droplets, and evaporate those beautiful men. Kill the good and bad stuff in your mother's womb, and then happily go on a date the next day."

Diana's eyes widened: "But..."

"There's nothing to be ashamed of. Even you, one of the only three great astrologers in the contemporary era, can't accurately predict the weather the next day, because people can't be influenced by divination. Of course, you can think I’m being quibbling, but that’s what it is.”

Futaba smacked her mouth and shook her index finger, and said leisurely: "I have not denied your passion for astrology. After all, assuming that the example I just mentioned is true, it does play a huge role, such as giving me the opportunity to make decisions in advance. It’s time to prepare, not to fly into the sky and drive away the rain on the day of the date, as if you’re going to survive a catastrophe, do you understand?”

Diana pursed her lips and pondered for a long time, then nodded in understanding: "I understand a little bit."

"Throw away the nonsense, what I want to tell you is actually very simple, that is, don't be blindly influenced by the so-called divination, fate, astrology and the like, but learn to use them."

The girl snapped her fingers and said with a smile: "In my world, there is a story that has been changed by a lot of magic. To put it simply, there was a villager named Zhu and a fisherman named Zhou. Both of them were quite smart. , but it turned out that because of that guy who knew a little bit about astrology, he actually used the demonic wind to burn an adulterer named Fu, um, a very treacherous husband, to the point where he cried for his father and mother, and made the fisherman so angry that he vomited blood, awesome. It’s incredible.”

Diana thought about it for a long time, but she couldn't figure out what this girl wanted to express.

"To put it simply, it is to use your ability as a great astrologer to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune. For example, if you watch the stars at night and realize that Frank will be bloody today, you might as well do it yourself to bleed him to avoid his death."

Futaba put his hands behind his head and said without interest: "Or if you watch the stars at night and think that your uncle's third aunt's classmate's classmate's cousin's niece may hook up with your Frank and cheat on you when he grows up, you might as well start with him first Be aggressive and kill your uncle's third aunt's classmates and their entire family, lest any little bitch grow up to steal a man from you."

Diana really understood this time, and then shook her head very honestly: "I don't have an uncle, but if brother Kenneth knows about Frank and me, it is very likely that he will. Well, Futaba, please clean up. Let’s go to the City of Miracles.”


Futaba was stunned at the time and said in shock: "Don't tell me that I suddenly had a sudden impulse to kill your fish-lipped Oni-chan."

Diana blinked: "Huh?"

"that is"

Futaba's mouth twitched as he stared at the big girl in front of him who looked like a pure little white lotus compared to him, and said with a dry smile: "I doubt you want to take me into the city of miracles, and let me go in the name of love. That [Misty Moon Sage] who might be able to beat a mandarin duck, let him raise his ashes."

Diana was startled by Futaba's well-founded statement. Then she stood up and walked to the latter. She raised her index finger and touched the girl's head with a crisp voice: "Little Futaba." What are you thinking about! Brother Kenneth is my respected cousin, why should I kill him for no reason!"


Futaba laughed sarcastically, spread his hands and said, "It's mainly based on the suggestions I gave you before. What you said just now really makes me have to think more."

Diana shook her head, first she summoned a female-shaped water element to pack her luggage, and then she said softly: "I promised Ana to take you to the City of Miracles, and besides, I really have something I want to talk to you about. After chatting with cousin Kenneth, we moved the schedule a little bit forward, and "

"And what?"

"And in this case, I might be able to find time to take you to see the world."

"Oh? Where are you going to see the world?"

"Over in Academy City, there is a grand event held every three years, which should be of great benefit to you."

"What do you mean?"

"I want to see Frank."


"So we'll set off in half an hour, so get dressed quickly."


Chapter 760: End

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