Quadruple split

Chapter 772 Words

ten minutes later

Mo Tan and Cole appeared in the small cemetery on the west side of the Dark Night Church. They walked around with a lantern in hand and started to patrol. Then, as they walked, the people disappeared.

Of course, strictly speaking, they only triggered two small mechanisms during their 'walk', and then used the shrub-like plants around the cemetery as cover to sneak into a corner that slid open silently. In the tomb, it entered the ground without leaving a trace.

That is, a secret hiding place of the Bloodwing family.

As for the plan, it was naturally not the one that Cole figured out after five minutes of painstaking study. Although it was quite accurate, Mo Tan unceremoniously commented that it was like taking off his pants and farting.

So to briefly summarize, the whole process of this matter is roughly as follows:

[Cole spent five minutes coming up with an infiltration plan] → [Mo Tan directly rejected Cole’s plan and took out two sets of Dark Night Sect priest robes and matching tombkeeper lanterns] → [The two of them finished changing After putting on his clothes, he swaggered directly into the cemetery] → [Look for the mechanism and trigger it] → [Go to the grave] → [Yeah! 】


Mo Tan made a scissor gesture at Col, then put away the priest's robe of the Dark Night Sect again, and sat down leisurely on the stone steps, his face full of pride.

The latter hung his head in embarrassment, feeling extremely ashamed of the complicated plan he had just made.

"Sit down, we are not in a hurry."

Mo Tan raised an eyebrow at Cole, then took out two bottles of treatment potions with a high ethanol content, gave one to the latter and chuckled: "Tell me what you think."

Cole, who was sitting at the other end of the stone steps, took the potion in fear, lowered his head and said, "It's so shameful."


Mo Tanfeng nodded lightly and took a sip of the particularly powerful healing potion: "Do you think you're so useless?"

Cole nodded vigorously. Although the time Mo Tan gave him just now was too hasty, he also knew that even if he was given fifty minutes or even five hundred minutes, he might not be able to come up with such a direct idea like Mo Tan. Effective infiltration method.

"No, you are wrong. In fact, this is not a question of whether you are useful, but a question of ideology."

Mo Tan shook his head, and rarely said to Cole in a relatively serious tone: "Speaking of complexity, this is a collection of opinions, ideas, concepts, three views, etc., a kind of thing that is more complex than human beings themselves. The concept of being fickle, a perception that can be influenced by a large number of factors.”

Cole blinked unconsciously, not daring to nod rashly because he really didn't understand.

Fortunately, Mo Tan also knew that he didn't understand, so he explained with almost no pause: "To put it simply, because of differences in origin, environment, personality, knowledge, intelligence and other factors, people's thinking when facing problems is different. They are all the same, and usually, the vast majority of people are bound by their own ideologies, which leads to them being limited when dealing with problems, just like the one you just mentioned, although it seems quite similar, but Looking back, it seems that this 'infiltration method' was not too stupid."

"I understand, sir!"

Cole has never been an idiot, so he understood immediately after Mo Tan briefly explained a few words. And for some reason, he always felt that Mr. today seemed a little different from usual, or to be more precise, Mr. The attitude towards myself is slightly different.

Compared to 'guiding' in the past, today's teacher seems to be more inclined to 'teach' himself.

Although there is only one word difference, the concepts are completely different.

"Look, you are very smart, smart enough to be able to detect many details that ordinary people would subconsciously ignore."

Mo Tan laughed happily and raised the bottle in greeting to Cole: "On this basis, you can make some kind of judgment that is very close to the truth. This is enough to prove that your problem is not intelligence, but ideas, patterns and some possible Characteristics obtained through the popular means of 'hard work'."

Cole, whose thoughts were instantly understood, nodded respectfully and listened devoutly to every instruction of the man in front of him who was almost omnipotent in his heart, that is, Mo Tan.

"But whether you are a genius or a mediocre person, for most people, it is difficult for things like the pattern to change in a short period of time, and I have never had much patience."

Mo Tan glanced at Cole narrowly, put the empty potion bottle back into his bag, and said with a smile: "So I plan to teach you some relatively specific things, so as to shorten the time for Cole Shuren to grow up to be able to stand alone as much as possible. cost."

Although Mo Tan said this easily, Cole, who was deeply stressed, still took several deep breaths to maintain his mentality and responded respectfully: "I will try my best not to disappoint you."

"Don't worry, I have nothing to be disappointed with."

Mo Tan smiled and said leisurely: "The observation of you has been completed not long ago. From the moment this incident ends, except for some necessary 'make-up lessons', I will only give orders. Or instructions, it will not provide any help for what you want to do next, let alone bear the cost of failure for you, so you can relax."

Cole, who couldn't relax at all, could only drink a sip of wine to suppress his shock, unable to say even a single word.

No matter how relaxed Mo Tan's words were, they still couldn't change the tremendous pressure Cole was under at this moment.

The reason is very simple. Although he has always done things according to Mo Tan's instructions, and in most cases he has done well, but in fact Cole knows very well in his heart that apart from "having a private relationship with the housekeeper of the Kevos family will delay time." 'Except for a few exceptions, in most cases what I do is just 'icing on the cake' or 'double insurance' at best. Even if I don't know the details clearly, my husband is always in control. It's not like Cole can't discover the overall situation.

but now

Cole swallowed hard and found that the pressure brought by the words 'being alone' that he had dreamed of a few years ago was so huge.

Without the help of my husband, what can someone like me who can't even make an infiltration plan do?

The young man, who had become countless times more mature than when he first met Tan Mo, fell into fear and was soaked in cold sweat.

"The chicks will eventually leave the nest."

Mo Tan made a fluttering gesture and danced: "I'm not a philanthropist. Although I don't mind taking care of promising children occasionally, but if you don't use it to a certain extent, yes, what I'm saying is' You', whether it's you or Xiao Ai, I will kick you away without hesitation and let you fend for yourself."

Cole stopped shaking.

Mo Tan looked at him equally calmly.

"I understand, sir."

After a brief silence, Cole, whose strength was only at the level of an intermediate peak, existed like an ant in a place like the Free City, clenched his fists and looked solemnly into Mo Tan's eyes: "I will complete whatever you ask!"

"Oh? It's not a nice word like 'go all out', but it's an almost stupid 'will be done'?"

Mo Tan laughed foolishly, then raised his index finger and shook it twice: "So, what if I want you to become the king of the underground world in this city?"

Cole replied without thinking: "Then I will become the king of the underground world in this city, or die on the way to achieve this goal. I just hope that you will not trade Lorna's life for mine as you said before. .”

"Did I say that?"

"Yes, sir."

"That's it. Can I understand that you are trying to negotiate terms with me?"

"I'm so sorry, sir!"

"Oh, it doesn't matter. After all, as a person with vested interests, I can't be too pretentious."

Mo Tan, whose gaze was so cold just now that it made Cole suffocate, suddenly laughed, and lightly agreed to the former's condition: "Then, if I have to choose between saving you and resurrecting Lorna Moonlight, I can agree to it. Is it okay to choose the latter and give up on you?"

"Thank you, sir!"

Cole let out a long breath, and his tense body immediately relaxed, but his eyes became firmer.

"But you don't have to worry too much. Although I won't help you like I did before, I won't let you do things that are absolutely impossible. I can even guarantee that as long as you are willing to put in a certain amount of effort. , you will definitely have a chance to perfectly solve the tasks I assigned."

Mo Tan stretched out and turned to look at Cole with a half-smile: "And just because I won't help you doesn't mean others won't help you."

Cole nodded silently.

"Okay, the time for relaxed and pleasant chatting is over."

Mo Tan stood up slowly and walked forward carelessly with brisk steps. He casually asked Cole, who quickly stood up to follow, "Do you know why the infiltration plan I made is better than yours?" Is that ten billion times more convenient?"

"Because of that 'ideology' you just mentioned?"

Cole gave an unconvincing answer.

"It's intelligence. In layman's terms, the so-called 'ideology' is just a thinking process. If there is no intelligence as a basis, it will be useless even if your brain is so big that there is only a ring left around your neck."

Mo Tan smiled, and his slender index finger gently brushed the slightly damp stone wall beside him: "Because I know that the residents nearby don't even know how many people are in the dark night church next to me, so I dare to Wearing priest robes, we walked swaggeringly into the small cemetery above us, where there were not many dead people to bury; because I knew that less than one-third of the clergy maintained a cooperative relationship with the Bloodwing family, I could be sure that there were no dead bodies nearby. You can do these things without agents watching."


Cole, who closely followed Mo Tan's thoughts, nodded immediately, and began to sort out and reflect on his previous investigation operations in his heart.

"But you have to remember that intelligence serves a purpose, so it is not a good idea to conduct a thorough investigation of all relevant content in detail, because there are many parts that seem to have huge implications that may not be important."

Mo Tan paused slightly when he said this, letting Cole digest it for a few seconds before continuing: "Then how do you determine what kind of information is useful and what kind of information is useless? My personal reference The key word is 'means'. Focus on the purpose you want to achieve, conceive the means you want to use, and then collect relevant information in a targeted manner around the means you plan to use. It's a very simple three-point and one-line approach. "

Cole, who followed Mo Tan silently, did not speak, nor did he show any signs of realization. He seemed to be planning to remember his husband's words in his mind first, regardless of what happened.

"Then let's look back now. When the 'purpose' is established and the 'intelligence' is fixed, only the 'means' is the most flexible, which is the ideology I just told you."

Mo Tan smiled and said softly: "In this regard, my suggestion is to 'forget', forget your identity, status, advantages, strengths and other components, and simply look at the situation from a relatively objective perspective. If If you don't understand, you might as well recall the plan that you racked your brains for for five minutes. It looked like a product of excessive 'thief style'. Although it was thorough, rigorous, and calculated, it still had too much There are many limitations, and once the means have limitations, it usually means missing out on the 'optimal solution'."

Cole understood this as soon as he heard it. After all, he had just been led by Mo Tan to complete an illegal invasion in a very non-robbery way, and the efficiency was at least ten times higher than the plan he had come up with before!

"You have to remember that the so-called means are actually the process that helps you achieve your goals, and this process never needs to be high-end, perfect, or unreplicable, it just needs to be effective enough."

Mo Tan stopped after the two saw a huge stone door in the distance, leaned against the wall and spread his hands: "Of course you can use your strengths, but if it exists, even any ordinary person can do it. , and in a more efficient way, then the fact that it is 'difficult to copy' is a huge disadvantage in itself, because the answer has been trapped within a specific range from the beginning."

Cole tilted his head and thought about it, then hesitantly said: "In other words, if the other party wants to retaliate afterwards, 'two people wearing priest uniforms strutting into the cemetery' is better than 'an invasion that can only be completed using specific techniques. 'Is it harder to find out?"

"So-so, if possible, I hope you can break away from what we are doing now and take a longer-term view."

Mo Tan made a funny expression (not a 'funny' expression) and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "But even though it's a little one-sided, at least the idea is correct. You have always been able to understand these conceptual things quite well." quick."

"Thank you for the compliment, sir."

"So, that's enough for the relatively general content at the higher level. Now let's move on to the next step."

"Yes, sir."

"Very good. Now we know that behind the door in front of you is probably squatting a man who can crush you to death in minutes. What do you think you should do to pass smoothly without being analized to death? Five minutes to think about it. ,Timing begins."


Chapter 765: End

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