Quadruple split

Chapter 780 Don’t worry

two hours later

Game time AM01:12

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]

"What? I seem to have troubled you before."

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]

"Yeah, reconnect."

【Reconnection starts.】

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, the absolutely neutral Black Brahma, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

The main peak of the holy mountain Sumir, the third floor of the war hall, rest room


Mo Tan, who was leaning on the back of the chair as if he was asleep, slowly opened his eyes. He first glanced at the two small magic crystal lamps around him that had been deliberately lowered in brightness. He then raised his index finger and touched it lightly in front of him. The corners of the still warm porcelain cup curled up imperceptibly, and then he stood up after taking a sip of the half-warm coffee, quietly walked to the window sill behind him, and squinted his eyes to look at The stars outside the window, which are rarely seen even in the Innocence Continent, murmured: "It has been two days and there is still no result?"

This is not a difficult sentence to interpret. The so-called two days have passed since the last time he issued an ultimatum to the Sumir side represented by Huo Yanyang in the war hall. Until now, it has passed It's been two full days; the latter sentence has no results. It's not that Sumirfang doesn't cooperate with his plan, but that Huo Yanyang, who led half of the men out to search the mountain, has not sent back any news until now. To be precise, there is no news. Send back any valuable information.

In fact, those seemingly pedantic old men and women, such as the high priest, the great shaman, and the great prophet, are incredibly easy to talk to. Although the combat method that Huo Yanyang conveyed in a vague way was not immediately put on the agenda in the past few days, but Just after Mo Tan told Huo Yanyang that this was the only way to break the situation, the senior officials of Sumir, who always seemed to be nagging people, passed the plan quickly that night and handed over Su Mir without any reservation. Mir's existing combat power was split into two parts, and he strictly followed Mo Tan's idea, handing over the main part composed of players to Huo Yanyang, and letting the remaining holy mountain warriors stationed on the mountainside of Sumir's main peak to wait for orders.

It’s such an obedient cooperation!

Of course, in addition to cooperation, Huo Yanyang's mentor, Earth Sacrifice Mundo Pan, also made a small request on behalf of Sumilfang, a small request that was both reasonable and reasonable, and could not be faulted at all.

"I was really dizzy at the time."

Mo Tan smiled self-deprecatingly, and after a simple message, he closed the dialog box full of complaints and gossip in his field of vision. He no longer paid attention to his friends who were a little bored because of the overnight march, and then looked at the message board with complicated eyes. The name at the top, and the little exclamation mark behind the name that means there are unread messages.

After a few seconds, he finally opened the dialog box named [Chen Wang Yu - Absolute Neutrality] and looked at the content above with a complicated expression.

As a result, it was filled with a large number of expressions that were overwhelming but still maintained a strange sense of logic. Although the last few table-turning kaomojis with different styles made Mo Tan a little embarrassed, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, a slightly gray expression. There was also a glimmer of sparkle in his eyes.

‘Something happened today, I came to school a little late, I just saw it~’

Mo Tan replied to Yu Chen with a message that seemed lively and cheerful. Then he turned his gaze back to the stars, which were gorgeous but somehow made him feel empty. He tried to relax for a few minutes.

The reason why I say 'trying' is because before he had time to let himself go, the news about Yuchen had already come back——

‘Then did you have a good late night snack (ω)ノ’

As always, a reply with appropriate emoticons popped up.

"So, every lie must be compensated with more lies, and when the lies are piled up to a certain extent, no matter what they are carrying, they will inevitably collapse."

Mo Tan laughed bitterly, his hands holding the window sill turned white, and whispered: "What's even more sad is that I have to keep up the layers of lies."

Having said this, he sighed lightly and replied with a positive answer to Yuchen, even including his lunch menu for today.

[One day, she will be unbearable, and then turn away, either heavily or lightly, and return to that parallel line that can never intersect with me. 】

The wind on the top of the mountain was a bit cold, so Mo Tan closed the window again, returned to the table and picked up the cup of coffee that had completely faded away, and blinked at his blurry reflection: "It's so arrogant and conceited. The idea of ​​love.”

‘You lied (ω)’

News about Yuchen popped up again, concise and to the point.

Mo Tan's hand holding the coffee froze slightly.

‘Hey, I don’t know why, but I feel like you’re lying. Please tell me if I’m right! ’

Another message came out, and the girl's little face, which had been deeply imprinted in Mo Tan's mind, but became increasingly blurry today, became clear again, as if she was winking and smiling at him.

Of course, this is just a boring illusion.

Mo Tan knew this very well, but subconsciously he was still happy that he could see the other person in a trance, and at the same time he was angry at his disgusting happiness. It was as contradictory as him.

‘Yeah, you guessed it right, it’s awesome. ’

He replied to the message as perfunctory as possible, but he read the nine words several times after sending them out, and became annoyed after he really discovered the perfunctoriness in them.

However, Yuchen didn't seem to think so. The girl who seemed to have been waiting in front of the message board just replied instantly as if she had already prepared the answer: "Well, since you don't plan to talk about your dinner, why don't you say goodbye?" of(`)? ’

‘Okay, I have nothing to do now anyway, what do you want to talk about? ’

Mo Tan, who had just condemned himself from the bottom of his heart, immediately tried to make up for his mistake. He replied with great care and was definitely not perfunctory, and then he became inexplicably angry about it, like a manic man with neurasthenia and mental illness. The patient is average.

‘Let me think about it. For example, how are you feeling now? ’

After a period of somewhat deliberate silence, Yuchen's rare message without emojis appeared in the center of Mo Tan's field of vision, and caused a high-damage critical hit to the latter.

After thinking briefly, Mo Tan defined this message as not likely to reveal his mental illness. Based on this premise, after second thought, he decided to tell the truth: 'I feel a little bit bad. ’

‘It feels like this is true’

It’s still a reply without any emoticons.

‘Well, it’s true. ’

Mo Tan took a sip of coffee and turned to look at his hand-painted mini sand table to distract himself, but the effect was not significant.

‘How about you come back quickly and let me enlighten you when you return to the City of Light (≧≦)! ’

After a moment of silence, Yu Chen, who seemed to have regained his senses, said something like this out of nowhere. Maybe it wasn't very inexplicable, but it did catch Mo Tan off guard.

So he suppressed the entanglement in his heart and replied teasingly: 'If you want to enlighten me, why don't I go to school to see you tomorrow and receive some psychological treatment? ’

‘No (╯-_-)╯╧╧’

‘Although I was joking, it’s still very sad that you answered so decisively. ’

‘I would be shy! After all, I just said something that sounded like a confession a few days ago (//////)! ’


Then Mo Tan couldn't continue. In fact, he had been avoiding related topics when chatting with Yu Chen during this period, so when he saw that the other party brought it up directly and openly, he froze in place. .

five minutes later

‘Um, are you still online, right (⊙.⊙;)? ’

Yuchen sent a message that looked a little cautious.

Mo Tan subconsciously replied with a 'hmm'.

‘You must be very tired over there. Come back to the City of Light. Then after a while, Sister Xia Lian and I will accompany you to Sumir to help Wan Yang and the others! ’

Yu Chen changed the topic in a rare and abrupt manner.

‘I didn’t say I would just go back. Don’t worry, everything is fine with me here. I had a long chat with Wanyang’s mentor for half the night the day before yesterday. By the way, Xia Lian is back? ’

Mo Tan smiled and cooperated very cooperatively without mentioning the incident just now.

'Well, I'm back. I'm serious. It's really too dangerous over there now. Besides Wan Yang and his enemies, there are also people in the joint expeditionary force who want to do harm to you, so you'd better come back first ( ̄ O ̄;)! ’

Yu Chen, who seemed to have been paying attention to the situation here, continued to emphasize the idea of ​​​​letting Mo Tan return to the City of Light for the time being.

‘What’s the danger? I’m a player. Even if I’m defeated, I’m just rebuilding my character~’

Mo Tan laughed dumbly. Although he was indeed a little tempted, he still said that he did not intend to leave Sumir alone.

Even if you want to leave, you have to go first

'I know, but I'm still a little worried about you. ’

The news jumped out, cutting off Mo Tan's train of thought.

I don't know how many times the silence struck, as if they were talking face to face.

I don't know how long it took, it could be a few seconds, it could be a few minutes. In short, for Mo Tan, the scale suddenly became a little strange. After a period of time, his message bar flashed again.

Mo Tan subconsciously looked at the dialog box in front of him, but found that Yu Chen had not sent a message.

That is to say

He clicked on the name that was temporarily placed under Yuchen in his friend list, and after a few seconds, he slightly raised the corners of his mouth.

‘Don’t worry, I just happened to be online. Anyway, give me 3 minutes to sort out my thoughts. ’

Mo Tan replied briefly, then closed the newly opened message bar. After thinking about it for more than ten seconds, he replied to Yu Chen: "Don't worry, if nothing happens, I will be able to go back soon." . ’

'Eh? ! What does Σ(дlll) mean? ’

Yuchen replied instantly.

'It means, don't worry, it will be over soon. ’

‘? ? ? ’

‘Then I’ll go have a supper first and think about something. ’

‘Eating late-night snacks in the game (‘ω’)? ’

‘Just eat it in the game. ’

‘Yeah, remember to call me if you need something└(^o^)┘! ’

'good. ’

Mo Tan smiled, then drank the coffee in his hand, casually put the blanket that was draped over his shoulders when he was offline on the chair, straightened his collar slowly, and then strode towards the rest room. export.

"In other words, instead of worrying about me, it would be better to worry about those Whispering Cultists."

He muttered in a low voice, put his right hand on his left shoulder and shook his neck gently, as if to cheer himself up and said: "Even a person like me can't even take advantage of those gangs in all aspects." Even though we tried our best to defeat Sumir for almost half a year, we couldn’t even deal with the waste.”

After saying that, Mo Tan took a deep breath and opened the rough door in front of him.


The half-dragon female knight standing in front of the lounge holding a long sword immediately saluted Mo Tan and said loudly: "I have prepared a night for you."

"No, let's save the midnight snack for later."

Mo Tan smiled and waved his hand, and while walking down the spiral staircase, he said lightly: "There are more important things to do now."

Yi Zhao, who was following Mo Tan, blinked in confusion: "Senior, what you mean is"

"Please run to the Temple of Enlightenment and ask High Priest Mundo Pan and his friends to come to the War Hall command room."

Mo Tan walked into the second-floor command room door that was pushed open by Yi Zuo. He stood in front of the huge blank sand table with his hands behind his hands. He slowly arranged the alchemy chess pieces on the edge of the table and said without raising his head: " The game has started and I need to tell them the battle plan."

Yi Zou's beautiful eyes suddenly lit up: "Could it be that?"

"That's right."

Mo Tan gently lit up a chess piece that looked like a knight, placed it on a certain point on the lower left side of the sand table, and smiled: "Huo Yanyang has helped me put together the last piece of the puzzle."

"Then, can I participate in your battle?"

Yi Zuo clenched her white little hands and stared at Mo Tan unblinkingly with her two big eyes.


Mo Tan lit up the second chess piece and said with a smile, "But I haven't figured out the plan yet."

"Ah? Then you ask me to find High Priest Meng and the others."

"Well, by the time you come back with them, the plan should have been figured out."


The beautiful female knight gave Mo Tan a knighthood without hesitation, and then ran out resolutely.


Mo Tan's voice came from behind.

Yi Xuan, who had already half stepped out of the door, suddenly stopped and quickly stood up to attention and turned to the senior who was still playing with the chess pieces casually: "I'm here, senior!"

"I forgot to mention it just now."

Mo Tan squinted his eyes for a second, then raised his head and smiled at the girl: "Thank you for the coffee and blanket."


As a result, Yi Zou tilted her head in confusion, stretched out her index finger and tapped her lower lip and asked, "What coffee and blanket?"


Mo Tan was also stunned and reacted for half a second before saying in surprise: "Didn't you do it?"

"Hehe, I'm just kidding, senior."

Yi Zhao smiled and stuck out his tongue playfully.

"You're welcome, senior."

Chapter 773: End

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