Quadruple split

Chapter 783 A little more radical

Although it was clear that Huo Yanyang had won many battles under the guidance of Hei Fan, for most of the elders present, the extremely concise and clear 'battle report' just now was the first time they had heard of it, and they couldn't help but Needless to say, it’s really shocking.

You must know that everyone here is very clear about how harmful the Whispering Cult is. Even the most conceited people have to admit that those blasphemers are indeed very powerful and can achieve six goals on those hateful and terrifying opponents. The record of undefeated victory in eighteen games, which can even be said to be a complete victory, is simply a myth to them.

And the creator of the myth was right in front of them.

An old acquaintance of the young apprentice of High Priest Mondo Pan, a priest from the Holy Union.

No one knows how he accomplished all this. You must know that in a battle of this scale, even if there is any Tian Zongqi who can lead everyone to win, it is almost impossible to suppress the battle damage to such an incredible amount. situation.

Zero deaths!

Even if the battle scenes that Mo Tan and Huo Yanyang come into contact with are not very big, at most they are just small-scale encounters with less than 200 people from both sides combined, but no matter how you think about zero casualties, it feels too much. Fantasy.

For a moment, the conference room that was quite noisy just now was completely silent, but the eyes focused on Mo Tan quietly became intense.

"Although there is no water in what my junior just said, I still hope that everyone will not have too many expectations of me."

Mo Tan smiled reservedly, lowered his eyes and looked at the intricately smeared sand table in front of him in just a few minutes, and said in a calm tone: "It's not unnecessarily modest, but what I have obtained with Huo Yanyang before Victory actually has no weight. After all, the attack intentions of those cultists were not very determined at the time, and they lacked unified command and dispatch. In this case, as long as a series of advantages and tactics, including geographical location, are used to a certain extent. , it is not difficult to win.”

Crom twitched the corner of his mouth and tried to make his expression less stiff: "That's what you said, but your victory was not a complete victory at all, but a complete victory in which no one died! A total of sixty-eight games!"

"This is closely related to the 'advantage' I mentioned before. After all, according to my observation, although the power of those cultists is weird, their professional matching is very biased, including thieves, warriors, and warlocks. The number of offensive professions accounts for almost more than 70%. In other words, they are very prone to a lot of battle losses due to the scarcity of healing professions, while we have a large number of shamans, which is completely different."

Mo Tan explained it in a simple and in-depth manner from a very objective perspective, then raised his head and smiled: "So as long as the method is used properly, it is actually not too difficult to achieve the so-called 'complete victory', but"

Having said this, he paused for a moment, and his calm, soft and featureless eyes slowly swept over the faces of every elder present.

"I do have something I can do, so if everyone is willing to give a little trust, I will do my best to help Sumir overcome this difficulty."

Mo Tan briefly summarized what he said above, with a face as calm as water and a tone that was neither humble nor arrogant.

The elders all looked at Mondo Pan in unison after exchanging glances for a few seconds.

The latter also understood it and immediately turned to Mo Tan and asked: "So, little friend Hei Fan, what do you mean by 'a little trust'? Judging from the current situation, we old bones are already very cooperative with you. .”

"But that's not enough"

Mo Tan narrowed his eyes slightly and slowly raised two fingers: "I need you to agree to two more conditions."

Crom, who was acting like a fiery monkey just now, nodded very calmly now: "Tell me."

"First of all, I need the entire Sumir side to completely obey my command in the next period of time and unconditionally implement every one of my instructions and arrangements, including some that may make you doubtful or simply feel unreasonable, but I don't Enough time to explain.”

Mo Tan picked up a white chess piece and clenched it gently, and said in a deep voice: "Including all the elders here, if necessary, I will even ask you to take action in person."

All the elders looked at each other in confusion. In the end, Mengdo Pan temporarily ignored this topic on behalf of everyone and continued to ask: "Then what is your second condition?"

"It's very simple."

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows, sat back on the chair, then raised his index finger and gently placed it on the center of his upper lip: "If we win, I hope that you can pay tribute to Sumir without hurting his own interests. It is hidden from the outside world that I am the leader of the Sumir side of this war."

Plana blinked in surprise: "Including the Holy Religion Union?"

"That's right."

Mo Tan nodded heavily and emphasized with emphasis: "Including the Holy Religion Union to which I belong."

The kind-hearted Earth Prophet looked at Mo Tan with interest and said doubtfully: "I'm very curious why you put forward such a condition. In my impression, a young man in his twenties like you should really hope to get all kinds of things." To be honest, even us old bones thought so when we were your age, and if you help Sumir win this war by yourself, then you will definitely get An unimaginable reputation, you must know that blasphemers who worship evil gods are the public enemies of the mainland."

"Yes, although many people are reluctant to lend a helping hand."

Gale next to him shrugged, spread his hands and said: "But if we do win the final victory, those who are turning a blind eye to Sumir at the moment will send praise and applause as if they had just found their minds a second ago, although that is not the case. It’s of no use.”

Mo Tan smiled slightly: "I think so. After all, you don't have to pay any price to say nice things, but for me personally, becoming a hero is a burden."

Crom looked at him dumbfounded: "You don't want to be a hero?"

"I certainly don't want to be a hero."

Mo Tan nodded and affirmed without thinking, with pure and undisguised exhaustion in his eyes: "If possible, my biggest wish is to be an ordinary person, an ordinary person who is relaxed and leisurely enough, not that kind of person." After experiencing a magnificent life, he was finally written down in the history books as a hero or something similar."

Crom seemed to want to say something else, but was interrupted by Plana using a relatively gentle gravity totem.

"You seem to have unspeakable secrets that we can't imagine, child."

Plana looked at Mo Tan with soft eyes and said softly: "But we are willing to respect your choice."

Mo Tan laughed: "In other words, the elders are willing to agree to these two arbitrary conditions of mine."

"It's not so much that I'm willing to promise you."

Gale, the Jarhead, sighed and laughed dryly: "It's better to say that we really can't think of any other way. The United Holy Church, which we invited for nearly half a year, is unwilling to move, and the strength of those blasphemers has increased out of thin air. Nearly half of it, if we continue like this, even if we still want to grit our teeth and hold on as before, we may be rushed to the main peak at any time at any time, so we might as well believe you once."

Mondo Pan also nodded and smiled at Mo Tan: "Even if you don't believe in shamanism, you are just a guest to Sumir. In fact, you are an outsider, but I want to believe that you are highly praised by Yan Yang. You, Priest Black Van, if you can really help Sumir out of trouble this time, we will be your personal and eternal allies."

"But the ugly words come first, if you easily lose in front of those blasphemers"

Crom narrowed his sharp gray eyes dangerously and stared at Mo Tan eagerly.

"Then, I can guarantee that my body will remain on the final battlefield that can determine the outcome."

Mo Tan interrupted him lightly and smiled: "This is not a valuable promise, but it is the highest price I can pay personally."

"very good."


"In that case."

"In the name of the ancestors' spirits——"

All the elders stood up in unison and drew a dimly lit character on their chests. Then, under the leadership of Mondo Pan, they turned to Mo Tan solemnly and said in unison: "Before the dust settles, with us, Headed by the Council of Elders, everyone from the top to the bottom of the Holy Mountain Sumir will obey your orders."

ten minutes later

The huge command room became empty again, with only Mo Tan and Yi Zuo remaining here.


The half-dragon female knight placed the tea she had just brewed in Mo Tan's hand, then took a half-step nervously and opened her mouth hesitantly, but no words came out.

"Huha~Thank you."

Mo Tan stretched out, then rubbed his forehead a little tiredly, picked up the tea at hand and took two sips. He leaned on the chair in a daze for a long time before realizing that something was wrong with the other person's expression, and chuckled: "What's wrong? ?”

Yi Zuo pursed her lips, then shook her head slightly, and whispered: "It's nothing, it's just"

Then nothing more happened.

"If you have anything to say, just say it. There's no one else here right now. It would be a big help if you could relax a little bit."

Mo Tan looked at the girl in front of him with some humor, who looked more like a 'servant knight' than a 'guardian knight'. He shrugged and said, "Even if you are a senior, we are still friends of the same generation. If you are cautious in everything, I will not do it." Adaptable.”

Yi Zuo was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously bowed at 90 degrees: "I'm sorry, senior! It was my fault!"

"I'm just asking you to relax."

Mo Tan couldn't help but laugh, waving his hands and saying: "I'm not blaming you, sit down."

Yi Zhao nodded, and sat down in the seat where the great prophet Pulanna had been not long ago, then took a deep breath, paused for a while, then lowered his head and whispered softly: "Senior, you seem to be different from usual. .”

"Oh, you said this."

Mo Tan smiled nonchalantly, and while leaning forward to write dense notes on the sand table, he said casually: "I haven't been the same as before these two days. You should have noticed it by now. Ah, by the way, what do you think makes me different from before?"

Yi Zuo nodded slightly and remained silent for a while before replying: "Senior, I feel very sharp now."

"Is it sharp?"

Mo Tan wrote the last footnote on the location of Rumbling City, then put down the quill, smiled bitterly and shook his head: "You are really good at talking."

As a result, the girl in front of her immediately waved her hands vigorously and whispered: "Ah, I'm not complimenting you!"

Mo Tan: "."

"No, no, that's not what I meant, senior."

Only then did Yi Zou, who realized that what he just said seemed a bit inappropriate, turned red and shook his head, adding: "I'm just a little worried about you."

"Worried that I will make mistakes in combat due to personal emotions, lose my way in the ever-changing battle situation, and make irreparable mistakes?"

Mo Tan calmly finished the second half of Yi Zuo's unspoken sentence, and while looking at the two groups of black chess pieces on the sand table that were not close together as if he was distracted, he said in a rather brisk tone: "If you If you are worried about this, then you are overthinking it. Although I am indeed about to face the biggest battle in my life, through observation during this period, it is obvious that the person responsible for the layout or command among the cultists is A very, very easy to understand person, in other words very easy to deal with.”

Although Yi Zou didn't know why her senior made such a judgment, she could still understand the words and said quickly: "But we still don't know what the purpose of those cultists is."

"Yes, we really don't know their purpose."

Mo Tan smiled and carefully sipped the tea that almost burned him to death: "But that's not important anymore, because no matter what they want to do, they can't do without the 'Sumir Main Peak' and 'time' 'These two key points, and now that the enemy's other batch, the last batch of combat power has been exposed, I will no longer give them any time and opportunity to attack the main peak of Sumir."

After listening carefully, Yi Zhao suddenly laughed and said with a smile: "Although I still prefer the way senior looked before, since you think the current rhythm is okay, I'm relieved."

"Haha, I just feel lucky now"

Mo Tan gave a bitter smile and sighed: "Fortunately, what is about to usher in is a strategic game rather than a tactical competition, otherwise it would be quite easy for me to have problems in my current state."

Yi Zuo tilted his head and asked curiously: "What is the difference between the two?"

"At least for me there is, after all, if it's a strategy"

Mo Tan made a face that was not funny at all, looked at the warm mist on the teacup in ecstasy, and let out a sigh of relief. There seemed to be two blazing flames deep in his eyes.

"It shouldn't be a problem even if it's a little more aggressive."

Chapter 776: End

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