Quadruple split

Chapter 788 The Goshawk Falls

Game time AM09:28

Within the territory of the holy mountain Sumir, area A5 of the Black Van strategic map: the central slope of Snow Dove Hill

"Lord Lucius."

Goshawk, who walked into the command tent, stopped respectfully and saluted High Bishop Lucius Lestrange who was sitting behind the long table with a serious face. He stood there as meticulously as a statue: "You calls me?"

Lucius nodded slightly, and after being silent for a while, he raised his eyes and looked at the young man in front of him who was relatively young but extremely pious. The corner of his mouth curled up with a satisfied smile: "Yes, Knight Goshawk, in fact, my side We may have run into a little trouble.”

"I am willing to do my best, my lord!"

Goshawk didn't wait for Lucius to finish what he said, but at the moment when the other party deliberately slowed down his speech, Goshawk expressed his attitude with full force, raised his chest and raised his head firmly with eyes full of determination: "For the glory of my lord!"

Lucius nodded happily. The more he looked at the young man in front of him, the more he liked him. Although he was just a former mercenary who had just joined the religion less than half a month ago, whether it was his almost fanatical loyalty to the sect or his other His meticulous attitude and his character of talking less and doing more made Lucius, the top leader of the mountain attack force, particularly satisfied.

Of course, there is also his valuable aerial mobility. You must know that for most professions, being able to fly freely in the sky is a privilege only available to the epic level or even the legendary level. As a person whose strength has just entered the high-level threshold, Goshawk The knight actually tamed a griffin. Even though the griffin was really round, it still meant that Goshawk was very lucky, very, very good.

Lucius likes people who are lucky, and he prefers people who are down-to-earth, serious and simple. That's why he kept Goshawk in the 'main force' he led not long ago instead of sending away other new believers. They were also sent to the group of reinforcements in the southwest that not only did not have a unified organization, but did not even have a unified command.

Although far inferior to his own children, Lucius is indeed a very picky person, so his direct influence in the Northeast Diocese is not very large, and Goshawk is likely to become one of them. In fact, Lucius Si did indeed do this, otherwise as a high-ranking bishop, he would have no need to chat with a certain scout every now and then, or even invite him for a drink.

The young man in front of him did not disappoint him. Although Lucius knew very well that the former was only loyal to the God of Whispers, this did not prevent him from putting his own label on the Goshawk early.

Although he panicked for a while when the Holy Alliance expeditionary force first arrived, after those ridiculous guys settled down and huddled up in a circle, Lucius was almost certain that the Northeast Diocese could definitely win this battle. A great victory, and as the commander of the main force with authority second only to Archbishop Eden, his status will naturally rise in the future.

"Lord Lucius?"

Goshawk looked at the handsome old blond guy in front of him with some doubts, and cursed in his heart, 'You old bastard, how dare you ignore your father's exquisite acting skills', while speaking awkwardly and politely. Called the other person.

"Hey, sorry, I was a little distracted."

Only then did Lucius realize that he seemed to have unknowingly fallen into daydreams about the future, and he coughed lightly: "Then let's get back to business, I remember you were in charge of patrolling this morning, right?"

Goshawk first glanced at the system time secretly, then quietly opened the dialog box and scanned the memo he had sent to Eunuch Cao before, and responded in a deep voice: "To be precise, it will be the next hour and fifteen minutes. And then there’s Mr. Victor, who’s on duty an hour after me.”

"Well, Mr. Victor Victor."

Lucius spent about two seconds thinking about who Victor was, and after thinking to no avail, he nodded slightly and said casually: "Yes, Mr. Victor is an excellent scout. In fact, I am preparing to let him temporarily I'll take over your investigation for the next hour."

Goshawk immediately widened his eyes and looked at Lucius intently: "What do you mean, sir?"

"Don't worry, I'm not dissatisfied with you at all."

Lucius enjoyed the sudden nervousness of the other party, and said slowly: "This time I temporarily asked Mr. Vicardo to take over for you, just because I have more important things to arrange for you to do."

[Fuck you uncle, don’t speak loudly and take a breath. How can your child be a child without a butthole? 】

Goshawk cursed secretly in his heart, but on the surface, he patted his chest hard and said with a pious face: "Through fire and water, I will do whatever it takes!"


Lucius patted the table lightly, stood up and clasped his hands and said: "Not long ago, I suddenly discovered a strange power fluctuation in the direction of the main peak of Sumir in the west. The matter is urgent. You should set off immediately and rush to the holy mountain Sumir to investigate. What the hell are those guys doing?"

"Yes! Sir, please wait for the good news!"

Goshawk immediately leaned over and bowed to Lucius, then turned around and walked out of the tent without hesitation.

"Wait a moment."

Lucius raised his hand to stop the goshawk, and whispered to the latter who looked a little confused: "Remember to pay attention to safety. If you encounter a crisis, you must save your own life first."

Goshawk was stunned for a moment, then nodded vigorously, and said with tears in his eyes: "Thank you, sir!"

"In extreme cases, I allow you to surrender to those filthy orcs, and I also allow you to tell everything you know."

Lucius pinched his eyebrows and said calmly: "If Archbishop Eden is blamed, I will bear the responsibility."

Even though it was clear that the other party was just trying to bribe him, Goshawk still had a rather subtle emotion in his heart. After being silent for two seconds, he nodded and said, "I understand, sir."

"Go ahead."

Lucius waved his hand and smiled at the goshawk: "Move quickly, I'm waiting for your news."

Game time AM10:31

The east side of the main peak of the holy mountain Sumir

"We're here, Dudu."

The panting goshawk leaned against a snow-white crooked tree and wiped his sweat, then turned to look at his mount, which was also panting, and grinned: "You should still be able to fly. Bar?"

The griffon cub, which looked like a large gas tank at first glance, rolled its eyes, hid at the goshawk's feet, and said nothing to get up.

However, this did not go beyond Goshawk's expectations. After all, he knew that the nearly one-hour trek was too much of a burden for his fat bird, so he was not angry. He just squatted in front of Dudu and patted his back. The speaker's round and bulging head muttered in a low voice: "Your physical strength is inexhaustible."

Subtle fluctuations rippled around Dudu's ears. The next second, the young griffon suddenly widened her cute big eyes, climbed up from the ground in one go, and shouted excitedly to the goshawk. Twice.

[Low-level Whisper·Yu]

Active skills

Mastery Requirements: Mission Reward/Whispering Cult

Consumption/limitation: 1%-99% of physical energy/magic value/acuity/health value, the target’s hearing is normal, and the target’s logical thinking is normal

Effect: Give a precisely worded buff whisper to yourself or a friendly unit, with a probability that the target will receive a buff modification including but not limited to health recovery, resistance improvement, attack power increase, etc. The effect and duration depend on the consumption. Cooling time: five minutes when the consumption value is less than 5%/10 minutes when the consumption value is greater than 5% and less than 10%, and so on, with an upper limit of 100 minutes

[Note: This is a stream-of-consciousness skill with a very high upper limit and a very low lower limit. If you are not confident in your language organization level, it is best not to try it rashly. This is how a certain Manager Lang, who did not want to be named, became an aberration. of. 】

"Haha, I didn't expect the advance rewards from the world mission to be so useful. Tsk, if it weren't for Mr. Hei Fan on the other side, I might really have to surrender."

Goshawk, who had lost 70% of his physical strength out of thin air, looked at Dudu's energetic appearance, smacked his lips and sighed, then he jumped handsomely onto the saddle tied to Dudu's back, and pulled out his waist in high spirits. The long sword: "Go!"

The next second, Dudu made a series of 'beep' sounds and opened her wings with a wingspan of nearly seven meters. She jumped and fluttered on the spot for two minutes, and finally struggled to fly. After several near-falls that almost scared the goshawk out of his heart, he rose to a certain height and flew unsteadily towards the majestic main peak of Sumir not far away.

In view of the fact that Dudu's average flight time is only a little over five minutes, and the only thing he can do to help Dudu recover is [Low-level Whisper·Yu], which has already entered a cooling state, Goshawk did not dare to waste any time and headed straight towards Lu Xiu. Si flew to the general direction where he felt something was wrong, and in less than two minutes he saw a bright but not dazzling golden light in the distance.

Without any hesitation, the goshawk stopped Dudu the moment the light came into view, narrowed his eyes and carefully scanned the 'position' composed of a large number of figures, and immediately discovered hundreds of people. The knight of scheming!

A 'knight' wearing a full-face mask and gorgeous armor, sitting on the back of a war horse and a warg!

On both sides of the knight's phalanx, there were a large number of people wearing white robes, holding scriptures, slates, chicken necks, scrolls, rolls, and big bones. The surroundings were filled with a holy atmosphere that made people feel calm.

And then.

The goshawk hovering in mid-air soon found a red totem pole extending from the mountain stream that did not exist here half an hour ago, and quickly urged Dudu under him to fly there quickly.

Half a minute later, after finally getting close to the target, he felt his eyes blurred as he was unknowingly approached within five meters by a bright arrow of light!

【Escape! 】

The goshawk thought this and was shot down immediately.

Of course, it's not quite appropriate to say it was 'shot down'. After all, Dudu, who has too much weight, is already at the end of his strength, so let alone that light arrow, even a piece of bird shit can easily hit him. Let it breathe out its last breath, just like Fimiguel who was knocked down from the sky by Mundo Pan's war song halo, he fell with a crunch.

at the same time


Yi Zuo, who was at the center of the 'knight' formation, breathed a sigh of relief. He turned his head and glanced at Mo Tan, who was calm and smiling next to him, and asked in a low voice: "Senior, that's the one you were talking about."

Mo Tan nodded slightly and chuckled: "Yes, he is a friend of mine who is currently working as a spy for a cultist."

"Ah this."

Although I had heard about this in advance, when I saw that the 'scout' belonging to the Whispering Sect in the distance was indeed as cooperative as the senior said, he fell from the sky with the deformed monster under him without saying a word. Being behind, Yi Zou still had a feeling of broken outlook on life. After all, in her perception, those evil god worshipers were crazy, sick, evil, cruel, abominable, a waste of air while alive and a waste of death. It is absolutely impossible for the heretics of the land to achieve any cooperation with their own side.

"Don't think too much, you need to concentrate now."

Mo Tan, who seemed to have guessed what Yi Zou was thinking, shook his head and said calmly: "Don't forget, you are the only high-level strongman here who belongs to the Holy Religion Alliance. You must always pay attention to whether the atmosphere of the deterrent position is consistent with the situation. Others' understanding of the 'Holy Religion Union', at least for now, even if I make a mistake, you can't make a mistake."

After hearing the words, Yi Zuo immediately threw away the messy thoughts in his mind, and once again held his breath and felt the life force emanating from the hundreds of shamans around him, while using his [High-level Piety Aura] to constantly focus on these The power was synchronized and corrected, while from time to time he reminded the priests behind him who kept using [Brilliant War Song], [Static Surge Totem], and [Healing Tide Totem] to create light and shadow to adjust the visual effects, and they were very busy.

Seeing this, I think everyone already understands what this place, which Mo Tan calls the ‘deterrence position’, is used for~

To sum it up simply, it can be summed up in two words - bluffing!

To explain in detail, it is to create the illusion that a large number of paladins and clergy have appeared inexplicably on the main peak of Sumir, in order to achieve some rather sinister purpose.

If you analyze it carefully, this is not actually a plan with high technical content.

From an objective point of view, Mo Tan did not put much effort into the first arrangement he personally made after taking over the command of the entire Sumir side. He simply told Yi Zou his ideas and told the latter After reaching the conclusion that it was "probably feasible" with a few elders and nodding, we started to make backup plans and left the matter to them.

How to make hundreds of sets of paladin armors that are neither useful nor useful in a short period of time, how to make those orc shamans and elemental puppets exude a sacred aura, how to create a holy light effect that can be fake and real, and how many people are needed to show it. Mo Tan didn't care about the momentum or the temperament he brought out. He simply commented "passed" after seeing the specific effects.

There was no meticulous layout, no finishing touch that turned something rotten into something magical. As the commander-in-chief, he didn’t even know as much about this position as any priest squatting on the ground rubbing his electrostatic totem.

This is not about laziness and trust.

As Mo Tan said to Yi Zuo before, this is a war with a large scale and a strategic game.

In strategy, patience and calmness are valuable qualities.

‘Hei Fan’ is not calm, but if victory requires him to be calm, and he urgently needs a victory, he will have to work hard to become calm.

He's doing well.

But the other party didn't do well enough.


An hour later, the furious Lucius stared wide-eyed in the central core area marked by Hei Fan as area A5, and smashed his favorite cup.

Chapter 781: End

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