Quadruple split

Chapter 790 Opening

"Feel the same?"

Yi Zhao looked at Mo Tan with some surprise, his big eyes full of question marks.

Mo Tan nodded slightly and smiled self-deprecatingly: "Well, let's just say it's one of my strengths. For some troubling reasons, I seem to be very considerate to a certain extent?"

The female knight pursed her lips, her expression half confused and half curious.

"Well, that doesn't seem quite accurate."

Mo Tan shrugged, lying weakly on the table, staring intently at the teacup in front of him that was just at the level of his eyebrows, and murmured in a low voice: "In short, after listening to Goshawk's description, I can probably I can guess what kind of person Mr. Lucius is. Although he is not the commander-in-chief of those cultists, as long as he uses the right methods, he can still try to create some happy situations."

Yi Zou moved the overheated tea cup away a little, turned to look at the imposing 'Knights' and 'Priests' not far away, and chuckled: "For example, using these illusions to lead the enemy by the nose." What?"

"Similar, but not quite."

Mo Tan pursed his lips and blew the hair on his forehead, shook his head and said: "At this stage, what we have done is just a misdirection. It may make the next combat operation smoother. It may give us some advantages, but it’s far from being able to lead the opponent by the nose.”

However, Yi Zou keenly captured the key point in his senior's words: "You mean 'at this stage'?"

"Yes, at this stage."

Mo Tan turned his head and glanced at Yi Zuo, with the corner of his mouth raised slightly: "In the next period of time, the other party will receive a lot of misleading information like this, and when these misleading ideas accumulate to a certain extent and bear fruit one after another, the outcome will be determined. The scales will tip, of course, if everything goes well."

Yi Zuo lightly clenched his fists and said decisively: "It will definitely go well!"

"I hope so. After all, our strength on paper is much weaker than the enemy."

Mo Tan stood up straight with some effort on the table, and the corners of his mouth became bitter, and he sighed: "If you don't use all possible means, it is almost impossible to reverse the decline in a short time, but If the decline is not reversed in a short period of time, the situation will only get worse."

Yi Zhang said "Oh" as if he didn't understand, and after a second, he lightly hammered his palm, and said suddenly: "Ah! I understand, senior, you said before that you would deal with those cultists within three days. That's not true. You're just angry or something, but if it's not solved within three days, it will be difficult to solve it again in the future, right?"

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed foolishly.


Yi Zuo looked at Mo Tan in a panic, and said with a blush on his face: "Did I guess wrong?"

"No, it's not wrong, because what you said is indeed very reasonable. The current situation is indeed not suitable to last for too long, but..."

Mo Tan shook his finger, looked at Yi Zuo with a half-smile, and said word by word: "I am indeed angry, venting, and making trouble."


Yi Zhao really didn't expect that Mo Tan would admit so bluntly that he was having trouble or something, and he was confused at the time.

"Heh, it seems I can't wait for the other party's second batch of scouts."

Almost at the same time, Mo Tan was stunned for a moment when he heard the system prompt. After two seconds of silence, he took out a few neatly written parchments from his bag and handed them to Yi Zuo, leaning on the back of the chair. Slowly closing his eyes: "Maintain the deterrent position until the opponent's second batch of scouts arrive. I have roughly listed the things to be done in the future. Just ask everyone to follow it. If there are any changes in the enemy, Cang The eagle will ask the young Gandalf who was kicked out of the command room by you to deliver the message. If the development does not exceed the scope of this paper, you will continue to follow the above. If it exceeds, ask Gandalf to contact Huo Yanyang. He knew how to wake me up."

Yi Zuo took the small pile of parchment handed over by Mo Tan with both hands with a solemn expression, and nodded vigorously: "Yes! Senior!"

"Well, please."

Mo Tan said this, then tilted his head, leaned on the chair and fell asleep.

Yi Xuan, who had already known that his senior was not sick and therefore frequently fell asleep, carefully tucked the blanket for Hei Fan, then picked up the pile of parchment in his hand and looked through it carefully. His pretty little face looked particularly special. Focus.

[On the second hour of shooting down the goshawk, gather the previously organized Sumerian people to line up behind the ‘Knights’ Square’ and raise the battle flag.]

[At the third hour of shooting down the goshawk, if the enemy's next wave of scout troops has not yet appeared, set up two full-scale sacrificial groups code-named S1 and S3 to form an array on both wings of the 'priest square', with all detection spells activated]

[After discovering the enemy's second wave of scout troops, all the Wind Whispering Priests will guide [Life Bloom] and [Thunder Vortex] in a unified manner, and Yizuo Jileite will synchronize them. Taking this as a signal, the two wing priest groups activate to kill the enemy scouts. The wolf cavalry on standby at location O1 moved to the rear, leaving no one alive, and moved forward to the No. 2 deterrence position.]

[If the enemy sends a third wave of scouts, and the size is smaller than a standard squadron unit, the pseudo-knights can directly choose to charge and strangle, and the wolf cavalry will support them on the outside of the battlefield, leaving no survivors]

[If the size of the enemy's third wave of scouts is larger than a standard squadron unit, the 'Knights' Phalanx' will not move, and the 'Priests' Phalanx' will retreat and change positions with the priests. The priests must intimidate as soon as they arrive at the designated location. After the enemy was driven back, the people carried war flags and played war drums for 30 minutes]

[If there is no follow-up test within three hours after the enemy's second wave of scouts are wiped out, the people will retreat with their battle flags and the 'chaplain group' will retreat.]

[If you receive news of the evacuation of the cultists in the C2 area before nightfall, let Huo Yanyang skip the 'Broken Palm' stage and execute the 'Tail Chase' plan in advance.]

[If the enemies in the C2 area still do not respond at night and I am not online, ask Huo Yanyang to contact me as soon as possible using all the methods he knows, and start the 'Palm Severing' phase at PM19:30. 】

[If Goshawk reports at the same time that the situation of the cultists' mountain attacking troops in area A5 has changed, such as abandoning their positions and making a large detour to the southeast, etc.]

[If the enemy’s escape path is T1-T3, then]

【Ruohuo Yanyang.】


"Well, it was obviously the senior who said not to care about the details."

Yi Zou put down the parchment in his hand with a headache, and turned his head rarely to make a face at the unconscious 'Hei Fan': "In the end, so many arrangements have been made in terms of details."

She stretched her slender body, stood up and put on her full-face helmet decorated with golden eagle wings. She held the Dawn Sect's standard riding sword [Hundred Lights Edge] on her waist and walked towards the group of people not far away. In the noisy position, the whole person's temperament suddenly became sharper.

"Is it necessary to force the joint expeditionary force to participate in the war? Although I always feel that something is wrong, but..."

The female knight, who had almost learned all the steps of Mo Tan's plan in advance, took a deep breath and softly recited the classic lines that Huo Yanyang Fox had uttered a few days ago when he was pretending to be a tiger and leading everyone in a killing spree——

"My heart and my actions are as clear as a clear mirror, and everything I do is righteous!"

Game time AM11:19

Lucius Lestrange gave up waiting for the second scout team, which consisted of five mid-level thieves and four mid-level rangers, and had already exceeded the expected return time by one hour, and called the goshawk again. The commander-in-chief handed the latter a short message with an objective angle and concise wording, and ordered him to immediately set off for the Whispering City and deliver it to Archbishop Eden.

Game time PM11:24

The Goshawk set off, suffered its first crash ten minutes later, and set off again five minutes later.

Game time PM14:49

Goshawk, who had been cramming Dudu with high-level alchemical mixtures all the way, successfully arrived at Whispering City, with a total loss of about 2,100 gold coins. Immediately after landing, he was received by Archbishop Eden, the top leader of the Northeastern Diocese of the Whispering Sect, and After handing the letter to the other party, I received a reimbursement of 2,500 gold coins and 700 mission contribution points, temporarily listed as [Regional World Mission: Holy Mountain Clearance War? 】Contribution ranked first.

Five minutes later, Archbishop Eden and the top cultists in Whispering City convened an emergency meeting at lightning speed, attaching great importance to the intelligence sent by Lucius Lestrange, and held a long, fierce and inconclusive meeting. After discussing the progress, we came to the conclusion that the general content is to order the mountain attacking troops to immediately stop all activities and remotely monitor the main peak of Sumir. The support troops gathered at Chuixue Peak will continue to be stationed in the area as originally planned. If any abnormal situation is discovered, immediately Move closer to the main force.

After the resolution was made, Archbishop Eden met with Goshawk again and affirmed and commended the latter for his attitude of sacrificing his life and blood for the benefit of the Northeast Diocese, and granted him the rank of 'Honorary Whispering Priest', which gave him the powerful power of the dragon. He received a stack of force mixture (the unified retail price of the Alchemist Association: 300 gold coins/bottle) and ordered him to immediately return to Snow Dove Hill where the main force of the mountain attack was located to convey the order.

Game time PM15:58

Goshawk set off again, and Dudu did not suffer from a plane crash under the effect of the powerful dragon power mixture.

At the same time, Huo Yanyang and 'Hei Fan' simultaneously received messages from the specialist 'Codename A Fei'. Although the latter was not online due to mental illness, Archbishop Eden's order was still leaked.

Five minutes later, after many twists and turns, Mo Tan, who currently has a "chaotic neutral" personality, received a message from Goshawk (crossed out) "Codename A Fei" conveyed by Huo Yanyang from Yi Dong, and expressed his love for her. land, and then continued to have fun at the century-old shop [Spider Rose] in the dark alley area of ​​the Free City.

Game time PM17:21

Dudu pretended to crash because he was obsessed with the taste of the powerful dragon power mixture. The loyal Whispering cultist Goshawk, codenamed A Fei (crossed out), immediately saw through it and was lectured for seven minutes with foam at his mouth. Then set off again.

Game time PM18:03

Goshawk successfully returned to Snow Dove Hill, where the main force of the Whispering Sect's mountain-attacking force was located, and was received by the local commander Lucius Lestrange immediately after landing, and briefly relayed Archbishop Eden's message. After making the decision and giving the reply to Lucius, Goshawk, who had added 300 contribution points to the regional world task, received the task again and set off non-stop to Fuxue Peak located southeast of Snow Dove Hill, which is the Black Van strategic map. C2 area.

Game time PM18:49

Mo Tan, who has a "chaotic neutral" personality, was caught by Yu Ying, who was entrusted by Lessa Kevos, in the VIP box No. 3 of [Spider Rose], and both the man and the girl gained.

After a while, Mo Tan, who confessed, successfully persuaded Yu Ying with his superb negotiation skills (costing about 150 gold coins), and after stringing together his lines, they returned to the Wanderer Hostel in the Nightless District, and As soon as he entered the door, he hugged trainee Liumu Chenkobel affectionately. Later, he was hit in the back of the head with a wooden chair by Lesa and dragged to the second floor.

Five minutes later, Mr. Crowe, who was the front desk clerk, accountant, cook, dishwasher, porter, and warehouse manager of the Night Traveler Hotel, was deducted 20 gold coins from his salary by his boss Jun Wu because he failed to protect innocent people. chair (retail price: 18 silver and 5 copper), which indirectly caused serious injuries to the distinguished guest (Wei Yang also kicked her twice and was punished to wipe the plate one more time).

Game time PM19:08

After coaxing Lesa and taking advantage of tons of benefits, Mo Tan left the Wanderer Hotel in the Nightless Zone in a swagger and went to the North Branch of the Mages Guild not far away to get a letter from Diana A. Achizo. Erti's super urgent registered letter (internal price: 8,500 gold coins, 3 seconds delivery, comes with an urgent reply service), and after reading it, it probably means that someone wants to meet her in Academy City soon. After reading the content, he burned it and spent about ten minutes writing a reply with content that should not be disclosed and sent it back.

Game time PM19:21

Mo Tan, who had triggered [Premonition], regretfully left the front desk of [Spider Rose], walked into the bathroom and disappeared.

three minutes later

Mo Tan, who has an "absolutely neutral" personality, woke up behind the intimidation position on Sumir's main peak. Accompanied by Yi Zuo, he returned to the command room on the second floor of the war hall and began to integrate intelligence.

Game time PM21:16

Goshawk successfully arrived at Chuixue Peak and conveyed the Whispering City instructions that had been processed by Hei Fan Art to the temporary head of the Whispering Sect reinforcements, the rich goblin businessman Laphook Golden Thread, and the regional world task contribution increased by 800.

Game time PM21:29

In Sumir, on the west slope of Chuixue Peak

"Okay, guys, I guess you can't wait any longer."

Wearing a wild red priest robe with three layers of animal skins on his shoulders, Huo Yanyang grinned. He looked at the friends in front of him who were arranged in dozens of groups strictly according to Mo Tan's arrangement, and rubbed his hands impatiently. Rubbing his hands: "Anyway, I can't wait to make a scene!"

Everyone looked at Huo Yanyang, who was as cold as a grandson, and laughed implicitly and politely.

"Gan, you bunch of bastards."

Huo Yanyang laughed, turned around and climbed onto the slope behind him, his eyes filled with bloodthirsty red light.

"Then, I now declare that the 'Broken Hand' stage has officially begun! This is a first-of-its-kind attack, please give me a good look!"

Chapter 783: End

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