Quadruple split

Chapter 793 Talking on Paper (2/2)

Chapter 793 Talking on Paper (22)

Dead? Who is dead?

High Priest Carter was immediately stunned and looked at Lamorlock with a mocking smile on his face.

"Don't worry, I just said it casually and continue reading."

The latter didn't seem to mean to explain. He just stretched out his index finger and lightly scratched it on the table, twisting it into a topographic map with some unknown force.

A terrain map that is exactly the same as the sand table in the command room on the main peak of Sumir, except that the distribution of troops on the Sumir side is not marked, and the level of detail is even better!

"Yes, sir."

High Priest Carter composed himself, and then continued to read: "According to reliable information, the leader of the mountain attack force, High Priest Lucius Lestrange, discovered an unknown person at about 9:30 this morning. The source of the name fluctuation is the mountainside on the east side of the main peak of Sumir. According to feedback from a scout with aerial reconnaissance capabilities, a team that is highly suspected of being a joint expeditionary force of the Holy Religion seems to be stationed there. There are about a thousand people in total, mainly composed of Holy Saints. Composed of knights and chaplains."

Lamorlock, who closed his eyes and seemed to be falling asleep, nodded slightly and confirmed softly: "About a thousand people?"

"Yes, sir, at least it says there are about a thousand people."

Carter glanced at the parchment in his hand again and said seriously: "And it has been confirmed by High Bishop Lucius that there are at least people from the Sun and Dawn sects in that team, and they also include at least one epic priest. "

Lamorlock had just added a touch of gold to the logo with 'Sumir's Main Peak' written in cursive letters in the upper left corner of the desktop, but upon hearing this, he narrowed his eyes thoughtfully: "How did you get this news? "


Carter lowered his head and glanced at the information in his hand, and after searching for a while, he said slowly: "It seems that because the scout was shot down by a [Condensing Light Arrow] without any resistance a hundred meters away, so after Lu Senior Bishop Hughes judged that those who can achieve this level must at least be epic-level priests."


Lamorlock flexed his fingers and raised his glasses. It only took him a second to remember all the information about this skill, and then he mused: "You can accurately lock and shoot down a high-level person through this lowest level of basic magic. Knight, and there is still a distance of hundreds of meters in the middle. If he could really achieve this, why didn't he just kill the scout with an instant move [Holy Word: Light Waterfall] or [Sword of Holy Judgment]? ?”

Carter did not answer. He knew very well that what Lamorlock said just now, which seemed to be a question, actually had nothing to do with him. It was just something that the latter subconsciously murmured to himself when he was thinking. If he said it smartly, It would be a bad idea to give an answer that you don't know what to say.

Sure enough, after a few short seconds, Lamorlock suddenly laughed, raised his head and winked at Carter: "I have thought of the answer, what about you?"

"This subordinate is stupid."

Carter gave a pertinent answer without thinking. After all, in the strategic field, standing in front of Lamorlock, he could bear the word "stupid".

"In fact, as long as we think from another angle and change 'the person who can shoot down the scout like this must be an epic priest' to 'why did the epic priest spare the life of the scout', this question will immediately become simple and clear."

Lamorlock gently tapped the place in the upper left corner of the table that represented the 'Sumir Main Peak', and chuckled: "There are three possibilities. First of all, the person who shot down our scout was not an epic level, or even It may not be a priest of the Dawn Sect. The unfortunate plane crash was just an accident, accounting for 20%. Secondly, the epic-level priest of the Dawn Sect wanted to save the life of the scout for some reason, so he deliberately showed mercy. , accounting for 70%, as for the third place.”

He gave up and looked up at Carter with a smile: "What do you think?"

Carter did not directly say that he was stupid this time, but after pondering for a moment, he said uncertainly: "Could it be that the scout's intelligence was wrong?"

"What a beautiful answer."

Lamorlock nodded slightly and looked at the other person with a half-smile: "You are very smart, Carter, and you also know how to use this smartness to please others. This has nothing to do with the word 'stupid'."

Carter immediately shook his head in fear: "You are exaggerating, sir."

"Oh, just say so."

Lamorlock did not insist on praising the other party. He just shifted his gaze to the terrain map beside him and chuckled: "By the way, I didn't say you guessed it right."

Carter was stunned for a moment, and then he pretended to be attentive and looked at Lamorlock respectfully.

"In fact, I am personally more inclined to the conjecture that 'the scout's intelligence is wrong'."

Lamorlock gently knocked on the location of Sumir's main peak, and playfully expressed his third guess: "The scout himself has a problem, a big, big problem. There is a 10% chance of this."

"Is there something wrong with the scouts themselves?!"

Carter, who had never thought of this possibility, opened his eyes wide and looked at Lamorlock with dumbfounded eyes: "But how can this be so, sir?"

"Of course it's possible, dear Carter."

Lamorlock interrupted him gently and said leisurely: "It is true that in most cases, everyone including you will unconditionally believe in our 'Lord' after the first 'baptism', no matter how much you cherish, He is selfish and will never commit any act of betrayal, and since that scout can be accepted into the main formation of Lucius Lestrange's mountain attacking force, at best he must be a baptized quasi-believer, so it stands to reason It is said that the possibility of him betraying my Lord is very low."

Carter listened to Lamorlock's explanation that could almost be called blasphemy, and while sweating violently, he whispered: "Then why did you just say that?"

"Because the vast majority of cases are not 'all cases,' and a low probability is not 'zero probability.'"

Lamorlock shrugged, and then actually raised his finger and pointed at himself: "For example, people from other worlds like me will not be subject to any form of thinking interference. There are also some people who are born with a strong will to a certain extent. To resist this kind of 'tampering with three views', such as Tom Lestrange, who even Archbishop Eden cannot control, I have enough reasons to believe that 'the glory of our Lord' must have a very important position in his mind. back."

"Big, my lord."

High Bishop Carter, whose back was almost soaked with cold sweat, swallowed hard and said dryly: "What exactly are the 'outsiders' you are talking about?"

"Stop pretending."

Lamorlock waved his hand impatiently and said nonchalantly: "I don't believe that the person who sent you to assist, monitor and investigate me would hide this matter, so it's better to make this part clear so that everyone can It can be a little more relaxed, let’s just say.”

He opened his eyes, which were always narrowed into two crescent moons, and the unconcealed cruel desire in his eyes that made Carter's legs weak was as calm and violent as the bottom of the deep sea.

"Are you going to insist that you know nothing about my situation?"


A few seconds later, Carter suddenly woke up and saw himself drowning in a sea of ​​blood in a mountain of corpses. He said in a trembling voice: "I'm sorry, Lord Lamorlock."

"You don't have to be sorry. After all, this level of deception doesn't make me unhappy."

Lamorlock waved his hand, indicating that Carter could relax a little, and said calmly: "Now let us continue the game on paper and analyze the speculation that I personally think has at least 70% probability, that is, the epic level power The reason why the scout deliberately spared the life of the scout~"

Carter looked at Lamorlock in confusion, and couldn't help but ask more: "But sir, didn't you just say that there might be something wrong with that scout?"

"Yeah, there's a one-in-ten chance that there's something wrong."

Lamorlock raised his eyebrows indifferently and said in a calm tone: "If I were the commander of the mountain attack force in Northeast Parish, I would naturally dispose of the scout after taking out all the information he investigated. Or use him to make some targeted arrangements, but the problem is that Lucius Lestrange is not Lamorlock, so we can put the whole issue aside for the time being and concentrate on conjectures that are more likely."

Carter shuddered and couldn't help but think of the days when he and the man in front of him were in the northern border of the Griffin Dynasty.

When this gentle-looking man appears on the battlefield, no matter what position he is in, whether he controls a soldier or a legion, everything will dance under his baton as sharp as a sword. , blood and wailing will be carefully woven into vicious notes, composing a symphony called [Victory], resounding on the land piled with mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

He may tepidly eat away at everything outside the enemy's sight, and at an ordinary moment, show his fangs and send those who have long been marked for death to where they should go.

He may push the rhythm to the extreme from the very beginning, chanting despair with cold orders one after another, crushing anything that dares to stand in front of him, until the last poor man who dares to raise a weapon to resist infiltrates into the earth.

He also uses a technique called "Ling Chi" to play with his opponents. He relies on his calculations that are always one step ahead of the opponent to pin them in one place, and then weaves vicious traps, using hope as bait. , Countless times, those enemies who told themselves that they could escape if they persisted just a little longer were wiped out, and they issued a killing order without hesitation after the latter lost their will to fight and even knelt down and surrendered.

He is the last person in the world who should appear on the battlefield, and he is also the most suitable person in the world to appear on the battlefield.

Carter had heard many theories similar to 'charity does not control soldiers' a long time ago, but he could swear on his own soul that the man named Lamorlock in front of him was by no means as simple as 'unkindness'. In fact, Those cruel orders that are enough to crush anyone's bottom line, those cold decisions that have no meaning at all except pain and despair, those simple, effective but unreasonable killings, are basically Lamorlock's deliberate efforts to please himself. Guidance results.

Whether it's an enemy or one of his own, the polite devil doesn't care at all. All he wants is the pain of his fellow humans.

Because his bottom line is 'victory', he has never failed, which is why the Theocracy values ​​him so much.

But behind the series of miraculous and incredible victories, there are bloody answers that are so dazzling that even Archbishop Moon Shadow dare not open them easily. This is also the core reason why Lamorlock rarely appears in the front desk so far.

For the core layer of the Southeast Diocese, every appointment of this God-favored person is a deal with the devil, and it is completely impossible to measure whether it is a deal in which more is gained or more is lost.

If the Griffin Dynasty really started a war as Lamorlock expected, a war that could sweep across the entire Southeast Continent, would the Presbyterian Council headed by Archbishop Moon Shadow still be able to resist using Lamorlock as it is now?

I'm afraid the answer is no

High Priest Carter, who fell into extreme panic just because of Ramolok's casual words, tensed up nervously, frightened by his crazy guess just now.

Lamorlock didn't seem to notice Carter's fear. Of course, it's possible that he noticed it but didn't care. He just continued after a brief pause: "So, suppose the enemy deliberately left the scout alive. , what is their purpose? This is also not a complicated question. Combined with that report, I am 90% sure that the goal the other party wants to achieve is nothing more than 'deterrence'."


Carter, who finally regained his consciousness, frowned and tried to keep up with Lamorlock's rhythm.

"Yes, it's a deterrent."

The latter nodded slightly and smiled: "The content of the scout report is that a large number of warriors under the Holy Religion Alliance appeared on the main peak of Sumir. This is what they need to let Lord Lucius see, and this is undoubtedly a This is a deterrent, especially for those who are cautious and fearful of losing money.”

Carter thought over Lamorlock's words again and again, seeming to have some understanding, but not fully comprehending them.

"Haha, what a good move. If this plan was formulated by the opponent's commander with reference to the Northeast Diocese's combat policy during this period, then this move will be truly wonderful, but what about the opportunity? The opportunity. What is it again?"

Lamorlock stood up excitedly, put his hands on the table in front of him, stared at the map in front of him, and muttered something.

"It is difficult for the Holy Religion Union to carry out large-scale troop transfers in a short period of time. Even if there are a thousand people, it is not easy to go around the main peak of Sumir through the monitoring range of the Northeast Diocese."

"Three dots, three dots. It's unrealistic. Does that mean it's fake?"

"What's the reason? If it was intentional, what was their reason for doing it."

"Wait a minute, this terrain, if a diagonal line is drawn. For example, through some clever means."

"Perfect division, but this requires a prerequisite. That guy is definitely not a reckless person. He can't do something with such a huge risk, so..."

"The key factor, what prompted him to make up his mind, what made him suddenly confident, Holy Church Alliance? No, no, they should be the party that is about to be involved, so it can only be"

"Oh, it's obvious."

Lamorlock's right hand gently pressed on the location marked 'Blowing Snow Peak' on the topographic map. He suddenly looked up at Carter and smiled proudly: "That's it."


"Northeast Parish reinforcements discovered!"

Chapter 786: End

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