Quadruple split

Chapter 797 Changing Homes


Yi Zuo looked at her senior's calm, untroubled face in astonishment, her eyes filled with disbelief: "Senior, are you scared?"

The latter laughed, nodded and said: "Yes, I am afraid, starting from the moment when I warned Huo Yanyang that he must break the status quo some time ago, and then I spoke nonsense to those elders in Sumir, saying that as long as everything If everything goes well, I will be able to recover the entire northern territory in just a few days. Even though the current 'early stage' is 80% completed, I am still scared."

Yi Zou, who couldn't feel any fear from the other party at all, calmed down and said in confusion: "But senior, why would you?"

"Why are you afraid?"

Mo Tan smiled and shrugged: "It's very simple, because I am a coward with extremely poor ability to withstand pressure. After persuading those elders to support me unreservedly, I even gave up the command of the entire Sumir side. , will naturally be overwhelmed by Sumir’s fate, thousands of lives, and the expectations of everyone, including you.”

It was not impossible for Yi Zou to understand what Mo Tan said. After all, it was just as the latter said. After taking over the command of Sumir and becoming one of the de facto operators of this war, one can imagine the burden that Mo Tan shouldered. How heavy it would be, but out of blind trust in her predecessors, the female knight had never thought of this before.

She understands that with greater ability comes greater responsibility, but subconsciously ignores what capable people think.

"I'm sorry, senior."

Looking at Mo Tan's calm and soft eyes, Yi Zhao suddenly realized that he had never really understood the young man in front of him whom he had called 'senior' for several months, and then apologized inexplicably.

It wasn't until he discovered with great difficulty the fatigue and fear hidden in the other person's eyes that Yi Zuo discovered that the senior he had always relied on and had unconditional trust in was actually not that tall.

In the eyes of the female knight a minute ago, the person sitting next to her was a brilliant genius who was good at strategizing, who could change the battlefield with ease, who could turn everything into ashes while talking and laughing, and who was able to win thousands of miles with clever tricks.

However, one minute later, the same senior, in Yi Zuo's eyes, has become a person who is always pushed to the forefront by the torrent of fate. He clearly does not want to shoulder anything, but can only do something for some responsibilities that there is no room for escape. A tired and haggard ordinary person who is tired of running for his life and whose talents are being manipulated in the palm of his hand.

But this person who was despised by himself in the past, who was willing to be mediocre and had no ambition to make progress, had to sit in his current position and work hard to force himself to win an extremely difficult battle.

Because no one can replace him.

Because he who is here at this moment is unique.

Do you choose to be indifferent when you have the ability to do something, and suffer the torture of your conscience afterwards? Or do you accept this overly heavy responsibility and stumble forward carrying things that are far beyond your ability to bear?

The choices before him were never fair, and I'm afraid that wasn't the case in Misha County either.

In silence, Yi Zuo bit her lower lip, suddenly feeling ashamed that she had only focused on the miraculous victories of her seniors one after another before, but never thought much about what was behind those victories.

The female knight subconsciously looked at the man who was no longer tall in her eyes, but felt closer to him, and lowered her head deeply.

[Senior, have your shoulders always been so thin? 】

Yi Zuo was shocked by his own slowness, and then suddenly remembered a scene when he and His Highness Wangyu were chatting before the crusade set off.

"Ah, you mean Hei Fan"

Facing Yi Xuan, who regarded Mo Tan as his idol and tried desperately to find out the inside story about the battle in Misha County, Yu Chen showed a somewhat hard-to-read expression. After a while, he slowly shook his head and said with a chuckle: "He It’s not as great as you think, it’s just that we can’t be indifferent to those things that are unacceptable and force ourselves to do things that we can’t do.”

At that time, the female knight had no way of understanding this sentence, but now she feels that she can understand it a little bit.

And this little bit was enough to shake her.

At a certain moment, Yi Zou even had an unrealistic, illogical, and insane impulse, which was to knock Mo Tan unconscious with a sharp knife and then take him away from Beiji. He was thrown back to the City of Light to go shopping with His Highness Wangyu, as if that was the life that really suited him.

As a result, Mo Tan, who was the person involved, blinked in confusion and smiled at Yi Zuo, who had been silent for a long time: "What about that? Don't think too much about it. I just hope you don't deify me too much."


Yi Zhao was stunned for a moment, then said in astonishment: "Is that so?"

Mo Tan looked at the female knight with mixed expressions in front of him, dumbfounded. He spread his hands and said, "Of course that's the case. I'm afraid, but I still have to continue doing what I have to do. Although I don't have any merits, But my mentality has always been okay.”

Yi Zuo pursed her lips and whispered: "Then you just said you were afraid?"

"Literally, but there are many things that even if you are afraid of, it is useless, you still have to face them."

Mo Tan gently tapped the rim of the black tea cup twice and murmured: "Besides, I can face the fear in front of me calmly because I have seen more frightening things. In comparison, this kind of Degree doesn’t really matter, it’s just doing the right thing.”

Yi Zou tilted her head in confusion: "The right thing?"

"That's right, stop worrying about gains and losses, and do what you know how to do from the beginning."

While Mo Tan quickly integrated the information that was constantly being refreshed in his message column, he lowered his eyes and scanned the sand table in front of him, and said with a chuckle: "To give a simple example, taking a step forward is something that most people It can be done, but if the scene is turned into an abyss with no retreat and only a narrow passage, some people will hesitate to move forward even though they know that moving forward is the right way. After refining, you will find that there are actually only two choices: 'move forward' and 'hesitate on the spot'. Which one do you think is correct?"

"Go forward."

Yi Zou didn't even think about it, and immediately gave an answer that couldn't be faulted.

"That's right."

Mo Tan nodded slightly and affirmed: "This is a correct answer that is very easy to come to a conclusion, and I am a person who easily worries about gains and losses, so in this case, the best way for me personally is to jump. Go through the thought process and go straight to the obvious right option and put it into action.”

Yi Zou nodded in understanding.

"For example, in this war, in my eyes, I am more likely to win than those elders, so I have to pass the command and try not to think about the factors that will shake me."

Mo Tan took a deep breath and continued to explain: "According to the information I have, the first stage, which is now extremely close to completion, is the safest and most cost-effective option among all methods, so I will try my best to do it." I made a series of plans and put them into action, without thinking beyond the strategic point of view what would happen if the plan failed, how everyone would look disappointed, and how many people would lose their lives because of me.”

Yi Zuo nodded vigorously and looked at Mo Tan with admiration: "Senior, you are really amazing!"


Mo Tan laughed dumbly and shook his head: "No, on the contrary, my behavior is just an escape. For those who are determined, it is simply superfluous."

Yi Zuo shook his head silently, and his tone was extremely firm: "This is the wisdom of the seniors."

"No, this is a philistine philosophy."

Mo Tan said something jokingly, and then looked at the window that opened in the direction of the Holy Religion Union, or he thought it was facing the direction of the Holy Religion Union, and spoke in a voice that only he could hear. He muttered: "It's just that some things cannot be solved by philosophy or wisdom."


Yi Zhao looked at Mo Tan with some anxiety.

"Ahem, it's okay."

Mo Tan coughed lightly, then stood up. Before Yi Zuo could do anything, he took out a warm cloak from his bag and put it on his shoulders, and said calmly: "Let's go."

"Where to go, senior?"

"Do the right thing."


forty minutes later

Game time PM11:58

North side of the main peak of Sumir, on the mountainside

"Thirteen hundred warriors, nine hundred priests who at best have the title of 'Wind Whisperer', four hundred Frostwolf Knights, and five hundred shamans who specialize in restoration magic."

The old orc elder Mundo Pan stood on a thick layer of snow on the edge of the slope with his hands behind his hands. He looked at the [First War Sequence] not far away and could not see the edge at a glance, and said softly: "Add more With my lack of talent and a large number of high priests who are still unable to step into the legend, I already have all the manpower the entire Holy Mountain can provide, except for civilians and wounded people."

Mo Tan, who stood side by side with him, tightened the cloak on his shoulders, nodded slightly and said, "This is a heavy trust."

"I'm glad you can say that, Pastor Black Van, because that's exactly what it is. This is a very, very heavy trust, so heavy that even I, who voted in favor, can't breathe."

Mondo showed a kind, wrinkled smile, took a deep breath of Sumir's cold and thin air, and gently patted Mo Tan on the shoulder: "To be honest, I don't know about the Council of Elders until now. Whether the previous hot-headed decision was right or wrong, although from a personal perspective, Mondo Pan was willing to trust his little apprentice friend."

Yi Zuo, who was standing behind Mo Tan, wrinkled his nose, but didn't say anything.

"We're all doing what we feel is right."

Mo Tan shrugged and seemed to have no intention of continuing the topic. Then he glanced at the system time in the corner of his field of vision and said softly: "There are still five minutes left, Mr. Mondo. You should have told everyone to follow those rules." Did you hear what the herald said?"

The latter nodded slowly: "Yes, even though some people complained, they still did not dare to disobey an elder's order."

"very good."

Mo Tan responded briefly, then picked up a whistle and put it to his mouth and blew it gently. Within a moment, the giant wolf, which had always been white, walked out of the darkness like a ghost and quietly came to Mo Tan. Next to her, she lowered her head and rubbed his ankle, purring twice.

"Who is this beautiful girl?"

Mondo looked at the heroic warg next to Mo Tan with some surprise, frowned and said, "She doesn't seem to be of Sumir's variety."

"She comes from the Fire Claw clan, and she has some secrets. Hey, long time no see, Xiaobai."

Mo Tan climbed up behind the warg Xiaobai skillfully, scratched the latter's ears gently, then took a deep breath and turned his attention to the six rows of dialog boxes in his field of vision——

‘It is now game time AM00:03. I announce the start of the [Changing Home] stage. From now on, we will split up the queue and gradually withdraw from the control area of ​​Sumir’s main peak according to the original plan. The whole process will be carried out in secret. Reply 1 was received. ’

The next second——


‘Okay, Mr. Heifan! '*1

‘111111 (Hei Fan, I was wrong, I was wrong)’*1

'Set off. ’

at the same time

The Chauvin Empire, the royal capital of Trone, the study room of the Sinlord's residence


Beside the swaying magic crystal lamp, Cedric clutched the snow-white letter in his hand, looked at the man behind the desk whose figure was reflected in and out of light with a pale face, and said in a trembling voice: "Tell me this is not the case. real."

Lord Sin, who had already been promoted to hereditary earl and received a certain message two full days before Cedric, sighed silently. After being silent for a while, he shook his head and said, "Listen, my friend, I really want to tell you. This is not true, but you must face this fact. Arthur has indeed left, and the people who know about this are not only me, but also Archduke Garros, Marshal Galahad, Marquis Nafario, The Archduke of Forsyte, the Marquis of Miranda, the Marquis of Perkins, the Earl of Moody, and your father, the Marquis of Digory."

Cedric's body trembled. He raised his head and looked at his friend in front of him in disbelief. He opened his mouth but didn't say a word.

"I know what you want to ask, Ced."

Mo took a breath and said solemnly: "Of course, Arthur's father, our Majesty, also knows about this."

Cedric slumped down on the chair as if he had lost his soul. After a while, he murmured: "Since...since father and His Majesty already know...know about Arthur, why do you go out of your way to tell him... Shall I call you?"

"Cheer up, Ced."

Sin Lord's eyes behind the mask narrowed slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "Look carefully at the letter I gave you, especially the middle and later paragraphs."

"Middle to back"

"Yes, to be precise, it's about the part where the man who assassinated Arthur escaped mysteriously for some incredible reason."

Chapter 790: End

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