Quadruple split

Chapter 811 Detour

A mountain suddenly appeared on the north side of Snow Dove Hill.

The mountain that is enough to cut off the main force of the Whispering Sect's reinforcements is a real mountain.

Lucius was shocked.

Not only him, but also Mo Tan was shocked when he heard that Plana and others could really make a real difference.

You know, in his previous idea, he originally planned to let these elders who are said to have a good relationship with the spirit of the earth to build a Xibei product, that is, the kind that looks quite similar, but only wants the length and width. , the kind of mountain that does not require thickness can also be called a 'wall'.

Mo Tan had already expected that Lucius, who was as cautious as he was, would definitely do reconnaissance work before the army set off, so as long as he hit an enemy messenger, it would actually be the time difference between Tom Lestrange leaving Snow Dove Hill, and the other party would almost arrive. If we take action when we are in Yayu City, the matter will be settled.

The main force of the Whispering Cult has limited scouts, and its standard aerial unit is only the Goshawk. Although Lucius can also take off on the spot, he will never do anything that will make him Therefore, as long as Goshawk did not give Dudu medicine when he was ordered to conduct a detailed investigation of the mountain, he could directly mislead the other party by saying "it's too high, even I can't climb over it" when he came back, forcing Lu Hughes changed course of action.

This is how it should be

As a result, just when he finished expressing his thoughts to the three elders headed by Plana (because she was the best at fighting), after some deliberation, they actually said that they could just come out with the real thing, although the height might be higher than Mo Tan. The previous estimate was lower, but it was definitely a real mountain.

The price is that they will consume all their strength for this, making it difficult to participate in the attack on Whispering City.

The latter sentence was what the three elders added emphatically at that time, and Mo Tan could tell at a glance that the other party was unwilling to do so.

But out of caution, he did not reveal his previous plans after all. Instead, he expressed without blushing that in order to win the war, a real moat capable of cutting off the main force of the Whispering Cult was necessary. He also invited three more The overall situation is important.

He also secretly gave Planna the enhanced version of Huoxiang Zhengke and the alchemy potion that Luna had given him as a drink and briefly explained the specific effects. It was not to win people's hearts, but mainly because he could see that the three elders The person is really unwilling.

He once heard Huo Yanyang say that a few months ago, when it was discovered that the cultists were quietly taking root in Sumir, the Council of Elders immediately took the initiative and concentrated its superior forces to attack the Whispering City, hoping to directly eradicate the enemy there. It is located in the heart of the mountain where it is used for camouflage.

The result was heavy losses. Not only was the Earth Whip, the only regular force on the side of the Holy Mountain, so damaged that it was almost expelled, but even the elder in the most fortress used the Horn of the Stone Ancestor to blow the [Mountain Echo] to detect the sound of the Whispering City. The apprentice of the Great Shaman Chiron and the most dazzling genius of the Holy Mountain Sumir in the past three hundred years, Jose Thorn Bird, all died in the Whispering City.

Sumir misjudged the strength of the cultists, and did not expect how violent and unreasonable the earth line infiltrated by the power of the evil god would be. He also did not expect how powerful the Whispering Cultists were who had soared in fighting power in their absolute home field. A surprise attack that could have set the stage ended dismally.

Of course, the Northeastern Diocese also paid a sufficient price. Apart from those middle and low-level believers who were killed by the Earth Whip from the beginning by using joint spells and group charges, Jose Thorn Bird paid a huge price with his life before his death. The two [Ancestor Colossi] summoned at the cost were so powerful that they were unreasonable. As soon as they appeared, they used thunder to destroy the earth line that was overflowing with the power of the evil god. The cultists returned to their original form and abruptly destroyed the "absolute home ground" that the Northeastern Diocese had built in the north after an unknown amount of time.

This is also the reason why Mo Tan dared to take the initiative to attack the Whispering City. If the evil god's leyline had not been destroyed, even if he could mobilize twice as many troops, he would not be able to use this kind of method of "a wave of people flowing into each other". 'Come over directly with A, that's not called strategy, that's called death.

You must know that with the increase of the evil god's leyline, even if the level of the epic level powerhouse of Eden is not enough, its strength will be strengthened to infinitely close to the legendary level, unless the great shaman Chiron's Shadow Clone Technique, or the Holy Religion's alliance Gritting his teeth and stamping his feet, he sent out four or five legendary knight captains, otherwise he would never be able to defeat the Whispering City.

As for why Jose Thorn Bird was able to successfully destroy the Leyline under the circumstances at that time, it is not difficult to explain. It is nothing more than that handsome man who is only in his early thirties and has a quarter of Orc blood. The Great Prophet is really a genius. Although his strength is only at the peak of the epic, he can still find the right opportunity to use suicide attacks to destroy the earth line before Eden and other high-level officials can react.

As for how talented he is.

You can refer to Tom Lestrange.

To put it simply, it is unreasonable, very unreasonable on all levels, just like Cordoba among players.

And it’s even luckier than Cordoba.

Therefore, even if Jose Thornbird died young, it cannot be said that he was unlucky. It can only be said that the natural law of the European Emperor's extremely short lifespan is too strong.

There is also a more unreasonable saying, that is, whether it is appearance, appearance, talent, personality or conduct, the great prophet Jose is too perfect, and a person who is too perfect is incompatible with this world full of flaws. , so Jose is dead, but a deeply flawed man like Tom is still alive.

All in all, whether it was the Sumir side of the Holy Mountain or the Northeastern Diocese of the Whispering Sect, what Mo Tan saw was their strength after both sides were defeated and their vitality was greatly damaged.

But this cannot be considered a bad thing for Mo Tan. After all, although he is quite capable in command due to some of his own characteristics, he has a fatal flaw that is difficult to make up for in a short time, and that is the lack of power in this world. Understand, so the higher the level of both parties, the weaker his control over the situation.

Just like the bright boy who was praised by Teacher Luo as a god, no matter how good he was in using soldiers, he would probably be blinded during World War I and World War II. At least before he completed the basic military knowledge, it would be impossible to win any battle. Of course, if the soldiers under his command are at the level of those ███ in the ██ theme, and the board of Uncle Niu's coffin is strong enough to ensure that it will not explode and hurt people, let alone Liangzi. Well, even Zhao Kuo, who can only talk on paper, may not be able to conquer a splendid country.

It's a pity that although Mo Tan has obtained the general command of Sumirfang, and the combat effectiveness of his men is much stronger than when he was in Misha County, after all, he is just an ordinary flesh and blood body, he can't ride a bicycle, and he can't throw grenades. It can't blow up a plane, and no one has the powerful skills to blow off Eden's head with a totem eight hundred miles away, so the advantage is actually not that big.

But as mentioned before, although the advantage is not big, Mo Tan at least still has enough control over the situation when the level of both parties has dropped a lot compared to their heyday.

Although he still needed to have Mundo Pan and Huo Yanyang tell him the effects, range, and consumption of elemental magic, as well as the specific lethality, speed, and durability of the Wolf Cavalry, Mo Tan could still control the situation.

And when Mo Tan, who has an 'absolutely neutral' personality, can control the situation, his opponents often feel uncomfortable.

Neither Lucius nor Eden are the brainless mutants from Misha County. They have brains, can think, and can make judgments.

However, when facing them, Mo Tan felt more comfortable than facing those mutants.

It's not that fighting with people is endless fun, but the tactics that Mo Tan can practice on those mutants. Many excellent commanders can also do it, but those people have little control over 'people' like Lucius and Eden. The level is not as good as Mo Tan.

Perhaps a certain deputy warden who has a lot of research on human nature is an exception, but he is not here at the moment, and even if he is here, he may not take action.

So as Mo Tan said, the outcome of this war is already determined.

Game time PM22:21

After verifying the intelligence fed back by the scouts as quickly as possible, especially about the mountain that suddenly appeared in the north, the main force of the Northeastern Parish under Lucius set off.

They divided their troops into two groups, one going east and the other also going east.

Because the only way to rush to the aid of Whispering City as quickly as possible was to take a detour from the east, besides going directly north.

The Sumir main peak in the west is not impossible to circumvent, but although Lucius now has a total of more than 7,000 troops and has captured the fact that the interior of the Sumir main peak is empty, he still did not choose to circumnavigate from the west.

There are two reasons. First of all, although Lucius guessed that the vast majority of the troops on the main peak of Sumir should be gathered at the Whispering City, the vast majority are not all after all. Although there is no problem in conquering the holy mountain with the troops at hand. , but as long as the opponent has a few elders and a small number of troops staying on the main peak of Sumir, Lucius will never be able to reach the top of the mountain before dawn. Judging from the news fed back by Tom, without reinforcements, the nonsense I'm afraid the city won't last until dawn.

Secondly, even if the main peak of Sumir can be captured, the 'pollution' that can achieve the core goal of the Northeast Diocese must be launched by at least five high-ranking bishops or an archbishop leading three high-ranking bishops, and this team includes Lu Xiu Including Si himself, there are only two high-ranking bishops. There are also some protective knights of the same religious rank. Their strength is not inferior, but they do not meet the conditions for activating pollution.

Therefore, it is not cost-effective to take a detour from the west.

Then go east!

Although there is a joint expeditionary force of the Holy Church stationed in the east, Lucius, knowing that the latter has always been steadily fighting there, can conclude that the Holy Church side should not be involved in the siege plan. Under this premise, as long as he uses the mountain to close up, If they make a roundabout way and make their intention to go north, according to the tacit understanding they have developed before, those who are united with the Holy Religion should not suddenly attack them. At best, they will only launch a few rounds of probing attacks.

You must know that the team Lucius has at hand is unprecedentedly large. Even if the expeditionary force has enough ability to defeat him, it will inevitably pay a heavy price, and they obviously don't want to pay too much, otherwise they will have to fight in the real sense. He joined forces with Sumirfang.

In addition, the direction they are heading towards is to the north of Rumbling City, which is not the home base of the nominal 'allies' of the Holy Religion Alliance in the west, let alone the Holy Land in the southeast. In all likelihood, they will turn a blind eye. Eyes.

So although it may not be the best solution, it is already the best solution Lucius can come up with in a short period of time.

Because all his baggage was used to reinforce the station, and a series of forward-looking operations such as shrinking the defense circle and putting the entire army on alert were carried out, the entire process from issuing the order to the departure of the entire army only took a full fifteen minutes.

The army that was split into two parts was the core battle sequence led by Eric Knight and mainly based on cavalry, and the main force led by Lucius.

Same direction, same goal.

As the vanguard, the 1,200 people did not need to take care of the large army and drove to the Whispering City at full speed according to the established route.

The main formation will also conduct a rapid march, following closely behind the vanguard. If the situation goes beyond Lucius's expectations, such as the Holy Alliance suddenly bursting out to intercept and kill the vanguard, then the main formation will immediately stop detouring and drive towards the south at full speed. And immediately after leaving the northern border, it broke into pieces and went dormant again.

In other words, admit defeat.

This is the best conclusion that Lucius came to after weighing. After all, if the Holy Union officially intervenes, then he will definitely be too late to save the Whispering City. If not, he may even involve the nearly 10,000 people at hand. , it is better to admit defeat and retreat for the time being, and wait for Tom to rescue Archbishop Eden before making further plans.

To achieve great things, you must be able to take it and let it go!

Lucius, who was 'walking' at the front of the main formation like a ghost, took a deep breath and lightly clenched his fists.

Before, wouldn't it be better to let Tom withdraw first when he saw that the situation was not right?

That boy can't be without his own care.

After one hour

Game time PM23:34

Within the territory of Sumir, ten miles southwest of the outer defense circle of the Holy Religion Union, W1 area of ​​the Black Vanguard strategic map

Boom! !

As the last stake-like [Stone Wall Totem] rose from the ground and forcibly bound the surrounding snow, stones, and wood into a low wall, Huo Yanyang clapped his hands happily: "Aha. ,finished!"

"Oh oh oh oh!"

The surrounding players cheered in unison and clapped in front of a crumbling, dilapidated, and extremely perfunctory fortification that ordinary people may not encounter in their lifetime.

"It's going to be over soon, please hold on a little longer."

Huo Yanyang smacked his lips, turned around and grinned at everyone: "I will act more professionally for a while, but don't let others laugh at me."

"Boss Yanyang."

An elf ranger who had just returned from the east squeezed out of the crowd and reported loudly: "They don't seem to pay attention to us over there."

"It's okay~"

Huo Yanyang waved his hand, his eyes sparkling with trouble, and he licked his chapped lips.

"It's not us they should deal with anyway."

Chapter 804: End

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