Quadruple split

Chapter 819 It’s getting dark (II)

Can the Northeastern Diocese win this battle?

To be honest, Tom Lestrange doesn't care at all. Not to mention that he has now made a clean break with the Whispering Sect. Even if he had not 'peacefully broken up' with the evil god before, he would not care about such a thing.

The reason why I came to this crumbling whispering city was partly because I wanted to betray my father, but partly because I felt that I had been a cultist for a long time. I've never been here before, and I always feel like I'm at a disadvantage.

As for the Archbishop Eden who promised Lucius to protect him, and to kill the backbone of the Sumir side leader depending on the situation, it was just a matter of convenience.

Of course, even if it was just by the way, I agreed for the time being.

Tom is not a person who keeps his promises, even the promises he made to his father.

Lucius was still willing to entrust matters to him, not because of the trust between father and son, but because he knew Tom well enough and knew how proud the latter was.

Tom didn't know that before he really understood, this pride was enough to make him a promise-keeper.

Lucius knew it, but he would not point it out, because many things cannot be explained through words, and it may even be counterproductive.

This way of expressing fatherly love is indeed a bit strange, even a little pale, but it is the best Lucius can do.

As expected by his father, Tom made some simple arrangements on Eden the moment he led his men out of the Whispering City, at least to protect his life in a short period of time.

Immediately afterwards, this young man who could barely be regarded as the most powerful fighter on the Whispering Sect side disappeared, and without even looking at the battlefield where the sound of killing was loud, he quietly came to the eye-catching stone platform. From the sky, he looked at the three people above with great interest.

An orc elder, not bad in strength, should be the commander of Sumir side in this battle.

A young man, dressed as a priest. If nothing else, he should be a member of the Holy Union.

A young woman, dressed as a knight, should be a paladin under the Holy Union.

This was the first impression the three of them had made on Tom not long ago.

And in many cases, first impressions are untrue.

So when Tom showed up here for the second time, ready to wait and see the situation before deciding whether to take action, he suddenly discovered that something seemed not quite right.

For example, the young priest who was originally regarded as his follower stood between several totem poles with his hands behind his back, scolding Fang Qiu.

For example, the old orc who looked like the leader was looking at the priest with a smile on his face, his brows filled with relief and even a little bit of happiness.

For example, the golden light on the beautiful half-dragon female knight only enveloped the priest from beginning to end.

Although Tom didn't know much about the world, let alone how to fight with soldiers, he was never an idiot, and as long as he wasn't an idiot, he could tell who the real speaker was on the square stone platform below.

The one who led those orcs to be invincible and oppressed the high-end forces of the Northeastern Diocese until they could hardly breathe was not the old orc whose body was already half in the ground, but the young priest who was wearing a priest's robe and had a calm and indifferent expression!

Upon realizing this, Tom laughed playfully, like a child about to start a mischief.

Originally, all Tom promised Lucius was to protect Archbishop Eden. As for whether to kill the commander on Sumir's side, it would depend on the situation and mood.

The situation does not seem to be very good, because even Tom can see that even if the large army led by Lucius can get here unimpeded, the current Whispering City may not be able to survive until then, so for these unhindered It's unsightly for a man who wants to be proud to kill someone.

The mood is just that. After all, Tom Lestrange is not a murderous person. Although he has killed more people than most murderers, it was only out of disregard for life. , it’s not that he likes killing so much.

Just like when you step on an ant while walking on the road, it does not mean that you have a special liking for killing ants.

To sum up, Tom actually had no motivation to take action before.

But now, it's different

Looking down at the priest with a calm face and a gentle expression on the stone platform, Tom suddenly felt like he had met someone of the same kind.

Even if he couldn't block any of his own spells, he was still his own kind.

He is a strong person, a person who is strong enough to make others tremble in a certain field.

He is a strong man worthy of being killed by himself.

However, Tom did not take action immediately. Instead, he quietly lingered near the target like a patient snake, waiting for the opportunity.

Even though he knew very well that even if he immediately lifted his invisibility and acted openly in front of the powerful old orc, he would still be 90% sure of killing that same kind, but he still maintained full patience.

This is Tom Lestrange's respect, respect for his kind.


The old orc left and went to the front line with three powerful old men, surrounding Archbishop Eden. But beside his target, there was only a high-level paladin who could not be called a threat at all.

【three minutes】

Tom whispered in his heart, that was the estimated time when Archbishop Eden was killed by the four orc elders when he was indifferent.

In other words, he must kill the target within three minutes before he can calmly rescue the respected archbishop.

This is true

"More than enough."

Gently clenching the wand in his hand, Tom waved his right hand with a sinister smile: "Explode."

Scarlet rays of light shot out straightly, aiming directly at Mo Tan's eyebrows.

Blood falls like rain.

At the feet of the female knight, tiny streams of bright red formed.


Yizuo Jileite, who used the last bit of strength to stand up, did not look back, but simply said lightly: "Run quickly."

A smile formed on the corner of her mouth, and her soft voice was the same as usual. Even though her body had almost lost consciousness, and even though everything in front of her eyes had become muddy and blurry, the female knight still laughed.

This is not a forced smile.

After all, she set foot on this battlefield, even though the opponent in front of her was somewhat unusual.

After all, she protected her senior and fulfilled the promise she had always emphasized.

At this moment, Yizuo Jileite calmed down as never before. She did not feel fear, even though the thin figure falling from the sky exuded a suffocating sense of oppression, and she did not feel pain, even though her body had already been in that state just now. In the flash of light, it was riddled with holes and its vitality collapsed.

But for some reason, she had an inexplicable confidence that she could still buy some time for her seniors with such a broken body.

At least, he could block another flash of light like before.

time is limited.

My vision has become increasingly blurry.

I heard that the senior once promised a seriously injured knight sister of the Sun Cult that when the latter recovers, she will be the guardian knight of the senior.

In this case, can I, the guardian knight who was forcibly recommended to the seniors by Her Highness Xia Lian, be posthumously recognized as a guardian knight after my soul returns to the embrace of the goddess?

Although there is only one position, if it's life and death, it shouldn't matter, right?

Well, it doesn't matter, it definitely doesn't matter. Neither senior nor His Highness Xia Lian will mind, right? Neither will His Highness Wangyu?

Then, tell your senior now, hurry up, and while you still have the strength to speak, tell him that I admire you very much, even if you say you are from another world, even if you are far more ordinary than what is said in the story, even if As a senior, you have not taught me anything useful. I also admire you very much, admire you, look forward to you, and want to be a pawn on the sand table in front of you and charge into battle. Therefore, senior

"Run, you idiot!"

The trickle of water beneath my feet turned into a pool of bright red blood at some point.

Ah, after all, I couldn't say the words 'Trust your knight', but instead came up with very bad and crazy words.

It's all your fault, why don't you leave?

When chatting with Mr. Huo Yanyang, didn't you personally say that in critical situations, those who say "you go quickly" to you and "I won't leave" to me are idiots?

You idiot!

"Are you an idiot?"

Tom Lestrange raised his eyebrows lazily, looked at the shaky female knight in front of him, and then at the 'similar' with bloodshot eyes behind her, and shook his hand with some displeasure. Wand, I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

That’s all.

Since I haven't thought of it, I won't say it.

Tom breathed a sigh of relief and raised the wand again. Without any nonsense or warning, he waved it again: "God's Edge."

The dazzling silver light bloomed and turned into a graceful arc that circled towards Mo Tan and pointed directly at his neck.

At the same time, the three divine spells of [Law and Shield], [Prayer of Healing], and [Saint Healing] bloomed on Yi Zuo at the same time.

"Let's go! I swear to the goddess of dawn that I will never die!"

Mo Tan roared like a trapped animal, then stretched out his index finger and pointed a move [Law Order·Obstacle] at the blond young man with a sarcastic smile on his lips.

next moment

Tom snorted disdainfully and used his breath to crush the restraints that had not yet solidified.

Mo Tanqian laughed, closed his eyes, and sent an order to all the coordinators through messages from his friends: Return to the defense at all costs.

Obviously, this was an out-and-out blind move, because even if those soldiers had time to turn back to the command podium to rescue Yi Zou, the followers of the Whispering Sect had only been torn into pieces and were far from exhausted. You can also take the opportunity to reintegrate and launch a counterattack!

Although the victory was certain and Mondo Pan had a plan in hand for the corresponding situation, it was true that in order to follow one person, Mo Tan still issued an order that might sacrifice more people.


The reason is simple, he has never been a saint now.

Yi Zhao is not Yu Chen, Yu Chen is the player. Even if he dies, he can start over from the beginning.

And this "cheap school girl" who has been calling her senior for a few months, a bit dull but extremely considerate, only has one life.

To put it bluntly, Mo Tan was not familiar with those warriors who fought desperately, but he was very familiar with Yi Zuo.

So he made a decision that an ordinary person with a weak will would make, and a decision that any qualified commander would never make.

【So, everyone thinks too highly of me.】

Mo Tan smiled self-deprecatingly and closed his eyes with endless guilt. Under his current personality, he was afraid of death even in the game. Closing his eyes would make him more courageous.


The warm blood dyed Mo Tan's priest's robe red.

Not far away, the female knight finally turned around and smiled at him, then fell down softly.

A full two-thirds of her body was cut diagonally along the shoulders by some invisible force.

The world in Mo Tan's senses lost its sound at this moment.

Suddenly becoming dull, he wanted to be angry, want to roar, wanted to cry, but found that he was somehow calm and strangely calm, even...

I want to laugh a little bit.

The smile on Tom Lestrange's face froze, replaced by a hint of imperceptible fear.

Five seconds ago, he had lost his patience and used a killing curse on the young priest.

As a result, the invincible green light was crushed by the opponent like a mosquito.

At the same time, the paladin, who was supposed to have no chance of living anymore, was wrapped in layers of black mist and groaned in pain.

Dead people don't make sounds, so she is still alive

But Tom couldn't figure out why she was still alive after almost her whole body was cut open by the [Divine Blade], and he couldn't figure out why the man was still alive and well even after his own killing curse passed away.

Not only was he living well, he even looked up and smiled at himself.

At this moment, Tom, who was cold all over, suddenly realized

Everything is out of control.

Is everything out of control?

The answer is yes.

Because it's dark.

【Black Fan】

life value:? /?

Physical fitness value:? /?

Magic value:? /?

Faith value: 0/0

Occupation: Priest level 35, Discipline Priest level 38

Belief: None

Faction: Sins of this World

Talents: slightly (full seal), reflection

Basic attributes: Strength 600, Dexterity 600, Wisdom 600, Constitution 600

Civilization attributes: none

Combat attributes: none

Skills: Sin Bite, Sin Law Order

"Ah, I remembered."

Mo Tan snapped his fingers casually, and Yi Zhao's body, which was held up in mid-air by a cloud of black mist, immediately fell to the ground: "That class member was killed by me."

Tom, who was not far away, subconsciously took a half step back. He didn't know who the class was, but this did not prevent him from guessing that the person should die miserably.


Looking down at Yi Zou's body, which had no external injuries but exposed a large area of ​​skin, Mo Tan looked away awkwardly, then took off his priest's robe and threw it on the female knight, then opened the message bar and terminated himself The last instruction sent to the coordinators even included several new tactical changes, and finally he raised his head and smiled at Tom: "Since I don't know how long my current state can last, let's start as soon as possible. "

A ray of green light burst out and passed through Mo Tan's body.

Tom forced out a cruel smile, and the knuckles of his wand that were gripped so hard turned white.

The next second, his ferocious smile froze on his face.

Mo Tan, who had received a killing curse head-on, also laughed.



The wand in Tom Lestrange's hand shattered.

Chapter 812: End

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