Quadruple split

Chapter 831 The dust falls on the snow peak

【Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized.】

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, the absolutely neutral Black Brahma, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Game time AM08:57

The northern border, the base of the Holy Religion United Northern Expeditionary Army, the core area

Mo Tan, who regained consciousness, did not open his eyes immediately. Instead, he immediately opened the message bar that was flashing crazily in the corner of his field of vision. He couldn't wait to fire the message sent by Yan Yang, Cang Ying and others, wanting to confirm this. The result of that final battle at dawn.

Perhaps it was because of his confused life during the day that no matter what kind of personality he had, he never thought of contacting Huo Yanyang to determine the consequences of the final tough battle.

This is absolutely ridiculous, especially for the 'Black Brahma' who almost dominated the entire later period of the war, that is, Mo Tan who has an absolutely neutral personality. He has no reason not to care about that event that he did not witness with his own eyes. to the final battle.

However, the fact is that although Mo Tan did have an 'absolutely neutral' personality for a long time after leaving the game, he only seemed ordinary, but in fact he mechanically repeated his usual daily routines like watching TV, He was in a daze thinking about someone, etc. He didn't realize that the most important thing he should do was to call Huo Yanyang and ask what happened in the end.

As a result, Mo Tan, who had regained his 'awakeness', had almost no hesitation. When his personality was passively switched to the current state, he didn't even bother to finish his coffee before diving into the game cabin and getting online non-stop.

As a result, just when he clicked on the name ‘Huo Yanyang’ in the friends list, a series of extremely heavy system sounds suddenly came to his mind.

[Player Hei Fan, your contribution ranking in the regional world mission "Sacred Mountain Defense" is: first, with a total contribution value of: 58959.

Obtain rewards for mission success: optional experience points of 5,000,000, gold coins of 10,000, random unique high-quality equipment*3: [Awakening Ring], [Wind Chaser's Binding], [Command Spell Tattoo Sticker], United Holy Cult Reputation +1000, The reputation of the Adventurer's Guild/Wanderer's Inn/Mercenary Guild +1000, the title [Holy Mountain Guard] (the title will be issued after the next major update, see ※Hyperlink※ for details), because the reputation of Holy Mountain Sumir reaches MAX, 5000 points The reputation of the Holy Mountain Sumir is automatically converted into 5000 Holy Religion Union reputation.

The contribution rewards obtained are as follows:

1. Random career level +8, the random result is: [Discipline Priest] level +8

2. Leadership value +20, Holy Light knowledge +10

3. Obtain optional experience of 5,000,000, [Discipline Priest] experience of 2,500,000

4. Open the legendary quest chain [The Footprints of Luke Tefero]

5. Open the legendary quest chain [Footprints of the Original Saint Angel]

6. Obtain new skills: [Law Order·Healing] (This skill is an additional reward and does not occupy the empty law order)

[Law Order·Healing]

Holy Light Sect active skills

Can grow

Mastery requirements: Holy Light Knowledge level 43, possessing the profession [Discipline Priest]

Consumption/limitation: 150 faith value, 120 magic value

Effect: The specified unit will continue to recover health within one minute. The specific value is determined by the user's upper limit of faith value, intelligence attribute, holy light knowledge level, skill hiding proficiency and mental state. During the duration of the skill, the user's health will be affected by the skill. The physical resistance of the affected unit is increased by 30%, the bleeding damage received is reduced by 50%, and the cooldown time is 1 minute.

[Remarks: It is a skill with similar effects, so why is it so much more difficult to obtain similar Holy Word skills than this skill? why? why? 】

7. Randomly give an important reminder of the mantra: Save all sentient beings/Don’t pretend to be dead.

8. Unlock the talent [█Infection]


Active talent

Effect: After activation, all your [Discipline Priest] skills will be transformed into another form. During the activation of this talent, you will lose 2 [Discipline Priest] professional levels every second. After you stop activating this talent, your basic attributes will be reduced. Keep the bit constant at 1 for the next 240 hours of game time, and the cooling time: 720 hours of game time.

[Note: If you have a reason that you can't give in to at any cost, try to embrace that malice. 】

Because you contributed more than 50,000 points in the regional world mission "Defense of the Holy Mountain", and single-handedly increased the mission completion rate to 173% (completely eliminate the threat of the Northeastern Diocese of the Whispering Sect in the north, and force the Holy Religion to unite Participating in the war will significantly reduce the damage of the Sumir side and shorten the war period to less than one-third of the system calculation), and you will receive additional rewards:

Obtain equipment [Undefeated Song]

【Invincible War Hymn】

Equipment category: Cloak

Quality: the only legend

Defense: low

Attributes: Leadership +50%, total resistance +25%, non-directed area damage received reduced by 80%, all unlocked combat specializations +5, maximum stamina +50%, stamina consumption except active skills/talents The speed is reduced by 50%, the maximum health value is increased by 50%, and the effect of damage/items/talents/skills that put the wearer into combat is reduced by 75%.


1. [Invincible Halo - Myth]: Every time you win a large-scale battle, you will get a group benefit effect with yourself as the center and a radius of 1000 meters in the next large-scale battle, which will affect all enemies within the range. All attributes of friendly units are increased by an additional 2%. Current cumulative number of victories: 1

2. [Invincible Halo - Legend]: Every time you win a medium-sized war, you will get a group benefit effect centered on yourself with a radius of 30 meters in the next medium-sized battle, which will make everyone within the range All attributes of all friendly units are increased by an additional 5%. Current cumulative number of victories: 1

3. [Invincible Halo - Epic]: Every time you win a small-scale battle, you will get a group benefit effect centered on yourself with a radius of 8 meters in the next small-scale battle, so that the maximum number of enemies within the range will be All attributes of twenty friendly units are increased by an additional 1%. Current cumulative number of victories: 8

4. [Strategy]: When you are in front of a specific object such as a sandbox/tactical map and have absolute dominance over the latter, you can conduct high-speed deductions based on known intelligence, and you can also share the deduction perspective with designated players. unit, you will not consume additional physical energy during this process.

5. [Win a Thousand Miles]: You can use your own deduction results to generate up to ten reports that are only visible to you. If the information on the war trend report matches more than 80%, your all attributes in the next battle will be increased by an additional 10%. , the effect of talents/skills/consumables is increased by an additional 10%, the skill cooldown is reduced by an additional 10%, the range and effect of [Invincible Halo] are increased by 10%, and can be stacked up to 10 layers.

6. [Disintegration]: Every failure you lead will reduce the cumulative number of victories of the corresponding scale [Invincible Halo] by -3.

7.? ? ? (Unlocked when the cumulative number of victories of [Invincible Halo-Epic] is \u003e 90)

8,? ? ? (Unlocked when the cumulative number of victories of [Invincible Halo-Legend] is \u003e50)

9,? ? ? (Unlocked when the cumulative number of victories of [Invincible Halo-Myth] is \u003e20)

10.? ? ?

[Remarks: Sunrise in the East]

After listening to a series of emotionless system prompts and hastily checking the mission rewards he had received this time, Mo Tan silently closed the message bar he had just opened a few minutes ago and breathed a long sigh of relief.

There is no need to confirm with Huo Yanyang anymore.

Now that the system has issued mission rewards, since it has told itself that the outcome of this war is: completely eliminate the threat of the Northeastern Diocese of the Whispering Sect in the north, force the Holy Sect to join the war, greatly reduce the damage to the Sumir side, and shorten the war cycle. Shortened to less than one-third of the system calculation, the results are already obvious.

【Finally won?】

There was no ecstasy of receiving a huge reward, nor the unparalleled sense of accomplishment after personally determining a victory or defeat. At the moment when he was completely relieved, Mo Tan, who had no ambition, only felt physically and mentally exhausted, and wished he could Just sleep in the game until dark.

Mo Tan, who has an 'absolutely neutral' personality, has never been a person with dreams and pursuits. This may be the only thing that sets him apart from most of his peers, although this guy does have vanity in the conventional sense. I don’t mind occasionally being in the limelight, acting cool, etc., but as long as the scale or seriousness of the matter is slightly raised, Mo Tan in the current state will immediately want to avoid or retreat. In the final analysis, it still comes down to the same sentence. In other words, he felt that his life as 'Mo Tan' was already colorful enough.

But we all know that whether it is the very realistic real world or the equally realistic world of innocence, many things are often not subject to one person's will.

The saying that those who are capable work harder often does not mean that capable people want to do more, but that when something must be done, only those who are capable can do it.

Of course, if that person has a heart of stone, is a machine with no feelings, is a powerful person who can see through the world of mortals, and is a fool, then he can naturally do nothing.

It's a pity that the 'Hei Fan' at this moment is not the 'Tan Mo' at that time. Although his ability to withstand pressure is quite poor, he is not the kind of Lang Mie who only pretends to be dead and ignores the flood outside; even though he can Trying to use reason to overwhelm sensibility, but there are many things that even the rational level cannot accept; even though I was discouraged by myself during the last 'date', it is far from being said to have seen through the world, and the educational film on the hard drive is even more None of them have been deleted

Well, let’s get down to business.

To put it simply, Mo Tan is too indecisive and wavering in a certain sense. With his "absolutely neutral" personality, Mo Tan cannot sit idly by and ignore the Whispering Cultists who do all evil things, and because he happens to have the ability to solve problems. Due to reasons such as being sold out by the Golden Crown Priest of the Sun Sect, he controlled Huo Yanyang remotely to make himself feel at ease. As time went by, he was seriously stimulated by himself in the process. Because their mentality was on the verge of collapse, they relied on their overly domineering and irritable aura to convince the elders of Sumir, and directly increased the originally acceptable pressure to the lives of countless people up and down the Holy Mountain. This led to the final The battle was so fast-paced that he could barely breathe.

Fortunately, Mo Tan, who had been unable to get out of the emotional shadow for a long time because his mentality was too fragile, had been in a state of anxiety, so he didn't have much real sense of the burden on his shoulders until everything settled.

until now

After completely venting his unspeakable emotions, after Sumir had indeed won the war under his own baton, and after all the pressure had dissipated with the series of system prompts, Mo Tan finally I later discovered what kind of pressure I had been carrying all the way to where I am now.

So he began to be afraid, and this fear quickly faded away under the Happy End at this moment, which led to his current behavior as if he had entered the time of a sage.

I don't want to do anything, I just want to lie down like this until my mind calms down completely.

He longed for it sincerely, but unknowingly he began to force himself again, struggling to open his eyes and push himself up.

Because he knows very well that not everything has been solved satisfactorily. At least for himself, there is one more thing that needs to be taken care of!

The memory that had just been wiped clean not long ago lingered in my mind. The slender female knight who was almost cut in half in front of him, and the cheap school girl who fell asleep on the ground, which one is the real one?


Accompanied by a familiar, soft and melodious exclamation of joy, Mo Tan, who had just opened his eyes and had not had time to adjust the focus, only felt a gust of fragrant wind blow by, and then his right hand would be held by a pair of delicate little hands. Living.

[Obviously he is a paladin who practices sword swinging hundreds of times every day, but why can’t he feel any calluses on his hands? 】

Putting the inexplicable confusion out of his mind, Mo Tan smiled slightly at the familiar pretty face in front of him: "Ah, I'm here."

So, before she could shed her first tear, Yizuo Jileite, whose eyes were red, burst into laughter.

It's the living Yizuo Jileite.

In his eyes, the female knight who was rarely seen wearing a casual dress had a rosy and healthy complexion. In the impression, the left shoulder that was first hit by the silver light was smooth and white, with no trace of serious injury.

That's right, she is indeed a cheap school girl in real life.

After carefully looking at the other person up and down, Mo Tan let out his second breath of relief today. Unlike last time, after this breath of relief, he felt indescribable relief.

But Mo Tan was relaxed, but the female knight kneeling by his window was


The half-dragon girl who was looked at carefully shrank her neck awkwardly, and her slightly red shoulders moved unnaturally. It seemed that she wanted to cover it up with her hands subconsciously, but in the end she still He didn't let go of Mo Tan's hands, but lowered his head with a slightly red face, biting his lips lightly and unable to say a word.

There was no other reason than that the look Mo Tan looked at the female knight's shoulder just now was a little too hot.

"Hey, Yi Zhao? Are you okay? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere or something? Yi Zhao?"


Under the fuss and exclamation of her senior, the female knight lowered her head.

For some reason, she suddenly remembered the lace documents in many cathedrals about the guardian knights and the protected.

His face was getting redder and redder.

Chapter 824: End

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