Quadruple split

Chapter 833 The parting that year

Knight Commander Green Tyree of the Dawn Sect has always been a good person, based on the following:

First of all, he is still single.

Then, as the saying goes, the face comes from the heart. He has a face with a golden proportion of Chinese characters. He is not only civilized and polite, but also has a loyal, kind and rule-abiding personality. His daily behavior can be said to be strict with himself and lenient towards others. , although he occasionally leaves people with the impression of being 'stubborn' and 'stereotyped', he is still the kind of knight among knights. In Xia Lian's words, Green is different from another ascetic who rarely comes out to see people. He is tied with Old Tom as the only two good comrades who have raised the overall moral integrity of the Dawn Sect.

Then he often used various excuses to send Green to any place other than the City of Light for business. In short, he was out of sight and out of mind.

For example, almost half a year ago, His Highness Xia Lian was afraid that Green, who looked very serious most of the time, would frighten the child (Yu Chen, who had just become a saint), so she found any reason to send him to the [Zhu] in the south of the sanctuary. Guangcheng], the reason is that I heard from XXX that the greening there is not very good. After all, it is an area where most people believe in our goddess of dawn. Little Green, please go over there and settle the matter for me.

Then Knight Commander Green Tyree went to the Light Chaser City to plant trees alone.

Due to some subtle reasons, well, it's actually seniority, His Highness Xia Lian has absolute authority among the mainstays of the Dawn Sect of this generation, especially Knight Captain Grimm. As a pickpocket, he was killed by his mentor at the age of seven and a half, known as [Dawn Slayer]. Hans Anderson, the former knight chief of Dawn Sect, picked it up, beat him to death and sent him back to the Capital of Light to become a knight apprentice.

However, Knight Commander Anderson, who initiated Green Tiree and was regarded as his lifelong idol, was whipped with a broom by His Highness Xia Lian when he was a child. In Green's impression, his white-haired and wrinkled mentor was Every time I meet that "big sister with a sweet smile", I will follow her with a fawning face and yell non-stop. She even has poor health and can only sit in a wheelchair. She obviously doesn't have The teacher's wife is older than the teacher but looks older. Every time she sees the eldest sister, she calls her "Ajie" one after another.

Although he knew that the age of the elves could not be judged by their appearance, and he also knew that the eldest sister with a sweet smile would never be much younger than his mentor, the young Green still felt a little awkward.

This awkwardness lasted until Green's third year as a knight's apprentice, two months before his eleventh birthday.

The 531st Knight Commander of the Dawn Sect, [Dawn Slayer] Hans Anderson passed away due to illness at the age of eighty-three.

As Anderson's only apprentice, when his master's wife died of illness two years ago, Glyn Tiree, who was only ten years old at the time, single-handedly organized the funeral for Anderson as his godson, even though Anderson had already written it in his will. She didn’t want the sect to go to war over her death, and she didn’t want to have a grand burial. However, Saint Xia Lian still took it upon herself to close the Dawn Cathedral for a whole day, and by the way, she took her own initiative to close the Great Saints of other sects for half a day. Hall.

Because Hans Anderson was a well-connected and good man during his lifetime, and as the chief knight of the Dawn Sect, other sects also gave him face. Not only did he not have any conflict with Xia Lian, who was always known for being willful, he even Memorials were organized spontaneously.

Green Tiree stayed alone in a small church in an outer city and stayed with Anderson's body for a whole day.

Devotees are not allowed to be buried on the first day of their sleep, and are guarded by the goddess for a whole day. This is a rule passed down by the Dawn Sect a long time ago.

On this day, it stands to reason that except for relatives of the deceased or godsons like Green, no one else is allowed to appear in such a place, including the Pope.

However, that day, Green saw two uninvited guests in the church that had been cleared out in advance, with three hundred high-level paladins and six knight captains guarding the church outside.

One person he knew was the elf sister with a beautiful smile. Of course, at that time, Green already knew that the other person was Xia Lian Zhuye, the saint of his sect.

One he didn't recognize. He was an old man with a white beard who was wearing a dusty priest's robe and looked quite energetic.

But even though Green didn't know the latter, he still guessed the other person's identity.

The 573rd Pope of the Dawn Sect - St. Luke Tefero.

Although Green, who was just a trainee knight, was not qualified to enter the Thousand Lights Dome at that time, had not seen the portrait of the previous pope, and did not know what kind of fortress this white-bearded old man was, he still judged Luke ·The identity of Tiphilo.

Because it was mentioned in the penultimate line of the letter his mentor left him:

[One more thing, little Green, although you are now a devout (even more devout than me) believer, if two people ignore me on the day I die (or the next day) According to canon rules, you must not stop them from coming to see me without permission when I should be alone with you.

The first one is Sister Xia Lian. I mentioned it when I had tea with her last month. I hope she can come to me and talk to me on this day (don’t get me wrong, there is a reason for this, goddess) My lord, my feelings for your wife are a lesson to be learned!).

The second one should be an old man about the same age as me. Although he is not as handsome as me (just think of him as not as handsome as me), he is an old man who is very good at taking care of himself. His name is Luke·Shameless·Ti. Philo, the ancestral pope of our Dawn sect (the only one who is not dead), is one of my few old friends.

A long time ago, I made an agreement with Tyfilo that if one of us returned to the goddess's arms first (he uttered wild words at the time that the goddess would not hug us), then no matter where the other person was or what he was doing at the time, , even if he was fighting with the Pope of the Dark Night Sect, he had to come back to see that jerk before he was buried.

Ha, actually this is a trap set by your teacher and me, because I know that no matter how lucky I am, I will never be able to survive that bastard who has almost touched that field. Oh, forget it, I can’t even tell you so much.

All in all, I knew at that time that I couldn't survive him, and I also knew that he would leave here soon, so I deliberately made an appointment with him to give him an excuse to return to the City of Light.

I don’t know if Tifilo noticed my little thoughts at the time. He probably guessed it, but he still readily agreed to the agreement. As I expected, he left a few years later and never returned. Never came back.

I've always thought he was a fragile guy, although not many people can spot that.

Hehe, people like to nag when they are old, but I don’t think you will blame me, right?

Now, I hope you will do one thing for me in the end. Well, actually, it’s not really for me.

If I guessed correctly, when that day comes, that guy Tifilo will come to me first, while Xia Lian will come later, because she will probably bother with some unimportant things, such as forcing other people to A sect closed its doors for me for a long time or something.

If this is the case, dear little Green, I hope you can drag Tiphilo's footsteps appropriately, because we know each other too well and there is really nothing to say, so I am afraid he will leave soon. If you can It would be best to keep him for a while longer.

This may be the last thing I can do. 】

In this way, although Green did not understand why Anderson asked him to do this at the time, he still tried his best to fulfill his mentor's last wish.

"Hey, why is there a little baby here?"

The old man who quietly appeared next to Hans Anderson did not immediately greet his old friend in front of him. Instead, he smiled and winked at Green Tiree, who was standing quietly beside him, and said with a narrow smile: "I I thought that after Della left, he would be alone until his death."

The apprentice knight who was a pickpocket three years ago stood up and said to Tiffero in an unassuming manner: "My name is Green Tyree. I am Hans Anderson's knight apprentice and also his godson."

"illegitimate child?"

Luke Tefilo blinked and looked at Green with interest: "You look nothing like him. Anderson was much uglier than you when he was his age."

"It's the godson, Your Excellency."

The astute Green did not directly identify Tifilo because he was worried that the other party would leave early without knowing that he had expected it, so he just stated in a calm tone: "Teacher Anderson and I are not related by blood. , just a thief he picked up from the slums a few years ago."

Luke Tefero raised his eyebrows and did not show any dissatisfaction with the word 'thief'. He just continued to ask kindly: "So has he converted you to the glory of the goddess?"

"Yes, Your Excellency."

Green, who was wearing casual clothes, nodded and took out a polished badge: "I am now a trainee paladin."

"Well, a paladin doesn't have a more promising future than a thief."

Luke Tifilo glanced at Anderson's body with a half-smile, and then turned his attention to Green again: "Has anyone told you, child, that you are actually more suitable to be a priest than a paladin?"

Green nodded: "Yes."

The previous pope looked at him with interest, his tone full of curiosity: "Who has such good taste?"

"Teacher Anderson."

While counting the time silently in his heart, Green replied calmly and at a relatively slow speed: "He said that my physique is average, but I have a high understanding of divine arts."

Luke Tefero smacked his lips and stared at Green with his eyes raised: "Then he trained you into a knight?"

"I wish to be a knight."

Green clenched the apprentice knight badge in his hand, smiled proudly, and then said unhurriedly: "A knight like Mr. Anderson."

"Like him?"

Tifilo pointed at the body of Hans Anderson unceremoniously and exclaimed in a very impolite and exaggerated way. Then before Green frowned, his expression suddenly became solemn and he sighed softly: "Although it is a bit stupid, this It’s indeed a good reason, after all, although Hans Anderson is an asshole, he is also an asshole who deserves to be respected by everyone.”

Green was stunned for a moment and couldn't finish his words.

Fortunately, Tifilo had no intention of leaving immediately. He just calmly looked down at the former knight commander who was often bullied by him a long time ago, and who started to stand behind him and bully others a long time ago. He was one of his few friends. , smiled lightly: "You picked up a good child."

Anderson, whose heart had already stopped beating, naturally would not answer him.

Tifilo didn't pay attention, and just continued to talk to himself: "You are only luckier than me. You can meet Della who is in love with you, and you can pick up this kid. However, you only have better luck than me. You just have better luck than me."

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Green felt that Anderson's slightly stiff expression seemed to soften under the soft halo emanating from the goddess statue.

Then, there was a long silence

Green felt that perhaps, as Anderson told him in the letter, he was so familiar with His Majesty Luke Tiffero that he had nothing to say even in this situation.

This is not a good signal, because His Majesty Tiphilo, who has fallen into silence, may leave at any time, and he is obviously powerless to stop him.

So, Green decided to break the silence before the other party left.

"This is your Excellency."

Green cleared his throat, and after Tifilo turned his face to him, he raised his hand and pointed down: "Can you tell me who you are? Although you don't look like Mr. Anderson's godfather or godson, the teacher has never He never told me about his other relatives.”

Tifilo smiled: "If you are not a relative, why can't you come?"

"In principle, it's not possible."

Green gave a meticulous answer, and then glanced outside the church door: "There are our most elite knights of the Dawn Sect outside, and there are six more..."

"Well, there are still six knight captains guarding there."

Tifilo interrupted Green's explanation and said with a sly smile: "Yes, my name is Garou Anderson, and I am this guy's second cousin."

Green felt that his expression must have been distorted at that time.


"Haha, just kidding."

The previous pope looked at Green with his clear eyes that were completely different from what an old man could have. The corners of his mouth curled up in a slight arc: "Luke Tefero says hello to you, smart little knight."

"you are."

"Stop pretending. I was much more professional than you when I was pretending to be cute in the nunnery."


"Then, I think it's time for me to go, young man, shall we meet later?"

Luke Tefero did not continue speaking, but replaced the second half of his sentence with a long drawn out 'oh'.

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty Tiphilo."

Pulling out the cross sword from behind, which was not much shorter than himself, the ten-year-old Green Tyree gritted his teeth.

"Please, stay."

Chapter 826: End

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