Quadruple split

Chapter 841 Archaeologists Association

Colonel Mojin is an ordinary player who has been in the game for a long time and his game level is not up to par. If Motan in the 'absolutely neutral' state can represent the concept of 'ordinary people' in the real world, then Colonel Mojin is He is the epitome of an 'ordinary player' in Innocence.

This guy is probably in his early twenties, and he has quite a lot of gaming experience. He is not a newcomer to online games. Although he did not join the game of Innocence at the first time, he soon became popular after the game became popular. He fell into a trap, and then he became addicted to it and couldn't extricate himself.

Similar to most casual players who play more seriously, Colonel Mojin's main profession has been trained to level 37, and his strength is about mid-level. He has some useful talents, skills, and equipment, but they are limited to ordinary levels. It's just easy to use, so you won't be bullied casually, but it's not easy to make some big news. First, you don't have the strength, second, you don't have the brains, and third, you don't have the ideas.

So the question is, what does he have in mind?

The answer is simple, drive an excavator.

Dig a grave or something like that.

Of course, for a grave-digging enthusiast whose major is archeology but knows nothing about mechanical engineering or excavator driving skills, it is still unrealistic to drive a whole excavator in the innocent world. But this did not hinder Colonel Mojin's ambition to deal with various graves and graves, so not long after he entered the pit, he tried every means to find out the specific locations of several unknown graves from the NPC, and then took advantage of the night He happily took the guy outside the city to dig a grave.

This guy also spent the little money he had left after buying the tools and bought a beautifully crafted blank booklet and two quills. He planned to record his future grave-digging career in a book. He also thought of a name. It's called Tomb Raider Notes.

Then, he was caught.

The moment Colonel Mojin had just picked up the shovel and before digging, a strong force came from behind him, and then there was a blur in front of his eyes. When he came back to his senses, the man was already lying on the lush grass a few meters away. The grave is covered with grass, and the health value has dropped by 80%.

Colonel Mojin, who calls himself a materialist warrior and is quite courageous, naturally did not speculate about ghosts and gods. Although he knew that there were indeed supernatural things like undead creatures in this world, his first reaction was still, "I was attacked by someone." ’, and the second reaction was, ‘Isn’t this person a fellow traveler? ’

In the end, Colonel Mojin guessed it right.

The man who slapped him was named 'Zordon Nightcrawler'. He was indeed not an undead creature, but an elf man about three hundred years old with a very intellectual smile. His main job was indeed to touch gold. Half of the Colonel's peers - the branch president of the Golden City Archaeologists Association.

The reason why the two met here was also very simple. Captain Mojin came to dig a grave, while Zordon Nightcrawler came to do routine maintenance on this old wild grave.

But it's maintenance. In fact, it's just walking around twice, placing some spices that can effectively drive away monsters and wild beasts, and then seeing if anyone wants to come and cause damage.

In the end, Zordon actually bumped into one.

It is in response to the saying that you can show your presence no matter where you put it - fate is wonderful.

All in all, Zordon, who originally only planned to go out for a walk to eat, easily took down our comrade, the gold-rich colonel. After all, he was the branch president of the Archaeologists Association in the Golden City, not to mention that he was only ten years old at the time. A golden colonel of several levels, even if he is now close to reaching the high-level threshold, for Zordon Nightcrawler, he is still in the category of being able to be killed with one slap.

Of course, he was just digging up a worthless wild grave. Zordon wouldn't be beaten to death on the spot. In fact, his original plan was just to tease Colonel Mojin, but the latter's strength was too weak. Most of the blood was wiped out by that slap, which made Zordon quite embarrassed.

It is necessary to mention here that the Archaeologists Association, like the Miners Association and the Adventurers Guild, is also a neutral organization in the Innocence Continent. It can even be said to be a public welfare organization. Its members are also spread across the entire continent. Its main work is roughly as follows Several items:

First of all, they need to maintain any old, uncared for, and historic places or buildings. Of course, without invitation, they can only maintain those objects that have no power.

Secondly, the Archaeologists Association often organizes excavations and explorations of ancient ruins. In addition to its members, it also hires a large number of mercenaries, adventurers and even well-known strong men to participate in this activity. In some cases, even Linked with some large forces. I mean cooperation. In this case, some of the precious items excavated will be auctioned in the name of the Archaeologists Association, and the money earned will be used in addition to remuneration and pensions (it really kills people). ), the rest will be uniformly stored in the foundation under the name of the Archaeologists Association and used to carry out public welfare undertakings. In many cases where nothing good has been achieved but nothing good has been achieved, the foundation The money in it will also prevent those employees from losing money, and even make a small profit.

Finally, the Archaeologists Association has been working hard to find weird things that pose a threat to innocent people, which naturally includes dangerous items in ancient ruins. If these things can be taken away, they will be placed at the association branch nearby. The underground suppression of the association (extremely high-risk items will be transported to the headquarters through special channels) is guarded by specialized personnel. It feels a bit **, but the degree of danger is not that excessive. By the way, the above-ground part of the association is a museum. , there are many safe, harmless and commemorative things for people to pay their respects. The unified ticket price in mainland China is: 5 gold coins.

To sum up, the Archaeologists Association is basically a public welfare organization that uses love to generate electricity. It does things that benefit others and self-interest (after all, everyone has something to eat). It has a very good reputation in the Innocence Continent, and it has a very good reputation in the Sinless Continent. The relationship between the major forces is good, and it can be considered a large-scale force.

There are quite a few strong people in it. Just like many celebrities outside the game are willing to do charity, give back to the society, give back to their own conscience, or simply be good people after becoming famous, there are also many strong people in the Archaeologists Association who have no pursuits. The wealthy and wealthy people volunteer to contribute to this positive energy organization.

The branch in the Golden City is one of the largest archaeologists association branches in the entire Sinless Continent.

The reason is simple. This is the core sphere of influence of the old Sun Dynasty. To the north is the ruined capital of Underhill, the former center of that ancient dynasty.

The reason why the Golden City was given such a nouveau riche name was precisely because those low-class people who were exiled to the Northwest Continent, who were later the cornerstones of the Sun Dynasty, were originally sent to this place to dig for gold.

During the period when the Sun Dynasty was at its peak, this golden city, which had been in decline for many years, was the trade center of the northwest continent. The current size of Anka Market is not even one-third of that of the golden city back then.

This shows its great historical significance.

So, let's get down to business.

Let's say that after Zordon casually patted down Colonel Mok Jin, he stepped forward to interrogate the latter's purpose. After learning that the young man had no evil intentions, and that he was digging graves purely out of interest, he proposed. I made a suggestion, that is, let him join the Archaeologists Association. Although he has to abide by many rules (for example, he cannot dig wild graves casually), as long as he works hard, he will get many opportunities to explore ruins in the future.

Zordon Nightcrawler's vision is not without its viciousness. In just a few words, the branch leader could tell that Colonel Touching Gold was probably a professional, although he couldn't guess that the latter was an alien majoring in archeology. People's answers are outrageous, but they also feel that this is a talent that can be made.

Colonel Mojin, who originally thought he would be photographed to death (regarding Zordon as a family member of the buddy in the wild grave), was naturally excited after hearing about the Archaeologists Association, and agreed without saying a word. Following the invitation from Zordon Nightcrawler, he became a member of the Golden City Archaeologists Association. From then on, he had fixed daily/weekly tasks (cleaning/arranging information, etc.) and salary, and unexpectedly got them. With a stable source of experience and gold coins, I am doing a job I like.

It can be said that everyone is happy.

Until Mo Tan and his team appeared in the Golden Capital, that is today.

This thing is a coincidence. Just about a month ago, the Archaeologists Association received an important piece of news through special channels. It seems that there seems to be a very old ruins that have not been discovered somewhere in the northwest continent. , and after some investigation, it was discovered that the ruins were not far from the Capital of Gold, so they organized everyone to go in. Well, the people who were exploring were naturally handed over to Colonel Mojin’s immediate boss, Zuo. Dayton Nightwalker's head.

Immediately afterwards, there was another more efficient investigation within the Archaeologists Association. It was not until half a month ago that part of the situation of the ruins was figured out, and the door was finally found.

It should be noted that 'finding the door' here means literally, which means finding the entrance to the ruins. After that, it stands to reason that people should be organized to start preliminary exploration.

However, there was a small problem in this link, so that the exploration work has not started and has been delayed until now.

To sum it up briefly, two 'keys' are needed to enter the ruins, and these two keys are in the hands of two communities near the Golden Capital. One is a kobold community and the other is a caveman community. Although the scale is not the same. They are large, but the total number is at least several thousand, and the place where they live corresponds to the two entrances to the ruins.

Ever since, this matter has become troublesome.

The reason is that these two communities are relatively exclusive. Although they also conduct some relatively normal foreign trade, in most cases they live in isolation. In addition, their geographical location is relatively remote, and they have almost no contact with the outside world. , and those two keys are regarded by these two groups as symbols of some kind of positive energy because they are shiny and beautiful. Although they are not as exaggerated as 'sacred objects', they definitely belong to the category of 'valuable items'. , so it is really difficult to get the key from them and then use the place where the Taoist family has lived for generations to enter the ruins.

The Archaeologists Association was the first to hit the wall, and it had already been resented due to some misunderstandings and frictions in the early stage, so the possibility of successful negotiations was infinitely close to zero. In desperation, Zordon had to think about something wrong. The solution is to find foreign aid in advance before starting the exploration, and split an exploration mission into two halves, namely successfully obtaining the key from the kobold and caveman community, and subsequent regular ruins exploration.

Of course, the reward must be given in two parts, and the reward for the round of getting the key must be settled on the spot, not after the auction is over.

But even so, there are only a few people willing to take on this mission. After all, whether they are adventurers or mercenary groups, as long as they meet the requirements of ordinary exploration missions, you can let them fight head-on with the traps and guards in the ruins. Well, let them waste their saliva trying to reason with those rustic and unreasonable kobolds. Oh, I'm afraid that once the reasoning is over, those two communities will be gone.

So after seeing the mission requirements clearly, many people who were eager to give it a try gave up. In desperation, Zordon had no choice but to issue a death order, asking a few capable men to find mercenaries who met the conditions and whose appetite did not exceed the budget within three days. , Adventurer, Lone Ranger, anything will do, the quality and quantity cannot be too bad anyway.

And Colonel Mojin happens to be one of those "able men". As a result, when he asked in the association last night, he was the only one who failed to find a suitable person.

This is impossible!

So Colonel Mojin didn't rest last night, but kept stopping at the Adventurer's Guild, the Mercenary Guild, and the major taverns in the city. Finally, he found a team that was willing to work.

The two parties hit it off immediately, and agreed to meet for a meal at noon today, and then set off directly to meet the others.

And then.

Because Colonel Mojin didn't immediately agree to the other party's sudden request at the dinner table - triple the reward and pay 50% in advance, so he was thrown out.

Then he smashed it onto the dining table in front of Mo Tan and others, knocking over the bowl of meat that Yaya was about to pull in front of him.

As we all know, there are two things that Yaya can't bear the most. One is being blown up by Jadeka's self-destructing walking stick, and the other is someone snatching food from her (except for Ji Xiaoge's cooking, which will actually increase Yaya's rivalry over food). person’s favorability).

So after the food in front of her was knocked over, the girl went into a violent state on the spot. She grabbed the smashed Colonel Mojin and threw him back.

Triple speed!

He smashed straight at the grinning orc man who had just walked out of the compartment, and opened the prelude to a chaotic battle with a roar——

"Fuck you!"

Chapter 834: End

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