Quadruple split

Chapter 856 A wave of unrest

[Iron Gate Shield Technique·Elementary Level]

Growable passive skills

Effect: Shield specialization level +5. When equipped with a shield: attack power reduced by 15%, defense power increased by 30%.

[Note: The shield technique school was founded by the first Archduke Fernando of the Violet Empire: Bronze Rod Fernando. Its basic routines were popular in the Fernando territory in the early years. 】

【Shield Wall】

Active skills

Mastery requirements: Shield Specialization level \u003e 35

Consumption/limitation: Holding a shield, 300 physical points

Effect: Create a 'shield wall' to resist attacks from 30 to 360 degrees in the specified direction. When the range is ≤ 30 degrees, the damage you receive will be reduced by 85%. Every time the defense range is expanded by 30 degrees, an additional 50 points of physical energy will be consumed. Reduce the damage reduction amount by 7%, and the cooling time is 60 minutes.

※This skill is a special skill and cannot be released directly through system commands※

[Note 1: You are waving the shield without feeling any emotion in your heart, and you even want to take a few more beatings. 】

[Note 2: Your smile gradually disappears. 】

[Note 3: Your heart is gradually breaking down. 】

[Note 4: You kneel down in front of the healer. 】

[Note 5: Mom! ——You said. 】

[Note 6: Get out! ——He cursed loudly. 】

[Remark 7: Please be kind to the healer standing behind you. Unbridled unrestrainedness will not only give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it, but may even make intolerable teammates pick up bricks and smash your dog's head from behind - "Iron Dice· Autobiography of Archduke Fernand III: Thirty-three days of dizziness\

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