Quadruple split

Chapter 868 Ancestral Instructions

"You guys, what do you want to say?"

After regaining the gem that she had sworn to protect until her death, Carion Heipi did not relax even half a breath. She did not seem to feel any joy. On the contrary, there was a trace of resentment in the original resentment of this patriarch lady. The expectant eyes suddenly turned into panic at this moment, overflowing with fear and despair.

That was the look in his eyes when he discovered that the life-saving straw he finally grasped was actually Wugenzhiping.

"I think you've guessed it."

Mo Tan stood up and said softly: "We are not the culprits that caused the disappearance of your nephew, and we are not here to threaten you with the safety of the young man, although we are indeed entrusted by the Archaeologists Association to I will get the key to the ruins in your hand, but I will never use such despicable means to achieve my goal."

Jialiang glared at the two of them with sharp eyes, clenched the big gold chain in her hands and gritted her teeth: "I don't trust you, strangers. After knowing that your purpose is the 'Keystone', every word in your mouth will be ignored." Didn’t even say anything.”

"Let's face it, Madam Chief, your nephew has been missing for a whole day and night, and we don't have much time."

Mo Tan, who was always polite, interrupted Carion in a deep voice and looked into the latter's eyes fiercely: "Indeed, under the current situation, our 'words' may not be very convincing, but I just said I should have proven my position to you through actions.”

“Even so”

Jialiang wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Ji Xiaoge's soft voice.

"Madam Chief, please calm down."

The girl flapped her wings twice, creating a cool breeze around Mo Tan and Jialion. She slowly analyzed with her sweet voice: "Assuming that the 'keystone' you just gave to Mo is true, Then we can leave immediately after getting the things, do you think you and the two guards outside the door can stop us?"


Carion was silent.

"Well, to say the least, even now, as long as we are willing, we can definitely snatch the keystone from your hands."

Ji Xiaoge sighed and continued: "We want to discuss with you just how to find the child quickly. As long as you are willing to continue chatting with us calmly, you will find that we have no wrong ideas at all."


Carion opened her mouth and was silent for a long time before she said in a hoarse voice after she couldn't find any defensible reason: "I don't want to believe you."

"You mean 'don't want to'?"

Ji Xiaoge blinked and asked curiously: "Instead of really not believing us?"

Jialiang nodded slightly: "Yes, I don't want to believe you."


"Because if we are telling the truth, it means that Hog Heipi, who was probably secretly captured by us, was not used as a bargaining chip or a hostage. In other words, he is really missing."

Mo Tan interrupted Ji Xiaoge's question and looked down at Jialion's big face filled with uneasiness: "Under this premise, the child may encounter many things that may be neither intimidation nor coercion. Really dangerous."

Carion was silent.


Mo Tan showed a kind smile and asked Jia Liang softly: "For the sake of your important nephew, can we have a good chat now?"

"Let me ask a question first."

Jialion neither nodded nor shook her head, but raised her head and met Mo Tan's eyes calmly: "If you are not lying or teasing me, then why did you do it to this extent? In conclusion, I can do it now Here you go, it took all my courage and impulse to hand the keystone into your hands. This will never happen again, even if you risk Hogg's life to force me to do it."

"I've told you the reason before."

Mo Tan shook his head, and he and Ji Xiaoge looked at each other and smiled.

"We can't just sit back and ignore this."

five minutes later

Patriarch’s house, reception room

"Our kobold tribe is very xenophobic."

Jialiang took a sip of the light brown tea and said solemnly to Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge, who were sitting in front of her: "I think you know this, but the reason for this situation is actually There are two.”

Although he didn't know why the other party didn't get to the point, Mo Tan still nodded very cooperatively and said, "I'm all ears."

"On the one hand, it's because our clan has been deceived by many outsiders in the past, and even now, even if we use ores and other things to exchange for daily necessities such as food, the prices will be very low by outside merchants. Low, it’s not that those people are targeting us, it’s just that the long-term isolation makes it difficult for us to bargain with those smart guys.”

Jialiang put down the cup helplessly, raised her hand to interrupt Ji Xiaoge who was hesitating to speak, and said lightly: "I know what you want to say, but we can't and don't want to integrate into the outside world. This is what I want to do. The second reason is that our tribe actually has a mission, and this mission prevents us from leaving this land."

"Is it something like some kind of magical contract?"

Mo Tan frowned slightly, subconsciously thinking of a supernatural contract in which the consequences would be tragic if the rules were violated.

"No, it's actually a mission. In the final analysis, it's just an ancestral precept passed down from generation to generation. It's not binding."

Jialion shrugged and took another sip of tea that exuded a strong medicinal fragrance: "But this ancestral precept passed down from generation to generation is still adhered to by every tribe member to this day, and those of us with black-skinned surnames The lineage plays a relatively more important role."

"Is it the role of the clan leader?"

Ji Xiaoge asked as he swayed restlessly on the seat, then took a sip of the tea from Mo Tan, and was immediately inspired by this drink that looked very much like 'medicinal tea'.

"Yes, the patriarch of each generation can only be a member of the Heipi family. If you encounter a child who has no future, call some older people with a calmer personality to support you. But no matter what, the patriarch must have the surname Hei. Skin is the best, this is also part of the ancestral teachings.”

Jialiang nodded slightly, and after a moment of silence, she continued: "In fact, for us, the other identity we obtained when inheriting the position of patriarch is the most important."

"Another identity?"

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously looked at the big gold chain that Jialion hung around her neck again.

His intuition told him that the so-called other identity should be somewhat related to the key stone that was said to be able to open the entrance to the ruins.

Facts have proved that his intuition is quite reliable.


Jialiang gently touched the big gold chain around her neck and said in a deep voice: "When the new patriarch inherits the position, he will get the title of 'Administrator' and the 'Keystone' at the same time. He will wait until the next patriarch takes office. Keep passing it on.”

"Then what exactly does 'administrator' mean?"

Ji Xiaoge tilted his head and asked curiously: "Are you trying to manage something?"

Carion pondered for a long time this time, then raised her head and said seriously: "I don't know."



Then Mo Tan and Ji Xiaoge were both stunned.

"I just don't know."

Jialiang smiled weakly, spread her hands and said: "Because whether it is the term 'administrator' or this key stone, it was passed down by our ancestors a long time ago, so it is said that it is the clan leader and administrator. Or something like that, but in fact, even our Black Skins don’t know what missions we and other tribesmen have to complete, we just blindly follow the rules.”

Although the matriarch said it easily, Mo Tan still heard a little helplessness and unwillingness in her words. This is not difficult to understand. After all, no matter how Buddhist a person is, he will never like to be confused by someone who doesn't even know the details. Bound by a 'mission' whose contents I don't even know, I have been living in this place for decades.

Even if it is a paradise, it will be boring, let alone this place is far from a paradise.

"Why don't you give up this mission and integrate into the outside world? Since it was an ancestral precept from a long time ago, and you don't even know the specific content."

In line with the principle of asking if you don't understand, Mo Tan directly asked what was in his mind.

"Perhaps it's because our clan has done pretty well over the past few hundred years and is still loved by everyone. In addition, after living like this for too long, we have become less concerned about the outside world. Although the clan members occasionally visit They don’t return, but most of them still stay.”

Carion muttered with a complicated expression, then raised her finger and pointed at herself: "As for those of us with the surname Heipi, who are qualified to be 'administrators', we cannot leave here."

"Can't leave?"

Mo Tan's eyes widened and he said in surprise: "Didn't you just say that?"

"For the vast majority of the tribe, there is really no such thing as a magical contract."

Jialiang sighed, stroking her chubby hands: "But if it is a person with the surname Heipi, it will be different. As long as we leave the village for more than fifteen miles, we will have cardiac arrest for inexplicable reasons. And death, not only that, even if you don’t go that far, as long as you leave the village, even if you are just moving around, you may suddenly disappear, and you will never come back after you disappear.”

When she mentioned the word 'missing', Carion suddenly clenched her hands tightly, and her slightly bloated figure began to tremble slightly.

After reacting, Ji Xiaoge suddenly raised his hand to cover his mouth, turned to look at Mo Tan, and received a friend message from the latter in the next second——

'I know, this may be the reason why the black-skinned boy Hog disappeared. ’

After sending the message, Mo Tan looked away and asked Jia Liang at a faster pace: "Can you tell me more carefully?"

"Nothing detailed, I've already said everything I said."

Jialiang shook her head with a dejected face, and said in a trembling voice: "We don't know why, but those of us, the so-called 'administrators', may disappear mysteriously as long as we leave the village, and we will never see anyone alive or dead. I will never come back again. Although the probability of this kind of thing is not very high. For hundreds of years, there have been ancestors who didn't care about this kind of thing at all and just wandered outside all day without losing it. But occasionally, this kind of thing still happens, such as The previous patriarch, my younger brother, Hogg’s father, Balthion, disappeared ten years ago and never came back. Hogg’s mother went to look for him several times, but accidentally searched during the last time. I strayed into the territory of the night viper, leaving only a scarf full of poisonous blood."

Carion couldn't say any more. She buried her face in her hands and sobbed quietly.

The depressing atmosphere lasted for a long time.

In the end, Mo Tan was the first to break the silence and whispered: "So rather than that little brother Hogg accidentally running outside the village, do you prefer that he was kidnapped by those of us who were targeting the key stone? ?”

"Hogg is a good boy."

Carion blew her nose hard and said with red eyes: "And he is still my only family member. I don't want to lose him no matter what."

Ji Xiaoge took a deep breath, patted the matriarch's back gently with her white wings, and said with a smile: "I also have a family that I cherish very much, so I understand your feelings very well. Leave that child to us. Come to the rescue.”


At this point, Carion had basically given up her doubts about the two of them, but she still shook her head vigorously and said in a hoarse voice: "It's useless. If it were someone else, even if there was an accident, at least they would be found. Corpses, but only our black-skinned people, as long as we don’t return to the village properly, we will never come back, even you.”

“It’s always good to have a little more strength.”

Mo Tan interrupted Jia Liang categorically and said in a deep voice: "If possible, I hope to get one or a few of Hogg's personal belongings. One of my partners has a very good sense of smell and may be able to find some clues. "


"No matter what, it's better than doing nothing, isn't it?"


five minutes later

Jialiang returned to the reception room holding a few pieces of dirty-looking clothes, handed them into Mo Tan's hands, and said with a pale face: "Then, please."

"We'll do our best."

Mo Tan did not boast about Haikou and make any guarantees. He just nodded calmly after taking the things.

Probably because they wanted to ensure the 'original taste' as much as possible, some of the clothes that Carion brought did not smell like they had been washed. In addition, kobolds generally don't pay attention to hygiene, so the taste can be said to be quite bad, but no matter Neither Mo Tan nor Ji Xiaoge frowned.

"Even if you can find Hogg, I will not give you the key stone against my ancestors' instructions."

Carion forced a smile.

"Hmm, can you provide us with some valuable reference opinions?"

Ji Xiaoge, who had put on his goggles again, wrinkled his nose and looked cute.

"Let's talk about it then. By the way, take this."

Jialion shrugged, and then suddenly threw something like a potion bottle to Mo Tan, which contained a dark red liquid.

"This is."

"Don't ask, I don't want to tell you."

"Okay, then we'll leave first."

"Well, thank you."

"You're welcome, goodbye, Madam Patriarch."



"Ahem, I can't help myself, I can't help myself."

Chapter 861: End

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