Quadruple split

Chapter 87 Unknown

The next morning, 8 a.m.

Mo Tan woke up from bed with great self-discipline, washed up quickly, and then made himself a simple and hearty breakfast (about to expire milk, homemade sandwiches, fried eggs, homemade pickles), and sorted the tableware into categories. After getting organized, we went out.

He needs to buy some cat food and dog food, and update the refrigerator stock at home...

As for Mo Tan's personality state at this moment, there is obviously no need to elaborate.

The location where Mo Tan lives is quite good, the surrounding environment is not noisy, and the transportation is relatively convenient. For the same price of rent, it can be said to be extremely cost-effective, although this kind of good thing will basically not happen according to probability. In his head, Mo Tan has never admitted that the series of vicious events that his landlord encountered many years ago have anything to do with him...

So to sum up, just consider him lucky.

Anyway, the landlord has had a smooth life in the past few years, and a lot of credit is due to someone~

In short, Mo Tan strolled to a large department store nearby with ease. Since he mastered the skill of reading maps, he has been able to do the feat of finding the road in City B even with his eyes closed~

Of course, before that, no matter how much he kept his eyes open, asked questions, observed the sun, speculated on the stars, and gossiped about the Book of Changes... he would be irresistibly lost within five minutes of going out.

"It feels good to know what you should do." He smiled and pushed the shopping cart on the first floor of the mall, and then added with emotion: "It feels better to know where you are."

He grabbed two bags of dog food and put them in the shopping cart, then stared at an expensive bucket of canned cat food for a long time, and finally took it down with gritted teeth.

"You have to eat something good when you're pregnant and get enough nutrition to give birth to a good baby." Mo Tan threw the bucket of imported canned cats into the shopping cart and muttered in a low voice: "The weather is good during the two days before the due date."

When he was feeding the cats last week, he suddenly discovered that Tornado Charge was pregnant. Even though it was a normal thing, it still made Mo Tan, who was full of love for these little animals, a little nervous.

By the way, Tornado Charge's spouse is the Devil Commander, and her brother is the Herald Sonic... These names were all given by Mo Tan when he was under another personality, and then the cats never recognized him again. 'Xiaohua', 'Xiaobai' and 'Xiaomeng' are the names.

It can be seen that the psychological phenomenon of middle school students not only ignores gender and age, but also ignores race.

Mo Tan rarely goes to places like pet supplies stores because he thinks the prices there are ridiculously high, and the quality and taste (personal test) are not much better than those in department stores. Those comparisons Some of the cheaper ones are still expired futures (also tested personally), which are far inferior to the high quality and low price of the ones he bought now.

Another reason is that one time when he was on his way out to buy cat and dog food... he changed his personality and walked into a shady pet agency in the next street.

Later, due to some unspeakable reasons, he was included in a large number of blacklists in related industries. Regardless of the process, Mo Tan basically did not go out to replenish the food reserves of the small animals in the next six months...

And the rumor of "Kun haunting" has gradually become an urban ghost story in major pet establishments in City B. What is even more frightening is that it is said that the black-hearted pet store manager who encountered the giant Kun changed his career to selling vegetables... ...Still not escaping the seemingly omnipresent shadow.

I became a monk in the second year...

Well, back to the topic, just when Mo Tan finished shopping on this floor and just went downstairs to replenish some stock for the refrigerator at home, something very shocking happened to him.

On the second underground floor that was just renovated yesterday, he didn't recognize him.

When Mo Tan realized this, he had already passed two rows of shelves...

It was as if malice from the whole world was coming.

"I was careless..." Mo Tan, who had completed the purchase for five minutes, lowered his head dejectedly and began to reflect on whether he had gotten too close to Cordoba during this period.

At this moment, a voice like the sound of nature suddenly sounded behind him.

"Mo Tan?"

Although it is a bit unfamiliar, it is indeed a voice I have heard before!

He has heard and knows his own name, which means that he does not have to trouble the already busy staff, and he can also lose less people...

He turned around and saw a short-haired girl wearing a peaked cap standing there looking at him. She was also pushing a full shopping cart, and her smile was full of vitality and vigor.

Although she still looks like a tomboy in my impression, her face that cannot be picked out is still as stunning as before. This girl who is as delicate and delicate as a work of art seems to have the final interpretation of all words of praise. The beauty is very simple, the beauty is very public.

Even with Mo Tan's psychological quality, he couldn't help but be stunned for half a second...

"Classmate Ji Xiaoge." After he came to his senses, he immediately said hello with a smile: "What a coincidence~"

Yes, the girl in front of her is naturally Ji Xiaoge from the previous party. She is twins with Ji Xiaodao, who has a somewhat indifferent temperament. The two sisters are the children of Yidong's parents' friends.

"Just call me Xiaoge. You don't need to add your last name or classmates~" The girl shook her head with a smile and said, "Although I have considered coming to Tanhua to study before."

Mo Tan nodded and said there was no problem.

Ji Xiaoge stood on tiptoe and glanced at Mo Tan's stroller: "Wow, do you have pets at home?"

"No, but I occasionally take care of the small animals nearby." Mo Tan shrugged: "It's just a small hobby."

The girl smiled and said, "I have a very loving interest. I occasionally go to the square near my home to feed the pigeons. They all like me."

Mo Tan definitely believed this. To be fair, he really felt that the affinity of the girl in front of him was enough to ignore race.

But that's not the point!

"Um..." Mo Tan scratched his hair and asked the other party with some embarrassment: "Xiaoge, have you finished shopping?"

Ji Xiaoge glanced down at his cart and nodded seriously: "Well, I've bought all the ingredients! Go home and make curry chicken for Xiaodao!!"

Mo Tan carefully looked at the things Ji Xiaodao bought, and then fell into the battle between man and heaven...

On the one hand, it was the self-esteem of the girl in front of him, and on the other hand, it was the body of his sister. Now he didn't know which one to protect.

"Huh?" Ji Xiaoge tilted his head in confusion: "Is there any problem?"

Mo Tan twitched the corner of her mouth, but finally said nothing. After all, if Ji Xiaoge really used all the materials she bought, then a normal person would not put it in his mouth...

"Are you going to take me home?" The girl tapped her lips with her slender index finger and said with a troubled smile: "Although I welcome you, dad may beat me... so I'd better not give up, right? He It’s very dark.”

This is not because Ji Xiaoge is sentimental, the main reason is that she has encountered too many such things. It's okay when her sister is next to her. The low pressure around Ji Xiaodao is enough to scare away most flirtatious people, but sometimes if If there are really boys who insist on sending Ji Xiaoge home, the result will basically be that she will be beaten into a mosaic by her father, and there is a 50% chance that her mother will also take action.

So when encountering this kind of situation, girls usually find a reason to refuse tactfully. Of course, if there is a really annoying person who makes the girl unhappy, she doesn't mind letting the person be beaten into a mosaic by her father...

"Well, that's not the case." Mo Tan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I just want to follow you out of the mall."

Ji Xiaoge blinked: "Ah? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Do you need help?"

"No." Mo Tan closed his eyes in pain: "I'm just lost."

"Huh? You mean fans...Pfft! Haha, pfft hahahahahaha~~"

The girl with a very low smile immediately bent over with joy. She hung on the shopping cart in front of her for a long time without straightening up. There were even a few tears on her long eyelashes, and her whole body trembled with joy. A trembling...

"Ha, ha ha~ Sorry, sorry~" Until the two left the department store, the girl's shoulders were still shaking. She covered her mouth apologetically and shook her head at Mo Tan: "I didn't mean it. , but getting lost in a place like this is really... haha, hahahahaha..."

Mo Tan lowered his eyebrows and sighed: "Thank you for your hard work."

"No, no, no, thank you for your hard work. I'm fine." Ji Xiaoge took her two shopping bags from Mo Tan. She couldn't lift her things because she accidentally laughed out loud...

At this moment, Mo Tan suddenly felt a chill pass over him. He subconsciously turned his head and saw a little girl with long hair wearing a white dress standing in the middle of the road, staring at him intently. .

She looked here with some curiosity, and smiled playfully as if she had discovered something interesting. Her fair skin did not seem to have any blood color, but it was not that sickly pale, it was not like a human being. , it feels very 'crystal', but this is still not the point...

Mo Tan rushed over almost without any hesitation, but was grabbed by Ji Xiaoge beside him.

"Be careful!" Xiao Ge shook his head at him with a serious look on his face: "The crime of Lu Chi will not lead to death."

"No!" Mo Tan shook his head anxiously and pointed to the road not far away: "There is one there... huh?"

There was a little girl standing on the road before, but there was no trace of her.

"Uh... I may have seen it wrong." Mo Tan rubbed his eyes, then took about a tenth of a second to make up his mind and gently broke away from the girl's soft little hand, and said with a wry smile: "Maybe I didn’t sleep well last night, and I’m sorry for making you worry.”

Ji Xiaoge stuck out her tongue playfully: "Hey, I've been playing games these days, and I haven't slept well at all. Oh, by the way, remember to add me as a friend later, I haven't seen you online before!"

"Yeah, no problem." Mo Tan nodded: "Then, see you later?"

"See you later~"

five minutes later

"Has Xiaodao made you angry recently?"

A somewhat ethereal female voice suddenly sounded behind Ji Xiaoge, startling the girl who was humming a tune and carrying a shopping bag.

"Ah!!" Ji Xiaoge turned around suddenly, but saw nothing, and then looked down...

A little girl with a displeased face was looking up at her, her little leather shoes tapping on the ground: "That's too much. I don't know if you are a crazy girl or if you do it on purpose."

"Hey, Aunt Bai~" Ji Xiaoge sneered and stuck out his tongue at the girl in front of him who looked at least ten years younger than him: "I really didn't see you! Uh... what did you say about Xiaodao just now? ?”

The little girl rolled her eyes and pointed at the shopping bag in Ji Xiaoge's hand: "You said before that you wanted to make food for her. Are you sure you don't want to poison her?"

"Wow! How do you know, Aunt Bai!" The girl was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said, "I didn't want to poison you! I obviously just wanted to care about my sister!"

The little girl who was called Aunt Bai by Ji Xiaoge sighed: "You inherited something bad from your mother, why do you have to inherit her murderous cooking..."

"Aunt Bai, you are too much! You can't kill anyone if you eat it!" Ji Xiaoge's face turned red at that moment, then he blinked and asked curiously: "When did you come?"

"Your father is not a human being. Even your mother's scraps can't kill him." The little girl shrugged: "I just got here."


"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just think Aunt Bai is really weird!"


"You're so small! You're so mysterious! You're so cold! You don't look like us normal people at all!"



"You deserve a beating, right?"

"Well, I was wrong."

at the same time

Mo Tan carried her things and walked home, smiling meaningfully...

[I definitely didn’t see it wrong just now, someone was really there! There are indeed many things in this world that I, or ordinary people, don’t know about. It seems that the things I have been investigating before are not useless efforts. Unfortunately, my time is too tight now...]

"Haha~" He narrowed his eyes slightly, yawned lazily, and said to himself: "Whether it is games or reality, there are too many interesting things... too many..."

7:30 pm

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, the absolutely neutral Black Brahma, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

"Well, the negative state of original sin erosion is still there." Mo Tan glanced at his panel with some distress, then opened the message bar and muttered while sending a message to Futaba: "I didn't know she got the information last night No, it stands to reason that if everything goes well, she should have arrived at the Fire Claw Territory by now..."

Futaba didn't seem to come online immediately, so Mo Tan prepared to go deeper into the Fire Claw Territory first. It would be best to find the places he had walked before. The reason is self-evident...

Five minutes later, Mo Tan, who was successfully lost in a forest, suddenly heard the sound of rushing water. He hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to walk over and take a look.


I saw a big orc man who was lifting his pants and walked out from behind a certain tree with a contented look on his face...

The two people's eyes collided in mid-air, and suddenly, a bit of shy silence filled the air.

"Hi~" Mo Tan looked away from the mosaic (system interference), smiled dryly and broke the silence first: "Are you busy?"

Chapter 84: End

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