Quadruple split

Chapter 871 Spider (II)

After a while, Spider left the terrace and went to handle the new task assigned to her by Mo Tan in a happy mood.

Although he failed to become the latter's friend as he wished, Spider was in a good mood because Mo Tan still didn't treat him as a problem and cut off contact after confessing his feelings.

It was so good that she couldn't help humming a tone-deaf ditty at a very high decibel level as she left, and stabbed a passerby twice while watching the fun.

Although it is just a flesh wound, there is still a long way to go before causing death, but to be able to stab someone so blatantly in a place like the City of Freedom is difficult to do without enough courage, strength and foundation. After all, even if You are an epic-level strong man, and it is very likely that you will be beaten to death by the more powerful people above you after casually killing a low-level bastard.

Although Spider has the courage to draw a knife, her strength and background are actually not very good. Her status as a reserve member of [Executioner] is even more useless. It would be better not to say such shady things. If Spider really said Well, once the news spreads, the first person to come to kill her will probably be the [Executioner].

So, why does she dare to stab people casually on the street?

The reason has actually been mentioned before, the spider is simply crazy.

To be more precise, it should be——[Insanity·Delimitation of Innocence]

Unlike Zhu Zhi, the delicate-looking, gentle, quiet, and knowledgeable senior teaching assistant in reality, Spider in the game has, as she said, extremely weak willpower. Although she can still talk to people as calmly as she did just now when necessary, Intelligence and knowledge will not be affected at all, but in most cases, she cannot control herself as continuously as she can outside the game.

Maybe it's not that she can't control it, it's just that she doesn't want to.

As a person with wisdom, three views, and a sense of morality, Spider has been working hard to behave as normal as others since she was a child, and her efforts have not been in vain. Until she grows up, there is no one except No one but herself could see the slightest hint of madness.

But after coming into contact with the realm of innocence, Spider, who was attracted by the slogan "Find your true self", soon discovered the fact that his usual life was too hard and too tiring, but as long as he didn't want to If you are sent to prison or a medical institution out of regret, you must continue to be 'tired' like this.

She has no complaints about this, because the life she lives now is exactly what she likes. Now she can enjoy family happiness with her doting parents, go shopping and shopping with colleagues she can chat with from time to time, and hang out with people who like people. The good kids or bad kids you like mingle with each other, and there are even people of the opposite sex who can make you blush and your heart beats. This kind of life that is happy enough in every sense has no reason to be broken.

Yes, there is absolutely no reason to be broken.

This woman who has always struggled with her unusual mental state and lived happily and peacefully to the age of twenty-six insists on this.

But... only in reality.

In other words, outside of reality, her requirements for herself are far less stringent than usual.

For example, in the realm of innocence, Spider, who discovered that he could do whatever he wanted, had almost never done anything a normal person would do since he entered the pit.

In this regard, it's a bit like Ximen Spitfire who was killed by Mo Tan before, but his rank is much higher.

To give a simple example, it is well known that the great god with the forum vest "Killed Like a Super God" was very capable of dying when he was a novice. His indomitable spirit and bizarre death method were praised by countless players, but Almost no one knows that Spider is the one who has died the most among the players in the entire Innocence Realm.

But compared to Ko, I mean compared to the one [killed like a super god], the spider was simply seeking his own death.

Like a mentally disturbed lunatic, she faithfully followed the crazy impulse in her heart in the realm of innocence and put it into action unscrupulously. So far, her cumulative number of deaths has exceeded fifty times. , can be called the best in the world of innocence.

The reason is very simple. On the one hand, it is due to interest. On the other hand, Spider found that after "releasing" the pressure in the game, instead of being unable to control himself around the clock like a drug addict, Spider even became more "self-disciplined" in reality than in the past. ’, this brand new discovery made her ecstatic. From the third day after entering the trap, she spent almost 12 hours in the game every day. In the process, her risk factor also increased day by day.

A simple madman is not terrible, but the problem is that Spider is not just a simple madman. In fact, apart from being unable to control her impulsive behavior, her IQ is completely the same as that of ordinary people, and her concentration and perseverance are even better. After many years of tempering, it is much higher than the social average.

The reason why she has become more and more dangerous is easy to explain. Simply put, Spider, who has 'catharsis' as the main purpose in the game, finds that if he dies forever within a few hours of establishing his character, the fun he will get is really limited. , although it is already very enjoyable compared to the past twenty years or so, but in horizontal comparison, the ability to be easily dragged to a custody facility or beaten to death in the street is really not enough.

If you want to mess around unscrupulously and get better catharsis and pleasure, you must become stronger.

But if you want to become stronger, you must try your best to be a human being with your tail between your legs in the process, at least not go crazy like you did at the beginning.

Spider was once in a dilemma.

In the end, she chose a more compromise method, which was to restrain herself a little in the future growth process. If she really couldn't suppress it, she would try her best to protect herself. Unless it was really extreme, she would try her best. live on.

After that, her number of deaths dropped a lot. Although she still often killed herself due to various uncontrollable crazy behaviors, it was much better than in the early days when she had to rebuild her character every few hours. , and she has gained more and more happiness. Her ability to control herself in reality has also increased, and the burden of controlling various impulses is almost not what it was before she entered the trap.

Finally, during a game that survived long enough, Spider was approached by the third-ranked killer organization [Executioner] in the Innocence Realm, and successfully became one of the latter's reserve members. After that, , with more resources, her strength increased rapidly, and she did not die once for three whole months.

If nothing else, there were two possibilities before her.

First, fold somewhere as before, restart her stress-relief cycle, and one day successfully cure her mental problems or become a real lunatic.

Second, he progressed at an unimaginable speed in a dangerous situation where ordinary people could not survive, successfully graduated from the reserve force, truly became a member of the [Executioner] organization, and became one of the most dangerous people in the Innocence Continent, and was eventually killed by Jia Wen After falling in love with him, he was persuaded by the latter's reasoning and emotion, and he single-handedly killed all the official members of the "Executioner" and then went to the southwest to join an unfathomable camp and become a true "Executioner". Dangerous Man'.


There are always too many surprises in this world, so for some reason, the spider did not embark on the two roads that required overcoming obstacles. Instead, it chased a figure from behind and embarked on a road that is not easy to describe in words.

Seeing this, you have probably already figured it out. Yes, that 'some reason' is Mo Tan, who has a personality of [Chaotic Neutral], and the 'some back figure' is naturally the person named in the world of innocence. Tan Mo's back view.

By chance, Spider, who has been active in the Free City recently, met a strange man, a madman in the true sense. Although he has a human shell, he is indeed an aggregate full of chaos moving from the inside out. What surprised her was that that person was obviously even crazier than herself, but he was still able to carry out his not-so-normal daily life with ease, and even had his own social circle with friends and subordinates. There are even many people who are supposed to be girlfriends?

This made Spider, who always felt that he would lose everything once he no longer suppressed the madness in his heart, deeply hit. The blow was followed by shock, and the shock was followed by stimulation. In the end, Spider, who was stimulated to the point that he was not well, made a very extraordinary move. .A very, very extreme choice.

That is to get close to that person, learn from that person, or even follow that person. As long as you can become like that person and still be able to live calmly without suppressing yourself, you can do it at any cost!

Of course, only in the realm of innocence.

Spider is a person who can separate games from reality, so no matter how strong his emotions are at that moment, he will never allow himself in the realm of innocence to affect himself in real life.

But that's enough.

For Mo Tan, it was enough, and it was not in vain.

The so-called painstaking efforts can probably be summed up as the so-called 'chance' or 'coincidence', which was deliberately designed by Mo Tan after he noticed the existence of a person like Spider in the Free City. Although it is not easy, it is In view of the characteristics of spiders, this level of operation would naturally not be a problem for Mo Tan, who had quietly spread the intelligence network.

Yes, he did it on purpose, and it could only be intentional, otherwise Motan, who couldn't even be caught by Futaba, would have no reason for the spider to find out.

As for the specific contact, to put it simply, after Mo Tan finally couldn't afford the room fee at Liuliting, he deliberately set up a trap to let Spider discover that he was 'seriously injured', and then he realized that he had made a profit.

At first, Mo Tan just wanted to trick someone into using a useful knife, such as a brain-dead lunatic with anti-social tendencies. However, it wasn’t until he actually dealt with the spider that he realized that although this person was indeed crazy, his brain was not that good. None of the children are disabled.

On the contrary, she is quite smart.

He is smart enough to do many things without losing control of himself.

So he changed his original plan. Instead of enthusiastically wooing the spider, he occupied the house all day long and ignored them, and in the process, he showed a little bit of his true nature.

Then, there was the conversation just now that was fruitful in Spider's eyes but did not achieve any breakthrough results, but in Mo Tan's eyes, it had basically set the tone for future development.

There is no doubt that Spider is a person with madness hidden in his heart, but he is afraid of comparison in everything. For example, in front of Mo Tan now, the former's so-called madness is completely worth mentioning.

Although she is crazy, she is still too honest.

Honest people, easy to use.

Mo Tan labeled Spider like this and completed the win-win deal on his own initiative.

I will give her what she wants, and she will do what she is too lazy to do or has no time to do.

"A delightful encounter."

He picked up the story collection again and laughed playfully: "It's a pity that I'm not the kind of person who can constantly attract talents to myself. If you want a useful person, you have to carefully select and plan. It’s so sad.”

With sad words on his lips, he took a sip of coffee, laughed infatuatedly, and laughed louder and louder. After half a minute, he actively disconnected and left the realm of innocence.

There is no way, in order to prevent "self" who seems to have some quarrels from getting into trouble, this small and insignificant compromise is also necessary.

After all, life is a process of little compromise between yourself and yourself.

"It's just that the compromise on my side is more specific."

Mo Tan got up from the game cabin with a grin, walked to the dining table and started the computer. He used a pinned post on the forum as a password and wrote a message saying 'Your mother is fried' to a girl on the tablet, and then took it for herself. Bottle of Dr. Pepper, I slowly drank half of the bottle before falling back on the sofa and reluctantly began to metamorphose.

five minutes later


Mo Tan, who propped himself up from the sofa, looked at the bottle of Dr.Pepper in front of him with disgust, then opened the refrigerator door for the second time in five minutes, took out the elephant, I mean Bingkuoluo, and drank it happily. After half a bottle, he poured it on the sofa again.

Two minutes later, he got up without expression and went to the toilet, then continued to lie down on the sofa.

After another five minutes, Mo Tan stood up from the sofa with a wry smile, quickly put Dr. Pepper and Bing Kuoluo on the table into the refrigerator, then trotted towards the game cabin, and lay down in it neatly. .

After another two minutes, he reluctantly got up from the game cabin and went to the toilet.

Game time PM20:18

【Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized.】

[Missing the deadline, all methods will be killed, and character information is being read]


[Welcome back, lawful and kind Mo, who is about to enter the realm of innocence. I wish you a good night. 】

"Wait a minute, what did you just say!?"

Chapter 864: End

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