Quadruple split

Chapter 873 Mo Tan’s tactics

"Rule it out immediately, praise the sun!"

After speaking these words in a female voice full of mechanical quality, the knight statue that had just beheaded the whole thing with an ax rushed towards Mo Tan like a strong wind, completely ignoring the latter's call to stop.

At this moment, the special effect [Warmth] of the Sun Crown Slash Sword has faded away, making the stone room like a slaughterhouse return to darkness. Although there is still a little light on the sword that has not completely dissipated, Mo Tan's visibility is still at the other side. The moment he rushed in, he was greatly reduced. He could only rely on the impression of the shocking glimpse just now to seal the front of him with the horizontal sword. Then he was hit by a terrifying force and was shaken all over, flying backwards uncontrollably.

The power of this extremely heavy ax is extremely frightening. It can almost match the power of Yaya after turning on [Dog Whispering Magic-Wang's Claw]. Although it is not as strong as the girl's violent + Wang's Claw ultimate combat form, it is still When Mo Tan blocked the blow head-on, 9% of his health was destroyed, and it even had a knock-up effect.

If it were in an open area in broad daylight, Mo Tan, whose overall strength could probably stabilize Yaya's head, would undoubtedly be much calmer. If the knight in front of him shouting "Praise the Sun" had 70% of Yaya's strength as it had shown before, then Even if the latter was a bloodless, tearless robot that couldn't feel pain, there was no way Mo Tan could lose.

But the problem is that the current environment is really not suitable for Mo Tan. Even though the area of ​​​​this stone room is quite huge and there is still some room to move around, the visibility is almost zero, which is too fatal, and Mo Tan There is good reason to believe that the knight who launched a 'decapitation' at the same time as he appeared will not be affected by this darkness that makes him unable to see his middle finger.

There is no doubt that this is a very fatal problem, literally 'fatal'.

However, it’s not a big problem!

Mo Tan, who was well prepared, turned around with his sword the moment he was knocked away. He twisted his whole body in mid-air, and like an astute assassin, he held the hilt of the sword backwards and inserted the corona sword behind him. The action on the stone wall was exactly the same as the Thief skill [Backhand Spin] that no knight would study in this life, and he successfully carved out a slender crack in the wall.

Logically speaking, this is not an operation that can be completed with one hand. After all, the sword he is using now is a two-handed weapon. No matter how light it is, it is not something that Mo Tan, who has just gained high-level strength, can use with one hand, not to mention Diesel. Basically nothing in the family is light. Not to mention this slashing sword, even the one-handed sword [Justice Mandala] given to Mo Tan at the same time is quite heavy.

Ji Xiaoge even joked that even if the members of the Diesel family were not born with supernatural powers like Jadeka, they would become acquired devils with their continuous knight training.

All in all, the reason why Mo Tan can complete this kind of operation with one hand and recreate the thief professional method is mainly due to the fact that when he blocked the horizontal sword, he referred to the [Iron Gate] that he had just learned recently and had seen in the Violet Empire. [Shield Technique], he actually used a heavy sword to complete the two shield techniques of unloading force and borrowing force at the same time. Only then was he able to briefly perform a move [Backhand Spin] with one hand, and carved a mark on the stone wall. The socket comes out.

The reason why it is called the socket is because Mo Tan immediately took out the second torch after digging out the crack, and at the same time, he stabbed it hard at the crack, and used himself to initially activate [Reverse Scale] The trait he acquired later - 'sparks when coughing' - lit the torch, returning the surrounding visibility to an acceptable level.

It's complicated to say, but it took less than a minute in total from the time Mo Tan resisted the knight statue's axe, to when he lit the torch to restore brightness to the stone room.

If the knight was a little smarter, able to maximize his advantages or know to prioritize the rush-made torch, there might still be variables in this confused battle, but just because it was not interacting with the consciousness, it could only He knew that while he was shouting praises to the sun, he was furiously attacking Mo Tan, the 'intruder', so the minute just now became the 'minute to reverse the situation'.

Mo Tan moved away from the torch the moment he successfully created the light source, and then fell straight forward in a weird posture. He didn't kick hard until the tip of his nose was about to touch the ground. The ground flew towards the knight statue at high speed like an arrow from a string!

Although Mo Tan did not stay still for a while to trigger the passive skill of [Voldemort], this sudden attack still forced the knight who was unable to bend down to swing his ax and chop straight at Mo Tan's head.

Naturally, this kind of attack that was predicted long before the attack could not hurt Mo Tan. When the opponent raised his battle ax, he lightly 'touched' the ground with the tip of his sword and dodged it perfectly. He hit that powerful and heavy chop, and then used [Crazy Rush], which was activated and terminated in less than half a second, to appear beside the knight statue. He raised the heavy sword and hit [Spinous Process] with the sword's edge. Pointing directly at the latter's rusty faceplate.

Because he had already judged that the opponent was definitely not a living thing, Mo Tan used his killing move for the first time, instead of subconsciously leaving a little margin as usual in battles.

Boom! ! !

The antique head armor, which was at least thousands of years old, burst into pieces and was shattered into pieces by Mo Tan's powerful thrust, revealing the 'head' with three sun emblems printed on the back but no facial features at all. .

"Magic puppet?"

Mo Tan frowned, and the blow that had already used 90% of his strength sped up again, trying to penetrate the enemy's head directly.

The next second, with a 'pop' sound, the giant sword smoothly opened a hole in the 'head' with only the coat of arms, the kind that could directly see the scenery on the opposite side.

【wrong! 】

As a result, Mo Tan's expression changed, and he did not hesitate to let go of the heavy sword that had just penetrated the knight's head. His body suddenly tilted almost ninety degrees to the left, and he narrowly avoided the silent figure. Silent battle axe.

The head is not the key

When he found that the movement in the place had not stopped due to the heavy blow to the head, but was even faster than before, Mo Tan had already noticed that something was wrong, but no matter how quick his reaction was, he could not pull back. He completed the evasive action under the premise of using the weapon, so in order to prevent himself from being cut in half directly on the spot, he released the sword without hesitation, and after narrowly grabbing the ax that blocked his waist, he pulled out the [Justice Man] from his waist. Duoluo] and [Cold Steel Sword], when the power of the ax began to weaken, he swung out more than ten swords like a gust of wind, and the impact points were all at the connection between the ax head and the ax handle.

Mo Tan's thinking is very clear. According to his observations, the rampaging knight statue in front of him should not have any decent space storage equipment. It's not that he can distinguish such high-end gadgets, just because of how the thing in front of him looks. They all look like things that have been mass-produced to check the door. Although the cost of simple space equipment is not too high, it is not installed on these 'mass-produced gatekeepers'. No matter how wealthy the Sun Dynasty is, it cannot do it. Unless this is a particularly important place.

Considering that the task he got was to explore the No. 7 Archives of the Sun Dynasty, Mo Tan felt that this was either the archives that the Archaeologists Association wanted to enter, or it was a place related to the archives. In short, it was not particularly important.

To sum up, if he could directly destroy the weapon of the knight statue, he would probably be able to establish an unshakable advantage. Thinking about the weather-beaten visor that was easily broken by him, Mo Tan felt that it would take more than a dozen pieces to destroy it. The possibility of breaking that axe, which is also quite old, is still very high.

But it backfired.

Mo Tan guessed the beginning correctly. The knight statue in front of him did not have any space to store equipment, and there were no weapons other than the large chopping ax in his hand that could be used to change.

But he didn't guess the ending. Unlike the helmet, which was just a decoration, the quality of the knight's weapons was ridiculously high, so not only was it not cut off by Mo Tan's set of intensive slashes, it even shook the latter's hands raw. pain.

"Praise the sun!"

Another female voice sounded that was completely inconsistent with the style of the original painting. The knight waved the battle ax in his hand desperately, slashing at Mo Tan with no technical content but with the three elements of speed, accuracy and ruthlessness.

But this time, the latter was not forced to take half a step back. He saw Mo Tan holding two sword flowers neatly and neatly. He did not retreat but moved forward, using two single-handed weapons blessed by [Knight Skill-Tiger Spear]. At the same time, a beam of light emitted from the sword, and dozens of cascading red sword shadows appeared, like two blooming red lotuses.

Knight Skill——[Twin Lotuses·Blooming]

Using this upgraded version of [Knight Skill: Angry Red Lotus] that was improved by Mo Tan himself, Mo Tan, who was at a disadvantage in terms of strength, was able to attack the knight statue dozens of times in just a few seconds. Holding the sword, he had to swing at least seven or eight sword shadows to offset the opponent's axe. However, Mo Tan, who had almost calculated all the angles of the knight's movements every time, still successfully maintained the offensive, and with the ability [Twin Lotuses·Blooming] swung out a total of seventeen rays of sword light at the last second of the bonus, forcefully deflecting the powerful slash of the knight statue.

Immediately afterwards——

[Two Sword Style·Eagle Wave]

A sharp sword energy shot out of the air, passed over the neck of the knight statue, and cut off its entire head.

[Scarlet Slash] + [Sword Wind]

The huge 'X'-shaped sword light exploded, and the sword wind tore the armor on the left chest of the knight's statue into pieces. The Scarlet Sky Slash that followed directly pierced his heart.


"Praise the sun!"

The sound of the tablet sounded again. The knight whose head was chopped off and whose heart was pierced still wielded the giant ax and continued to attack. It was obvious that not only did he not have a head or a heart, he didn't even have an energy core or anything like that. Not in the vital parts of regular humanoids.

There is no doubt that the people who developed this mass-produced knight statue were not stupid at all, so they did not consider designing some things such as 'visual sensors placed at the eyes' and 'thinking placed at the brain' for this kind of puppet that has no conventional vital points. The processor', 'energy center placed at the heart' and other designs are too stupid.

To put it bluntly, take visual sensors or similar equipment as an example. For this kind of humanoid puppet, as long as it does not affect the battle, even if it is designed on the buttocks, it is better than putting it directly on the face to play anthropomorphism.

After all, people will always subconsciously target weaknesses in the traditional sense. There are definitely more people who think that hitting the eyes can deprive the enemy of vision than those who think that spanking can deprive the enemy of vision.

Maybe some non-mainstream talents will not take any tricks because of 'romanticism' even though they know this, such as Luvi who made Cordoba, and Merlin who made White Bishop Osiris and White King Arthur, but they The lack of tricks is based on strong strength. To put it simply, if the enemy has the ability to blow out the eyes of Cordoba or Osiris, then they can also easily blow out their butts, so they might as well blow out the eyes. Put it in your eyes.

But what Mo Tan is facing now is not a special machine like Cordoba, and its designer is not a genius with special paranoia like Lu Wei or Merlin. So after being beheaded and pierced through the heart, that The statue of the knight remained untouched.

"Sure enough, there's no way to kill him with one blow? There's not even a place where you can protect him subconsciously."

Mo Tan frowned, sighed softly, and then murmured in a low voice: "In this case, we can only use stupid methods."

After saying this, Mo Tan readjusted his rhythm and began to implement the "stupid method" he said in a strict manner.

Still not planning to distance himself at all, Mo Tan, who was always engaging in high-frequency close combat with the knight statue, was like a dancer on the tip of a knife. He gave up the fashionable frontal confrontation and the fierce and fierce high-damage moves, while being light and agile. He avoided the layers of ax shadows that were coming towards him and fought back.

At this moment, there was no trace of a knight in him anymore, and skills such as [Crazy Rush], [Tiger Spear], and [Spinous Thrust] were also used in a different way.

If I have to describe it, Mo Tan now seems to have become an assassin, at least in terms of fighting style, he is like an assassin. Even if he cannot kill with one blow, even if he has to face the enemy head-on, he is still like a lingering wind. Calculate and pervasive.

Strike, stab, block, wash.

Pump, bring, lift, point.

Collapse, press, stir, frustrate.

Flirt, circle, chop, wipe.

Mo Tan, who had never systematically learned sword moves in reality, and was only briefly taught some basic combat skills by Darian and Jadeka in the game, became increasingly calm. He walked with strange steps and kept using various techniques. This simple basic sword move left deep or shallow, light or heavy slash marks on the knight's statue. It was obviously just a normal attack modified by a simple combination, but after continuously increasing its speed, it intertwined into a piece of nothing. A sword curtain with rules to be found.

A sword screen that has no sense of beauty, is extremely utilitarian, and is filled with murderous intent!

This is not a "mo" strategy, because it is difficult to defeat the enemy in front of you with a "mo" strategy.

This is not ‘Tan Mo’s’ fighting method, even though it is ‘Tan Mo’s’ fighting method.

But because the user is not ‘Tan Mo’ but ‘Mo’, so.

It became the tactics of ‘Mo Tan’.

Chapter 866: End

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